Country Music Star Faith Hill: ‘Military Weapons Should Not Be in the Hands of Civilians’

Country Music Star Faith Hill: ‘Military Weapons Should Not Be in the Hands of Civilians’

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill want “common sense” gun control reform. (Photo: Billboard)

A few weeks ago, country music stars Tim McGraw and Faith Hill started chirping about gun control. Like the vast majority of celebrities that open their blowholes about guns, they sounded like idiots.

“Look, I’m a bird hunter — I love to wing-shoot,” said McGraw, in an interview with Billboard. “However, there is some common sense that’s necessary when it comes to gun control. They want to make it about the Second Amendment every time it’s brought up. It’s not about the Second Amendment.”

Ugh. Classic anti-gunner move. Try to gain credibility with the audience by pulling out the hunting card. (Spoiler alert! The Second Amendment was not enshrined to protect the rights of hunters! ) Then, mention the words “common sense” in relation to the 2A as to imply that gutting the right to keep and bear arms is in the best interest of the individual.

So stupid. I wonder how Tim and Faith would feel about giving up their security detail while on tour? Would they see that as “common sense.” I doubt it. As with other, out-of-touch elites they possess a guns-for-me-but-not-for-thee mentality. When they need guys with guns to defend their livelihood, that’s fine. But when you need guns to defend yours, not so much.

In the same interview, Faith brought up black rifles. No surprise. She defaulted to anti-gun rhetoric, channeling the “weapons of war” and “military-style” labels used by Bloomberg lackeys.

“The doctors that (treated) the wounded, they saw wounds like you’d see in war,” she said, in reference to the shooting in Vegas. “That’s not right. Military weapons should not be in the hands of civilians. It’s everyone’s responsibility, including the government and the National Rifle Association, to tell the truth. We all want a safe country.”

SEE ALSO: Liam Neeson trashes 2A: ‘I am totally for gun control in the US’

Some Marines carry Glock pistols. Are those military weapons? Technically, yes. Given this, does Faith believe that we should ban Glock pistols? Does Faith know the difference between and M4 and an AR-15? I doubt it. If she did, she wouldn’t make such ignorant comments.

To her point about “telling the truth,” and living in a “safe country,” the truth is our country isn’t safe. No country is safe, for that matter. A safe place is one where there is an absence of threats. Regardless of what laws are passed no government will ever contain every threat.

For free individuals, there is only one choice then. Personal preparedness. Learn how to escape or, if needed, engage a threat. That’s the best chance we have to survive and thrive in America. We need to drop this misguided notion that we want to be “safe.” And start embracing the idea that we need to be prepared.

  • Philip C. Frank Jr. October 4, 2019, 2:19 pm

    “Weapons of war”! That term ticks me off so bad I can’t see straight.
    As is the case with the term “assault rifle”, there is no specific agreed upon definition. So, if the AR 15 is defined as an “assault rifle” by virtue of it’s commonality of appearance to the M-16 and therefore a “weapon of war”, then how far down the line will the definition of “weapon of war” go?
    The 1903 Springfield, 1898 Krag, and the Daddy of them all, the Mauser, were at some point ALL” weapons of war”. For all practical purposes every bolt action on the market today is a direct descendant of the Mauser. So because of the similarity to the Mauser design will all our sporting rifles be declared “weapons of war”?
    How about the various iterations of muzzle loading rifles. Because of the similarity to the Brown Bess musket of the War of Independence will they also be declared “weapons of war”
    The old adage that says to keep your mouth shut so you don’t prove to people that you really are as stupid as everyone thinks you are, most definitely applies to her and her ilk.

  • Jack Genna May 6, 2019, 4:04 pm

    They are about as country as i’m a grizzly bear in downtown Manhattan… I consider them pretty poor country western performers, and haven’t wasted any of my money on them…

    I’m a tool and die maker, but I don’t give advice about things I know nothing about… People should stick to what they know, and shut up about what they don’t know…

  • Rodney May 6, 2019, 1:41 pm

    The great thing about America is freedom of speech! The other one is the 2nd amendment to defend that right!
    In today’s world we have elitists telling the peasants about how you should do and not to this or that. All the while either doing the very things they speak of themselves, or living in worlds of security, and detachment.
    Notice how the population of people that have mental health issues continually are failed by our system, and are pushed out into society for others to deal with. These elitists do not have to deal with them, and if they do, they automatically point to the tools the person’s have used for their enraged minds to carry out their deeds.

