Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Visits Arkansas Gun Show, Vows to Ban Their AR-15s

Robert 'Beto' O’Rourke Visits Arkansas Gun Show, Vows to Ban Their AR-15s

Robert “Beto” O’Rourke visited an Arkansas gun show over the weekend and vowed to ban and buyback the AR-15s being sold there. The handsomest Irishman in the 2020 Democratic presidential field stopped by the show to “include everyone in this conversation” and soon after posted on social media his disapproval of the “weapons of war” he saw being sold.

“In Arkansas, I listened to gun owners and sellers — and appreciated hearing their perspectives,” the Texas Democrat said on Twitter. “But as the plan we released yesterday says, if I’m president, you wouldn’t be able to buy weapons of war for $395. You wouldn’t be able to buy them at all.”

SEE ALSO: Beto’s Plan to Stop Gun Violence Isn’t His Own

O’Rourke traveled from the gun show to the steps of the state capitol in Little Rock, where he headlined a rally hosted by the anti-gun group Moms Demand Action.

“Today I went to a gun show in Conway, Arkansas,” he told the crowd, sparking laughter and applause. “I listened to those who were selling guns to learn from them to hear their perspective and to share mine with them.”

O’Rourke claimed to have had several conversations with gun owners, all of whom (amazingly!) agreed with his gun control policies.

He says one man selling guns at the show came up to him and said, unprompted, that he should not be allowed to sell guns at a gun show and voiced support for a universal background check law.

Hours later, O’Rourke used an additional alleged gun-show conversation to energize donors at the Annual Clinton Dinner in Little Rock.

He claims another man at the show, a self-described Trump supporter, admitted that “assault rifles” are not needed for hunting or self-defense. The man further claimed, according to O’Rourke, that AR-15s are designed for the battlefield, and that he would be willing to turn his in.

O’Rourke did not mention whether he had any additional conversations with people who disagreed with his gun control proposals.

SEE ALSO: Primary Debates Label Gun Manufacturers ‘Enemies’

The candidate reiterated the theme of unity in a statement about his visit to the show.

“We’re not going to get this done until we include everyone in this conversation,” he said. “In a democracy and in this country, I hope, you’re never allowed to write anybody off because they’re a Republican, because they’re a gun seller, because they’re at a gun show. In fact, if you want to solve and address these challenges, listen to the people who understand it perhaps in some ways better than anybody.” 

It’s unlikely gun owners more broadly will be so (allegedly) accepting of O’Rourke’s proposals. He released last week a full slate of gun control policies, including:

  • A nationwide gun licensing and registry system.
  • Ban “assault weapons.”
  • A mandatory gun buyback program funded by increased taxes on gun makers.
  • Gun safety course to own a firearm.
  • Twenty-one-year age requirement to own a firearm.
  • All new handguns must have microstamping ability.
  • Universal background checks at point of purchase.
  • Ban trigger cranks.
  • Ban silencers.
  • Ban bump stocks.
  • Ban “high-capacity” magazines.
  • Limit gun purchases to one per month.
  • Red flag law.

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  • chinchbug July 3, 2020, 12:35 pm

    How does the left plan to conduct their war when they want to ban the “weapons of war”? Can’t have it both ways Beto and company.

  • Jerry August 28, 2019, 8:05 am

    Stephen Willeford said “I couldn’t have stopped him without my AR-15. If I had run out of the house with a pistol and faced bullet proof vest and kevlar and helmets, it might have been futile”
    Just to remind Bozo, this is the man who stopped the Texas church massacre where the killer had killed 7% of the towns population!

  • Andrew N. August 26, 2019, 1:09 pm

    Let me give you a glimpse into the future…Beto WHO???

  • Sepp W August 25, 2019, 9:53 pm

    O’Rourke’s got baggage and he’s one of the incapable and unproductive. He knows nothing and feigns concern to appeal to emotions of the incapable and unproductive. I have no clue why Texans voted him to the U.S. House.

    • Tex August 27, 2019, 4:44 pm

      He was voted in by the increasing number of Democrats in Texas. We have transplants from California, New York, Arkansas and Michigan and God only know where else who bring their “cultural baggage” with them and want to turn Texas blue. All the big cities like San Antonio, Austin, Houston and Dallas are under the foot of Democrats and are like beacons to those lefty non-Texans flocking to the state. Add to that the increased number of illegals in the state and it’s just a matter of time until Texas turns blue and then the game is lost forever.

      • Idaho Tom September 13, 2019, 12:59 am

        Arkansans are in general more conservative and have higher per capita gun ownership than Texans. Just because the folks at this show were civil doesn’t mean they’ll put up with this bullshit in the unlikely event Butt-hole O’Pork actually gets a chance to try it. Don’t lump my former home in with California, New York, and Michigan.

  • Dan Gore August 25, 2019, 4:34 pm

    Last gun show I went to didn’t have any “weapons of war.” Didn’t have any M1 Abrams tanks, A10 Warthog aircraft, M16 personnel defense weapons, or SAMs(surface to air missiles). Also no “fully semiautomatic rifles ” either! Gun control is just people control. The Democratic party is the party of fascism, they get their ideas from Mussolini, Hitler, Himmler, chairman Mao, and others who are truly evil. They must be stopped at all costs. All laws restricting law abiding citizens of the United States, from their God givin rights to use what ever they see fit to use to protect themselves and their families, are all unconstitutional. The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be INFRINGED! Time for the American citizens to stop giving up our rights, and taking them back! These are the same BRAIN DEAD people who thought up “gun free zones”. How,s that been working out! They have armed security guards, and expect us to be unarmed, because they are “to important”. They need to be the first to give up their guns, but they don’t have the ball’s to “lead by example”. They don’t lead, they want and need to control everything we say and do. Those who are proposing these “laws”,don’t send anybody out to do your dirty work, come do it yourself, if you truly believe that it is the “right thing” to do! Anyone who has guns, and votes for Democrats, are not loyal to America,and are TRAITORS!

