Cocks Not Glocks Group Invited to White House

The ladies of "Cocks Not Glocks" at the White House. (Photo: Facebook)

The ladies of “Cocks Not Glocks” at the White House. (Photo: Facebook)

“Cocks Not Glocks,” an anti-campus carry group from the University of Texas at Austin, got invited to the White House last week to join a discussion on grassroots activism.

You remember Cocks Not Glocks, right? The protesters who, back in August, handed out approximately 4,000 dildos to students in opposition to Senate Bill 11, which legalized campus carry on public universities in Texas.

Well, invited the ladies of Cocks Not Glocks to Pennsylvania Avenue to join a “gun violence prevention” conversation. On Facebook, the group spoke about the experience and wondered if the president could overhear some of what was being said.

“They think it’s the first time ‘dildo’ has been said in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing. ‘Cocks’ also reverberated around the room dozens of times and Rosie, who was sitting right next to the Oval Office where Obama was sitting 10ft away, could hear his voice through the door,” said the ladies. “Does that mean he could hear ours?”

First off, with a pathological pervert like Bill Clinton once occupying the oval office, it’s highly doubtful that the word “cock” or “dildo” wasn’t used repeatedly in and around the White House.

Secondly, don’t you just love the activists that the Obama administration brings to the White House? Talk about a waste of time and money. “Gun violence prevention” isn’t a mystery. If the government aggressively targeted gangs and drug dealers the gun-related homicide rate would be reduced by at least a third. Forget all this B.S. about grassroots activism and passing more gun control; just go after bad guys with guns!

(Photo: Facebook)

(Photo: Facebook)

You know, I also wonder what the ladies of Cocks Not Glocks would say to a fellow student who wanted to carry to protect herself from sexual predators? Would they enthusiastically hand her a dildo and say, “Use this to fend off your attacker instead of your firearm”?

It’s pretty evident that Cocks Not Glocks is totally unaware that their anti-campus carry position actually undermines the safety of female students. Passing out sex toys to oppose campus carry was cute and clever and attention-grabbing (it landed them a free trip to the White House) but it doesn’t do anything to empower female students.

After all, it’s female students that would benefit the most from campus carry. Firearms are an equalizer. They give women an effective way to fight back against those who seek to do them harm. Sadly, as it relates to the protection and safety of female students, the ladies of Cocks Not Glocks have nothing to offer their peers but fake dicks and silly pictures from a visit to D.C.

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  • Wyantry January 27, 2017, 5:36 pm

    Maybe it is time to start a new movement:
    “Cocks AND Glocks” or “Glocks AND Cocks” ?
    or: “Jocks 4 Glocks” ?
    or: “Suck C___s, not Glocks” ?
    Any of these on a tee-shirt would probably get you banned from campus.

    So WHO PAID for these misguided females to go to the White House?
    How much did the whole propaganda-outing actually end up costing the American tax payers?
    Who (press secretary?, White House aide?) came up with the concept?

    I would bet some congressional aide spotted the original publicity, and passed it on to someone like Pelosi or Schumer (or equivalent), who passed it “up the line” till a White House aide [to the “Ministry of Propaganda”] passed it to some senior presidential aide, whereupon it HAD to go through the Press Secretary and the scheduling personnel prior heading to the POTUS calendar.
    So exactly WHO were these folks?

    We need to get a bit of ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ACTIONS being reviewed in D.C.

    This is one of the reasons so many in the Nation’s District of [Garbage] Collection are so panicky about a Trump and Republican dominated Congress.

  • Rollin Shultz January 6, 2017, 7:30 pm

    “They handed out 4,000 dildos”, well that says it all. No small group pf SJW activists has that kind of money. Some rich liberal with an anti gun agenda is funding these young women., They probably are privileged women untouched by campus violence, or they would think twice before joining such a group. If they were just some experienced adults who have been around long enough to actually know something, I could give them an ear, but they are barely out of childhood and ignorant.