  • Michael Gilbert April 3, 2019, 10:38 am

    Faith, I\’ve been in love with you and your music since your first album. I dont think you are dumb, or even ignorant about \”Military weapons.\” I do believe you are mis-informed.The caliber of Military weapons really aren\’t near as devastating as some sporting calibers. The 22-250 using a 60gr. Hollow point moving at 3800fps is absolutely explosive!!!My issue with blaming a platform like the Armalite Rifle (AR) is just like banning a Chevy 1500 pickup because it was used to run a person over. It\’s not the pickup and, it\’s not the AR.I equate the AR to my Jeep JK. Both are incredible platforms that can be readily modified to be extraordinary performers.I have several AR based sporting rifles. My 6.5 Grendel is the best deer rifle I\’ve ever owned. My 224 Valkyrie is the best Varmint rifle I\’ve ever owned. My 6.5 Creedmoor is an amazing precision rifle used for long range competition out to 1250 yards. My .308 is a great rifle for any North American game. Each of these rifles shoot incredibly accurate at 1/2 MOA or better!Yes, I also own a 223/5.56 called a 224 Wylde. It\’s a 3 Gun competition carbine. Built for speed and accuracy. The point here is the incredible flexibility of the platform! That\’s why the AR is so popular. Now, when an AR is used to kill people, that is horrendous! But, it\’s not the platform! It\’s the individual using it!Why does ANYONE need to own a Humvee? There is nothing about it that is practical. It was specifically designed to be a military vehicle. I dont see any movement to ban it! But, I\’ll bet it has killed people! Drunk drivers kill more people than any firearm platform… as a society, we dont do nearly enough to stop drunk drivers. Why aren\’t politicians all over that? Because drinking is condoned, it\’s big business, it\’s a \”popular\” and even romanticized activity blatantly advertised in all media markets.I hope this helps your perspective. I\’m a veteran that served our country to preserve our constitution and our freedom. Dont stomp over my rights because you dont understand my passion. Dont take away my law abiding ownership of firearms because of bad people that dont care about laws or other people.The way to control unlawful use of firearms is to criminalize that use. Put teeth back in the penalty system. Mental stability doesn\’t matter when someone uses a weapon in the commission of a crime or takes the life of another… it cant be an excuse or an avoidance of punishment.

  • Michael Gilbert April 3, 2019, 10:35 am

    Faith, I’ve been in love with you and your music since your first album. I dont think you are dumb, or even ignorant about “Military weapons.” I do believe you are mis-informed.

    The caliber of Military weapons really aren’t near as devastating as some sporting calibers. The 22-250 using a 60gr. Hollow point moving at 3800fps is absolutely explosive!!!

    My issue with blaming a platform like the Armalite Rifle (AR) is just like banning a Chevy 1500 pickup because it was used to run a person over. It’s not the pickup and, it’s not the AR.

    I equate the AR to my Jeep JK. Both are incredible platforms that can be readily modified to be extraordinary performers.

    I have several AR based sporting rifles. My 6.5 Grendel is the best deer rifle I’ve ever owned. My 224 Valkyrie is the best Varmint rifle I’ve ever owned. My 6.5 Creedmoor is an amazing precision rifle used for long range competition out to 1250 yards. My .308 is a great rifle for any North American game. Each of these rifles shoot incredibly accurate at 1/2 MOA or better!

    Yes, I also own a 223/5.56 called a 224 Wylde. It’s a 3 Gun competition carbine. Built for speed and accuracy. The point here is the incredible flexibility of the platform! That’s why the AR is so popular. Now, when an AR is used to kill people, that is horrendous! But, it’s not the platform! It’s the individual using it!