  • Glenn Martin August 25, 2019, 11:22 am


  • Christopher August 24, 2019, 7:50 am

    Wow, a $395 AR-15? Sign me up! What a great price.

  • Charlie BROWN August 23, 2019, 9:42 pm

    I went over to You Tube to watch the video. He had a large audience mostly made up of women. There was and is a good reason why women were not allowed to vote or be an Elder or Shepard. They think with their emotions. Did any women sign the Declaration of Independence? You all know the answer to that, I am not saying they are stupid, but to be put in rolls of policy making is wrong and this is what we have today.Our country is almost finished unless we as a Nation turn back to God, You all will have to make that decision.They wrong one and our Republic will be finished.

  • Jim August 23, 2019, 6:38 pm

    Like most politicians, I think he is a freaking liar about the guy at the gun show.

  • Mark August 23, 2019, 5:10 pm


  • Kevin Lindley August 23, 2019, 5:10 pm

    And a $395 “weapon of war”, no way!!! The tax stamp for a “weapon of war” costs $400!!!

    • Robert Adams November 20, 2021, 2:15 am

      For sure partner. Not to mention:
      $15,000 for just a registered sear. $20,000 for a beat to shit FNC. $35,000 and up(waaaaay up!)for an M16.

  • Kevin Lindley August 23, 2019, 5:10 pm

    Yeah right, I live in Arkansas and there’s NO WAY he met a single person, much less several, who would support the legislation mentioned. Maybe he could find folks sympathetic to his cause at a coffee shop in Fayetteville or Eureka Springs. But this is straight up propaganda because you couldn’t go to a GUN SHOW ANYWHERE in Arkansas and find a single person who’d willingly give up ANY firearms!!! If he lies like this now, imagine if he got elected!!!

  • Chad August 23, 2019, 4:29 pm

    I don’t believe any of those conversations took place pretty typical of these idiots to say something just to get a headline

  • Andrew August 23, 2019, 4:23 pm

    This guy like most of the field in the Democrat clown car is a zero. Except for the fact that they are dangerous with their leftist ideas, I truly don’t want to hear from them or care about them.

  • Capt. Doug Garwood August 23, 2019, 3:47 pm

    When is someone besides me start telling the true story of the “AR” anything. I wrote to President Trump to inform him Eugene Morrison Stoner worked for a Division of Fairchild Aviation called Armalite Corporation !!! He developed the AR 10 the AR 9 the AR 7 and the AR 15. I may have some numbers wrong but I can ASSURE YOU THAT AR stood for ARMALITE RIFLE not ASSAULT RIFLE. We as gun owners are shooting ourselves in the foot, no pun intended by letting anyone get away with calling the AR an ASSAULT RIFLE. It was invented as the ARMALITE RIFLE, it is not our fault the Government adopted the ARMALITE RIFLE AR 15 and issued it to our Brave Troops and designated it the M 16.

    OH YEA ! I got a Thank You for your information letter from the Whitehouse signed by President Trump and I can prove it.

  • Stan d. Upnow August 23, 2019, 3:47 pm

    I could write a long essay bashing every single item in Beta-male’s plan. But, just one example should illustrate the stupidity & impracticality of the plan(which isn’t even his own!).

    “A mandatory gun buyback program funded by increased taxes on gun makers.”

    The 2017 American gun industry collectively amounted to $54.1billion.
    There are an estimated 300,000,000 privately-owned firearms in the country.
    If their “buy-back” program paid an average of $1,000 per gun, that would equal $300billion.
    The plan to tax the gun industry to cover that would bankrupt the entire industry 5x over!!
    Some on the Left have admitted that their goal is drive the gun makers out of business.

    DO NOT buy into their “do something” BS! Their packaged, “common-sense” lies are meant to deceive people into accepting Phase 1 of their agenda.

  • Eric Holder August 23, 2019, 2:58 pm

    I would support a gun buy back program. Here is how it works:

    Have the democrats buy all the rifles they want at full price then let the manufacturers buy the new rifles back for 10 percent of what they were sold for. Isn’t that a “buy back program”? LOL!

    Just as ridiculous and convoluted as their usual narrative.

  • Easy Eddie August 23, 2019, 2:45 pm

    Typical Dem ‘strategy’: seed the audience with fake conservatives or Trump supporters. By the way, Beto, where can I get one of these $395.00 weapons of war? Just curious, you understand.

    And based on this video, we’re going to take this guy seriously?

    • Stan d. Upnow August 23, 2019, 4:18 pm

      After watching that video, now I understand why Beta wanted to legalize drugs. lol

      • Robert Adams November 20, 2021, 2:22 am

        Definitely inhaled one to many rainbow unicorn farts: know to cause delusions of utopia and grandeur.

  • Mike R. August 23, 2019, 2:20 pm

    “Beetle Bug” O’Rourke is another of the socialist/communists running for office. He has a ZERO chance of being successful. What this libtard moron does is lie every time he opens his mouth. I don’t give a rip about keeping my ARs for hunting or self defense. There are much better firearms available for those activities. I keep mine because I would use mine to oppose a tyrannical and overreaching government, such as the Democrats propose. And that, my friends, is the sole purpose behind the 2nd Amendment. Liberals think that by passing any of the unconstitutional legislation that they plan, all of the law abiding citizens would cave in and simply follow orders like all of the rest of the liberal lemmings. They will have to physically take mine. They may get them, but at a cost.

    • Stan d. Upnow August 23, 2019, 4:11 pm

      Well said.

    • Mike August 25, 2019, 4:47 pm

      Nicely stated and 100 percent correct. I don’t think the Stupid Dems understand that. This is not Aussy land (Australia for the free speech mongers). They really don’t know what they are saying. You have a whole bunch of folks behind you. Keep punching back.

  • Jim Chandler August 23, 2019, 12:32 pm

    If the Department of Defense sent our Sons and Daughters, Grandsons and Granddaughters into combat armed with the (ASSAULT RIFLE) AR-15 and it’s clones there would be riots in the streets. This would put our Off-Spring at a terrible disadvantage against REAL ASSAULT Rifles.

