President Joe Biden today announced a final rule that bans certain homemade firearms kits (otherwise known as “ghost guns”) by redefining the term “firearm” under federal law. He also named a new nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).
The new rule, which was first proposed in May of last year, will require manufacturers and sellers of homemade firearms “kits” to obtain a federal firearms license and conduct background checks on all sales, among other regulations, according to the White House.
It will also require gun dealers to serialize all firearms they obtain, redefine the term “frame or receiver” to incorporate split-receiver firearms like the AR-15, and force gun dealers to retain all gun sale records and turn them over to the ATF when they go out of business.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is “monitoring the submission” of the final rule.
SEE ALSO: Lawmakers Smash ATF, Calls New Frame and Receiver Rule ‘Deeply Flawed’
“NSSF will review the Final Rule carefully to see if DOJ listened and took into consideration the industry’s comments that were submitted. As proposed, this rule radically alters the manufacturing and compliance processes for manufacturers of traditional firearms, not just the making of incomplete, unfinished parts Congress has not chosen to regulate,” the group said in a statement.
Here is the final rule:
ATF has posted the final rule. Clock is not turned on until appears in Federal Register https://t.co/Pfu6h2Jwl4 @NSSF @ATFHQ
— Larry Keane (@lkeane) April 11, 2022
In addition, the president named Steve Dettelbach as his nominee for the Director of the ATF. Dettelbach currently serves as the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, and the White House claims he has a “proven track record of working with federal, state, and local law enforcement to fight violent crime and combat domestic violent extremism and religious violence.”
The NSSF expressed “significant concerns” about Dettelbach’s background as well as some of his public statements.
Everytown for Gun Safety issued a statement supporting both of Biden’s moves.
“Ghost guns look like a gun, they shoot like a gun, and they kill like a gun, but up until now they haven’t been regulated like a gun,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “We applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for doubling down on its commitment to gun safety by taking action to rein in ghost guns and nominating an ATF Director who will end its culture of complicity with the gun industry. Steve Dettelbach will be the strong leader the ATF needs to lead a top-to-bottom overhaul of the agency, and we urge the Senate to swiftly confirm him.”
SEE ALSO: Gun Control is Dead! Ghost Gunner 3 Makes 0% Receivers In Your Home — SHOT Show 2022
Dettelbach is a Democrat who has been endorsed by Everytown for Gun Safety. During his failed run for Ohio Attorney General, he expressed support for an “assault weapon” ban and for a ban on private firearms transfers.
“Somebody who is running a legitimate firearms license dealer has to run a background check to sell a weapon. You shouldn’t be able to buy that exact same weapon still in the shrink wrap without having a background check it just doesn’t make sense and we’ve seen over and over that there’s problems with it,” Dettelbach said.
In 2019, Dettelbach blamed the mass murder in El Paso on the murderer’s “easy access to firearms.” He’s taken to Twitter on several occasions throughout the years to call for increased gun control in the wake of these and similar tragedies.
I bet Tom is just like oboooooooooMA, he’s never had a ‘JOB,’ (like the widdle community-communist-disorganizer) is a no good, worthless, loser with no ambition & is without a doubt highly jealous of President Trump, and his accomplishments!!
As I’ve said before rules are not laws. I will not abide period. I dare them to come and attempt to remove my 80 percents.
I dropped the NRA (No Rifle Association) when they caved in on the BS Cop Killer Bullet Ban. Many bullets that were not Armor Piercing would penetrate an Armor Piercing Vest and if the bullet did not penetrate the vest the Kinetic energy could cause severe damage to the wearer’s body.
Wait…Ghost guns??? I didn’t even know ghosts could use guns!!! Thank god for you president Joe Byron! The afterlife is safe and peaceful once again.
So what all you pro biden ghost gun ban idiots are saying, is that joe blow gangbanger is going to spend the money for equipment and the time to learn how to use it so he can make a “ghost gun” to rob the local bodega for a couple of hundred bucks and a sixpack. NONSENSE!!!
It is simply easier to steal a gun with a serial number because it make no difference whether it has a serial number or not. Despite the wonderful results that TV detectives have with “tracing” a gun via the serial number, it invariably leads to the legitimate owner from whom it was stolen.
This ghost gun ban is just another load of bull excrement dished out by the brain dead zombie in the whitehouse and all you dolts are swallowing it by the scoop shovel full.