    Why does ANYONE need to own a Humvee? There is nothing about it that is practical. It was specifically designed to be a military vehicle. I dont see any movement to ban it! But, I’ll bet it has killed people! Drunk drivers kill more people than any firearm platform… as a society, we dont do nearly enough to stop drunk drivers. Why aren’t politicians all over that? Because drinking is condoned, it’s big business, it’s a “popular” and even romanticized activity blatantly advertised in all media markets.

    I hope this helps your perspective. I’m a veteran that served our country to preserve our constitution and our freedom. Dont stomp over my rights because you dont understand my passion. Dont take away my law abiding ownership of firearms because of bad people that dont care about laws or other people.

    The way to control unlawful use of firearms is to criminalize that use. Put teeth back in the penalty system. Mental stability doesn’t matter when someone uses a weapon in the commission of a crime or takes the life of another… it cant be an excuse or an avoidance of punishment.

  • PaulWVa June 18, 2018, 1:28 pm

    More stupid comments from stupid celebrities that have no idea what they’re talking about …. so what else is new?

  • DAVID WRIGHT December 5, 2017, 12:14 pm

    Why are most shot gunners antigun????

  • e.a. December 1, 2017, 7:33 pm

    Stick to what you know how to do, SINGING!!
    Don’t sound like an idiot blurting out comments like this(military weapons don’t belong in peoples hands)
    General public cannot get military wepons

  • ro November 27, 2017, 5:13 pm

    remind me here….what do they do again…rehab houses somewhere?

  • Vic November 26, 2017, 7:40 pm

    Without a doubt some of the most enjoyable passive entertainment I have experienced .. Came from Dinner Theaters, Starlight Opera (Not really operas, outdoor plays like Peter Pan and such). Local Theater Productions.. Wonderful actors and singers, stage hands, costume makers etc all who went back to work at the Factory or as a Craftsmen, maybe a Grocery Clerk on Monday..

    Turn off the Globalist Media Machine.. Ignore them and they will go away.. Never buy a CD or a Video from them again..
    Turn off HBO, Showtime, Netflix.. Cable Service.. You will find a ton of time and a lot to do locally which is much more entertaining and fun..

    Take a little time to dig into the Wikileaks documents.. They reveal talk between the “Elite” about keeping people dumb un involved, isolated. unhappy to control them.

    All the best to you and yours

    In Liberty


  • SeppW November 26, 2017, 4:50 pm

    This should come as no surprise. I was wondering how long it would take the CM industry to start revealing its true colors. It has been trickling out here and there with performers. Like a good liberal, they will lecture the rest of us on what is good for all yet, themselves not walking the talk or repeat made-up facts, faux statistics, and misinformation made by another liberal.

    See Orwell’s “Animal Farm.”

    • Alan November 29, 2017, 10:25 am

      That’s a pretty broad brush you’re painting with there, since far more CM stars have been featured in many of the NRA Country Bio’s and are outspoken 2nd advocates when compared to those that aren’t
      And I would point out that Hill’s music is viewed by many as on the cusp of Pop, and not all that Country.
      All genres of music have differing views, such as Rocks Ted Nugent vs. the main stream of that Genre.
      Perhaps you don’t know CM as well as you think.
      BTW, as an Orwell devotee, I find the reference to Animal Farm as a non analogous usage, you’re comparing individuals with little or no influence to an actual form of Govt. that had power over the animals.
      Simply not the same.

  • BIGKIELBASSA November 26, 2017, 1:12 pm

    Faith can put her hands on my “ Weapon” if she wants . Only it’s not black . But it is has a high capacity “ magazine” . And a “ bull barrel “. 🤣

  • Rick Johnson November 25, 2017, 5:52 pm

    I’ll consider giving up my scary looking military weapons as soon as she gives up her personal body guards and gated communities.

  • Sam November 25, 2017, 4:59 pm

    Self centered POS.

  • Mjorin November 25, 2017, 4:39 pm

    I think we should have a 98% tax on performers. They’re so dangerous they need to be regulated with taxes.

  • Mort Leith November 25, 2017, 12:30 pm

    These liberal-controlled CENSORS will Delete MOST posts anyway, might as well post the truth before they Delete it like Hit lerNA Z1s:
    This ignorant liberal and her Traitor husband need to educate themselves and STOP pretending to be REAL Americans who support our 2nd Amendment rights !