  • Jim August 23, 2019, 12:12 pm

    You HAVE to b kidding!
    “The handsomest Irishman in the 2020 Democratic presidential field stopped by the show to “include everyone in this conversation” and soon after posted on social media his disapproval of the “weapons of war” he saw being sold.”
    THIS is supposed to be unbiased reporting of news? First I don’t think of him as “handsome” and even if I thought he was the best looking guy I had ever seen what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? He is ignorant of the 2nd Amendment and the reason for it’s including in the Bill of Rights. Also these Semi-Auto AR-15’s ARE not BY ANY MEANS A WEAPON OF WAR! They are not fully automatic, lack a fitting for a bayonet Etc. They ARE one way to ensure that our Government cannot take over and become a dictatorship or a Monarchy, It is also a great deterrent against foreign invasion as proven in WWII.

  • Pat J August 23, 2019, 11:45 am

    Assault rifles, and I use the term unashamedly, are needed…..Oh, Hell’s Tits, I’m starting to doubt the wisdom of posting what I think on these forums. But, you should have read what I wrote and then erased.

  • Sam August 23, 2019, 11:23 am

    So this is where David Hogg got his little speech. Plagerizing a liar. They all say common sense. If they would make sense I might pay more attention. All these killings of innocent people make me as sick as they do every one of us. But I don’t want to be one of them. Taking away my gun will not protect me in a mall, or a school or government building. No, wait. They are already banned there. I don’t see any of this making me more comfortable, or safe, walking down the street to the Circle K. Or driving to my Mom’s house. Or going…, well, you get the picture.

  • Fred August 23, 2019, 11:13 am

    I am from Arkansas. And let me tell you this is utter BS. Most of the Arkansas conservatives would have stomped his fake Mexican a$$, if not for his security team and the fact he showed up incognito and unannounced.
    As for me, a man that once played Moses, said it best. “They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead fingers!”
    To them I’m just another “dumb redneck clinging to my God and my Guns”

  • DAVID MILLER August 23, 2019, 10:50 am

    assault weapon’s look in your kitchen drawer

  • Charlie August 23, 2019, 10:36 am

    I will NEVER vote for a criminal democrat like Bevis O Dork . All criminals would like every law abiding person in this country to be unarmed.This would make their take over of the country easy.It would be better to ban them than guns.

    • Ronald August 23, 2019, 3:56 pm

      I like that term Bevis O’Dork. May I use it, Charlie?

  • Nick T August 23, 2019, 10:25 am

    O’Rourke and his ilk are only a part of the problem. The major problem we have are gun owner’s themselves. They were sold a bill of goods by the NRA along with lawyers who know little to nothing of what is in the Constitution.
    There are THREE (3) provisions of the Constitution that guarantee the Right, but more importantly recognize the DUTY to Keep and Bear Arms. The DUTY reads in statute that you must be organized, you must be armed, and you must be disciplined.
    The Constitution means exactly what it says or it means nothing at all. Article I, § 8, Cls. 15 & 16, Article II, § 2, Cl. 1, all read that there must be a “Militia of the several States” available by the States to perform those duties when called into service. Militia is mandatory service for all able-bodied men 18-45, armed with their own “weapons of war” to comply with constitutional authority. Militia is clearly defined, and no matter how you frame it, National Guard cannot be defined as Militia, but it is instead “Troops of War” defined in Article I, § 10, Cl. 3, a completely different body.
    When we decide that we’re actually going to read the Constitution and understand exactly what the Framers told us, then we might not only stop the O’Rourke’s of the country, but we will actually be able to arrest and place them on trial for sedition.

    • Pat J August 23, 2019, 11:55 am

      I read that enlightened document once every decade. And I am continually impressed by the degree to which it is a living document about private property, and the hard-won rights of the private property owner.
      It’s a document to be worthy of, and I think they meant for it to be read by learning citizens.
      Thank you for the wise post.

  • Mark August 23, 2019, 10:13 am

    Beto needs to be aware of two critical points. First, we do not live in a democracy; if we did, he’d be right, if he could get 50%+1 person to vote for his gun-ban proposals, we’d all be disarmed. But we don’t. We live in a representative republic, and our government is not unlimited in power or scope, regardless what the majority wants (although these days nobody much pays attention to any of that).

    And second, those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Beto obviously skipped American History class (or went to such a poor school that it failed to teach him our heritage as Americans). Remember “the shot heard ’round the world”? Remember the shot that began the American Revolution and changed the face of the planet forever with a beacon of light and hope for the self-government of man and the defeat of tyranny?

    The skirmishes at Lexington and Concord between British troops and the Colonial Minutemen opened the “shootin’ war” that was the American Revolution. Every (or nearly every) schoolkid can tell you that. BUT — how many of those kids can tell you WHY those skirmishes happened when and where they did? ANSWER: Precious few. (And neither can Beto.) Why were the British marching out of Boston to Lexington and then Concord? What was their mission? ANSWER: They were ordered out of Boston to go and seize the guns, powder and ammunition that the colonists had stockpiled there. They were trying to forestall revolution by disarming the population. The Americans responded the way Americans do when someone tries to disarm them. They assembled, and fought, and defeated the most powerful nation in the world at the time.

    Beto and his ilk should study history. There are lessons there they ought to learn.

  • Neil Schmidt August 23, 2019, 9:42 am

    O’Rook is a fool. The AR-15 is NOT a “weapon of war.” It is a military-STYLED rifle that is NOT fully-automatic. What makes this fool think that banning such a weapon will reduce the possibiity of more mass murders? It defies common sense to think that thugs and persons hell-bent on creating mass murders will not be able to find their weapon-of-choice (including ARs) on the black market. But, as usual, politicians and other misguided souls use the deeply-flawed argument to promote themselves as viable “leaders.”