  • ejharb October 30, 2016, 10:12 am

    They need the dildos for reason gentlemen.
    Nobody wants to provide the real thing.
    I’d tell you this makes me sad but that’d be a lie

  • Roscoe October 15, 2016, 10:42 pm

    I get the impression, from the photo, that some of these “ladies” don’t necessarily care about male “thingies”.

  • David Sifford October 15, 2016, 9:57 am

    I am sure their parents are proud of what these girls are doing, and are most likely re- thinking why they spent money for college on them now……especially the original one I saw with the dildos. wow…….

  • durabo October 15, 2016, 9:27 am

    It’s no secret that Bathhouse Barry is most comfortable with cocks, as he loved to play the skin flute at Chicago’s “Man’s Country” gay baths….

    • Matt October 18, 2016, 7:32 pm

      How do you know this? Where you there?

  • jt October 14, 2016, 10:55 pm

    Just what we need more sluts in the White House

    • Matt October 18, 2016, 7:32 pm

      Why do you hate women?

  • Scotty Gunn October 14, 2016, 5:23 pm

    Major dyke on the right….

    • Freefromsexpozzies October 14, 2016, 7:41 pm

      So what if she is a dyke? What difference does that make? These women are being ridiculous and their sexuality has zero to do with it.

  • Chuck October 14, 2016, 4:50 pm

    Well, with the rampant stories about Barry’s lifestyle, and Michael’s, is any wonder that group was allowed to visit the White House?

  • Chilkoot Charles October 14, 2016, 3:41 pm

    Can anyone elucidate upon this phenomenon of the leftist mindset that celebrates weakness and victimhood? The Greatest virtue is to be put upon and vanquished by some superior force of “inequality”. The greatest vice is to be strong and self-reliant. The firearm as the ‘great equalizer’ must be banned for it’s ability to stave off victimization.

    • Sir Kyle Edward Wilds October 15, 2016, 12:15 am

      Oh contraire’ chillkoot charlie if you do not desire to boldly hold a fabulous firearm of your choice then you must keep yourself and others that may follow ( for whatever ridiculous reason) prepared to protect oneself and others with one of the sexual toys that were handed out at the rally and might i say i wish you and your cronies good luck ! Talley ho laddie !!!!!


  • Heath Jones October 14, 2016, 3:03 pm

    I am so sick and tired of all these anti-2nd amendment groups like these idiots. I live and Texas, but by no means a Longhorn fan. There is nothing which comes out of that University that is worth crap. A girl was raped and killed by a homeless man on campus and now they passed campus carry (AWESOME), but these seriously misinformed or uninformed students start handing out dildo’s and trying to keep people from protecting their selves or maybe someone else. Liberalism is running rampid across our nation and it is destroying the minds of our youth and is destroying our country minute by minute. “Cocks not Glocks” is just one example of this idiocy and I’m hoping someone with a brain can stop this one day.

    TRUMP 2016

  • Miguel Raton October 14, 2016, 2:26 pm

    Ironically, if these young women who seem desirous of offers to take dictation would start hanging around the sort of well-heeled gentlemen they are campaigning against, their unfulfilled romantic desires would likely be rectified to their satisfaction. They’re definitely misguided, and one only hopes that they realize the error of their approach before they end up bitter harpies like the DNC’s presidential candidate for 2016…

  • Fake Niceto Alcala Zamora y Torre October 14, 2016, 2:19 pm

    Great, now we’ve got a bunch of college women with almost zero life experience and absolutely no idea what they are talking–either cocks or Glocks–discussing dildos and penises IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Sure enhances the dignity of the place doesn’t it.

    Putin must be laughing his head off about now.

    What’s next, dildos made by General Dynamics out of re-cycled drone tires in the White House gift shop?

    The president is actively campaigning against a constitutional right–a constitution he swore to uphold. And the best he can find for advisors is a bunch of teenagers? Who’ve probably never see or held a firearm in their lives?

    Gotta to say though, I agree with them about Glocks, my least favorite firearm.

  • Tommy Barrios October 14, 2016, 12:20 pm

    Any COCK that wants to be associated with these Communist Progressive Liberal CUNTS is NO COCK , but just ANOTHER CUNT!

