Pavlich on ISIS: ‘Won’t Be Attacking A Lot Of Places… That Have A Concealed Carry Option’

Media Matters made a stink out of a video in which Fox News contributor and Town Hall editor Katie Pavlich basically said that it makes sense for the American public to arm itself due to the threat of terrorism, particularly from ISIS which recently claimed to have “trained soldiers” in 15 different states to carry out operations.

“Out of the 71 trained soldiers 23 have signed up for missions like Sunday [the foiled attack in Garland Texas] we are increasing in number,” said ISIS in a warning. “Of the 15 states, 5 we will name… Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, California, and Michigan.”

“The disbelievers who shot our brothers think that you killed someone untrained, nay, they gave you their bodies in plain view because we were watching,” the post continued.

The extent to which ISIS is a threat here at home really remains to be seen. Yes, there are operatives here, but how many, how organized and how prepared they are to strike in any sort of coordinated fashion is unclear.

The two gunman who were fatally shot by security in Garland, Texas, at the “Muhammed Cartoon Contest” seemed, at least, ready and willing to take innocent lives. While we wait for the federal government to wrap its big, bloated head around the problem of ISIS in America, the best option is really for citizens to, as Pavlich indicated, (a) exercise their Second Amendment rights and (b) remain vigilant.

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  • ejharb June 15, 2015, 8:38 am

    Some women are smart some are lovely
    Then we have miss pavlich who is both!
    & although it takes effort I listen and heed her when she opens her mouth and truth emerges.such a rare jewel.

  • David June 1, 2015, 10:01 am

    I was sure that the officer was at least a SWAT person, more likely a special opps sniper type with spotter and backup.
    How many times has an officer been able to stop such a crime?
    Was it just coincidence that he was there and able to stop the action?
    This man has not been heralded in the media. Why not?

  • Dwane Brown May 18, 2015, 10:04 pm

    So the question still out there is – What prevented those two terrorists from arriving in Garland, TX with their rifles? The answer is obvious. They ARRIVED! So, armed Americans ARE the first line of defense. The lady was correct in stating POTUS and his administration did NOTHING to advise Americans on what they could do individually. BTW, how did those two terrorists obtain their firearms? Where was the FBI if the FBI was supposedly monitoring them? Lot’s of questions there the news was NOT asking!

  • Oskar Lievowitz May 14, 2015, 11:51 pm

    Questions: Where can I purchase pig fat/ pig blood based gun oil? Has anyone any knowledge of the POTUS eating pork?

  • Aaron May 13, 2015, 8:24 am

    I’m reminded of the beheading in Oklahoma’s conceal and carry area.

    A good deal of the lone wolf Muslims are actually not psychologically stable. Like the sovereign citizens shooting cops as soon as a broken tail light traffic stop starts or gangbangers on Chicago’s south side shooting a group of children in an attempt to hit just one.

    There is a distinct difference between our internal Pattons and their martyr syndrome. We calculate. They decimate.

    Do not rely on herd immunity. Rely on your own follow up shots.

  • Will Drider May 12, 2015, 9:45 pm

    Correction: A unarmed Security Guard was shot tn the leg by the terrorists. A policeman with years as a SWAT Team Member and 30 years in law enforcement shot and killed both BGs. HE SHOULD GET THE PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM (With Distinction).

    In these violent times you are well served by having a long gun and several mags within reach. Between ther rioters, terrorists, and mass murderers, you have to be prepared. Act in accordance with applicable laws in your area.

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