Bloomberg’s Everytown to Spend $100,000 on Ad Buy Pushing Background Checks

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the primary funder of Everytown for Gun Safety.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the primary funder of Everytown for Gun Safety.

In light of the “Charleston loophole” that allowed felony-charged Dylann Roof to legally purchase a handgun, the gun-grabbing group Everytown For Gun Safety plans to launch a series of ads aimed at pushing stricter background checks.

Roof had a pending felony charge for drug possession, but because the FBI took more than three days to return his background check, the gun store was legally permitted to sell him a firearm. Now, Everytown for Gun Safety is taking to D.C.-based publications to show their support in enforcing new legislation that would close up the putative “Charleston Loophole.”

Everytown has over $100,000 to spend on the new ads, and the group has amassed a loyal following of more than 3 million members and nearly 40,000 donors.

Everytown plans to reach out to D.C-based publications like The Washington Post and POLITICO, as well as launching separate petitions to Congress and Cabela’s.

A multitude of bills have been written in the days following Charleston, most pertaining to background checks. Some have proposed changing the letter of the law to forbid the transfer of a firearm until the background check is complete, irrespective of how long that may take. While others have suggested that each firearm transfer be video recorded, and that data sent to local authorities to be used in the apprehension of criminals.

Everytown’s new ads are scheduled to be released by the end of the week.

(This article was a submission from freelance writer Brent Rogers)

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  • Mark N. July 22, 2015, 12:47 am

    The new battle ground. This will be the focus of gun control efforts at least through the next election cycle, and with successes in Oregon and Washington, and an ongoing effort in Nevada, these guys think they are on a roll–but would prefer to win at the federal level.

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