Bank Robber Writhes in Pain After Being Shot 3 Times by Elderly Gun Owner

Memo to all criminals, thugs and bank robbers, more and more citizens are exercising their right to keep and bear arms these days so let this story serve as a cautionary tale that crime doesn’t pay, particularly when you happen to run into a law-abiding concealed carry permit holder in the midst of your depredations.

A bank robber walked into Citizen’s Bank in Warren, Michigan, on Monday at around 4 p.m. and proceeded to rob the tellers.

As the 43-year-old suspect was leaving the bank with approximately $11,000 in cash, he ran into a 63-year-old concealed carry permit holder.

The suspect pointed his gun at the elderly patron. Bad decision — for the robber. The older gentleman drew his own gun and shot the crook three times, once in leg and once in each arm.

Following the shooting, police and paramedics arrived on scene.

“The one guy’s arm was full of blood,” said witness Gary Guyette.

“They cuffed him and then they surrounded him,” he said. “He was moaning and kind of screaming and paramedics pulled up and started working on him.”

The suspect was brought to a local hospital where he was listed in serious condition. As for the gun owner, he’s been receiving praise from the community.

“It’s not every day you see a bad guy get shot and get taken down,” said witness Gary Guyette in an interview with Fox2 News.

“I’m glad to see that more people are carrying guns,” added Guyette. “And the bad guys think twice before they do something bad – and take care of business.”

Stefan Bahry, a firearm instructor at the Action Impact Gun Range, also praised the gun owner.

“For those people that are anti-gun and anti-us civilians carrying firearms, I say what if that was you inside of that bank,” Bahry said. “What if that person turned his gun on everybody inside the bank and just started shooting people for the heck of it. Maybe there is that one person that’s going to defend your life and that’s going to defend my life.”

Though an investigation is ongoing, it appears that the gun owner will not face charges for shooting the bank robber.

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  • KMacK March 12, 2018, 3:53 pm

    One word: GOOD! Criminals become law abiding when they don’t know who is armed.

  • Powder Burns May 16, 2016, 3:31 pm

    So does anyone else wonder what happened to the still missing $2000.00 that ” mysteriously disappeared” from the bag of $11,000.00 that Kendrick dropped on the sidewalk?

  • DRAINO September 26, 2015, 9:50 am

    He was just a common criminal doing what he does. That mean old gun-carrying American civilian had no right to stop or shoot that bank robber…it was none of his business that the bank was being held up….or that he pointed a gun at the old man….your supposed to let criminals do what they want or you are imposing on their rights and freedoms to commit crimes…..the nerve of some law abiding citizens!!! (Yes, I’m being sarcastic).

    • brad February 6, 2018, 7:17 pm

      You’re also doing an excellent impersonation of an idiot liberal. As if there was/is some other type of liberal?

      Nevertheless, you can be assured that many an idiot liberal has thought/said exactly what you did. And they weren’t actually joking. And yet still somehow certain people (other idiot liberals) don’t see any problem with such an attitude.

      It almost makes me shutter to even think about it.

  • SuperG September 24, 2015, 10:30 am

    Nice aim, but now he’ll get sued by the perp for violating his civil rights. Or maybe the guy will come after him when he gets out. A dead perp can’t do that. …just thinking out loud.

    • Dilligaf September 24, 2015, 5:07 pm

      Eliminate the threat completely and with extreme prejudice!

    • Mark Robinson May 12, 2017, 2:24 pm

      Where is your compassion? Don’t you understand that anyone who robs a bank at gunpoint is forced to do so out of desperation? I have made up my mind that in the event of a confrontation such as this I will approach the misunderstood criminal and give him two warning shots to the head – before I do something I might regret later.

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