  • Michael R Stuhr August 23, 2019, 9:26 am

    Beto? The man finds himself so disgusting he changes his given name to escape himself.
    A rose by any other name!

    • Rouge1 August 23, 2019, 11:36 am

      More like lipstick on a pig.

  • Douglas Pope August 23, 2019, 9:23 am

    Can someone explain to me what an Assult weapon is ? Maybe I am confused . If I used my Russian single shot Toz 35 22 L.R. free pistol to shoot you doesn’t that become an Assult weapon ? How about a semi auto Winchester model 100 with a detachable magazine isn’t that a weapon of war ? If I used such a weapon to commit a murder and shot a person that is a different race then me , I understand it becomes a hate crime , but if I was to do the same to a white person it’s not a hate crime . I am really confused , can someone explain it to me ?

    • Neil Schmidt August 23, 2019, 10:20 am

      @ Douglas Pope:

      Doug, the term was originally applied to the AR-15 (or, IIRC, the military counterpart M-16 used in Vietnam). The original rifle was produced as the AR-10, invented by Eugene Stoner around 1960. The caliber was in .308, but the Army thought the larger caliber would not be practical due to the increased weight of the .308 cartridge. Great cartridge, but the Army was concerned about the total weight that soldiers would have to carry in the hot, humid weather in Viet Nam. As a result, they sent Stoner back to the drawing board.

      Stoner then opted to reduce the size of the cartridge down to 5.56 mm bullet diameter, which was only slightly different than the .223 caliber offered in today’s AR-15. The 5.56 and .223 cartridges are almost identical.

      The M-16 was fully-automatic, unlike the AR-15 that is semi-automatic; that is, it will fire only each time the trigger pulled. The AR resembles the M-16 in its styling, but is not fully-automatic; none-the-less, it was branded as an “assault rifle,” which is a misnomer.

      To further complicate matters, such misinformed politicians as Hillary Clinton falsely stated that the AR was good only for mass murders and that it was useless for hunting. She had no idea nor did she care that the rifle is an excellent tool for coyotes or other small/medium-sized predators. I had used mine for eradication of ground squirrels—pests that had infested alfalfa fields in northeastern California. Using store-bought ammunition for the rifle can get expensive, and I don’t like to handload cartridges; I now use an accurized .22LR rimfire rifle for ground squirrels. It is semi-automatic, but has escaped the accusatory label of “assault rifle.”

      I hope this answers your question.


      • Tod August 23, 2019, 7:47 pm

        Uh ,I believe he was being sarcastic.

    • Rouge1 August 23, 2019, 11:42 am

      I have a p14 Enfield bolt action that was a weapon of war. I have a couple of black powder revolvers that were weapons of war. Before our government hated its citizens they use to sell us our weapons of war.

  • Jay August 23, 2019, 8:50 am

    The Fake person, Fake Mexican and all his Fake stories brought to you by Daddy In Law Richie Rich. I could go to a gun show and make up all the lies I want to and there are those who would believe it. Where’s the video proof of the questions and answers? None, enough said of the man who actually went into Mexico to campaign his supporters!

    • michael August 23, 2019, 11:04 am

      I also wondered where the video is of these bold statements. And actually let’s get their social media background to prove they are who they say they are. I know there may be a few, but very few 2A supporters who believe such BS. Maybe liberals & democrats but a true conservative NO WAY.

  • Michael August 23, 2019, 8:33 am

    Question. Is he a Felon? Did he EVER take Possession of a Firearm at the Gun Show? If so, he just Violated Federal Law. PROSECUTE!

  • Aaron August 23, 2019, 8:08 am

    The best part of the photo op is the Trump 2020 flag in the background. It was nice of Betoad to promote that for Trump.

    And $395 is just for the uppers, not the whole AR-15 rifle

  • srsquidizen August 23, 2019, 7:59 am

    Those “attendees” in favor of confiscating so-called assault weapons and against what goes on at gun shows were very obviously planted there by Democrats. Beto, like all elitist lefties, thinks the American public is stupid…but then of course he’s absolutely right with regard to the public he actually seeks votes from.

    His minions will see him as “brave” for attending a particular type of event that is statistically one of the most peaceful and safe public gatherings on the planet.

  • RICH FOREMAN August 23, 2019, 7:52 am

    This the funniest shit i ever read! To think a true American would sell their guns back to the government. All these silly fools are going to create is a civil war against thr government and opposing parties. Mostly what they are causing is gun sales to increase along w ammo. These stories simply amaze me. Blame the gun over the psycho pulling the trigger. Mercy

  • BW August 23, 2019, 7:51 am

    First and foremost, any white person that tries to identify as a hispanic person is a red flag.

    Robert needs to be drug tested immediately. He also needs some mental health counseling.

    Lie after lie this man has told. Robert has mental deficiencies or has some kind of inferiority complex. Obsessive compulsive LIAR you are Robert.

    Robert was at a gun show and he came across people that said AR’s are weapons of war and that they would turn theirs in if they were banned? MORE BS ROBERT. Go back to mommy

    I do not believe anything that bafoon says… except the extreme leftist radical BS agenda he has.

    p.s. ROBERT, If you identify so much with hispanics, why don’t you just legally change your name already for crying out loud!!!

    p.p.s. I happen to have some Hispanic friends, black friends, asian friends, Jewish friends, etc. I asked all of the Hispanic friends about this miscreant — Robert — and if they identify with him in any way??? They all said hell no and in fact despise the most of him trying to act hispanic… fwiw….

  • john s August 23, 2019, 7:40 am

    Someone needs to ban him….assault is an action not a semi auto rifle. He is a truly a brain dead zombie.

  • David Smith August 23, 2019, 7:33 am

    What kind of idiot coms to the state that is number two on the list for most firearms in the country and spouts this kind of BS.
    I actually agree with him on the gun safety course though. I’ve seen to many idiots that shouldn’t even be allowed to drive buying guns.

  • Du MhanYhu August 23, 2019, 7:06 am

    Politicians should be drug tested BEFORE taking the oath of office.