And to the glock armorer, given that you claim to be a glocker, that alone makes your post suspect. Don’t you know, because the gun is made of plastic, it can’t be detected by x-ray at the airports and such?
Just to be clear, the last statement is SARCASM, because I’m sure there are plenty of sheeple out there that would be all over that comment.
Well said on all counts. Various Gov’t entities claim high numbers for “recovered Ghost Guns”. Really? Recovered? How many have been USED in the commission of a crime? Considering to make an AR “Ghost gun” requires a CNC machine, I’m guessing the ones they do find are stolen. Rifles, of which AR’s are a small subset, are used in less than 2% of all firearm homicides. ( FBI data, available to all online) I don’t even own an AR, but the panic caused by the MSM coverage is the real criminal act.
Thank God, finally. So many are used by perps in my area. It’s an epidemic. Should have been banned years ago.
Yeah right, lmao. You Pete the butt guy, politician?
No perp has ever used a ghost gun in your area. The bottom of the weapon is what is made by the homeowner. The slide and barrel in a pistol or the receiver and top in a rifle can’t be made at home and needs to be purchased from a licensed NFFL dealer. The far left media lies.
Lets also not ignore that the majority of “perps” aren’t bright enough to be able to build a “ghost gun”; if they were they would have a useful skill and not need to commit crimes.
This whole ban is just another illegal overreach by the federal government that has no authority or right to create these unconstitutional mandates or laws.
No doubt if the 1/3 %can’t hardly read I doubt they could use a power tool with any skill needed for the task at hand!!😂
Just had my comment rejected after 3 different ways of saying it I’m done it’s infected with anti gun software
Studi30, I’m not sure where you get your info, but you are WAY wrong.
I built my lower from an 80%, no paperwork, and I bought my upper, complete with barrel, as well as ALL the other parts from online sellers.
NO Licensed dealer was involved.
So, what THEY say about these firearms is true, with respect to how they are made, but it is NOT an epidemic, as the current numbers (for Phoenix, as an example) is LESS THAN 1.5% of ALL firearms related crimes.
So really, they pursue that low figure of possible crime while turning loose KNOWN criminals with firearms related crimes by OVER 50%.
It’s like using a watering can on a huge fire while ignoring the hose connected to the hydrant.
Really? An epidemic? Your area must account for all usage of “ghost guns” in the States, as it has been identified as POSSIBLY being used inn less than 1/3 of 1% of all gun crimes. Where do you live, as I need to avoid that area. Not due to the gun crime, but due to the preponderance of lying sacks of shit.
It just proves that anyone can be President of The United States. Classic example of “MENTAL INCAPABILITY”
Shut down fossil fuel, Open the border, etc. He doesn’t Care what he’s doing.
IT JUST PROVES THAT ANYONE CAN WRITE A COMMENT ON THIS FORUM! Why would anyone make such utterly stupid comments – do you possess a functioning BRAIN or do you just parrot the imbeciles on FOX?????
Ironic isn’t it Jim ? Lol
“….doesn’t care….”? Doesn’t KNOW!
Just curious, When was the last time ATF busted an illegal still?
WHO CARES? Only an idiot can’t see the disparity between this genius’ comparative post!.
bidump has a ghost gun in the fake white house. I wonder why the fbi has not been investigating him??????
As a God-fearing family man and Glock certified armorer I support law enforcement and the banning of: unserialized guns (which only serve unlawful interests), bump stocks and forced reset trigger switches. Mr. Joe is taking a logical step to curb the increased gun violence in our nation, and I applaud that effort. Conversely, I don’t support the banning of magazine capacities greater than 10 rounds or long guns that have a pistol grip – kinda silly. I also don’t support the NRA due to their incessant fear mongering (I’ve heard it for 40+ years) and their support of the Dickey amendment in 1996 which indirectly stifled gun-related social research for ~24 years until funding was restored in 2020. There is a need to keep guns out of the hands of felons and having serialized parts and backgrounds checks prior to a sale serve that purpose.
“I also don’t support the NRA due to their incessant fear mongering (I’ve heard it for 40+ years) and their support of the Dickey amendment in 1996 which indirectly stifled gun-related social research for ~24 years until funding was restored in 2020.”
