‘Cocks Not Glocks’ Group Launches ‘Student Body Armor’ to Oppose Campus Carry

'Cocks Not Glocks' Group Launches 'Student Body Armor' to Oppose Campus Carry

Student Body Armor. (Photo: Cocks Not Glocks)

Cocks Not Glocks, the group of college students from the University of Texas at Austin who took a jab at campus carry by passing out 4,000 dildos to their peers (get it, cocks in lieu of Glocks), is up to new hijinks in an attempt to double down on its opposition to laws that allow law-abiding students, faculty, and staff to carry concealed firearms onto school grounds.

In a newly released video, a sorta fake infomercial, the group pitches “Student Body Armor,” which is “a complete line of custom college apparel lined with Type II Body Armor, offering a unique balance between school pride and blunt trauma protection from high-velocity rounds,” according to the group’s website.

“It’s the perfect solution for anyone with legitimate concerns about campus carry* laws,” it continues.  “After all, there’s been an incident involving a firearm at a school every week on average for the last four years.”

The group laments the fact that as many as nine states currently permit campus carry.

“Student Body Armor is a joke.  Campus Carry is not,” reads a card within the video.  They then encourage viewers to contact their local representative to voice their concern about campus carry.

Yet, like with Constitutional carry laws, the fears attached to campus carry laws are largely overblown.  To give you an idea, researcher and economist John Lott Jr. wrote about the effects of campus carry in an op-ed published by the Columbus Dispatch.

“Today, 12 states have laws mandating that public college campuses allow permitted concealed handguns. An additional 21 states leave it up to the university. Prior to the early 1990s, states allowing concealed handguns didn’t have legal restrictions, and there weren’t any problems on school property,” wrote Lott.

“Permit holders are extremely law-abiding, committing any type of firearms-related violation at a rate of just thousandths of one percentage point, and most violations are trivial,” he continued. “A study by the Crime Prevention Research Center found that college-age permit holders in Michigan, Nevada, and Texas are at least as responsible as older permit holders.”

Dr. Lott went on to say that the gun-free zone alternative is untenable because criminals prefer soft targets.

“These killers might be crazy, but they aren’t stupid. They want to kill as many people as possible. Killers consistently pick defenseless targets where they know no one will have a gun. Just look at the 2015 Charleston, S.C., church shooting, the 2012 theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., and the 2015 attack in San Bernardino, Calif,” wrote Lott.

So, while Cocks Not Glocks may joke about Student Body Armor perhaps it isn’t such a bad idea, especially if they want to go back to the old way of doing things.  Criminals will always have guns.  They will always seek out soft targets.  By pushing out the very people that can actually stop an armed spree killer on campus, yeah, Cocks Not Glocks might want to keep a bullet-resistant vest at the ready, because when the SHTF survival is no laughing matter.

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  • Kane April 17, 2020, 2:01 pm

    Where do lesbians stand on this issue?

  • BigC April 24, 2017, 6:49 am

    I was just wondering if these snowflakes have their university logos on their dildos too!

  • concerned April 23, 2017, 6:02 am

    Hey, kids!!! Who’s been shot on the UT Austin campus since the concealed carry law has gone into effect?? WHAT?!?!?! NO ONE!!!! Say it ain’t so.
    So, stupid liberal students, be the tolerant, open minded, THINKING person you are, and realize your argument has no merit and you need to stop this foolishness.
    (I don’t know how you are going to make it in my world when you get here. Be ready…you were warned.)

    • John April 24, 2017, 1:01 pm

      If you hate masculinity send your son to UT-Austin where he can become a steer or queer. Maybe the vast homeless in Austin will sexually assault some of the cocks not glocks girls…. who in return will call people with glocks to protect them…kinda funny slogan for girls who look like they prefer sideway sloppy joes….

  • Rrudytoo April 22, 2017, 5:31 am

    Two thoughts: First, would these fools be prepared to wear their body armor each and every day or just on those days when an active shooter comes on campus? The second thought makes me question the effectiveness of a dildo against an armed assailant. I would think it about as effective as Nero playing his violin as Rome burned.

  • alex April 21, 2017, 11:09 pm

    they forgot the one that goes across their box,that way they’ll be fully protected.

  • Andrew N. April 21, 2017, 10:35 pm

    “After all, there’s been an incident involving a firearm at a school every week on average for the last four years.” Good stat! Unfortunately, since none of those incidents involved a CCW person doing anything wrong, so it’s kind of an empty statistic. Of course, most anti-gun / anti-CCW stats are fictional or out of context, so they are staying within their normal playbook.

  • Mister Ronald April 21, 2017, 3:08 pm

    I think they really have a good idea.
    The only better idea is to allow a person with a permit to carry something that will protect more then one person if needed.
    The body armor only protects one person, The one wearing it.
    Now that I think of it, NOT SUCH A GOOD IDEA.

  • john April 21, 2017, 2:09 pm

    these girls are missing a couple of things. a kevlar helmet and some ar500 plates inserts . this way they can be totally protected especially that enormous brain that told them to put all this gear on to begin with … Wear that extra 40 pounds of gear every day for a few months and it will make them strong! they will still be totally stupid … but strong !

  • Rich W. April 21, 2017, 11:42 am

    “…the group pitches ‘Student Body Armor,’ which is ‘ complete line of custom college apparel lined with Type II Body Armor, offering a unique balance between school pride and blunt trauma protection from high-velocity rounds’…”

    That right there shows the complete ignorance of this group. Type II armor won’t stop a handgun round let alone a high velocity rifle round.

