Army veteran gets emotional as cop points gun at him

Video footage of a Riverside County Sheriff pointing a firearm at an Army veteran following a traffic stop Sunday evening in Palm Desert, California, is going viral.

The video was recorded by 26-year-old Alex Espinoza Natividad, a resident of Indio, who began filming the encounter after his friend, the driver of the vehicle, 26-year-old Michael Jude Jean-Baptiste was pulled over for blocking the middle lane of a busy street.

According to police, when the officer approached the vehicle, Jean-Baptiste looked disoriented and unresponsive. The officer smelled the scent of marijuana and called the paramedics.

The officer tried to turn off the ignition to the car, but Jean-Baptiste took off, driving a short distance before he pulled over. That’s when both men exited the vehicle and Natividad began recording.

“We have no weapons. We are not a threat to you. Why are you pointing a gun at me? I am not a threat. I got out of the car and surrendered to you,” Natividad says in the video, as his friend is on the ground.

The officer ordered Natividad to also get on the ground, but he refused, believing he had done nothing to warrant the officer pointing a gun in his direction.

“I served in the United States Army, OK? I am scared for my freaking life right now,” says Natividad, a veteran, who told KCAL 9 that he was medically discharged for a personality disorder.

Eventually, Natividad followed the officer’s request to get on the ground. Both were handcuffed. Jean-Baptiste was arrested and now faces charges for suspicion of driving while impaired on drugs. Natividad was released.

“I’m not saying it’s all completely their fault. And it’s not completely mine. The situation could’ve been handled way differently,” Natividad said.

Though, from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department perspective, the officer did his job just fine.

“I didn’t see anything in the video that stood out to me as a violation of our policy,” Capt. Andrew Shouse told The Desert Sun. “He is not on administrative leave, and he is back at work.”

The captain also had a message to the public.

“We encourage the community to remain inside the vehicle and not to exit the vehicle unless they’re directed to do so by a police officer,” he said.

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  • Nomad May 6, 2016, 8:01 am

    I really have a problem that for ANY reason..cops require a citizen to ” get on the ground ” then have a LEO place his knee in the citizens neck or back.. like a traffic stop and you don’t towel down and submit .. cops think all are bad guys .. and have guns pulled and seem to just be waiting for their opportunity to get a kill.. can you say police state..?? I know you can ( Mr. Rogers )

  • Russ November 12, 2014, 6:31 pm

    I believe in complying with LEO’s
    But Holy $#!t—- What kind of pussys are getting hired to be Riverside Police?
    Holster that thing till you need it you F-ing rookies.
    I thought for sure # 3 LEO would have smacked those two stooges (with guns out) in the back of the head when he came up.
    I hope someone back at the station literally kicks them in the ass.
    Back to training rookies.

    BTW, that’s why you comply. You may run across the 3 stooges.

  • chicagopizza November 7, 2014, 4:16 am

    Oh, I get it now. If you’re Hispanic you can play the race-card. Especially if you a combination of Hispanic and a vet; then you don’t have to comply with the directives of the police when stopped, and you’re allowed at least one chance to evade, and then present your Get Out of Jail entitlement card. Baptiste needed a good street ass kicking before being hauled off to the can. Give me a break!!!

  • chicagopizza November 7, 2014, 3:56 am

    Oh, I get it. If you’re Hispanic, you too can play the race card and ‘get out of jail’ after trying to evade the police after you’re initially stopped, especially if you’re a vet on top of that. Apparently, the combination makes one totally above the law. Baptiste needs a good street ass kicking and a trip to the can.

  • Dale November 5, 2014, 5:30 am

    This guy is a FREAKING idiot!! Of course his video doesn’t show what led up to the now tense situation! I don’t care if he did serve in the military, except that I’m glad he’s out!

  • c thomas November 4, 2014, 8:48 pm

    It would have been some simple for both of them to just get on the ground and obey the officer. Seems like he wanted to provoke the officer by not obeying him. What a waste… and he served in the military… wonder if he couldn’t obey orders there also…???

