Arizona Rancher Charged with First-Degree Murder For Fatally Shooting Illegal Alien on His Property

Arizona Rancher Charged with First-Degree Murder For Fatally Shooting Illegal Alien on His Property
(Photo: Booking Photo)

George Alan Kelly, a 73-year-old rancher, has been charged with first-degree murder after fatally shooting Gabriel Cuen-Butimea, an illegal alien, on his Arizona ranch in Kino Springs just outside of Nogales, Mexico. 

According to reports, Gabriel Cuen-Butimea has a history of illegally crossing into the United States and multiple deportations. Although it has not been confirmed yet, he is believed to have been in the US illegally when he was fatally shot.

Kelly made his initial appearance earlier this week at Nogales Justice Court, where Justice of the Peace Emilio Velasquez set bond at $1 million. Considering the $1 million bond, George Kelly asked the judge to reduce his bail so he could return home to take care of his wife.

“She’s there by herself… nobody to take care of her, the livestock or the ranch,” Kelly said in a report by Nogales International. “And I’m not going anywhere. I can’t come up with a million dollars. Is there… would you consider reducing it to any degree?”

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His bail was not decreased. Velasquez explained to Kelly that within the next 48 hours, the County Attorney’s Office would determine whether to file an official charge against him. If they do and at that time, the attorney can request for the reduction of bond, or for it to be turned into a (secured) bond.”

“I understand,” Kelly replied.

As he exited the courtroom, Kelly remarked to detention officers: “Have a good day, guys. I don’t think I’m going to.”

Assessor records show that Kelly’s property is located in an isolated area about a mile-and-a-half north of the U.S.-Mexico border.

The issue of illegal immigration has long been a contentious issue in the United States, with many individuals and groups advocating for stricter border control measures. At the same time, others believe that the current immigration policies are too harsh and inhumane, and that a more compassionate approach is needed.

This incident sparked a heated debate about immigration and property rights in the area. Some argue that the rancher was within his rights to protect his property, while others argue that the use of lethal force was unjustified.

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  • Fred February 16, 2023, 11:08 am

    Arizona can’t prosecute the man for defending his property! Someone should have shot this guy during one of his past invasions!!! If our idiot supreme leader was a guest on the show Yellowstone- / someone would have escorted him to the Train Station on the first episode. That’s where the problem is!!! God bless the USA and help us with this Democrat created problem !

  • Mark N. February 13, 2023, 4:56 pm

    The most recent story re[ports that he said the migrants he faced were armed and he feared for his life (according to his attorney). We will have to see how that plays out. One has to wonder though, why he was charged with murder if in fact the alleged victim was armed at the time, or perhaps was with a group of armed individuals and the others ran off with their weapons.

    • MattyP February 23, 2023, 12:16 pm

      Correct. And I agree with you.

  • Stan d. Upnow February 12, 2023, 11:30 pm

    That’s right you bastards, screw Americans for defending their homes and lives from the invaders. 1st-degree murder…. what a fucking joke! (except it Isn’t a joke)

  • DDF February 12, 2023, 2:02 pm

    I saw one blip on TV claiming GoFundMe is refusing to allow an account for Mr. Kelly, or at least contributions to his account. Has anyone else seen or heard this? The other contributors to this article are right-we do need more information but at least on the surface, it appears as though someone is in jail that shouldn’t be. It will (hopefully) soon all come out in the wash. Certainly hope Mr. Kelly has found someone to take care of his wife and property in the meantime. How very sad that folks along the border are faced with this insane illegal immigration issue (well, actually we all are to a certain degree, or we soon will be). The folks living on the border are on the front lines trying to defend their properties and way of life from this government sanctioned invasion. All in the name of politics and the democrat’s goal of repopulating various areas of our country to get more democrat votes and remain in power in perpetuity. And if the GOP doesn’t get their act together and start figuring out how to win elections, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

  • bradford e hunt February 11, 2023, 11:34 pm

    I would like to more facts than just the illegal was shot on someone else’s property. Was he armed? Threatening? Broke down in a vehicle? I need more facts please.

    • MattyP February 23, 2023, 12:17 pm

      Reports and statements by his attorney say the migrants were armed.

  • Bill Reeves February 10, 2023, 11:25 pm


    • bradford e hunt February 11, 2023, 11:35 pm

      It was Arizona but I know what you mean.

      • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment February 14, 2023, 12:25 pm

        give it a few more years and the whole country will be known as “new mexico”

  • Justin February 10, 2023, 6:55 pm

    Donate to his Million dollar bond, or his legal fees if so inclined. he had almost a million donated on the communist site “gof*ndme”. GiveSendGo does allow for funding for NONLEFT political idealogies, unlike the other commies.

  • James February 10, 2023, 5:55 pm

    Why is it that in far leftist cities, minorities who murder are let back onto the streets after posting a $1.00 bail and George Kelly has a $1 million dollar bail? Is this because he is white?

    So illegals can trespass on your property, attempt to rob you, steal your car,. break into your home,. do whatever they desire,. and you are not allowed to do anything about it?

    Because illegals are more important than Americans are?

    America cannot be come the dumping ground for all the world’s poor, unemployed and criminals. Do we really want America to end up like India with over a billion people living on the streets, alleys, gutters and having to eat garbage out of dumpster just to survive?

    Finish the border wall now!

    This administration has had sections of the border wall taken down and sold off for scrap. This allows the cartels, M 13 gang members, M18 gang members, drug dealers, terrorists, spies, sabatours, murderers, felons, prostitutes to cross the border and the administration welcomes them and the crime that they bring.

