Homeowner Shoots, Protects Child From Alleged Murder Suspect

in Authors, Defensive Use of Firearms, Kimber Pearce
KTLA video shows footage of a home break-in in Granada Hills last December

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

A homeowner in Granada Hills, California shot at several home intruders last December, fatally hitting a man who had previously gone to trial for murder.

The homeowner called the police early that morning, reporting what CBS called a “hot prowler” call. Police arrived at the home around 5 a.m. to find one suspect shot. He was declared dead.

The suspects originally drove to the Granada Hills home in a black car. The homeowner said he was home when they broke in. He described the intruders as wearing dark clothes, hoodies, and masks.

Aside from the homeowner, a grandmother and a young child were there. According to MSN, the homeowner feared for his life and retrieved a gun.

Suspect Shot

This is when the shooting started. One suspect died from two gunshot wounds. The alleged burglar was later identified as 20-year-old Abednego Adre. The homeowner chased the rest out. 

Police think the gunshots hit at least one other suspect, due to blood trails on the ground. They followed the blood trails during the investigation. A video from KTLA 5 shows at least two suspects handcuffed by police. 

The suspects left the black car they arrived in on the property. 

Terrible Odds

Some reports claim there were four suspects, others three. Either way, that is more than one man can hold off on his own. 

The police chief, Alan Hamilton, expanded on the case in a news conference later that day. It appeared that one of the burglars was armed. According to Fox News, the suspect pointed the gun at the homeowner.

The police also reported that the dead suspect was found with stolen property.

Break-Ins: A Frequent Occasion

Neighbors commented on the burglary. This was not the only home break-in during that season. Chief Hamilton confirmed it. 

According to ABC7, “five home burglaries in the vicinity of the home in the past month, as well as 10 cars broken into, five stolen cars and one assault with a deadly weapon.” 

“Our Devonshire detectives have been investigating a number of burglaries in this area that have been centered north and south of Rinaldi and we believe this incident is related to that series of crimes,” Hamilton said. 

He added that the suspects from this break-in could have done some of the others. Which made things more concerning when more information came out about Adre. 

The Suspect In Question

Police announced that Adre, who the homeowner shot, had been on trial shortly before for murder. He had allegedly been involved in a drive-by shooting. 

Now, California has sticky rules with guns. But Chief Hamilton made it clear this was a self-defense case. 

“Anyone inside their residence that is faced with a deadly threat and is perceived as a deadly threat has the right to protect themselves,” Hamilton said. 


The homeowner was on his property, minding his own business. Armed burglars, who potentially outnumber you 3-1, are a deadly threat.

READ MORE: Suspect Breaks Into Two Homes, Shot By Homeowner

The homeowner had to protect his family, not just himself. It appears he and his family were not harmed. 

The suspects had guns. Who knows what could have happened if the homeowner didn’t have a gun too?

Would you do the same to protect your family?

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About the author: Kimber Pearce is a student, an avid shooter, and a pro-2A advocate.

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  • Huapakechi August 5, 2024, 9:54 am

    Does the homeowner get to keep the car and any weapons the thieves possessed?

  • Julio MacDonald July 2, 2024, 10:50 am

    Abednego Adre; is that a Scottish name? Perhaps a newcomer from Scotland, sneaking through Ellis Island.

  • LJ July 1, 2024, 3:26 pm

    Since this happened out in the ‘Republic Of Kalifornistan’, I’m surprised the home owner wasn’t charged with murder.

  • Ron June 30, 2024, 7:41 am

    “Some reports claim there were four suspects, others three. Either way, that is more than one man can hold off on his own.” This where an semi-auto rifle give the homeowner a little equality.

    • Charlie Whiskey July 2, 2024, 10:52 am

      Right. “Who needs a 20-round magazine?”

  • Mark N. June 29, 2024, 12:29 am

    Sticky gun laws in California? Some, for sure, but not when it comes to break-ins. There is a presumption that anyone other than a close family relative who breaks and enters your home intends to do great bodily injury or death. The occupants are therefore presumed to be acting in self defense, and the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they were not.

  • DP June 28, 2024, 9:39 am

    Re: …But Chief Hamilton made it clear this was a self-defense case. “Anyone inside their residence that is faced with a deadly threat and is perceived as a deadly threat has the right to protect themselves,” Hamilton said.
    Exactly one of the reasons I moved out of CA! They don’t think you have the right to protect yourself OUTSIDE your home . . . you know, like when you are at the gas station, or sitting in McD’s, etc.
    Re: Some reports claim there were four suspects, others three. Either way, that is more than one man can hold off on his own.
    Apparently, one man CAN hold off, and even CHASE off, three or four criminals WHEN HE IS ARMED. I’m sure the criminals didn’t expect him to be armed, as far too many folks in that state are not (though they should be!).

  • Lee June 28, 2024, 8:23 am

    Wow A legal use of a gun to kill a perp in Commiefornia and no report/threat of him being charged. The only down side is that only one perp wasn’t DRT.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment June 27, 2024, 10:39 am

    a feel good story for this week!
    when was 911 called, i’m interested in the response time?

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