  • Rob Day November 4, 2014, 4:42 pm

    I have spent 40 years in the military but in all those years I never encountered one MP, RCMP or Provincial Police force members to act like a bunch of “Yahoos” as I have seen in some states. I was driving in 1968 to Spring Break, one case in point, when we were pulled over be cause we were acting “Suspicious” that being going 60mph and driving courteously. I am certain that it was our licence plate from BC and that there were 4 people in the Car. While we presented our identification including passports we became aware of a rocking of the car. The two in the back said that there was a cop with his foot on the rear bumper pushing down. We were then asked to get out our car as Cop No 1 tossed our clothes obviously looking for something. I and another member were in the reserve and we had just become commissioned as Officers when he took my birth certificate card, my passport he noticed that we had military credentials identifying us as Army Officers in the Reserves. He made some disparaging comments about Canada’ fighting ability. At that juncture the Cop who been in the back came forward and told us to repack our cases and get our identification cards and then told us he was sorry for the way the other guy acted. He was a Vietnam Vet that understood we were just going to the beach to have some fun and that the two us in the reserves was going to spend a pretty tough summer. As we were about to leave the first cop started to bad mouth us. The second cop just stared him into silence. He invited us to have coffee with him at a coffee shop up the road. When we got out of our car and went into the coffee shop we noticed that the first cop was left in the police car. He was going to buy all of us coffee and pie but we bought him the pie and coffee. He talked about how with the retiring of so many veteran cops and the draft the hiring boards were overlooking things like maturity and temper. He said he would talk to him again and try to make him realize that Oregon wasn’t Texas. Whenever we went to the States after that we never drove we either flew or took a Greyhound. Its annoying to me that while military members often receive verbal abuse from lowlifes I have never heard anyone openly say anything – I think that I have the answer. So as I relive the event in my mind I become forced to conclude that amongst the American police services you can have 99.9% good guys but its the idiots you remember.

  • joe November 3, 2014, 8:34 pm

    Be a good little sheep and do what you are told.

  • Savage 99 November 3, 2014, 7:39 pm

    If you are stopped by law enforcement the first thing you should do is give the officer the same respect that you want from him/her. Be polite, follow instructions and keep your hands in sight. If you disagree with or have questions about the stop DO NOT ARGUE with the officer. If you argue with the officer you will lose. If you remain calm and do nothing to provoke the officer your best recourse is to wait and make your case either in court or to the officer’s commander or oversight authority. You will win more votes with honey than vinegar.

  • Rifleman762 November 3, 2014, 2:02 pm

    Bottom line, the cop was justified in arrest of the driver, detention of passenger, and pointing of his weapon at narcotics suspect who just fled from him and were by being compliant. Also, this isn’t TV. LEOs only need probably cause to make an arrest. They need reasonable suspicion to detain, based on an officer with simular training and experience. Not some guy who has never done the job. Further more the Supreme Court upheld LEOs can detain passenger in a traffic stop. Then the smell of marijuana gives reasonable suspicion to detain all in the car until the LEO can determine who is involved with the marijuana. Lastly, when they flee from the cop, that adds to the reasonable suspicion that they could be drug dealers or some greater crime is being commited. Once the vehicle is stopped again, the LEO has a higher level of suspicion and probable cause for the pursuit. It is reasonable for him to believe that the situation could escalate to the use of deadly force, thus he is justified in exhibiting his duty weapon. Do cops do the wrong things sometimes? Yes. They are regular people doing difficult jobs. But this wasn’t that case.
    It’s great that people feel pationate enough to post their opinions. But take that passion one step further and do some research on the law, the constitution, and your rights. Education is the first step in keeping those rights.
    LEO/OIF Veteran

