Fred Mastison

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Kimber Team Match II

Kimber Team Match II


The Kimber Team Match II was developed for the USA Shooting Rapid Fire Pistol Team to use in action shooting competitions at national and international levels. To say that these are picky shooters is an understatement.

Gunfight Science: Surviving A CQB Assault

Gunfight Science: Surviving A CQB Assault


The fact is that a majority of defensive shootings take place at what we will call “bad breath distance.” The aggressor will more than likely already be inside your personal space and the ensuing fight will be a close quarter battle. While a single article can never replace real-world training, we can at least offer a few suggestions to consider.

Brace Yourselves! SB Tactical PDW Pistol-Stabilizing Brace

Brace Yourselves! SB Tactical PDW Pistol-Stabilizing Brace

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The challenge in many industries is not always building a better mousetrap, but improving the one you already have. Nowhere is that more evident than in the AR Pistol realm. This corner of the AR world was occupied by dedicated aficionados who saw a place for this unique design. To make it something to appeal to the masses would take some doing, however.

Gunfight Science: Get Your Gun Into the Fight

Gunfight Science: Get Your Gun Into the Fight


A slow or sloppy presentation is akin to leisurely leaving the starting blocks when the starter’s gun goes off for a race. This is the case no matter where you carry your gun. While there are countless ways to carry, let’s look at two of the most common modes of carry (standard waistband carry and a pocket pistol) and how to effectively get them into the fight.

The Ultimate Concealable .380 —  SCCY CPX-3

The Ultimate Concealable .380 — SCCY CPX-3


The absolute best gun you can have in an emergency is the one you are carrying. For many though, the idea of carrying a full-size pistol is simply a deal breaker. From the guns being too big for a person’s frame to an unwillingness to make clothing changes to conceal the gun, the challenges are real. In cases like this, I steer shooters towards a smaller framed pistol that still has decent firepower, but also has a smaller footprint than full-sized pistols.

Gunfight Science: Gun Malfunction Busting Tips/Tactics

Gunfight Science: Gun Malfunction Busting Tips/Tactics


In the realm of defensive handgun the most commonly neglected area is in weapon manipulations for malfunctions and reloads. Many people are exceptional shots, but if their gun goes unexpectedly quiet, an internal “oh crap” surfaces and the scramble begins.

Gunfight Science: One Handed Shooting

Gunfight Science: One Handed Shooting


In the world of defensive handguns, those serious about the art are always practicing for worst case scenarios. While we would hope that we would have sufficient time to secure a good grip etc., hope is not a course of action. We must focus on the “what if” situations. One that does not get as much attention as it should is single handed, support side shooting.

Trijicon Enters the Thermal Optics Market

Trijicon Enters the Thermal Optics Market


Trijicon is one of the most respected and recognizable names in the optics industry. In fact, you would be hard pressed to go anywhere in the world and not be able to find someone who recognizes the ACOG optic. Trijicon launched a new electro optics (EO) division to lead the industry in “no-light” aiming systems. The new EO division features a complete lineup of thermal imaging monoculars, helmet sights, rifle sights and clip-on sights.

Gunfight Science: Concealed in Plain Sight

Gunfight Science: Concealed in Plain Sight


They stand behind you in the checkout line of the grocery store. They stroll past as you walk to your car after work. These people are concealed carry proponents and they are armed while still appearing to be just another face in the crowd. They have mastered hiding in plain sight.

A 5.56 Magnum? Supersize Your AR with the .22 Nosler - Full Review

A 5.56 Magnum? Supersize Your AR with the .22 Nosler – Full Review


The realm of ballistics can appear mythical. Ballistic technicians are constantly calculating ballistic coefficient and velocity in search of the golden round. These men and women occasionally produce a game changer. This is exactly the case with the folks over at Nosler and their new .22 Nosler.