    • Matt October 18, 2016, 7:34 pm

      That sounds like America to me. Anyone I disagree with is a CUNT.

  • Ken Davis October 14, 2016, 12:09 pm

    This is what passes for intelligence on our college campuses. Tuition is a total waste of money. These dimwits are perpetuating the victim mentality and have also objectified themselves at the same time. You can’t fix stupid!

    • Fake Niceto Alcala Zamora y Torre October 14, 2016, 2:22 pm

      I wonder if any of them have even considered what can happen when they turn their precious campus into a ‘gun free’ zone.

      Why didn’t Obama talk to any teenage males?

  • PatrickJT October 14, 2016, 12:05 pm

    Obama sure loves those cocks!

    • Mel Fields October 14, 2016, 3:38 pm

      I’m sure your wife prefers the African American one

  • Craig Gallagher October 14, 2016, 11:46 am

    Seriously the United States invited these “ladies” to the white house. When hillary assumes her bought and paid for throne I will gladly leave this country as this has spiraled out of control and down the toilet. Could this also be a metaphor for welcome to the country of big “pussies” pardon my blatant poor taste but just following the example set.

    • Tommy Barrios October 14, 2016, 1:30 pm

      Where are you going to run to that has a 2nd Amendment or anything close to our Constitution??
      Switzerland would be the close, but they are taxed at about 75%!
      You need to stay HERE and FIGHT, not run away!
      We are the Greatest Nation ever conceived on the planet, we must not let it perish or EVIL will surely triumph world wide!
      Go back and look carefully at what our founders sacrificed to form the Greatest Nation and ask yourself, are you willing to do the same to retrieve our Great Nation from the murderous jaws of Communist Progressive Liberal HELL!

      • ejharb October 30, 2016, 10:42 am

        I agree,make them move. Trump begins it.

    • Fake Niceto Alcala Zamora y Torre October 14, 2016, 2:27 pm

      Having lived in a large number of foreign countries; I think you will find that you just can’t own a gun in any of them. End of story.

      Mexico has a right to keep and bear arms in its constitution. The Mexican government campaigns actively against average citizens possessing any kind of firearm. Of course, this doesn’t not halt the sale of illegal and illicit firearms. This proving the adage: “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”

  • KurtW October 14, 2016, 11:42 am

    A twat who is always surrounded by guns, livin’ large in OUR WH filled with guns to protect him, invites a group of people who will bring him dildos.

    You’d think this was a story fabricated by The Onion, but no. As they say – “Ya can’t make this stuff up”….because barry has made it the new reality. Surely, bahney fwank wegwets wetiwing too soon.

  • BIGKIELBASSA October 14, 2016, 11:40 am

    Of course they were invited to the supposed to be White House .. Obama prefers Cocks over Glocks . As far as those Bruce Jenner look a likes posing as ladies , I’ll let the hold mine. Not my Glock tho. Wait until they get assaulted and raped by someone like , say,,, Bill Clinton ?? I’ll bet then they’ll wish they had a gun .. It is their choice and their right to protest I understand . But it is my right to own a Glock ….. You bitch and cry about me having a gun .. I’ll laugh and enjoy being safe with my Glock.. And my huge Cock, er I mean Glock ..Both are repeaters .

    • Mel Fields October 14, 2016, 3:40 pm

      Like you don’t like strap-ons worn by your wife

  • charles graham October 14, 2016, 11:33 am

    Show us your strap-on.

    • Ed October 14, 2016, 11:50 am

      I just don’t get it. what a slap in the face to someone who may have been sexually assaulted on campus. these anti-gun nuts will go to the most absurd lengths to get attention. makes perfect sense that this administration would invite them to the white house.

  • ed October 14, 2016, 11:31 am

    just goes to further show the simple ignorance, and laziness of intellect, these groups continue to reflect. No common sense and deep thought on issues, just act based on how you feel.. truly scary and an indication of segments in the country that will destroy the United States of America if we let them..

  • Bishop Ed Skiba October 14, 2016, 11:19 am

    Why do you call these women “ladies?” They are far from the Texas Ladies I know.