  • Mike November 3, 2014, 11:40 am

    The male said he broke no laws, yet he was wrong because he did break a law. It’s called failure to obey a law enforment officer. The officer preceived the man athreat for his safety by getting out of the car without be instructed to do so. Therefore the officer had a right to draw down on him.
    Just because he claims he was/is a veteran doesn’t give him the right to refuse a lawful command. He’s lucky not to have been tased. Hopefully the officers charged him and took him to jail for failure to obey their lawful commands. Bottom line the guy is an idiot. When stopped by the police make sure you follow their commands and make sure you keep your hands so the officer can see them. The only thing the guy did right is not go towards them. The man needs to mature and makes me wonder what kind of veteran he was. Just saying you are a veteran doesn’t make you one. Also most veterans follow commands and answer yes sire, no sir to people talking to them. They don’t call them brother, ect.

  • DaveGinOly November 3, 2014, 2:54 am

    A case of “officer safety” taking a front seat, and the safety of a citizen being forced to the back of the bus.
    The primary mission of police is not to go home safely at the ends of their shifts, it’s to protect the people and communities they serve. When they point firearms at people who are not threatening them with violence, they put the lives of those people needlessly at risk. Pointing a firearm at someone you don’t intend to shoot (justifiably) is considered the number one safety violation of the rules of safe firearms handling. Someone who presents a deadly threat to another person who is himself not presenting a threat of lethal force or grievous bodily harm is committing a crime. Try it some day and see how fast you end up in the slammer. If we wouldn’t tolerate Joe Sixpack’s unnecessary threat of lethal force, why should be tolerate such a threat from a public SERVANT. What kind of idiot hires a servant and then willingly suffers regular threats of violence from the servant when the employer isn’t threatening the servant’s well-being?

    • RonHc213 November 3, 2014, 10:18 am

      DaveGinOly – It would be naive of a cop to just take the word of a suspect that they mean the cop no harm & that they were not a threat not only to the cop, but to others as well. Police are trained over & over on how a calm situation can turn into a deadly one in a heartbeat. Until you go through the training cops go through, how can you even second guess what is going through their thought process? If you think you could do better, than get involved with your local law enforcement review board or even go on a “Ride along” with a cop for one shift and see where they are coming from. Walk a mile in their shoes just once before you judge them in hindsight. Too many people love to play “Monday Morning Quarterback” after the situation has been resolved and say “would have, could have, & should have”. I am not saying that all cops are justified in every action they take, but it would be nice if the average citizen could have taste of what the cop goes through before automatically deciding the cop was wrong every time.

    • law warrior November 3, 2014, 11:09 am

      First…it was a majority of society that wanted minorities in civil servant jobs.
      Before Affirmative Action ,law enforcement applicants were primarily white,specific height,weight and age.
      After Affirmative Action the standards had to be significantly LOWER in order for minorities to pass the written,physical, oral and backgrounds.
      A majority of society fighting petty fights and lobbiests pushing Congress to make those changes, instead of the majority looking to how,cause and effect these changes would create bigger problems in not only officer abilities,but why didnt society consider the hiring of people who first needed extra points inorder to pass a written, others being allowed more points shaved because they couldnt physically pass the physical agility test, ect. The standards of P.O.S.T. have been lowered when none should have changed. If any minority was physically able to pass without lowering that standard, then they deserve to be hired, same with the written test. If individuals can pass without getting extra points due to their race or gender then good for them IF they are able to pass all the tests without altering them. If they can,then they deserve to be hired and go through an academy that is equal for all, all.doing the exact same . If.not we as a society keep allowing segregation to happen even more now than what was fought against during Civil Rights movement that was for ALL not any specific gender or race.
      We are the ONLY county that need to put RACE in front of the word American.
      I did not join the military due to my Race or gender, i joined because i am an AMERICAN who believes in my Constitution not more insanity brought on by people complaining about not being given rights.
      Last time i checked, our Civil Rights were earned not some entitlement.
      Where do you stand ,are you one of those who thinks you are entitled because of your race, or earned the rights because you are an AMERICAN first.