Yes, the CDC research for political purposes paid for by taxpayers. That’s the same CDC that ignores cancer clusters throughout the US but seeks to have gun ownership declared a pathogen. Despite the common listing of gun creds your above statement suggests that you are spoon feed opinions by a tyrant named Zuckerberg.
The left could do all the bogus research they want just don’t force the US taxpayers to pick up the tab for the deceptive propaganda. You sure were duped by the lies and half-truths.
Your tinfoil hat is showing again, Kane. 😉
No amount of probiotics will save you on this one.
Your status has improved just a dash BD. since these idiots Jim and Bob have turned up.
Clearly you have no clue what you’re talking about. Criminals steal guns or trade for them on the black market. These “ghost guns ” are a red herring and imbeciles like you are falling for it. FJB! Si Vis Pacem Parabellum!
Not one thing you stated has any truth to it! You may fear GOD, but your god is satan, definitely not the GOD of the Holy Bible!
…These are narrow-minded responses. Those who don’t support the pro-gun playbook are not radical leftists who shun apple pie or “Merica”. The last occupant of the WH however, had a bromance with putin and sought to weaken NATO… Do you believe the big lie and that dishonest don is a man of God? If so, I think you need to do some fasting and prayer. Maybe you would feel more comfortable if there was a good old fashion book burning to get rid of all the original thought that challenges what you’ve been fed by the “conservative” media… Also, I’m not on Facebook (so strike there), but did serve in the USAF for four years (with a security clearance), have earned a black belt, a graduate degree, and travelled a fair bit – so I know how to do my research and find answers. Folks left of center politically aren’t bad people and forums like this could be used to welcome new gun owners into the fold with more centrist views and not be an echo chamber for the pro-anything gun related lobby. Where does it end, should we all have select fire weapons, grenade launchers and cluster bomb munitions?…I’d like to see these forums work to shape social policies on guns so that our loved ones are again safe when they go to the movies or take a train or go about their lives. Something rather than nothing, needs to be done.
Gee, thank you, Precedent Conald Judas Trumpleone. Your illegal, unconstitutional action on a gun accessory set the precedent for Biden and this equally tyrannical garbage.
Notwithstanding your lying rhetoric about the 2A (amazing, beautiful, tremendous, terrific, wonderful), and in spite of the massive support you received from the RKBA community, you are and remain an enemy of our inherent right of self-defense.
Lesson: Biden and Trump are equally tyrannical and globalist.
Lesson: Trump didn’t set the precedent for creepy joe. If you had a braincell; you’d recall that the dems banned AR’s in the 90’s. Let me guess, Trump set the precedent for that too?! Try not to be a lemming.
The 1994 ban resulted when Clinton signed into unconstitutional “law” a “bill”passed by a bipartisan majority of the U.S. Congress.
Precedent Tyrant Trump and Tyrant Biden issued dictatorial, unconstitutional edicts inimical to our inherent rights and to freedom itself.
If you cannot discern the difference, you are suffering under cultism. Advice: Liberty over party and personality.
First, how can anyone speak of Biden and Trump in the same breath – they are in totally different worlds. Trump is a psychopath , self-righteous, fascist, misogynist danger to American Democracy. Biden is a decent man trying to unravel all the lunacy and hatred created by his predecessor.
And what do you know about “unconstitutionality?” Idiots always make these categorical statements when things are opposed to THEIR (myopic and clouded) views. Enough BS and ignorant babble about 2A…there care FAR MORE Important issues than this – and unfortunately a good % of the population cannot (or don’t know how too) focus on these issues being so small and into themselves as to not comprehend important things issues.
Lol Biden is a Decent man?!! That’s a good one 😂 If you believe that then there’s no reason for me to read Anything else you say. SMH
Jim you seem to as incoherent as bluedouche, take you stupid ass back to your leftist echo chamber you commie tard.
“Biden is a decent man trying to unravel all the lunacy and hatred created by his predecessor.”
What low standards you allow for Demshevis. If people resent Trump’s flaws, then I can understand but you have no credibility after your comments.
Biden is a piece of shit criminal just like his drug addled spawn.
…Explain. For discussion, please identify the criminal law(s) (apart from civil or administrative) that Mr. Biden has violated and provide the rationale for how his current or past behavior violated them… Also, what evidence can you produce that his “spawn” are criminals and further suffer from the influence of drugs (legal or otherwise)… Before you “cancel” the need to respond, know that I assume you’re words have meaning, so I’m interested gaining your basis in fact.