    • les jones October 14, 2016, 11:55 am

      want to bet none of them are from Texas . Non resident students, The name Sounds like a rapist group afraid of getting shot LOL

  • gary October 14, 2016, 11:08 am

    There Dildos are not much good against a gun or even knife for that matter. Lots of luck with those against an armed attack. But at least you can die with smile on your face I guess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Horace Wynn October 14, 2016, 10:55 am

    Dikes with dicks now. This is what our colleges teach now? Texas women are better than this.

  • Ken October 14, 2016, 10:54 am

    …. and Mochell asked if they could bring “samples” ….

    Meanwhile in the rest of the world RED LINES are being crossed and cops are being murdered and children being bombed …
    But damnit we need a good cock at the WH ! (that’s what she said)

  • Horace Wynn October 14, 2016, 10:50 am

    Dikes now with dicks huh. This what women learn in college? Texas women are better than this.

    • oldfuzz695 October 14, 2016, 2:30 pm

      The black ghetto dudes call them “chicks with dicks”. They are all over the place in Atlanta, usually after midnite when the gay bars close. These strange people would do less harm than those morons from the college campuses with their dildos. My joy stick is a 92F Berretta and look out. I may be there when your shit gets thin.

      • Mel Fields October 14, 2016, 3:42 pm

        You know you enjoy those chicks with dicks

  • Jack October 14, 2016, 10:38 am

    Another figurative flip of the bird by the poseur living in the White House. Nothing surprises us anymore when he pulls this sort of crap.

  • JR October 14, 2016, 10:24 am

    I’ll bet their parents are so proud…

  • Arclight October 14, 2016, 9:55 am

    Glocks are always cocked, dumb-ass bitches…

  • dash October 14, 2016, 9:43 am

    And why isn’t Glock corporate suing the hell out of these brats for using their trademarked name in such a nasty defamation kind of way? Seems they’d have at least one avenue of throwing a cold bucket of legal water on them, no?

    • Retrocon October 14, 2016, 10:37 am

      Glock will never jeopardize their law enforcement contracts.

  • dash October 14, 2016, 9:33 am

    All of this dildo stuff is par for the course of this presidency, idiotic upon idiotic, topped with a heaping scoop of media dung.
    So.. there I was a year ago actually welcoming the miserable election process, complete with its all-consuming media coverage of any crumb of scandalous fodder along with the barrage of bold-faced lying campaign ads… all in an effort to finally slow the roll of progressive liberal nonsense and outright lies.

    Then… we Republican idiots in an over enthusiastic effort to avoid the stench of any “career politician” landed upon that gawdamn rooster Trump, and in doing so have guaranteed the white house to the Clinton Criminal Clan.

    Nice job everyone.. we should all be beaten with those dildos.. instead Trump is going to stick one with Hillary’s face on it in all our a…

    • Tom Horn October 14, 2016, 10:02 am

      Yeah, should of been, could have been…

      When that Bantam rooster is the only thing you got going for you in the cock fight, you’d better be cheering for him to take out the vicious hen.

    • Fulton October 14, 2016, 12:24 pm

      Yeah, Jeb Bush would have saved our bacon……………….for the globalists.

  • D.S. October 14, 2016, 9:20 am

    Wont get any shitty racist comments out of me. I like to make gun owners look not so ignorant and foolish. But I completely agree with this. A HUGE part of the growing firearms community is female gun owners who are tired of being a victim to evil men. It is an equalizer and gun companies are designing guns for females from the ground up. If you ask me thats a VERY good thing. ALL Americans should safely exercise their rights not just pissed off nationalist and Bubba from the swamp. We as gun owners are NOT the stereotype thats played out over and over. We are intelligent reasonable people who can make sense of all this craziness.

  • Chet Hribal October 14, 2016, 9:13 am

    Twits with twats.

  • BJG October 14, 2016, 9:08 am

    The slime inviting the scum to the White House. bet he’ll put them to good use. gulp gulp.

