California Lawmakers Back Newsom’s Push to Ratify Anti-Gun 28th Amendment

Gov. Gavin Newsom in a video posted to Twitter.
Newsom unveiled the 28th Amendment back in June. (Photo: Newsom/Twitter)

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

California legislators, inspired by Gov. Gavin Newsom, are attempting to amend the U.S. Constitution with four major gun restrictions.

SJR7, a joint resolution recently introduced by State Sen. Aisha Wahab, D-Fremont, aims to precipitate a Constitutional convention for states to consider ratifying Newsom’s proposed 28th Amendment.

The 28th Amendment would:

  • Ban adults under 21 from purchasing firearms
  • Criminalize private transfers
  • Establish a waiting period for all firearm purchases
  • Ban the sale and purchase of so-called “assault weapons”

Gov. Newsom, who fervently supports the resolution, commented on Monday while visiting a school library in Elk Grove.

“This is a very serious and consequential time in our country’s history,” Newsom said, according to KCRA3.

“Spare me that the solution is hardening doors and not addressing the issue, which is these weapons of war, these weapons of mass destruction,” he continued. “I want to be in a world where at least we have a chance of doing that, and I want to live in a state where we can do that.”

Newsom’s impetus for this initiative stems, in part, from the recent Bruen decision.

In that case, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down New York’s “may-issue” licensing scheme that required law-abiding citizens to demonstrate a “proper cause” before they could obtain a permit. “Proper cause” was often used by authorities to deny an applicant a concealed carry permit.

While the momentum within California seems strong – with SJR7 boasting 23 coauthors in the State Senate and 27 in the Assembly – the journey to a constitutional convention requires support from 33 other states.

This feat has never been accomplished before.

SEE ALSO: Newsom Unveils 28th Amendment to Ban ‘Assault Weapons’, Criminalize Private Transfers, And More

Critics label the move as a blatant political stunt. Assemblyman Tom Lackey, R-Palmdale, believes Newsom’s push diverts focus from state issues to the national arena.

“Setting aside the faulty premise of this constitutional change, there is no realistic path toward its implementation, and the governor knows that all too well,” Lackey told KCRA3.

Nevertheless, Gov. Newsom remains optimistic, hinting at discussions with local leaders and mayors across the country who support the amendment.

As the nation watches, the debate continues. Is this a genuine attempt to radically change the Constitution, a political maneuver by Newsom to garner national press, or both?

What are your thoughts? Join the conversation below.

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  • Hondo August 25, 2023, 7:25 am

    When Gov. Sleaze ball’s term is over maybe he can be a used car salesman.

  • Jenny Boone August 24, 2023, 12:38 am

    I think we need to get some kind of legislation or a law to protect our Constitution and our rights! It would have to be a public vote if it came to that. It’s not one man’s job to choose for everyone else. There’s someway, somehow, someone, that knows the constitution and can get a bill started to try to get it passed to where our rights are protected and it should be state by state vote? It should be all of the US because the constitution includes everyone but I don’t know how these things are started but we need to get signatures! Is there anyone that can help me elaborate in a more articulate manner? We need to stop the radical regime from taking away all of our rights. No one should be able to take away or have the right to take away someone’s god given right to bear arms/protect our families and ourselves.
    If they succeed in removing our rights to own guns it is our last defense. Actually I believe we have been infiltrated anyway.
    Let’s see, there’s the open borders. Mainly males coming across, fighting age. “Weather ( spy ) balloons. There’s the subs that have been close to our land, for years! The first time I heard of it was when Obama was in office and it was an embarrassment because we never knew they was patrolling! Numerous, continuous times. Then we have critical issues with our borders in the region that almost connects our lands together. Russia and China was sitting there I guess to see if anyone was home or awake. Who’s to say they don’t already got stuff in place?