I guess you’re going to remain stupid bob, cause I’m sure as not going to spoon feed you information . Get off CNN and learn something dumbass.
I don’t know how many of you are old enough to remember that idiot peanut farmer that infested the White House. Jimminy Carter. He attempted to destroy the gun industry almost 50 years ago. You had to fill out a federal form to buy any pistol ammunition, powder, primers, etc. thankfully, common sense voted his commy ass out after one disastrous term. Then you had Slick Willy with his “assault rifle ban” and magazine ban. He also attempted to ban casting your own bullets at home. These feral dictatorial parasites will do everything in their power to protect themselves from a free armed nation. Make no mistake about it. They have absolutely no concerns for crime. It certainly shows in the laws they pass. They allow criminals to run rampant in our streets and call it “peaceful protest “ their goal is to disarm Americans so we haven’t the ability to defend ourselves against a corrupt and unjust government. They are afraid of us retaliating against them. With just cause. If ever we had “the straw that broke the camels back “ moment it is very very near. A good friend coined a phrase over 40 years ago describing people who blindly followed without question. “Sheeple” and each generation, brainwashed by criminal socialist teachers fall prey to this vile propaganda. As the late great Rush Limbaugh said “brains full of mush” IF YOU WASH THE BRAIN, YOU CAN FOLD IT ANY WAY YOU WANT.
It’s virtually impossible to undo this long term indoctrination. The teachers Union is controlled by liberal school corporations. And dictated to by unfriendly foreign entities. As long as parents allow this to continue the future of our nation is in peril.
When they eventually get around to disarming us, we won’t even know it happened. It takes a very long time to chip away at a mountain. But eventually it’s gone and all you have left is a pile of useless dust. That’s when our enemies build on top of the debris they created and everything before it is lost to revisionist history. I’m not an advocate of violent revolution, but a revolution we must have. Not bombs or bullets, but ballots. Don’t be complacent about who you vote for just because they have the looks or the money. Delve into what they have done, what they say, and how they plan to govern. Make sure they are like minded to your beliefs and goals. Don’t just vote for what you want for yourself, vote for what’s good for your community, your state, and your country.
Voting doesn’t matter that much anymore. Look what happened in 2020. Creepy joe said “It matters who does the counting.” The dems stole the 2020 election and if they steal the midterms this year; our country is screwed.
Voting does matter. The problem with the 2020 election was not voter fraud. The majority didn’t vote for Biden they voted against Trump. No president has ever been reelected when the economy was in the tank. True it wasn’t Trump’s fault but that didn’t matter. Plus you had the MSM constantly saying Trump is unfit to be president, the Russians helped him steal the election etc.
I’m happy states are passing laws to increase voter security. The left used to say voter fraud was rare as hen’s teeth. Now they say it’s just not significant. Obviously the fraud issue is getting worst not better.
Trump is an egotist who cannot accept he lost the election to Biden and therefore it must have been election fraud. BS. This makes some people believe their vote won’t count so why bother. This is exactly what the left wants the right to believe.
We live in a democracy where voting matters. EVERY VOTE MATTERS. If we want things changed then we ALL need to vote.
If this is an Executive Order, all exec orders of any president override the lawmaking process set forth in the Constitution, and exists only because Congress gave him the power to make law on a whim. All Americans should be mad that this type of law is put in place without representation and makes a president or a Supreme Court Justice a little king, something a war was fought over 246 year ago to get rid of a king. If this is a proposal of a law to be considered by Congress, then it is letter writing and calling time for all the good that will do. There is still one issue with the ATF rules though, is that the AR style rifle is not a firearm at all. The ATF describes any ‘lower’ as the part that has the trigger group and the bolt, the AR lower has no bolt. The upper contains the bolt and the trigger group, the upper has no trigger, so technically, apart they are nothing. To all those whiners out there who say they don’t care about 80% lowers and this whole discussion, then you better go search for Martin Niemöller and ponder his observation, because you’re next.
This is definitely a solution looking for a problem!
Yawn…yall cry and complain over simple stuff. So you can’t make or own an untraceable/unserialized gun.. soooo buy a serialized gun.. problem solved. Folks have bigger issues. Grow up already. If you can’t afford a gun the regulated way, save your money.
Tell that to the criminals who will continue to make those guns and who are the problem not the gun. Wake-up already!