  • Tacticaltshirts October 14, 2016, 9:06 am

    This whole subject is dumb. Just like #bringbackourgrils.It\’s a way for know nothing, do nothing, kids to pat themselves on the back and pretend they are making a difference.

  • Allen Lawson October 14, 2016, 9:05 am

    The government is promoting cocks not glocks but trump can’t talk to his buddies about getting a little . Ha .I hope our grandkids don’t ask about cocks not glocks . At 2 & 4 years old I would rather teach them about gun safety not about cocks and dildoes

    • Matt October 18, 2016, 7:36 pm

      He didn’t talk about getting a little, he talked about groping women’s pussies. That’s a crime.

  • jimbob October 14, 2016, 8:46 am

    Their parents (and grandparents) must be proud!

  • rev_dave October 14, 2016, 8:12 am

    Ha ha! I suppose a woman who is armed with a dildo to protect herself on campus, when attacked, should just pull out her dildo and ‘beat him off’? LOL!

    • Horace Wynn October 14, 2016, 10:52 am

      Har Har Har….I like this comment.

  • Infidel7.62 October 14, 2016, 7:43 am

    Dildos carrying dildos, meeting with a dildo. Is there a common theme here?

  • Tom Horn October 14, 2016, 7:30 am

    Sick. If we can’t remove these depraved liberals from our government, I am about to the point of calling for secession from the Union. You can keep your hate of the National Anthem, people can’t be trusted with guns, let all the criminals out of prison government. Whats’ next, inviting the Guantanamo Bay terrorist to tea in the Rose Garden? Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves.

  • srsquidizen October 14, 2016, 7:20 am

    GFL when they pull that dildo on a rapist…”Back off a**hole I’m not afraid to flip the switch!”

  • tommy October 14, 2016, 6:40 am

    How will Barry refrain himself?

    • DRAINO October 15, 2016, 5:49 pm

      Duh! He’s gay….won’t be a problem. After all, Michael is not a woman. Where have you been? Lol!

  • fxdwg03 October 14, 2016, 6:34 am

    This is so sad, but unfortunately this is the type of news that is becoming the norm. This is a cute publicity stunt but does nothing to solve the issue of why people carry a firearm for protection. I have carried concealed for many years and no one knows that I have a firearm except me. Most folks that carry concealed are the same way and hope they never have to use the firearm, but at least we are prepared for the moment when it does have to be used. I compare it to having a spare tire in your vehicle. You hope you never have a flat tire but are prepared when it does happen. I have two daughters and I am concerned about their safety, so this is why I have taught them how to shoot and protect themselves. They will probably never carry concealed but will know how to use a firearm if necessary.

  • RetNavet October 14, 2016, 6:21 am

    All of the crudeness and lowering of moral standards particularly in respect to the Presidency took a deep dive down when that pillar of moral virtue Slick Willy Clinton was installed as a resident at 1300 Pennsylvania Ave…..and now we have little girls with dildoes being welcomed in by our Indonesia raised, Saul Alinsky schooled, America hating current resident….most appalling is the possibility of Clinton and the entire Clinton Crime Family back to steal more of the White House silverware.

  • John Franco October 14, 2016, 3:03 am

    Why does the left always look like it’s made up of weirdos and perverts? Not all of course but coincidentally many. Furthermore why does Obama always seem to embrace every crackpot racist organization with open arms? I give thanks to God I know better than to associate with that type of oddness.

  • Usa Patriot October 14, 2016, 2:41 am

    It’s usually the out of touch rich kids who’ve never had to fight for anything in their lives that are the first in line to take away the ability of the rest of us to defend ourselves.

    The more people become sheep the more they will be preyed on by the wolves; and sadly people like this women are too willfully ignorant to recognize the difference between a wolf and a sheep dog..