  • Mark Tercsak November 25, 2017, 10:45 am

    Dear Faith , quite frankly you maybe an American by birth, but your no Citizen,
    Our Founding fathers intended the American public be armed and trained with military weapons.
    That is why they wrote the second Amendment the way they did, so that “We The People “, may provide a Common Defense from enemies both Foreign and Domestic, in addition to the Second Amendment, you should try researching the Militia Acts of 1798, and it’s Amended variants the first was Amended during the Civil War,
    In 1903 the act created the National Guard, aka National Guard and Militia Act of 1903 or aka Dick Act.
    All have one thing in common , it states All males ages 17 to 45 years are part of the inactive Militia of the United States, in other words we are all part of the Armed Forces.

  • Ned November 24, 2017, 11:17 pm

    Somebody needs to remind her that Truth does not give a $#&@ what her opinion is.

  • QMC/SS retired November 24, 2017, 10:44 pm

    I do not understand why all these liberals are so set against the 2nd amendment, ar15’s are just semi auto rifles in black dress. If you start destroying the second soon others will follow. Every despotic regime started on the same road, to register, confiscate and take over. This statement is true and based on historical fact. We need to reinstigate our 2nd A. And restore our constitution from the hands of all who would destroy it for their socialist agenda. When will they learn that the gun is but a simple tool, as is a truck or any other device, evil people will always misuse these tools. We should look at the results in other nations where people have been stripped of the God given rights to self defense.

  • Barry November 24, 2017, 10:01 pm

    I get a laugh out of these numb nuts that have an over inflated sense of importance- the only horse this supposed cowboy has ever seen is the horses ass in the mirror every time he shaves.

  • JoeUSooner November 24, 2017, 9:33 pm

    If these two cuckoo-clocks actually believe that the US sends its troops into combat with semiautomatic rifles, they are way too stupid to be let out in public without a keeper!

  • Mike H. November 24, 2017, 9:06 pm

    Why does anybody care what a couple of country music singers have to say about anything? Especially our Second Amendment Rights! It’s not worth getting excited about! Who the Hell cares? Tell McGraw to play with his old lady.

  • Todd November 24, 2017, 6:39 pm

    More support for my never having spent one dollar on these two plastic people.
    They’ve been “Hollywood” wannabes since making the big-time and anyone surprised by them ought to wake up.


  • Doc November 24, 2017, 4:32 pm

    I think all country music fans should boycott her music and make her rue the days she opened up her pie hole to speak

  • Jake November 24, 2017, 2:59 pm

    Nashville has to have some idiot Democrats too. Them and the Dixie Chicks. Unlike the libs we don’t demand they be destroyed. Hope they notice.

    • Mike H. November 25, 2017, 9:50 pm

      Sounds to me like they need to move to California. Ain’t that where most of these Idiots live? Guess Idiots are moving East.

    • Ronnie Pigg December 13, 2019, 10:15 am

      Please don’t refer to the “Dixie Chicks” to Nashville. They are not even from Tennessee. They are transplants that came to our great state. 98% of the Country’s Artist move here to advance their careers. I doubt any state will claim the Dixie Chicks. Just 3 dumb bitches.

  • Seaweed November 24, 2017, 2:45 pm

    The rife that everybody is buying (black) was never a military rife. If you are shot your wound will be the same as what is seen in a war zone it a bullet wound. When you go to your concerts and start not having any security then that is putting your words to practice. Remember Los Vagas happened at a Country music concert. Why didn’t security stop it. I sorry that those people were killed but I did not do it
    So my question is why do I have to pay for other people’s actions. Why do I have to give up my rights because somebody has a twisted mind.

  • Frankandfrank November 24, 2017, 2:28 pm

    Dutch military issued single shot shotguns in WW2. Every firearm ever produced has had military application. In Vietnam, troops were asked to have shotguns shipped from home.

  • Grant Stevens November 24, 2017, 2:25 pm

    They should stick to their nasal caterwauling about tainted love, bad whiskey and busted pick-up trucks and leave the Second Amendment alone if they want to continue selling their “music.” They would be singing a completely different tune if they had to defend themselves against a violent attack. Kind of hard to conceal-carry a “bird gun.” And someone should also tell skinny runt Tim McGraw that good guys always wear white hats.