Come on WAKE UP…at least try Thinking occasionally. It is NOT PREDOMINATELY criminals who make mothered guns, it is average folks. WHY do you make such a stupid comment when you clearly don’t have a clue that your brain is mumbled up in Fox tv lies and fabrications?
Total nonsense put out by the lying far left media. There is no such thing as a ghost gun. The lower part which is done with simple machining doesn’t work without the upper which takes a background check from a licensed dealer. Whether pistol or rifle no criminal with a police record is going to get one.
Well clearly you don’t own a gun or at least built one! The ONLY part on 99.9999% of ALL guns made today ONLY have a serial number on the RECEIVER/LOWER/PART WITH TRIGGER! The ENTIRE UPPER AND ALLLLLLL parts needed to COMPLETE an AR of ANY caliber from an 80% lower or even completed lower from a manufacturer is ALL FULLY OVER THE COUNTER ZERO ID shown AND ZERO PAPER WORK DONE! And this isn’t MY OPINION of what I HEARD AROUND! I OWN AND BUILD ALLLLL MY GUNS FROM BARE LOWERS AND FOUR AT LEAST HAVE COMPLETE UPPERS I BOUGHT FULLY ASSEMBLED AND ALLLLLL I HAD to do was pull and push a pivot and take down pin and WALLA A COMPLETE RIFLE! Before Covid I got 2-5.56 complete M4 style uppers AND one chambered in the 7.62×39 AK round! SO YES, EVERYTHING EXCEPT the lower CAN LEGALLY be bought AND USED LEGALLY since again it IS LEGAL! Checkout PSA, that’s how they make their bread and butter EVERY MONTH! EVEN CAN GET BLEMISHED ONES FOR LESS! Sad part is I’m SURE you told all kinds of people that WRONG info which doesn’t HELP US REAL GUN OWNERS! Lies or BS which ever is your case doesn’t do ANYONE any favors so how about LEARN BEFORE YOU SPEAK LIKE ALL YOU SAY IS IN NO WAY NOT FACTUAL!
If that was the only implication it wouldn’t necessarily cause issues. It’s the wholesale redefinition of what a firearm actually is. No more easy sales of slides, grips, uppers, etc.
If the rambling, bumbling, mumbling capitol-village idiot had one of his disgruntled cronies acquire one of those “ghost guns” and empty a full mag (50 round drum, let’s make it a big one!) into his head he still wouldn’t hit any vital organs but at least we wouldn’t have to listen to his stream of lies spuing out all the time.
Article I, § 8, Cl. 15 – To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
Cl. 16 – To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
And every State whose laws I’ve checked have a statutes similar to this –
a) XXXXXXXX militia.–The militia of this Commonwealth shall consist of:
(1) all able-bodied citizens of the United States and all other able-bodied persons who have declared
their intention to become citizens of the United States, residing within this Commonwealth, who are at
least 17 years six months of age and, except as hereinafter provided, not more than 55 years of age; and
(2) such other persons as may, upon their own application, be enlisted or commissioned therein.
Those statutes simply repeat the first paragraph of “The Militia Act of 1792”. As you go through the militia statutes of your State, you will also note that militia “when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time.” (A note; I spent 6 months trying to find my states statutes. Not even the state law library knew where they were buried.)
Would we be facing the constant threat of bans, and more restrictive gun control if we adhered to the commands of the Constitution and filed a grievance with our state to reorganize the actual Militia as commanded by the Constitution?
Instead we cling to the ridiculous “individual right” theory so that in reality, we don’t actually have to do anything to protect ourselves, our families, and communities from government infringing on our rights.
Me thinks all this would fall on deaf ears because many Americans, particularly the left-leaning, will obfuscate and deliberately ignore history. They will deride this as outdated and “racist”🤦♂️ I never thought I would see and hear ridiculous and asinine arguments in my lifetime. But we indeed live in a world of Bizarro, as my older friend related to me which is when I first heard about that cartoon. Maybe they were preparing people back then so that they wouldn’t be so shocked when stupidity eventually occurred🤷🏻♀️
Unserialized guns seized from criminals are NOT legal home-builts unless stolen in a burglary. But most home-build hobbyists are savvy enough to keep their firearms secure from burglars, and any home invader who breaks in while they are home will be leaving under a sheet.