    • michael August 23, 2019, 11:12 am

      And take a test on the constitution & American history. I really wouldn’t be surprised to see all politicians have stocks in gun & ammo manufacturers. Hence the need to push sales.

  • Willy August 23, 2019, 6:55 am

    Beto boy is just an ass pimple that thinks he is important.
    All the comments here show his ideas would not stand a chance to pass. He would outrage a whole lotta people, even at the nil chance if he were to try to do what he talks so boldly and eloquently about.
    He just wants to be president because his mommy said he could be.

  • Jason Coffey August 23, 2019, 6:40 am

    Keep in mind Beto of the Socialist party admitted he wrote and fantasized about doing mass shootings of children as a young man. These totalitarian freaks are using gun control as they’re main political ideology for 2020 because they don’t wanna tell you the sick stuff they really have planned!

    • tI August 23, 2019, 2:06 pm

      Excellent Point!!

      They (progressive/socialists) as a group, are probably more unstable and because of this, they scare the sh*t out of themselves, realizing what a person pell-mell out of control with easy to use harm making tools is capable of.

      This fear means nobody is trusted.

      Driving becomes a RIGHT, go out drunk/high/uninsured/unlicensed/uncitizenized and go like its the last day on earth.

      Second Amendment(whole bill of rights for that matter) is a PRIVELAGE. I FEEL GOOD knowing my government will feed, clothe, protect me.

      Beto is BACKWARDS.

  • Arch August 23, 2019, 5:12 am

    “Weapons of War”……..Miller v United States-1939, the court stated that the sawed off shot gun in question was “Not suitable” to a Militia. ALL firearms…….ALL Knives…….DAMN NEAR ANYTHING…….becomes a “Weapon of War” , when war comes to us. That is what they are doing, playing all uppity and trying to disarm us. Many of the colonists started with squirrel, deep and hunting rifles, but quickly obtains FIRST LINE WEAPONS with which to arm the Continental Army. Those other guns were, in many cases, not up to the rigors of fighting a war. YES! The 2nd Amendment PROTECTS our RIGHT to weapons suitable for a Militia. NO King, President, Dictator nor Government grants, conveys nor gives that RIGHT to us. The 2nd Amendment, as well as ALL of the Bil of Rights, is a RESTRICTION UPON THE GOVERNMENT, with the 2nd even more so,……..”…..Shall Not Be Infringed”. WHy is that phrase so disregarded?

  • R S Reese August 23, 2019, 5:12 am

    What is a prior felon doing at a gunshow? For that matter, what’s a prior felon doing , running for office?

  • Little 1 August 23, 2019, 2:26 am

    Shame I missed that gun show! AR-15 for $395. That’s unheard of!

    • Rokurota August 23, 2019, 8:23 am

      You can buy an ATI polymer lower AR-15 for that regularly online. Getting one in person, with no S&H and FFL transfer fee, is a good enough deal that Beto should have bought two.

      • Deadmeat99 August 23, 2019, 10:59 am

        Getting a polymer lower is never a good deal. Junk at any price.

      • michael August 23, 2019, 11:19 am

        I’m surprised he didn’t buy out the gun show just to destroy all the weapons of war. He surely has the $. Just goes to show they want a buy back but not with their money. His & many others hypocrisy should be exposed.

  • Justin Kline August 21, 2019, 11:34 pm

    So the real story is he sent an aid to get a good picture he could tweet about, because there is no way O’Rourke’s coward ass would go in there and tell gun show shoppers they are wrong.. he doesn’t have enough security to stop what may happen.

    • JD August 23, 2019, 9:00 am

      Nothing would have happened. It wasn’t a group of hypocritical, fascist liberals like he normally convulses in front of.

  • Bob August 21, 2019, 2:46 pm

    Instead of messing with the law abiding citizens why dont all you come up with a plan to get them away from criminals. Heck Chicago is a shooting range but nobody says anything how there going to stop it only make it harder for the working or retired man or women to defend themselves.

    • ron August 23, 2019, 5:40 am

      That’s WAY too much trouble and negative attention for dim-run strongholds!

  • Proud Citizen August 21, 2019, 12:41 pm

    Politicians crowd the media with percieved , so called important issues like ” gun control” but the real issues facing us are Affordable housing, accessible health care, low paying jobs, rampant drug addiction , gangs to name a few and we are saddled with debt. What are they doing about that? Nothing .
    Trampling our 2nd Amendment rights won’t solve any of these problems.

    • Ronald porter August 21, 2019, 3:47 pm

      This is way is wrong with the country,wants to blame the firearm not the person pulling the trigger. The Democrats are total this clown wants safe havens for illegals safe places to shoot up drugs,and the Clinton’s are perfect angels.

  • AR Owner August 21, 2019, 9:23 am

    Why is this idiot (Beto) wanting to take our weapons? Is it because he has a criminaL history himself and wants to give his criminal friends all the help he can. Beto is a worthless human being praying on the fears of the uninformed and ignorant just like the rest of the cesspool of lying socialist Demonrats and Rhinos that wants to destroy the U.S. That is their real agenda. This is why there is a 2nd Amendment to protect the rights of the citizens

  • Jared August 21, 2019, 8:02 am

    I am soooo sure they agreed with him… Maybe that’s what he thought in his schizophrenic mind… And I believe george mason said ” to disarm the people; that is the best and most effective way to enslave them”. Or look at hittler he made it easy for who he deemed “Aryan” to buy arms but outside of his made up race they couldn’t… We have these amendments due to the tyranny of the king don’t let the amendments be bastardized to allow a new tyrannical ruler.

  • Steve August 20, 2019, 11:20 pm

    The 2nd Amendment exists because our founders understood the need to resist tyranny, from without AND from within. Our right to bear arms is the difference between being a citizen and being a subject. The issue is not Democrats or Republicans. It is a simple matter of being self determined people who have unalienable rights. Hey Beto, bite me!