      • Doc November 3, 2014, 9:52 pm

        Last time *I* looked Civil Rights were neither earned nor an entitlement, they are, simply, inalienable.

      • Lon May 31, 2016, 7:52 am

        Our entire society has been “dumbed down”, it’s even leached into the military.

  • Danny October 30, 2014, 8:05 am

    I am a Marine combat veteran, multiple tours as an 0311, that being said that gives me no privilege if I brake the law compared to anyone, vets need to stop looking for handouts

  • JayVee1991 October 30, 2014, 1:44 am

    Just be a good sheep, and do what the police tell you. Remember the police are always the good guys, even when they use excessive force or point weapons at you, because you did something bad and you are a bad guy not the police. Also remember that you’re basic rights can be infringed upon because police are above the law and you are not.

    • satx1951 October 30, 2014, 11:46 am

      There are three types of people Sheep, Wolves, and the Guardians, The Sheep Dogs. Police, Military and other Responders make make up the latter group, the problem is that the Shepherd, our local Governments, have let the LOEs go feral. Peace Officers they are not. Their training sites the public (You and I) as criminals, out to take their lives with no remorse. And that they must
      protect themselves and not the Public. They are the Collection and Enforcement Arm of the Entity they are Employed by. “Be Afraid” for we are not here to “Protect and Serve”. 42 Year LEO Vet.

    • Lauren November 3, 2014, 9:19 am

      Well then you tell us how it is supposed to work? There could be coke dealers or normal people inside the car during a traffic stop. The cop needs to figure out which. If you smell like marijuana and you gun it instead of just turning off the vehicle expect the cop to think you are a threat. That information wasn’t in the video. But, stupid fucks like you tend to mouth off before you even read the article.

      Anyway, now that you know the score, I suppose you are going to tell me how the police were supposed to do their job in that situation.

      • law warrior November 3, 2014, 10:03 am

        All you ppl get so annoyed that its the cops faults…you are all blaming the wrong ones…..
        Ask yourselves how complacent are each of you?
        How many in our society who are citizens have bothered reading your Cinstitution?
        All illegals wanting to become legal citizens ALL are required to at least learn your first 10 articles,,those are called YOUR Bill of Rights…….
        Americans take not only your Constituion for granted,but most have never even read their Cinstituion. Then you all complain how this situation is on all law enforcement.
        How many out there AGREE with the Patriot Act that ALL of you who said nothing assumed Bush had the right being president to do it?
        He didnt! A president is voted by the people, if a majority didnt want him or the other selected few than it is up to the legal voting population to do something about that.
        Your constitution is NOT limited to 3 candidates ,that has been going on since Congress got away with , doing it once. If the majority of the legal American citizens havent read their Constitution than you would ALL understand what Bush did was a betrayl to the American people. Bush didnt bothet including Congress.
        Every thing your president suggests has to be voted on by the people. Not decided by some guy groomed by his daddy ,,president Bush ,helped being groomed by Congress who only groom these few sections taking away your rights that is not legal.
        A majority want to believe your Constituion has changed when the Constituion of the Unitrd States has not.changed since it was signed. Your Constitution IS ,THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND…meaning NO ONE PERSON, NOT CONGRESS, NOT A PRESIDENT, NOT US ,NO ONE CANE CHANGE THOSE WORDS WRITTEN AND SIGNED. They are there to protect you and every American citizen to voice what we need.
        It was not written for people who are elected into office to do as the American people say because that is what Democracy means. It means every person who is a LEGAL CITIZEN 18 YEARS AND OVER TO VOTE on every issue presidents and congress are passing without your say…
        WHY? Because the majority of those legal to vote became complacent with their homes, cars,material garbage becoming more important than your right to choose.
        Ignoring what happened when Bush pushed the patriot act that did take rights away from the American citizens that VIOLATES your rights,yet no one says anything until crap like this happens then you all blame cops, look. In the mirror, ask yourself what have you done since Bush and Congress violated your rights. Did you protest against or just roll over and accept it must be okay?