  • joefoam November 24, 2017, 2:20 pm

    Stop buying tickets to their shows and their cds. Hit them where it hurts and maybe they will stop using their position to spout off on subjects they know nothing about. I am pretty confident their fan base is pro 2A, so a big loss of income for them would really make a difference. All celebs should take a cue from this, entertain me don’t preach.

  • Pete Ostergard November 24, 2017, 1:40 pm

    Faith Hill needs to pay more attention to her singing, she could use the time.

  • Frank November 24, 2017, 1:33 pm

    Just two more liberal pukes added to the pile. Hit em’ with your best shot, never by another CD from either.

    • B November 24, 2017, 5:16 pm

      Just thinking the same thing, Frank. The only thing these folks understand is diminished revenue due to their political, non-patriotic views. It caught me by surprise that these two are not patriots at all. I have several of both performers CDs but I will never buy a new one. Actually thinking of disposing of the many I already have, perhaps even returning all of them to these two fake patriotic/country singers who have professed to believe in the patriotism of their fans. Sadly, I can no longer be considered to be a fan of either of them. I guess they felt they must take a stand and the liberal/socialist/politically correct/Democrats are more valuable to them than are folks with conservative patriotic beliefs and values.

  • Capn Stefano November 24, 2017, 1:03 pm

    So, as has already been stated, these types of people would sell us out out to the ultimate tyranny that looms, a world plantation where we are all disarmed slaves. USA is the last real holdout that could stop this inexorable push to tyranny… just as we were in 1775. These deluded and willfully ignorant people must be the descendants of the Tories who we FOOLISHLY allowed to remain after our difficult and bloody victory over British tyranny. The same powers that were behind that throne are the same powers pushing for our disarmament and world government, today

  • John R. Pyles 111 November 24, 2017, 12:56 pm

    I haven’t been a fan of Tim and Faith for a good long time, and with this publicity stunt it seems like I won’t be a fan any time soon. If she (faith) is talking about the AR15 rifle it is not nor has it ever been a military rifle. So the McGraws should stick to what they know! Good day

    • Appliancehead November 24, 2017, 1:45 pm

      That’s the problem, they don’t know anything except how to be famous. Let’s ban bad country music (I know, it’s redundant).

    • Jake November 24, 2017, 3:02 pm

      Selective fire AR-15’s were in the military arsenal (Air Force) for a few years before they were type classified as the M-16 in the early 60’s. Semi-Auto only AR sporting rifles were not.

  • AK November 24, 2017, 12:45 pm

    These two think the have bought favor with the same left-Weinstein-archtypes who control country music they way they control the narrative and resources in the rest of the entertainment industry. Oh, they may guarantee themselves CMA glitz and awards but they’d be wise to get out of their bubble and see what’s happening to theater box-office and NFL ticket sales…..after pissing off the Joe Citizen base that supports such venues…..

    A comment was made, something about a dumb, uneducated Mississippi girl. Paradoxically, it seems the further one gets from those real-world roots into the Soros-miasma 1% condom, the dumber one gets….

  • Charlie November 24, 2017, 12:06 pm

    People like this mindless ass would likely have kept us at he mercy of the British . Our history was built on the fact that we the citizens had the weapons to fight against the terrorist that threatened our liberty.She should be considered a NOTHING and never mentioned again. Most of these idiots repeat something that others tell them or read from a script that is presented to them.They have never been able to really investigate a problem or think anything through,they do what is the popular thing at the time.

  • Norm Fishler November 24, 2017, 11:47 am

    Take a look at her pants. What is that outline I see from her belt line to her crotch? Any guesses as to where she thinks the center of the universe is? I sincerely hope that American shooters everywhere will wake up and with one voice reject their grandstanding and refuse to buy their music anymore, ever again. When it comes on the radio, change the station! They’ll get the message. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Suggestion for their next hit song: “We Done Ate Your Lunch and Chidt in Your Lunch Box!”