  • J October 10, 2016, 9:32 pm

    This article states that cracking down on gangs and drugs will get rid of the gun violence. “If the government aggressively targeted gangs and drug dealers the gun-related homicide rate would be reduced by at least a third. Forget all this B.S. about grassroots activism and passing more gun control; just go after bad guys with guns!” That’s a pretty simplified view, and the author gave no statistics to back up his argument that we would see “gun-related homicide drop by at least a 1/3.” It seems like the war on drugs had a pretty solid shot at that method. It hasn’t worked. It will never work. All the war on drugs has done is exponentially expand our prison system, and all the prison system does is create more criminals out of non-violent drug offenders. Grassroots activism is exactly what we need, not more drug enforcement. Being active in your local community is referred to as “B.S.” in this article. Why? It takes a village to raise a child, and surrounding children with positive community influences doesn’t seem like B.S. to me. We’re all a product of our immediate environment, and if the environment continues to be sour, the result will always be negative. Now, I agree with some kind of restrictions on guns (no-fly list and all that), but I’m not at the far end of the argument thinking that we should take all the guns. If you ask me, the gun-violence/gun ownership argument is just another distraction. Nobody is coming to take all the guns. Gun ownership isn’t the problem. Homicide rates in the US are lower now than they’ve been since 1963, meanwhile, the number of new guns sold each year has been steadily climbing (has more than tripled) since 2003. This would seem to suggest a direct correlation to the drop in homicide rate.

    • Chris Cole October 11, 2016, 10:56 pm

      Mm can’t find numbers, but I have to agree with the author here. The war on drugs comparison does not apply here. As for the cocks not glockenspiel gals, it would be grand to see them take a midnight stroll just off campus away from all the lights, or better yet, cut across campus there in Austin in the dark armed only with their dildos. Baring that I have zero respect for them. They attend one of the best schools in the US, likely on mommy and daddy’s dime and this is the best they can come up with ? And our Harverd law educated president can’t find anyone other then these skanks to have over to the white house ? If that’s what our collages are producing, and the likes of Drumphf, Obamna and the Clinton are the politicians we present to the world then America is dead.

    • Mikey October 14, 2016, 3:53 am

      “Nobody is coming to take all the guns.”

      What a very naive statement to make, especially considering there are active and prominent politicians that have openly advocated an outright ban on private firearm ownership, the most prominent of which being Hillary Clinton.

      Not to mention all the other politicians who strongly advocate revoking the individual right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the second amendment, and solidified by the supreme court. With this coming election, they just might have their chance. Then the door is open on our second amendment rights, just keep that in mind the next time you say “nobody wants to take our guns”.

    • Tom Horn October 14, 2016, 8:21 am

      Mr. J,

      Please educate yourself on the, “No Fly List.” Read here:
      “Nobody is coming to take all the guns.”
      Educate yourself further. From, Richard Pearson, Executive director of the Illinois State Rifle Assoc., 10/06/2016:

      “… It has taken millions of dollars, an enormous amount of time, massive efforts by organizations like the ISRA, NRA and SAF as well as personal sacrifices by people like Dick Heller, Otis McDonald and others to bring the Second Amendment back to its real meaning. If Hillary Clinton is elected President, Heller v DC, which is the cornerstone of the Second Amendment movement, will be reversed. McDonald v City of Chicago will be overturned, as well as many other cases and will fall by the wayside and turned into the dust of history. Moreover, there are other important cases waiting like Peruta v County of San Diego, which seeks to destroy concealed carry. In this case, the County of San Diego insists there is no right to carry concealed in the Second Amendment and that a person must prove his or her life is in danger before being issued a permit. The 9th Circuit upheld the County’s position by a margin of 7-4. Before you say that it’s “just California”, Hillary’s court will make that the law of the land….”

    • rev_dave October 14, 2016, 8:43 am

      Where is your evidence for your fantasy statement that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’? I see no evidence of that in our society, and I would suggest that what it takes are two involved parents. Any ‘village’ is just icing, but without involved parents there’s no cake. For example – who in your ‘village’ would spank a child getting too far out of line?

    • Ram6 October 14, 2016, 10:03 am

      ” It takes a village to raise a child, and surrounding children with positive community influences doesn’t seem like B.S. to me.”

      Sorry, J. Most of your post resonated, but this line is absurd.

      What it takes to raise a child is involved, caring parents, not some mythical “village”. That’s Hillary, Democrat, leftist liberal speak for gives us your children and we’ll give you a nice docile liberal in return.