  • Tiger Brasel August 20, 2019, 10:45 pm

    This is such bull s*** made up fake news is I’ve ever heard never heard of that gun seller saying he would turn his in this is just made up crap that he’s trying to send back to the people making them think they’re winning . I’ll keep my guns thank you very much Trump 2020

  • earl ross August 20, 2019, 9:21 pm

    Ware will the gun show be next so I can pick up 2 or 3

    • Kahuna August 23, 2019, 6:08 am

      Hopefully, warever you are not!

  • Patriot August 20, 2019, 7:31 pm

    Hey O’Rourke you’ve never had an original thought in your pathetic life! Your just another Hillary Clinton in a man’s body. I will likely never vote Democrat again unless something drastic happens with that party. Socialist Democrats or (communism) is what O’Rourke and the rest of them are about. Crawl back under your rock and stay there.

  • Christopher Meeks August 20, 2019, 6:31 pm

    “Mandatory ” buy back….?

    It’ll be a cold day in Hell before they get my guns.

  • Sj August 20, 2019, 6:15 pm

    Yeah im sure a gun salesman came up and told you he should not be allowed to sell guns at a gun show especially an AR15. A gun shop has no requirements to sell an AR15 or go to a gun show they choose to

  • David Touchstone August 20, 2019, 6:14 pm

    He’s a democratic socialist (communists) who’s never had an original thought. YOU WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT O’ROURKE! Your just Hillary Clinton in a man’s body.

  • Michael P Childers August 20, 2019, 6:10 pm

    Well there you go one crook supporting another. Clinton fund raiser my eye. I wouldn’t and won’t support either one. If you ban fire arms it won’t still the violence. That action just keeps the honest people honest. Won’t stop the bad guys!

  • Fuzzybuzzard August 20, 2019, 4:45 pm

    If these anti-American socialist democRat tyrants such as Beto wanna disarm the American citizens, I wish they’d be the ones to actually come in person and try it, it’d make my day to uphold my sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution, particularly the second amendment that gives me that right to defend the Constitution, my country, myself, and the right to refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and traitors, whether domestic or foreign. Anybody with a brain knows that criminals don’t obey our laws and they wouldn’t hand in their guns, the only reason these anti-American socialist democRats and turncoat rino Republicans wanna disarm the American people is for total control and then genocide, Agenda 21 and 30 says it all. I’ll keep my guns until I draw my last breath.

    • Lucius Foster August 21, 2019, 1:06 am

      I agree with you totally except that I am what you call a democrat and that is generalizing. Think before you point the finger. I am an American liberal but have never agreed with any politician that trys to change our constitution. George Washington said that the peoples right to bear arms is the most important part of the constitution to keep the tyrants / politicians in check that try to change our constitution. We must always be able to fight for our values and nobody has the right to tell us we have no right to protect our life familys or brother americans from bad doers. Put away anyone who uses a weapon in a criminal act for life, Period do not pass go or collect $200. Get super tough on criminals who don’t care about our country or it’s laws. It’s not about what kind of gun or how fast or lethal they are. It’s about the criminals who don’t care about being a good American. Take away all the guns and the criminals will still find a healthy black market to obtain them and then have no fear because the good guys can’t defend themself. Yea that’s makes sense. It’s not about the guns it’s about what the country does to disinfrantis people, no mental health, and we allow violent criminals to walk our streets with revolving prison doors. The prisons are so crowded because of drugs and other non violence stupid laws. If drugs were decriminalized then the criminals would not be able to make money from them anymore and the drug related crimes would go way down and we would have the room for the violent criminals to do real HARD time and throw away the key. Last, stop hurting the good people with your gun laws. Gun laws only apply to criminals, Period. The good guys are exempt from all gun laws going back to the outlawing of full auto.

      • JD August 23, 2019, 9:11 am

        Be careful. Your talk is sounding a little “despicable” and “smelly, Walmart shopper”y, democrat.

    • Marvin Webb August 21, 2019, 2:57 am

      I agree 100%! I am Marine Corps Vet and a retired law enforcement officer and O’Rourke is crazy! It will be a slaughter of police officers that tried to enforce those illegal, unconstitutional laws! When will these idiots realize that the USA has remained free and uninvaded since the Revolutionary war because 70 % Americans have firearms to help defend this country with. The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting! It is about keeping the USA free from tyrants, just like O Rourke and the rest of the socialist demorats and traitor Republicans! All I have to say is molon lebe! Come take them!

  • Robert Westendorf August 20, 2019, 4:28 pm

    Its typical Democrats initiative towards communism.

  • Terry McDermott August 20, 2019, 4:26 pm

    That’s right O’Rourke, these are not hunting weapons. They are tools of war in case politicians just like you become elected, our 2nd Ammendment allows “we the people” to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. That’s you and your socialist Democratic party big boy. Think about it. The vast majority of gun owners are lawful tax paying, peace loving Americans but don’t tread on us.

  • Todd Rodgers August 20, 2019, 3:42 pm

    “I’m going to hand my ar15 in because it’s not for hunting and home defense, it’s a weapon for the battlefield”

    –said no one ever

    • Marvin Webb August 21, 2019, 3:15 am

      They can have mine if they are brave enough to take the bullets that come out of the muzzle first! I want to personally see and hear the people selling guns at that gun show that agreed with O’Rourke! That right there should be enough for everyone to know he is a list and a dictator want a be! Look at Israel for a example, every person in every household that is of adult age is required to be a minute man or reserve member and are issued a real full auto assault rifle! How often do you see the Israeli people committing mass murders? The only violence they have is from Muslim terriorists bombing and shooting at them! That should be a requirement in the USA like it used to be when every legal aged man was required to be a minute man or in the inactive reserves and have a assault rifle of the time and ammunition and food packed up and ready to go in a monutes notice in case they were needed for military, police or search and rescue operations! This country was founded on GOD, GUTS AND GUNS,NOT LIBERAL TINKER BELL PUSSIES!

