State Lawmakers Launch New Gun Control Organization

Founding members of

Founding members of ASLGVP.  (Photo TRNS)

A coalition of 200 state lawmakers from around the country launched a new gun-control organization on Monday called “American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention.”

The members of the group united under the notion that “Congress [has] failed in its responsibility to do something about this issue [of gun violence].”

“We are a coalition that is united by a common desire to find strategies that will work in our states, and that we believe will move the conversation forward and reduce gun violence across America,” said Brain Kavanagh (D-NY), founding Assemblyman and chair of ASLGVP, as reported by TRNS.

“We are not looking for, or trying to create, a one size fits all model…but we are committed to the principle that if we work together and if we learn from each others success and also from the challenges in our respective states we will do a better job,” Kavanagh continued, while speaking Monday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

Areas that ASLGVP will emphasize will be universal background checks on all firearm sales and transfers, domestic violence and gun ownership, and interstate gun trafficking.

“In 2012, Virginia was rated number 2 in the nation in terms of guns found at crime scenes in different states. There were 250,047 Virginia guns found in those out of state crime scenes,” said Assemblyman Adam Ebbin (D-VA). “In Virginia we are proud of being a exporter of micro chips and for building naval ships, but we should be embarrassed by the number of deadly weapons we supply to criminals.”

The first official ASLGVP is being held on Tuesday in D.C. While members hail from all 50 states, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, the group has yet to release a list of members fearing backlash.

“We are a diverse group from red and blue states, and I am convinced our collective action will have an impact,” said state Rep. Stacey Newman (D- MO).

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  • Albert Pollard February 23, 2015, 11:54 am

    They can’t keep the guns out of the hands of criminals, so they go after legitimate gun owners. Typical political hog-wash.

  • MIKE December 16, 2014, 7:05 pm

    The Government and Democrats will never stop trying to disarm our nation. I wish a Republican (American) would sponsor a law that would deport all Democrats and others that disprove of our constitution and bill of rights. (The Anti-Americans)

    • Lobo October 6, 2017, 2:53 pm

      As long as these clowns run the show it WILL remain as is!!! FIRE them ALL> election time Remember what they did to us and not FOR us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MB December 14, 2014, 5:32 pm

    A coalition of 200 state lawmakers from around the country launched a new speech-control organization on Monday called “American State Legislators for Harmful Speech Prevention.”

    The members of the group united under the notion that “Congress [has] failed in its responsibility to do something about this issue [of harmful speech].”

    “We are a coalition that is united by a common desire to find strategies that will work in our states, and that we believe will move the conversation forward and reduce harmful, hateful, acrimonious, or unpatriotic speech across America,” said Brain Kavanagh (D-NY) … .

  • LHTwist December 10, 2014, 9:50 am

    One more question vying candidates will now have to answer is whether or not they support ASLGVP. A ‘Yes’ response will not get my vote.

  • Chris December 9, 2014, 4:16 pm

    Just another way that the left and the sheeple are trying to take away our rights. You think they will stop once they get universal background checks in all 50 states? “First make things difficult then make them impossible” that’s what they are trying to do. Once they do have UBC’s in all 50 states and they realize that it did not do a thing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and only make it harder for law abiding citizens to defend themselves, they’ll try to enact tougher gun laws that again will do nothing to the criminals but only hog tie the law abiding citizen.

    Unbelievable, I guess they forget how this country was formed

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