      • law warrior November 3, 2014, 10:21 am

        How it works, there is this thing called the Constituion and in this document is a thing called your Bill Of Rights, in that is something called ,”DUE PROCESS” of our laws..
        Police can’t just accuse someone .They need a little thing called Probable Cause because IF cops did do what a majority are suggesting, every person suspected of a crime IF these cops everyone is so annoyed with trying to do a job NONE of the ignorant or complaining parties could do, youre. All guilty of allowing Bush to change the game by violating your rights pushing the patriot act, that changed search and seizure laws, arresting laws, so stop complaining that cops have it easy when BUSH. gave allowed more rights to people NOT legal citizens, violated your rights by pushing through changes NOT Voted on, “BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE”. You want to complain, complain that you allowed Bush to do what he did, his father Bush Sr., Clinton,,etc.,etc., and now for 2 terms obama. Look to what you let happen every time there is an election..if you do not agree with the limited selection, WRITE IN A NAME . IF EVERY AMERICAN 18 YEARS old registered to vote does NOT agree with the selected few who are chosen ,groomed by Congress that is not their right,not their job, you do not need to select the very limited choices, you can select yourself, your neighbor, grandfather, mother, and IF the entire legal voters have not and refuse to do what congress has been allowed to do that only benefits their pockets than stop allowing them to violate your rights. Read your constitution about who can be selected for president and stop letting congress getaway with distroying our country. It belongs to ,”WE THE PEOPLE”. …not congress and those with deep pockets the people have been blinded by . All the answers are written within our Constituion IF the legal citizens would just read it.

  • Nicks87 October 29, 2014, 2:08 pm

    What a f*cking amatuer. The cop needs to learn how to de-escalate the situation instead of acting just about as hysterical as the guy taking the video. Some people do not need to be involved in Law Enforement, like this officer, they might be better suited flipping burgers.

    • law warrior November 3, 2014, 9:34 am

      SATX1951 …You just called the person before a bigot. Do you even know what, “bigot” is?
      You go on to tell us your miliitary expeience. Your next words are how you too are afraid of police because there are many uncalled for police shooting civilians..
      Your statement is a very bigoted statement. That makes you exactly what you call the person before yourself for your reponse to him being a bigot.
      The Constitution all of us who were in the military took the same oath. We swore to protect it from those foreign and domesric trying to change, distroy or alter.
      And yet I have not seen one single military personnel do,say , defend or protect our Constituion against those people in Congress or others who are living in OUR White House off those of us who pay taxes not allowed in unless we pay for a tour.

      Those people being voted for by the people, for the people are betraying those same people . Those people, police included also take an oath who are violating their oath also not defending our Constituion .
      Maybe if every military personnel discharged or active reflected on what our DUTY is whether discharged or active to protect our Constitution from ALL who are trying to do it harm. Congress is doing our Constitution harm, they have turned even good people against one another. Made police paranoid against all citizens of this country making everyone suspect instead of the real crimnals.
      The real criminals are all those making such changes to YOURS, MINE and OUR CONSTITUION without permission of the people it was written for, who have lost limbs for,lost their brothers they stood next too, people of this country lost daughters,sons,mothers,fathers, fighting terroism on foreign soil leaving our soil vunerable to others making changes to a document they had nor have any right altering that all military and law enforcement take an oath to protect and yet allowing those trusted ,voted for are making changes to our Constituion without asking any of us what ,” We The People” want.
      It is our DUTY to protect our constitution against ALL foreign and domestic terrorist who are trying to cause, “We The People” harm and who are going against our Civil Rights to
      ,”Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
      Stop being concern about bigotry and be worried about those you are trusting betraying you as I write this.
      Almost as if THEY, those who are betraying the American Citizens are turning law enforcement against those same people in the efforts to keep more blinded by this so a majority are unable to see what Congress,and Presidents who has NO AUTHORITY to make changes Unless they FIRST ask ,”WE THE PEOPLE” And “WE THE PEOPLE” VOTE for or against every single thing they want to change and are NOT allowed unless a majority of ,”WE THE PEOPLE ” agree.
      Not Congress nor Presidents have thr authority to make or try making changes to our Constituion that is an act of terrorism against our Constituion that is and always will be our SUPREME LAW OF OUR LAND ..fought and died for by military and law enforcement ,so get your head out of that dark place and do what you and every ex military and law enforcement took that oath to do…stop fighting amoung ourselfs and protect your Constituion from all those trying to change it……..