So-called “Ghost guns” taken off criminals are smuggled in from South America where they are illegally made in jungle sweatshops usually owned by the drug cartels. They come in this country with all other contraband including the 2-legged kind, since we effectively have NO southern border under current admin. This new “rule” won’t reduce crime one bit. It’s just more BS from Obiden and his liberal puppeteers in DC to look like they’re doing something about crime when they’re not, and appease their 2A-hating supporters who are so ignorant about guns and how criminals get them that they believe these lies.
You are wrong!
Those Kits were purchased here. What the cartels have money not sofisticación or manufacturer.
Mexicans purchased 1000s of those Kits. The only place in the world that you can get (thank god) an slide or barrel is the US.
In others parts of the world slides or barrels are parts of Guns and nobody will have authorization to make them.
Outside taurus and Bersa No other manufacturers in Latin America.
You are the one who doesn’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Existence of ILLEGAL off-the-map sweatshops making cheap crappy inferior guns in South America is so well known even the mainstream media has made documentaries about it. They make them from raw metal stock with cheap labor and old equipment that was obsolete decades ago. They don’t need to import kits or parts. Hate to tell ya, but apparently you are not aware that making lousy guns ain’t rocket science. Quality guns, a little harder.
The Filipinos have been doing it for decades in jungle conditions!!
Including the unserialized 1911s coming from the Philippines. There’s a video about their high quality build, and how they’re proliferated throughout the U.S. though a pipeline.
Doesn’t this have to be voted on by congress and the senate?
And ratified by 2/3 of the states. The constitution is dead null and void.
Ratified by 3/4 of the states. FIFY.
Who? When has any gun come wrapped in shrink wrap?(unless it’s oiled, then maybe in
a plastic bag)Wtf is this guy talking about? Do you think he’s ever been in a firearm shop? The liberal mind is amazing in that something that idiotic can survive.
The last lower I bought came in shrink wrap.
I still don’t want or need any of those ” BANNED ” items… just not my cup of tea. You want them, GO GET THEM !!! Not a problem … probably were ” FAST AND FURIOUS ” items anyway…
All my OLD ones work PERFECTLY fine, are dependable, and accurate, and no one is talking about them …
The OLD GEEZER is whining and WETTING his pants over things we don’t need… and his supporters are turning AGAINST him because of that !!! Hand him a SHOVEL !!!
Ive never purchased a 80% frame. I dont have the time or the patience. But you should care about all types of firearms. This ban may not affect your firearm now but the next ban may be on something you own.
You are missing the point!
Not about what you need, about the war against your rights .
I dont like your 30-30 body armor defeating sniper rifle or your 6 shooter. Everyone knows that most crimes are comitted with handguns. And shotgun are so terrible that they are restricted for use in war by the Geneva convention so why would anyone need one. Hopefully you have a 22 single shot because it will be the last to fall.
Come and take it and you can be a ghost!
Just say that I will not comply to communist laws by our failed government. Our government is the worst it has ever been since the beginning of our Country. It totally needs abolished and remade with people that care about our country and its people. There’s nothing but greedy corrupt people in government seats at this time. Getting rid of them would be the best start we could ever ask for towards rebuilding our wonderful freedom loving country.
I think it better to reclaim and defend The Constitution we have than try to invent a new one. In the meantime, this measure from Biden is not within his power to do. The same applies to the Legislature in Maryland, they do not have the power to do virtually the same thing in State law. Any “law” that is not consistent with The Constitution is there for no law at all. Practically, it does take time to get through the review process to the Supreme Court. Definitely better than Canada.
When criminals are put in jail and kept there to be held accountable for their crimes. Then we will see violent crimes dissipate. Why are the gun lobbyist and the Left sooooo stupid? You cannot oversee something you know nothing about. I`ll keep my gun and Biden can go take a nap.
So many things wrong with this latest ‘feel good’ stunt (aka gotta do something) by slow joe and his handlers. Manufacturers are ALREADY required to serialize their guns just for a start.
Never mind that a previously convicted/incarcerated felon (released way early no less) was apparently the primary killer in Sacramento. He committed a whole host of felonies before he fired the first shot that early morning – seems like all of the draconian “gun control” laws in kalypornia did absolutely NOTHING to deter him. Yet slow joe used that incident to ‘justify’ even more federal “gun control” laws. Face it – they want to ban private firearm ownership. Period.