      • JD August 23, 2019, 9:25 am

        You would want to force the “LIBERAL TINKER BELL PUSSIES” that are willing to vote for the sorts like O’Rourke, Booker, Harris, Castro, DeBlasio, Hillbilly Clinton, Biden, Obama, etc, which includes the fascists of Antifa, to be required to have fully automatic weapons?

  • Jerry Goode August 20, 2019, 3:27 pm

    O’Rourke is a deranged Communist

  • Calcagno August 20, 2019, 2:58 pm

    You can wrap up over $3000.00 in a target AR. Is this ex-government bathroom stall “TOE TAPPER” going to give people what they have wrapped up into their rifles? It’s amazing what they think is best for their country not ours.

    • Mike kirkpatrick August 20, 2019, 5:55 pm

      Leftist Democrats are worse than communists…. They are stupid communists. They don’t have the first idea about what they actually want to ban. Military weapons- already cannot own. full auto weapons- already cannot own. Assault weapons- no such thing. AR15 because they look like military weapons- fire same ammo, same rate, same or even less velocity as wooden hunting rifles. If you’re gonna look to ban something you should at least know a little about it dumbass.

  • William August 20, 2019, 2:48 pm

    Idk, sounds like he’s just saying crap. Or taking what someone said out of context

  • Calvin August 20, 2019, 2:43 pm

    You know I’m really embarrassed that Beto O’Rourke is from Texas and I don’t know where they come up with that communist crap yeah Beto O’Rourke the communist what an embarrassment for the state of Texas

  • Preston August 20, 2019, 2:42 pm

    We already can’t buy “weapons of war”

  • Calvin August 20, 2019, 2:40 pm

    Does anybody believe Beto that communist will disarm everybody that’s the whole deal to get back at the NRA keep chipping away at our gun laws until they eventually get what they want so they’re going to blow off our constitution to the United States and not uphold it all you going to get from those Democrats or lies and I hope our Democratic friends and Arkansas don’t fall for it

  • Thomas Sandoval August 20, 2019, 2:17 pm

    Id love for him to come and try to take my guns……

  • Mike Adams August 20, 2019, 2:15 pm

    He will never win going against the 2nd amendment.

  • Nathaniel Matte August 20, 2019, 1:52 pm

    I want to know where the hell he found an AR for 395 I cant find a decent one for under 500.

    • Joseph Barard August 20, 2019, 7:23 pm

      Man i though the same thing,395 if you don’t know what you are talking about you need to keep your mouth SHUT!and learn before you Talk.and one more thing,AR’s are not going anywhere time for a new one.later.

  • Slug August 20, 2019, 1:45 pm

    What a asshat and I don’t see any one at a gun show or anyplace that sells guns agreeing with this all lies and every person that believes in the second amendment would never agree with his plan.

  • Mark Richards August 20, 2019, 1:27 pm

    Beto you’re a lying sack of s***

  • Al August 20, 2019, 1:20 pm

    AR15 Belongs on the battlefield? With a modified variant, the M16, we lost the Vietnam war. He missed history class. I’ll NEVER give up any of mine. The ‘battlefield’ will begin on MY front yard! Rather die here than defending someone else’s freedom overseas. What part of ‘SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED’ does this unhinged kook not understand? The REAL reason for the 2nd amendment…is becoming OBVIOUS! Reread the Declaration of Independence, specifically the 2nd paragraph. They didn’t mean by ‘voting’! Like the 2A, it’s the 2nd & not last for a reason.

  • Peter August 20, 2019, 1:18 pm

    If these people are so “willing” (according to Beto) to turn in their guns, or don’t feel citizens should have them in the first place, why did they purchase these guns? If you feel they do not belong in the hands of law abiding citizens such as yourself, then you have the Constitutional right to avoid purchasing one.

  • Roger August 20, 2019, 1:08 pm

    This is why I will never vote for another damn democrat

    • JD August 23, 2019, 9:31 am

      🤣🤣🤣🤣!! You voted for a demonicrat👹!! 🤪
      Well, at least you learned.

  • G post August 20, 2019, 12:40 pm

    That’s why he won’t win

    • Paul E Zoba August 23, 2019, 10:25 am

      Correct. Swalwell was 100% gun Control platform and he never broke 1% in polling. Gun control candidates all fail.

  • David Hebeisen August 20, 2019, 12:29 pm

    I was a vendor at that gun show. He tried to buy a gun [ illegley, he hoped] he was unable to do so, as he could not pass the background check

    • Peter August 20, 2019, 1:22 pm

      That’s incredible. I bet he could go buy one illegally (with a high capacity magazine) from someone on the street in LA without an issue. That wouldn’t really prove his point that law-abiding citizens with rifles are the issue, though… Oh well!

    • Trent Wren August 20, 2019, 6:03 pm

      You mean the background check that he wants to make law, the one we always had, hmmm, and what mass shooting ever had a silencer” used, I’ve never heard about one being used illegally, oh yeah, movies, I think he lives in one.

    • Joseph Alan Zeigler August 20, 2019, 6:19 pm

      Guess fake ass juanwantobe forgot to tell the people about that little story

  • Stanley chip Charlton C Charlton August 20, 2019, 12:25 pm

    Beto is not an American and as stupid as they come he needs to find another country to play in not in the USA

  • Delbert R. Sandy August 20, 2019, 12:23 pm

    I would vote for bozo the clown over this

    • Who cares August 21, 2019, 12:01 am

      Beto IS a cucklord. He is the type to run and hide when shots go off. I’d like to see him go into the hood and talk about gun control, total idiot.

  • Jesse. James August 20, 2019, 12:12 pm

    We the people
    Never to give up our 2nd amendment rights.

  • The Bishop August 20, 2019, 12:11 pm

    Bump stocks have already been banned.

  • JORGE GARCIA August 20, 2019, 11:57 am

    I will gladly give you my gun Beto, but first I will give you the 7 rounds in the clip, then you can have it, I have already been exiled from a communist country at the age of 4, I’ll be damed if it is going to happen again after working myself to near death for the liberty and peace I can now enjoy

  • Geno C August 20, 2019, 11:40 am

    I do not trust anyone that should be a convicted felon.