  • LHTwist October 29, 2014, 10:53 am

    Today’s LEO has a difficult task considering all of the violent criminals they face. Still, they don’t have to behave like nazi’s in every situation. Their training should include the ability to differentiate the various levels of threat and act accordingly. If they’re too afraid to accept the responsibility they signed up for then maybe they should consider another occupation.

    Too many of them are in law enforcement because of an inferiority complex and someone’s going to get hurt.

    • Lauren November 3, 2014, 9:11 am

      “Nazis”. Did the cop put them in a gas chamber? Their training includes the fact that you can’t assume someone isn’t a threat just because they say so. The cameraman could simply pull a gun hidden in his waistband as soon as the cop turns his back. The cop wouldn’t have to be on edge if everyone just relaxed and did what the cop said. Do what the cop says and he won’t have a reason to think you are a threat.

      • Dennis November 3, 2014, 7:04 pm

        You mean like the Calif kid walking down the street and “one” out of the two cops in the patrol vehicle leaps out and empties his pistol – because the kid appeared to be a threat when turning with his weapons (which turned out to be airsoft weapons). The kid died and no charges were brought against the cop (he was afraid for his life (wrong job maybe??)
        Strange the other cop didn’t fire a shot (obviously didn’t feel threatened) – But not a problem you are safe – follow the cops directions and all is well – Keep on eating the candy sonny and someday I’m sure they’ll pepper your butt as well !! Be careful – they are not your protectors anymore!

  • zman October 28, 2014, 9:39 pm

    Police were right on this one 100%. The driver did a stupid thing not obeying the officers orders and the Vet was also way out of line. Once his buddy escalated the situation all nice nice is out the window. The officers MUST have controll over the situation before they get any details. The vet should have complied. And trying to take video? Yeah that would make any officer feel warm and fuzzy.

    • DaveGinOLy November 3, 2014, 2:43 am

      The officer pointed a firearm (threat of deadly force) on someone who presented no credible threat of danger to him or anyone else. If you did that, you’d be in jail.

      • Lauren November 3, 2014, 9:07 am

        In a traffic stop there could be coked up drug dealers or normal people inside the car. If you just do what the cop says everything is fine. If you flip out and ignore his commands then he has to assume, for his safety, that you are a threat. He isn’t superman. He doesn’t have x-ray vision. He doesn’t know if you are armed. He doesn’t know if you are going to CONTINUE to resist (since you didn’t listen the first time). If you aren’t a threat, don’t fucking act like one. The cop will get control of the situation, complete his search, and be on his way.

        I have no idea how you can’t understand that the cop can’t just assume you aren’t a threat and you won’t pull a pistol hidden in your waistband.