  • John November 24, 2017, 11:27 am

    This is not what I would expect from a girl from Mississippi…

  • liquidators1 November 24, 2017, 11:09 am

    Just goes to show you that just because they sing American music they don’t understand America or what is stands for and support the progressive liberal party that wants to make us a third world country.

  • gary sheldon November 24, 2017, 10:58 am

    The American soldier and veteran fought for the right of free speech even if the speaker spouts stupid; ergo,………the right to be stupid by default! ……………….the right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED ! (in ANY way, shape or form!!) IMHO responsible FIREARMS owners ought to have any and all such firearms as the military to ensure domestic tranquility, guard against gumMINT tyranny and help provide for the common defense! Got that, MOONBEAM Ca., N.J., “duke Durban and Ill., Conn., Mass., Wa., etc.!!!

  • Steve November 24, 2017, 10:57 am

    Look up Tim McGraw on Wikipedia. He was an avowed Obama supporter . . .so, as a ‘marital community’, it figures.

  • Keith November 24, 2017, 10:42 am

    Just more elitist people flapping their jaws. Guns for me but nothing for you. Faith or Tim does your armed security detail use crippled capacity magazines than hold less than eleven shots? Do you submit to the disarm laws you desperately want for everyone else? The answer is a resounding no. These people think our lives are less important than theirs.

  • Luke November 24, 2017, 10:25 am

    These two are both 50 years old and been married 21 years. They apparently support many charities and have created a few. They entertain kids in military away from home. I don’t much care for either of them or their music but they do a lot for others. I just wish they’d shut up about things they know nothing about.

  • Timothy Yorgan November 24, 2017, 10:13 am

    Let’s catch all the wolves and pull their teeth so the sheep don’t have to have those guns…lemme know when you’re done with that. Benjamin Franklin said…”A democracy is two wolves and a lamb taking a vote on what to have for lunch,..liberty is a well armed lamb, contesting the vote.” We have a supreme law of the land making us a constitutional republic, NOT a democracy (Article IV, sec. 4 US const.)…where were these country singers when that law was written? Let’s see…how do we keep box office receipts? I know…love to hunt ducks, but duck defending the republic…coward!

  • Glenn Thomas November 24, 2017, 9:41 am

    Have “faith”, Faith, Congress just passed a bill to allow the CMP to sell surplus .45 caliber semi automatic pistols to the civilian population and I hope I get one. P.S., they were WEAPONS OF WAR in several wars!

  • BR549 November 24, 2017, 9:24 am

    S.H. Blannelberry wrote: “A safe place is one where there is an absence of threats. Regardless of what laws are passed no government will ever contain every threat.”

    ……….. to which I would add, “INCLUDING the threat of the government, itself.”

    Since intellectually bereft leftard ass-clowns like McGraw and Hill only know how to reach for low-hanging fruit, they never understand why the Constitution was written the way it was. While they mistakenly believe that we, as individuals in a society, have earned the right to change the rulebook, what they fail to grasp is that while classes were being taught, they were too busy playing grab-ass and throwing spit balls instead of absorbing the lessons.

    So, what we have today is the equivalent of a household of spoiled, mollycoddled, self-congratulating adult children believing they possess critical adult thinking simply because they ran the gauntlet of getting past the age of 21. Sorry Timmy and Faith, recess is over; it’s time to start opening your @#$%& books.

  • Me November 24, 2017, 9:20 am

    I wonder if she knows of the CMP? That government approved program has been putting military arms into the hands of civilians for decades.

  • Bryan November 24, 2017, 9:10 am

    No need to buy tickets to their tour next year. This is shameful coming from them.

  • Stephen November 24, 2017, 8:50 am

    Look, Faith Hill is from backwoods Mississippi – not that it is terrible, but she probably didn’t get a very good education. She probably doesn’t even know what the 1st and 3rd Amendments are, and if you asked her what the Bill of Rights are, she wouldn’t know. Same for McGraw and his crazy redneck hat. They just happened to be able to sing and be in right place at right time to have a music career. That DOES NOT make them social experts, safety experts, Constitutional experts, or an expert in anything other than what they do to make money off shallow minded fans – sort of like sports players. So SHUT UP Hill and McGraw and stick to playing guitar and following your security guards around. You really don’t know much.

