NSR C-5 Concealment Tuckable Folder Over Holster

The ventalation may look cosmetic, but these holes allow for different set-ups of the C-5.

The ventilation may look cosmetic, but these holes allow for different set-ups of the C-5.

NSR C-5 Concealment Tuckable Folder Over Holster

Swimming in the sea of Kydex can be a daunting process. Everybody and their brother have started to mold Kydex holsters and accessories. Figuring out what products are worth your money and what products will probably end up on the online swap meet can be an expensive processes. In my search to find the next generation of Kydex holsters, I ran across a company that makes and sells holsters tailored to the needs of the every day man–a company that ships holsters fast, works better than the competition, and at a price that makes them even more competitive.

The NSR C-5 is a holster built with concealment in mind. It is designed to ride inside the waistband, and can be tucked underneath a shirt. The holster build is minimalist, but has room for expansion. It allows the end user to modify the rig to suit his or her needs. Allowing for adjustment in cant, depth, and retention, the C-5 is truly flexible.

Don't let the GLOCK on his hip fool you. There's a GLOCK 19 front and center.

Don’t let the GLOCK on his hip fool you. There’s a GLOCK 19 front and center.

NSR offers options in solid colors all the way to the hippest Kryptek Typhoon camo pattern. You are also given the option for additional struts to aid in distribution of weight or as added security. Another feature is the option of a full body shield. You can even add a magazine holder if you chose to run the holster in the appendix position.

Carrying the C-5

The C-5 has the right amount of retention yet still allows the gun to be ripped from the waistband. I prefer a slight cant which aids in concealment by hiding the footprint of the gun against your body. Holstering the gun is just as easy as the draw. The C-5 holds its shape well, even when compressed with a belt.  I’ve been carrying a GLOCK 19 in the C-5 for three months now, off and on, and have no complaints. I don’t tuck my shirt in too often, but the system works with that. It helps if your shirt tails aren’t a mile long, as you have just a couple of inches on play beneath the waistband.

Shipping times for custom orders are in the 4 week range. If you’re new to custom Kydex, that’s a fast turn around. NSR also has a good selection of quick-ship holsters ready to go now. The C-5 prices start at $65. That is a hell of deal for this peice of gear. Even at the top end of the options list, the C-5 still comes in under the $100 mark. This may still seem like a lot to pay for molded plastic, but looking at the quality of the Kydex, the ability for customization, as well as the fair shipping times, it is easy to see the NSR Tactical C-5 is a holster worth taking a second look at.





The loops and hardward can be positioned to allow for various positions and heights.

The loops and hardware can be positioned to allow for various positions and heights.



Even with a gun as large as a GLOCK 19, the holster disappears.

Even with a gun as large as a GLOCK 19, the holster disappears.


To tuck in the shirt, slide your shirt tail between the belt loop and the Kydex.

To tuck in the shirt, slide your shirt tail between the belt loop and the Kydex.









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  • Smitty Mike January 3, 2017, 6:20 pm

    For my money, I’m going anywhere but NSR. Horrible customer service, pricey for what they offer, and then the gear shows up and doesn’t function correctly. Give me G-Code or Click holsters any day for the money.

  • Gary December 8, 2014, 6:16 pm

    Jack, its not your size. I am one of those 33″ dudes and it still feels uncomfortable to wear inside the pants holsters when sitting down, or just upright for a few hours. My solution: NAA mini revolver with folding grip that has a belt clip. Looks like a folding knife in your clipped in your pocket.maybe they’ll come out with a 9mm version soon.

  • JACK SMITH December 8, 2014, 11:13 am

    Holsters: Every demo and picture I see published seem to be a skinny, or medium build guy Standing Up photo position with less than a 32in. waist, with the holster tucked inside the waistband of jeans or cargo pants.
    I am heavy set, not obese but more than a few extra Lbs. The difficulty I find the inside the waistband holster is trying to sit down in any comfortable position.Yes, if I lost weight and looked like most of the guys showing the holsters in yours and other publications No Problem, But I’m not. It is what it is. I have found myself concealed carry most of the time w/a shoulder holster, However that’s difficult in the Summer and hot weather.
    Maybe you could lead the way of many others that have had problems with finding a holster that we can be comfortable with sitting in the car,house,table,and chair. Thanks for the consideration.

    • Russ December 8, 2014, 11:50 am

      I have concerns that match yours.
      Consider this for warm weather, cargo shorts, sitting; http://www.nrastore.com/nrastore/images/detail/22678ps.jpg

    • Slick Willy January 5, 2015, 12:09 pm

      i carry what was considered a compact Star .45ACP every single day. when i say “was”, i mean when it came out. there are so many smaller, lighter .45’s on the market now that this thing is more like a full-sized, but i digress. like u i’m a bigger guy – 6′ and weigh 185#-215# depending on season. i use a simple uncle mikes, inside the pants, “pouch” style holster. i typically have it located where my duty weapon/holster was when i was a cop. yes, u need to wear an undershirt and yes, it works best untucked. been known to use same brand/style holster with other guns and even used an “oversized” one to increase retention during increased activity – granted, not gonna win any quick-draw contests, but well concealed, very comfortable, simple and quite inexpensive.

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