    The Central America countries and South America countries are emptying out their jails and prisons and sending thousands of criminals and felons to America and the administration welcomes them and the crime that they bring.

    Warlords and drug gangs control over 60% of Haiti and they are sending
    thousands of their gang members to America posing as refugees.

    Far leftist power crazed politicians want to ban and confiscate all guns in America, leaving Americans defenseless against criminal gangs.

    Protect and support your right to keep and own all types of firearms, ammo, magazines and accessories.

  • Dr Motown February 10, 2023, 1:19 pm

    Lots of pertinent details missing here….was there a confrontation? Fear of life? Assault?

  • The Robe February 10, 2023, 1:17 pm

    This man needs a good lawyer and a change of venue. He won’t get a fair trail in Nogales, this town may be on this side of the border, but it might as well be in Mexico. We hope that people living close will protect his wife from a vendetta happening!

  • BCS February 10, 2023, 11:29 am

    ALL illegals should be out of the USA.
    How to solve the illegal problem in 3 easy fun steps.
    Build the wall supplemented with land mines.
    Jail anybody who hires an illegal.
    Put a bounty on all illegals, if you turn one in you get cash.

    • Stan d. Upnow February 12, 2023, 11:39 pm

      I once reported some Illegals to the authorities. The federal agent in charge that I spoke to was utterly frustrated and told me his hands were tied, unless the Illegals had committed a crime. I reminded him that they committed a crime by entering the country illegally. He said, “Yes, I know, but I can’t do anything about it.”

      That was 20 years ago.

  • Richard Finley February 10, 2023, 10:21 am

    There is too much of this BS regarding immigration. They are ellegal I would have the same thing and I know both of sons would too. They (the government) should take a better stance. Everyone of them should be sent back and don’t the right. All there doing is coming here to get a free hand out. And the this is draining our Socal Security.

  • ernie February 10, 2023, 10:17 am

    Wait a minute…am I missing something here? The shooting took place on his ranch in ARIZONA, why was a Mexican justice of the peace even involved, in a Mexican court? Was there an extradition? The shooting took place on US land. Mexico should have NO play in this….HMMM

    • Dr Motown February 10, 2023, 1:18 pm

      Judge Velasquez is an American working for the Santa Cruz County (Arizona) court system….there’s no Mexican involvement here

  • Jons_On February 10, 2023, 10:04 am

    Shooting someone who is illegally on your property and illegally in the United States should be allowed if the person is in fear of danger for him(her)self or their family. Who ever the leftist clown is that is charging this man they should drop all charges, release the man then quit their job that they are not qualified for.

  • Mad Mac February 10, 2023, 9:52 am

    If his ranch had been in Texas
    this might have gone differently.

  • Ron Oak February 10, 2023, 9:46 am

    The Judge must be nuts, there got to be more to the story.

    • Stan d. Upnow February 12, 2023, 11:47 pm

      Arizona. Fast becoming another Leftist shithole.

  • Dano February 10, 2023, 8:46 am

    We need to stop the inflammatory rhetoric around many of these political issues, especially the ones that involve human rights. People are dying because of this polarization. We won’t solve any of our problems if we simply point fingers at each other and try to win political points or forget our humanity.

  • Kenneth Ragan February 10, 2023, 7:27 am

    Why is he behind bars if he has not been charged with a crime?

    • Eric Stevenson February 10, 2023, 2:13 pm

      This is the best question so far! If the DA decides to NOT press charges than the Judge should be jailed for false imprisonment, I understand that a person can be held against their will but there is a maximum amount of time that they can be detained without charges. I have ALWAYS considered this to be against the law. They can file charges against you and then detain you and later drop the charges if they decide not to prosecute, by detaining you with out any charges is a violation of the law anyway you look at it.

    • Stan d. Upnow February 12, 2023, 11:50 pm

      habeas corpus — charged in 24hrs or freed

    • Mark N. February 13, 2023, 5:00 pm

      He was charged with first degree murder, and bond was set accordingly. Why he was charged with first degree murder has yet to be disclosed in the published reports.

  • Laddyboy February 10, 2023, 4:55 am

    Not enough information!!! This ILLEGAL FOREIGN NATIONAL CRIMINAL has been expelled MULTIPLE TIMES. The Governor, A.G., Prosecutors and STATE MUST be CHARGED with ABDICATION and INTENTIONAL NEGLECTION of their SWORN OATH-OF-OFFICE to PROTECT American Citizens. Was this Criminal endangering the Homeowner? Where were the Police?

  • Cadeyrn February 9, 2023, 12:57 pm

    How are they holding him if he hasn’t even been charged and there is no decision to charge him?
    Sounds like they found a body and are going to sit around and figure out how to charge him, not make any kind of independent assessment.

    • MattyP February 9, 2023, 10:57 pm

      They are investigating the situation and deciding weather to charge him or not. He was very open and cooperative with authorities, letting them know exactly what happened.

      Shortly after I wrote this, his court-appointed attorney filed a two-week delay, citing the overwhelming scale of the case as reason for her to need more time to prepare. This means Kelly must stay in jail for another two weeks at least, awaiting a new attorney or for his current attorney to file a request.

      To make the situation even more polarizing, GoFundMe has now removed multiple pages that were set up by strangers who wanted to help Kelly.

      • Bob February 10, 2023, 9:21 am

        Weponization of law enforcement. I’m sure Alinsky had something to say about that.

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