    • Roger November 24, 2017, 9:19 am

      She appears not to have received much education. Also, her common sense is suffering. Maybe she should stick to what she does for a living………………sing/perform or whatever. I’m not a fan of hers but she needs to do something in order to get a paycheck. Spouting off about gun control doesn’t seem to be her forte.

    • Roger November 24, 2017, 9:26 am

      You pretty much summed it up. Those people in the entertainment business don’t know a lot except to sing/perform or whatever. Their opinion is based on ignorance. I think they made these statements to add to their fan base and I’m not sure it’s going to work. Their opinion is not any more valuable than mine. I don’t understand why anyone would care enough about their opinions to publicize them.

  • roger caster November 24, 2017, 7:48 am

    Faith Hill should keep her mouth shut ! all she is is a half assed singer and knows nothing about weapons–she has not figured out its not the gun its the person holding it that is the problem
    Wake up Hill and see the real world is full of crazy people that is the problem not the gun

    • American November 24, 2017, 9:28 am

      What do you expect from a dyed blond bimbo.

  • james tallent November 24, 2017, 7:33 am

    Tim in the past talked about running for office as a democrat.Figures

  • PeterC November 24, 2017, 7:26 am

    These so-called country music stars obviously don’t know their audience. Now they can kiss their careers goodbye.

  • Blasted Cap November 24, 2017, 6:09 am

    Crossing 2 more off the list. Bu-bye.

  • Michael November 24, 2017, 5:25 am

    I typed a comment were did it go.
    Tim and faith can move to what country is that one called down under.or even Iran maybe.seeing how they don’t like our Constitution and all

  • Tar Heel Realist November 24, 2017, 5:23 am

    ‘Military Weapons Should Not Be in the Hands of Civilians’-Faith Hill

    I actually agree with her…can you imagine 249s, 240B, etc… going off in Chi-raq or Brawltimore? But what Mr. Faith Hill should do is get his Library Card and head on down to the local Branch…he could then explain to Ms. Hill the diff betwixt .mil weapons v civilian hardware.

  • Michael November 24, 2017, 5:12 am

    U All ,better head on back to mama’s and nems,cause ant nobody caring if u all like shooting wings off them pretty little birds,cause that thir 2nd Amendment, ant got a damn thing to do with u going hunting.and seeing how you all probably have or pay for security, off the rest of u s cuntry men and women, purchases of your music
    Like I said head on back to you mamas,the money is on the way out,u could not pay me to one them their albums. .The 2nd amendment is about protecting your self from tyrants,foren,and demestic, not little birds. Guns don’t kill triggers do.I u don’t belive me next time u go bird hunting,point and don’t pull and that bird is going to say F- -K You!!!!!!!!!!

  • akjc77 November 24, 2017, 5:09 am

    Best way to deal with these ignorant propagandists is to boycott hell outta everything they do and everywhere they go! Even if their already rich scumbags like Tim McGrawful send the out of touch rats a message! And what happened to good country music like Hank and Johnny, and people who actually wrote all or most their songs?

  • arch stanton November 24, 2017, 4:57 am

    Civilians should have access to and training with Arms that are, “….Necessary to the Security of a Free State…..”. That is the whole premise of the National Rifle Association and the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s competitive SERVICE RIFLE matches, held throughout the country. If necessary, we are ALL Citizen Soldiers. We are Guaranteed the Right to Arms that are,”…..Necessary to the Security of a Free State….”. The man who engaged the fool in Texas IS the Militia, as are all of us.

  • SANDMAN November 24, 2017, 4:51 am

    Faith–you are as dumb as you are pretty—soooooooooooooooooo that makes you pretty dumb. As for your husband AKA—shit for brains.
    You both have a large platform to scream from and what you say is totally untrue. Why don’t you DO YOUR HOMEWRK and learn the difference between civilian weapons and military weapons–Between you celebrities and politicians ,you all spread so much false information it is pathetic.
    Stick to singing and leave gun control alone since you obviously are not educated enough to speak intelligently on the subject.

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