      By the way these “girls” are absurd. Their parents must be very proud of their mouths let alone how they are spending their time while their folks shell out thousands for tuition, board, books, etc. I agree with the poster who said, “let them travel in the dark across campus armed with nothing but a sex toy and see what that feels like when accosted”. They are silly little girls living in the land of rainbows, lollipops, fairies and unicorns.

  • Kivaari October 10, 2016, 8:21 pm

    At least it goes along with the weenies in the White House.

  • Dave Hicks October 10, 2016, 8:00 pm

    Good grief ! What has happened to the young woman of America today. They should all be ashamed .

  • Christian October 10, 2016, 10:21 am

    Honestly, I do feel so much right now for you guys in the USA but here in Europe an idiotic movement like that would also have no problem to receive political attention like this. Sometimes you can only get to the point, in which you believe that being normal (heterosexual, functioning mind, knowledge about honor and loyalty just to name three points) is somehow being an alien from outer space, in our so called “modern world”. More and more I have to believe that mankind has nothing else to worry about than their stupid sex talk, pride parades and dildo movements like this one. No wonder that our world looks so doomed right now. If these girls would be in a movement against terrorism, poverty or something like this…. but no, they stick to a dildo movement as if this is the biggest problem mankind is facing! I mean, there is no problem to me by having a gun at campus, as school shootings are a violent reality and I personally would feel much safer if a situation like this occurs. That is much better than just hiding under a table and waiting for your death because the liberal government is just talking nonsense by believing having no guns would make us all so much safer. Who can finally stop this worldwide idiocy? Because it is unfortunately a worldwide problem of being defenseless and therefore being slaughtered by sick people with sick minds.

    If I would be the president and these girls would have entered the White House, I would have sent these stupid girls right to Syria, with their stupid dildos in their hands. I wonder what ISIS will do then with them. That would be the best place of trying to find out if their stupid theory would work and if you will be much safer in such areas, by carrying a dildo instead of having a loaded Glock in your hands. Or, I would have just thrown them all into a supermax prison because of absolute idiocy and mental illness that endangers the other American people, by making them defenseless in taking their guns and giving them dildos instead. Think about that, they even do a good deed for the rapists. When they are assaulted and have nothing than their dildos, the rapist might use this tool to stuff their mouth, so that they cannot even scream for help. This makes it a lot easier for the rapists and would finally turn the minds of these stupid girls around, when it is once again all too late of course.

    By the way, I agree 100% with the text. I do believe as well that much more perverted words have been said already in the White House during the Clinton era, especially during the minutes in which Monica gave Mr. President a “special job”, you know.

    So much for now, but just one more thing: I’ve mentioned being defenseless while hiding under a table during a school shooting. Well, just remember Columbine: The two killers were in, only they had the guns and the police had absolutely no guts to go in and stop these guys. The first SWAT unit went in, when both Eric and Dylan have already committed suicide. So, what should have ever stopped them? Only guns at school/campus! If I would ever meet one of these idiots, I would give them these arguments because I do believe arguments like these are the best you can have to make freaks like these girls see the reality. Liberals and twisted minds like these never had good arguments. Guns save lives for Christ’s sake, like it or hate it but that is the truth!

  • DRAINO October 9, 2016, 5:44 pm

    What a freakin disgrace to our country!! ….That ANY president would bring such a vulgar group of anti-American, freedom hating, socialist wannabe’s to the WH….and make the taxpayers pay for it…!!!!???? This doesn’t PISS off ALL the REAL AMERICAN people…!!!!??? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!! I don’t care what Trump said about women……If he doesn’t get elected, this garbage will be happening a LOT more and it will get even WORSE!!! I’ll be surprised if we don’t see pics of Hitlary with this group showing up on FB soon. How humiliating, that these diluted twisted people get this favorable treatment. Think we DON’T need to make our country great again????? This is not what a great country does. Shame on this administration!!!!

    • John Peschke October 25, 2016, 12:59 am

      Pathetic- just like the current administration

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