  • Jim Chandler October 28, 2014, 9:28 pm

    What a DUMBASS. Being a veteran gives you NO special privilege. Veterans are required to comply just like the rest of us (I’m a veteran also, but I wouldn’t stand there yelling at the cop) Just do what he says and get it over with. Just another stupid black thinking that he is above the law. Of course, the video doesn’t show what lead up to the confrontation. They never do. Then the dumbass shooting the video tries to make everyone thing that the cops just came up and pointed a gun at them. The officer had no way of knowing whether they had weapons or not and given the number of officers who have been killed or injured, I don’t blame them for going to gunpoint. You have to love the “jailhouse lawyer” talking about what is against the law. He’s lucky he didn’t make a sudden move that looked like he was going for a weapon or he would have videoed his own demise. My advice to him is, HEY STUPID, FORGET THE F*ING VIDEO AND DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD!

    • satx1951 October 30, 2014, 10:40 am

      What a Bigot you are, both are Hispanic. Natividad may have truly feared for his life. As a retired LEO with 42 years of service to Both the Nation, my State, and my County, I fear for my life if stopped because I Know that the officers intent is not to site the driver but to accelerate the stop to a (possible DUI or Drug Bust). “So I Train, So I Do”. The Peace Officer (He is not) stated he “smelt Marijuana”, This is drummed into every young officers mind along with the “smell of alcohol” as the have to search a vehicle with out consent. Jean-Baptiste (Driver) may have been confused or lost. Yes he may have been wrong to have moved from the center lane to the curb after the officer approached the vehicle. But flight to avoid arrest that is not. when stopped “Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid” because we’re not here to “PROTECT AND SERVE” we’re here to take you to the cleaners (Rob You Blind) in the name of the Entity we are employed by.

      • law warrior November 3, 2014, 6:46 am

        SATX1951 …You just called the person before a bigot. Do you even know what, “bigot” is?
        You go on to tell us your miliitary expeience. Your next words are how you too are afraid of police because there are many uncalled for police shooting civilians..
        Your statement is a very bigoted statement. That makes you exactly what you call the person before yourself for your reponse to him being a bigot.
        The Constitution all of us who were in the military took the same oath. We swore to protect it from those foreign and domesric trying to change, distroy or alter.
        And yet I have not seen one single military personnel do,say , defend or protect our Constituion against those people in Congress or others who are living in OUR White House off those of us who pay taxes not allowed in unless we pay for a tour.

        Those people being voted for by the people, for the people are betraying those same people . Those people, police included also take an oath who are violating their oath also not defending our Constituion .
        Maybe if every military personnel discharged or active reflected on what our DUTY is whether discharged or active to protect our Constitution from ALL who are trying to do it harm. Congress is doing our Constitution harm, they have turned even good people against one another. Made police paranoid against all citizens of this country making everyone suspect instead of the real crimnals.
        The real criminals are all those making such changes to YOURS, MINE and OUR CONSTITUION without permission of the people it was written for, who have lost limbs for,lost their brothers they stood next too, people of this country lost daughters,sons,mothers,fathers, fighting terroism on foreign soil leaving our soil vunerable to others making changes to a document they had nor have any right altering that all military and law enforcement take an oath to protect and yet allowing those trusted ,voted for are making changes to our Constituion without asking any of us what ,” We The People” want.
        It is our DUTY to protect our constitution against ALL foreign and domestic terrorist who are trying to cause, “We The People” harm and who are going against our Civil Rights to
        ,”Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
        Stop being concern about bigotry and be worried about those you are trusting betraying you as I write this.
        Almost as if THEY, those who are betraying the American Citizens are turning law enforcement against those same people in the efforts to keep more blinded by this so a majority are unable to see what Congress,and Presidents who has NO AUTHORITY to make changes Unless they FIRST ask ,”WE THE PEOPLE” And “WE THE PEOPLE” VOTE for or against every single thing they want to change and are NOT allowed unless a majority of ,”WE THE PEOPLE ” agree.
        Not Congress nor Presidents have thr authority to make or try making changes to our Constituion that is an act of terrorism against our Constituion that is and always will be our SUPREME LAW OF OUR LAND ..fought and died for by military and law enforcement ,so get your head out of that dark place and do what you and every ex military and law enforcement took that oath to do…stop fighting amoung ourselfs and protect your Constituion from all those trying to change it……..

