S.H. Blannelberry

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The ATF considers this a "Firearm" under its new rule.

ATF Warns Gun Dealers About Selling Unserialized Frames, Receivers w/o Background Checks

“That means they need to run background checks and sell guns with serial numbers,” he continued.  “That is what the ghost gun rule is about.”

Michigan House Speaker Joe Tate before a lectern.

Michigan Speaker Disarms House Staff: ‘Weapons do not belong in the workplace’

“Weapons do not belong in the workplace,” Amber McCann, a spokeswoman for Tate, told The Detroit News.

Gov. Mike Parson

Federal Judge Strikes Down Missouri’s 2A Sanctuary Law

“That’s not the goal of it.  The goal of it is to take bad guys off the street and still respect the rights of the private citizen on the Second Amendment,” he added.

The resolution drafted by Texas state Rep. Slaton

Texas Lawmaker’s Resolution Tells Biden Administration All of the District’s Guns Lost in Boating Accidents

President Joe Biden’s desire to ban and confiscate black rifles will not matter to the residents of House District 2 in Texas.

A photo or Rep. Coleman.

It’s Back! Legislation to Ban Online Ammo Sales Reintroduce

“The Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act is one step in the right direction to slowing the proliferation of guns and ammunition,” she continued. “Americans did not send us to Washington to mourn them when it is our job to do everything we can as federal legislators to protect them.”

A photo AG Merrick Garland.

DOJ Announces $200 Million Spend on Red Flag Laws

In either case, there’s nothing stopping these individuals from carrying out their violent intentions by other means.  

Two officials down in the underground bunker next to firearms.

Australian Authorities Hysterical Over Discovery of Underground Gun Bunker

“The Western Australian Police Force recently seized an arsenal of very high-powered firearms being incorrectly stored in a secret underground bunker, hidden beneath a storage unit in suburban Perth,” said WA Police Minister Paul Papalia.  

Super Impressive! The Executive Grade Judge from Taurus -- SHOT Show 2023

Super Impressive! The Executive Grade Judge from Taurus — SHOT Show 2023

To ensure the fit and finish are beyond expectations, Taurus pulls these DA/SA wheelies off the assembly line and refers them to a room of expert gunsmiths, who are charged with hand-tuning each one.

The Cage Handguard from Matrix Arms

Matrix Arms’ Dual-Pump Cage Handguard — SHOT Show 2023

One of the more unique AR products we saw at SHOT Show 2023 was the Cage handguard from Matrix Arms. Check it out!

Gov. Phil Murphy

New Jersey Governor Signs Massive Legislation to Restrict Carry Rights

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed a massive bill last week that will restrict one’s right to bear arms outside the home and add more red tape to the concealed carry application process.