    • G April 21, 2017, 1:07 pm

      Type II body armor is used for handgun rounds. It will not stop rifle rounds. The huge majority of shootings are with a handgun.
      You have no idea what you’re talking about. The internets is good for 10 seconds of research so you can add something intelligent to a conversation.

  • Mauser6863 April 21, 2017, 10:46 am

    $20,000 Dildos, LOL. Gotta wonder who is actually paying the bills here. Even without batteries, that’s some coin.

    Guess they had to do something to get attention. I wonder how they feel about their fellow sociaIist who wish to ban civilian ownership of body armor?

  • James April 21, 2017, 10:24 am

    Body armor to make the ugly even more ugly! The real question is did these half-cocked ladies(?) use tax dollars (UT receives a lot of State funding in addition to it’s oil revenues) to buy those 4,000 dildoes they handed out? If so, they could face some serious charges from which body armor will not save them!

  • Parabellum April 21, 2017, 10:15 am

    I wonder if I might be able to market some Trijicon HD sights or a Burris Fastfire RMR upgrades for their dildos. Without a lot of dedicated practice, it’s ‘hard’ to keep those things on target with their stock sighting systems. (Though, somehow I think they’re getting plenty of practice time.)

  • Chuckchi Sea April 21, 2017, 10:07 am

    Who says college is for smart people?

    • JT April 21, 2017, 10:40 am


    • LJ April 21, 2017, 8:11 pm

      Yep, prime example – UC Berkeley.

  • Yellow Snowflake April 21, 2017, 10:02 am

    Why can’t I think up the next kooky, worthless line of money-wasting junk to sell to people living in their tragic imaginations? Even after endless complaints about the outrageously artificial expenses of higher indoctrination, they still have enough money to throw at the genius who’s laughing all the way to the bank on this exercise in futility.

  • KurtW April 21, 2017, 9:47 am

    For a bunch of womyn (regardless of chromosomes) who proudly bandy-about dildos and proclaim their affinity for cocks, they’re just a bunch of teases. Make that school-spirit armor real, and I see a real market!!! Good idea, they just need to follow through….. maybe learn about Capitalism, while they’re at it. Why, they might even gain an interest in our Constitution that made the USA different from the rest of the world.
    Ironic for anti-2A “stoodintzes” to have such a great product idea by accident.

  • Griffendad April 21, 2017, 8:54 am

    Goes great with a camo Birka.

  • Darren P. April 21, 2017, 8:50 am

    I would like.to.be surprised by the liberals ignorance and nativity…………..but I’m just not anymore. Let’s see if I can yell this loud and slow enough for them to understand…………YOUR PERSONNEL SECURITY IS ULTIMATELY UP TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO ONE ELSE IS OBLIGATED TO HELP YOU NO MATTER HOW SPECIAL YOU BELEIVE YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And body armor is not a joke and neither is carrying concealed, both of which you have the right to. I am so aggravated how these self absorbed snowflakes believe it’s in our best interests to have them tell us what, were and how we “May” protect ourselves and loved ones. God bless you all.

  • Tony Romano April 21, 2017, 8:40 am

    Could someone please talk some sense into these snowflakes, Thanks in advance.

    • Vic April 21, 2017, 10:32 am

      Nah, let them stay in happy land… Less drag on society, they’ll be the victim of crime someday and for their sake hopefully the perpetrators will accept their parlance.

      I learned the hard way… After a year in Afghanistan in 08, my thanks from my fellow citizens… A gun shot shattering my left tibia!! Scores of firefights in Eastern Afghanistan, and all fingers and toes in tac… February 2011, robbed! Grabbed the firearm, either my finger or his knarled, twisted and snapped finger, pulled the trigger. A .45 hydra-shock later, 6 hours of surgery, metal this or that, repaired tibia and 2 months of crutches, later 18 years of time for the dickweed and a severely jacked up and probably unusable right finger that I twisted around the trigger guard of his pistol!!

      Note to the range Warriors, you do not always have time to draw clean and clear like the shoot shack, bomb dot com, or whatever your range is named! So the lesson here… Be the baddest MF’r there that day, practice unarmed or failure to fire/unable to draw stuff or just die!!

  • Gary Lee April 21, 2017, 7:22 am

    “Cocks not Glocks”? I suspect these delusional Leftie female students would like to confiscate and/or disarm both…..

  • Derrick April 19, 2017, 3:36 pm

    That armor is sick. I need a Carolina Panthers set and a Tar Heels set.

    • Derrick April 19, 2017, 3:48 pm

      Alot of fans that also like guns would dig this product if it was real(roll tide vest would sell out). Hell, with modern manufacturing they could put any logos or themes on them. Imagine all the Stark and Lannister vest you’d see at the range, lol.

    • Chuckchi Sea April 21, 2017, 10:11 am

      Ima git me one of them there vests and git my GeeLock Duracoated tangerine to match.

  • SuperG April 19, 2017, 11:56 am

    They are in college, but have learned nothing. When criminals and crazies have guns and you do not, then you have only three choices, run, hide, or die. We’ve created a group of narcissistic sheeple who have no basic understanding of the world around them. We should start calling them what they truly will become though…victims.

    • henryknox April 19, 2017, 11:04 pm

      I support their right to wear body armor as long as they respect law abiding concealed carry students right to protect themselves and their fellow students. Unfortunately, the Progressives are not as Tolerant as Conservatives.

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