        • George Price November 3, 2014, 7:45 pm

          law warrior – WHAT are you smokin’ ?? IDIOT …….

    • George Price November 3, 2014, 7:42 pm

      Jim – maybe the veteran is a dumbass and maybe not – I’m glad that you are advocating doing whatever a cop says when he says it JUST because the cop has a gun – I’ve known dozens and dozens of cops in my lifetime, most on a personal AND professional level and just because one has a gun doesn’t mean he can order a citizen around at GUNPOINT – YOU are “also” a dumbass – Cops DO NOT carry guns to protect US !!

    • Pat Covich November 4, 2014, 12:57 am

      Like you I am also a vet. and been out for over 40 years, even today if you pointed a fire arm at me I would do one of two things; Go emotional like this gentleman had done, or react in a defensive manner, I have disarmed several policemen and state troopers who pulled guns no me. I should mention that I am white so your racist remarks are not showing your intelligence.
      I bet you served in the military in the rear with the gear, so before you judge get your chicken butt out in the bush and be a man.

    • dink winkerson November 4, 2014, 12:35 pm

      Police do not have the right to even ask the passenger for identification, unless there is evidence of some wrong doing. We DO NOT HAVE TO OBEY EVERY ORDER THE POLICE GIVE US. Some of their bullshit is absolutely unconstitutional.

    • Jake November 4, 2014, 12:49 pm

      Although this (may) have gone differently for better or for worse no can argue what didn’t happen and your a fool to try. The point is we see far too many of these days cops with no protect and serve in mind but rather a lick my boot or be killed mentality, after all its how you are being federalized , trained ,and brainwashed we understand . FOR ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT WE ARE NOT OUT TO HURT YOU!!! Most cases we will help you however if your gonna make a molehill into a mountain , and a logical man now has to say to himself. When I get pulled over am I gonna die ? Am I going to be on you tube ? This is exactly what the vet was talking about , “This is America”. Unfortunatly all our “rights have been sold “. So look your local laws on how to take a cops pension or at least find the right wording not to escalate things if that’s even possible. Or volunteer a local city meetings get to know some cops in your area it helps when you can name drop a couple of people they know or have to report to. Plus you may make friends with them and see they are just people , sometimes bad but still the public isn’t the nicest either .Moral of this story be ready to go heaven at any time sbc (suicide by cop) can happen any time any where , to all those that say we still have some good cops left please just shut up. Even the good ones cover the bad ones , I call that an accomplice . Never the less I pray for peace and mercy and love on all people cops and others we are brothers and sisters just love one another please!

      However if we seek to make innocent men guilty just fill our coffers heaven have mercy , because there’s no worse man to fear than a good man made out to be bad , because he is justified and God is on his side.

    • Keith November 6, 2014, 6:31 pm
    • ralph garay December 9, 2014, 3:48 pm

      What people are failing to understand or refusing to admit. Cops have been killed with situations just like this. In an attempt to trust what a dip shit who jumps out of the car already not complying with simple requests so the policeman can insure there is no danger. All day someone can tell me they are not a threat but until I physically check to insure there are no weapons any smart policeman will maintain his advantage which is distance cover and his weapon until the help arrives to safely check someone.. COME ON PEOPLE This asshole obviously had mental issues… That were obvious, why should any policeman who is legally stopping and checking him trust him?… SAFETY FIRST If he wanted his rights he should have not created this drama then post it like we normal folks would give him support. I agree take his ass to the mental ward figure out what is lose so he doesn’t come out killing innocent people next time. NO ONE HAS A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO RESIST If you do and want to play JAIL HOUSE LAWYER then know you open the door to possibly getting hurt. OFFICER SAFETY FIRST To many incidents of cops killed or hurt bad because they trusted or were to nice and gave a person an opertunity to do what they planned. Jim Chandler I agree with you well said

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