You got it, take it away! Been here all my life since 1966. CA was already slowly becoming commiefornia in places like L.A. Note that the chief of police during the Watts Riots of 1965 was told to stand down. Crime was already given the green light back then just like we saw with the “peaceful protestors.” Interesting how LBJ’s “I’ll have them n!@@&*$ voting democRat for the next 200 years” remark seemed to coincide with the mess racist democRats created two years later with those riots after LBJ said that. The older I get, the more I notice that “coincidences” and so-called conspiracy theories are not what we’re manipulated into believing they are. People were kept very ignorant back then. We have easy access to the Net where we can do our own research and study people like John Lott, something anti-gunners absolutely hate.
Not one mention of locking up recidivist felons who commit the vast majority of violent crimes 🤬
Not one life will be saved or one crime stopped with this stunt by the Communist Biden Regime.
It will increase the cost to cash strapped Americans who build their defensive firearm to save the fees and markups present in factory made guns.
Criminals will not be stopped or slowed down by this. As always it is the honest man, the law abiding man unconstitional gun laws harm.
We know the intent and words of the 2nd Amendment. Its lawmakers that make their own rules and violate their oath of office and the Constitution itself. They take the oath and them violate it the next day.
Soon those with pistol braced AR style weapons, perfectly legal today that will be banned by the Communists. It wont stop there if Bidens KGB nominee is confirmed.
Since the KGB has captured every post along with IP addresses expect those who post to gun forums to be tracked as “undesirable insurgents.”.
From day 1 of the ratification of the 2nd Amendment it has been torn apart and used as toilet paper by the financial and political forces who believe a communist state is superior to a Republic.
Its up to you, me, and the unborn to work endlessly to save this nation from communist takeover. So far we have done a lousy job, as our liberties have been steadily and consistantly eroded and stolen.
This act by Biden, as was Trumps bump stock ban, and the gun control acts before them violates the rights of every American. When these tyrants and traitors stop. Only when you get mad enough to stop them.
I think our ancestors and some of us have done a pretty good job in defending liberty. But you and I know this Presidential election was stolen and that has consequences. These tyrants are funded by our own taxes and are working day and night to unravel all the liberty that is left in this nation. Guys like you and me got to go to work and provide for our families.
I keep praying most days that our liberty in the Bill of Rights will be preserved by God. But until many of us turn back to Him this dangerous tyranny will continue to push on. I will not give up and will continue to work against these tyrants.
Does the requirement to serialize firearms include those produced prior to 1968 without serial numbers?
My understanding was that FFL holders could not legally acquire (modern, post-‘68) ghost guns already, that there would have to be some kind of registration and marking of that firearm by a federally licensed manufacturer? One time the question came up as to whether a man could will his ghost guns to his heirs and we couldn’t find a clear answer.
Either way, it is good to see some progress. Let’s go, Joe! Wait, that’s not right.
Hey bluenuts, I’m pretty sure that criminals aren’t using guns that were made prior to 1968. The peadohphile that’s occupying the whitehouse now that you admire is an idiot and will do nothing to prevent criminals from getting guns. You said let’s go joe; joe and the hoe have to go to prison. Si Vis Pacem Parabellum!
Hey Brandon, my question was sincere. Does any aspect apply to firearms produced before 1968 without a serial number? If an FFL acquires such a firearm, are they required to engrave one before disposing of it? If I buy an old antique online and have it shipped to an FFL holder, would the FFL holder have to add a serial number before disposing it to me?
GAWD, anyone that repeats that ridiculous phrase about “Brandon” is a total and complete f ignoramous….what kind of pinhead fol;lows the crowd of southern brain dead misanthropes watching cars go around inj circles,and quote anything started in that arena. Yea, people really are STUPID – but since Trump, Now Dangerous as well!!
Tony are intentionally stupid or just lying ? The phrase is and I quote “ FUCK JOE BIDEN!” Which was a chant at college sports events.lol.
No, Trump set the precedent for a hateful, fascist, racist, misogynist, total disrespect for democrary…and would (will be) responsible for ushering in an autocratic new govt., and if you don’t believe so you are both ignorant And uneducated. If anyone can listen to that ego-manical psychopath Trump and cannot recognize this you are truly sad and lacking…if you can’t listen to his vitriol and hate and recognize it for what it is you are an idiot or just plainly a racist fool!
Tom you’re a crybaby with TDS , get over it already you whiney little snowflake.