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Bear Hunting Tips – Shot Placement And Baiting [Video]


This is the second installment of bear hunting tips with bear baiting and shot placement covered in detail.

Turkey Hunting in High Country With An Airgun [Video]


Unleash the power of high-caliber air guns in turkey hunting. Join Zach Owens in Idaho’s backcountry for an exhilarating run-and-gun style

Bear Baiting Guide: Secrets for Success [Video]


Unlock Spring bear hunting success with Zach Owens’ expert baiting tips and ethical hunting strategies in this excellent video

Never Miss Again Part II: Battle Mount Your Scope

Never Miss Again Part II: Battle Mount Your Scope


This is how I set up a scope so it can receive the maximum reasonable amount of damage and maintain its zero.

Three Early-Season Turkey Setups That Won’t Fail

Three Early-Season Turkey Setups That Won’t Fail


Often from late March through the first week and a half of April, turkeys will still be in wintertime flocks. Love is on their mind for sure, but often after flying down, toms will follow a wad of hens to their morning breakfast location.

Spearfishing, the Shortest Hunting Season

Spearfishing, the Shortest Hunting Season


One of the barracuda turned and started swimming towards me then opened his mouth full of pretty intimidating teeth. The game had just changed.

Considerations To Make When Booking A Whitetail Hunt

Considerations To Make When Booking A Whitetail Hunt


Before you book your hunt, there are a few questions that you should be asking a potential outfitter. Each outfitter is going to offer unique experiences from lodging, all meals, and fully-guided service, to a basic trespass fee with stand locations, no lodging, meals, or guides.

Tag A Pressured Public-Land Longbeard with Archery Tackle

Tag A Pressured Public-Land Longbeard with Archery Tackle


When I show up to a public-land hunt area, even if the location seems to be void of other hunters, I treat the dirt and the birds on it like they’ve been hounded to death. I’ve used what I learned to harvest pressured public-land birds with my stick-and-string. Here’s what you need to know.

Offshore Hunting Paradise - Free Range Hunt-Cationing in the Hawaiian Islands

Offshore Hunting Paradise – Free Range Hunt-Cationing in the Hawaiian Islands


If you are looking at an exotic destination for vacation and want to spend a couple of days hunting, look no further than the Hawaiian Islands.

Sheep Hunting Prep Ideas Pt. 2

Sheep Hunting Prep Ideas Pt. 2


Known for their awe-inspiring and challenging habitat, sheep are becoming increasingly popular to hunt so maximizing one’s opportunity if given the chance to pursue them is key.