    Oh his name is Bob, not some fake Spanish name.

  • BMAC August 20, 2019, 10:53 am

    This guy is out of his mind! Lol, I myself and many many others in the gun community would ever comply with his weak & spineless ideas on gun legislation / new laws! He’s a coward and too much of little girl to own, practice and carry a firearm and take responsibility for his own protection, another fake American politician campaigning on the fears of others! Another person who wants someone else to save them instead of doing it themselves! F_ck you


  • George Valdez August 20, 2019, 10:53 am

    I love my country no one like you is going to take anything from me. I will fight for my wrights and so will all my fellow comrades.
    Quit trying to get into Mexicans heads iam an american. Were all american there is no color.
    Only red white and blue……….

    • All American August 23, 2019, 9:00 am

      God bless you! You speak of the America I know and love!

  • Scott August 20, 2019, 10:34 am

    Hahaha….the handsomest Irishman. Who has his nose up ones poopshoot on this article?

  • Michael Marx August 20, 2019, 10:23 am

    In the mean time how will you protect the public the police are not there to protect the people the courts have spoke on this. When will you address the 1000 people’s that die every day from are medical system you will not address nor do youw have the balls to

  • Dan L August 20, 2019, 10:20 am

    Let’s ban guns from the good citizens. Just like Mexico did. Seems to work great down there, for the criminals, who will always have guns!!!

  • Richard Barzini August 20, 2019, 10:18 am

    Come and take it Beto ! You won’t win anyways! Scumbag liar!

  • Larry Lile August 20, 2019, 10:14 am

    I wish I’d been there
    1. I would have been cordial and polite
    2. I would explain the reason for the second admendment.
    3 I would have asked him if he thought 395 was the going price for all ars
    4 I would explained to him that I to swore and oath to defend the constitution, and when he or his cronies passed a law requiring surrender of rifles, that at that moment, I would retrieve my rifles that have been safely in my procession for up to 50 years, and stand to overthrow a government that denies the constitution.
    And he would get my rifle from my cold dead hands.

    5 and I would pray, that he personally would attempt to take my rifles

  • Kenny August 20, 2019, 10:13 am

    Beto forgot to mention that he’s a liar. No way that those supposed conversations happened. He’s just an “also-ran” in the upcoming Presidential election anyway. He’ll soon scurry back to Texas and, thankfully, out of the national spotlight.

    • JB August 20, 2019, 2:13 pm

      You can keep him, Texas doesn’t want him! Everyone in this state knows him for what he is. A lier, a crook, a cheat and a pretender. In an age of corrupt politicians on both sides of the isle, Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke is the worst joke of all. That’s probably why the Democrats love him! He’s completely out of touch with reality.

  • Vin August 20, 2019, 10:09 am

    You’re not supposed to take pictures at gun show . Show “proof ” that any crime was committed with ” silencer ” . Anyone willing to turn in their gun shouldn’t own one anyway . “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED “

  • Charles linville August 20, 2019, 9:56 am

    Dont let him rattle you.
    He is just a polished apple full of worms

  • Cdub August 20, 2019, 8:22 am

    He already lied about his ethnicity, now he lying about speaking with people at a gun show? Wake-up people why elect this LIAR.

    • John doe August 20, 2019, 10:08 am

      Its not the guns they wanna get rid of, its you !

  • Sonny Henning August 20, 2019, 8:21 am

    You want to take my silencer? It’s the only affective way to kill off the predators of my livestock. Without one I expose my position and in return make smarter predators. The silencer is the only affective means we have to staying ahead of their population growth. I’m talking about livestock predators and not humans.

  • Dr Motown August 20, 2019, 8:06 am

    Only two reasons why gubbmint wants a registry of what you own: they want to tax it or steal it

  • Drew August 20, 2019, 1:56 am

    Hey o’rourke? Talking to yourself in the mirror about your willingness to give up your AR-15 is the not the same as talking to a real human who knows your story is bullshit.

  • Mike V August 20, 2019, 12:41 am

    That’s so thoughtful of him, to want to include us in the “conversation” to exclude us.

    Allegedly a fudd walks up to him and tells him how he shouldn’t own the gun he owns and would turn it in as soon as Beto gives him the chance?


  • Jaque August 19, 2019, 10:10 pm

    The Communists like this moron continue to propagate the !ie that the Second Amendment exists for hunting four legged animals. .But its clear they understand that the Second Amendment was written with Communists like two legged Beto in mind .

    • Brian August 20, 2019, 11:06 am

      Hahaha he wants to force people to sell their guns back, sounds like 1930s Germany! And ban one of the best universal firearms ever made!! Also he fails to mention the AR style platforms can take a 5 or 10 round magazine as well as his 30 round crap talk. Electing this guy would really be a shame. Gun control targeting law abiding citizens is all he can sell in his bid for president! How the hell is he gonna track down all those piece meal put together AR type weapons, from all those untraceable receivers being sold every day????????? Not to mention how is he gonna find the guns that have been stolen by criminals???????

  • I Love Liberty August 19, 2019, 8:10 pm

    Banning weapons from peaceful citizens will not make dangerous people harmless. Make no mistake though. These Democrats want semi-automatic, pump action, and lever action rifles gone from the common citizen’s hands. They want a disarmed population so they can control us.

    • Peaceful August 20, 2019, 10:51 am

      It’s funny how you want to try to take our rights away from us our ability to defend ourselves but yet you have a slew of bodyguards watching you and I’m sure they have a rifle in the trunk beside having a handgun but all it’s okay for you to be protected because you have a status when we have a status to it’s called human beings is call Americans but you’re definitely on American like criminals obey the law what a joke 90% of the people who commit crimes like mass shootings have mental health issues what you don’t see that that’s because you really want our guns. You want us to be able not to resist your tyranny won’t happen

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