    They supposedly left when two? of our ships showed up, finally. I pray someone is awake and monitoring these things better! Then we have all the “fires”! Don’t get me started on that crap! There was beams showing up on the weather sites . When all those earthquakes was happening there was a few showing up in some of those areas. It was on satellite? I follow some sites that show stuff in 3D. You can followed earthquake patterns by the plates.
    Anyway, and whatever, it is what it is.
    We have dangerous people that try so hard to create chaos. I got news there is no such thing as utopia! There’s this life, then there’s heaven or hell.

    Close the border!
    Leave the Constitution alone along w leave our gun rights alone too!
    Do you want people messing with the rest of us when they can’t even run their own state of California? And elsewhere? You have homelessness everywhere (almost ). There is people pooping in the streets! The streets look like war zones. You got people going in stores knowing that they can steal and nothing will be done because it’s too much trouble to do your job. If you quit defunding the police, maybe you could do the job. If you had DAs that did their job you might be able to do your job. Put those people back to work. You guys are also responsible for most businesses going out of business w all the covid restrictions, lawlessness and rapid Wild West immigration tactics.
    If you deport people that don’t belong here, mainly the criminals, you might be able to do your job and it might be a little easier and a bit more safe.
    These officials have no right messing with the constitution and need to held accountable for their slow destruction.
    If I had a choice in the main frame of the game plan I would start 24 hr operations on building up military and bullet operations. Everything needed and strategic science and engineering operations on everything that needs to be done to help every man, woman and child protect themselves. I think maybe if young people enlist they are guaranteed a college or trade degree which I think they do now but it needs to be more incentive in some way a mandatory 2 year only stint guarantees…? Defund colleges that promote propaganda and stupidity.
    We have woke, Hollywood, sanctuary cities, drug cities, elite, criminals of every kind. And clueless people walking around that don’t know how to do anything but operate a phone
    These are our future soldiers. These are our first defense. These are our future
    Bet you wish you hadn’t said share your opinion!

  • Richard Johnson August 23, 2023, 3:31 pm

    I know I’ll only be preaching to the choir but he it goes anyway. As most gun owners if not all would agree that by banning the sale of certain firearms will not change criminal activity. Banning an AR-15 would only restrict law abiding citizens of their 2nd amendment and would not affect crime. Outlawing folding stocks or limiting magazines to only 10 rounds will only affect law abiding citizens pistol braces the same. Reducing crime starts with reducing criminal activity not reducing what law abiding citizens can and cannot own. Taking illegal guns off the streets start with taking criminals off the streets. Can I get an Amen.

  • Larry Sakanashi August 19, 2023, 1:46 am

    Gavin Newsom will be out of his job as governor at the end of his 2nd term. The 28th Amendment would keep him alive politically (in much the same way as David Hogg) until an opportunity for higher office arises. It’s so much easier for Newsom to keep droning on and on about gun control instead of investing the truly herculean effort necessary to solve problems in mental health, socio-economic justice, or political divisiveness that got us into this mess. Newsom and his supporters have to stop promising that a 28th Amendment is the panacea for a broken nation.

  • Manarii Tane August 18, 2023, 5:28 pm

    Gov Nobody should get his own state in line. So many are leaving because of him.

  • Don Bonner August 18, 2023, 5:03 pm

    He can’t get the required number of states, legislatures, or Congressmen to vote in the affirmative.

  • Rod Smalt August 18, 2023, 2:30 pm

    Yeah…..good luck with that.
    He’s just posturing for the extreme left-wing voters. He knows this has no chance in Hell of ever being ratified.

  • DIYinSTL August 18, 2023, 2:20 pm

    In response, I have written to my governor and the House majority caucus chair asking for the introduction of a resolution to counter Newsom’s. Ask your governor to grab headlines with this:

    The rights of the people, irrespective of sex, ethnicity, or any age greater than the age to vote, to keep, carry, use, purchase, sell, transfer, import, transport, innovate on, communicate about, or to manufacture arms, their accessories, components, and munitions shall not be restrained by prejudice or by law, by regulation, by treaty, by extraordinary tax, by fee, by tariff, by executive order, by history, nor by any other contrivance or treachery by Federal, Territory, Protectorate, District, State or Commonwealth governments or any subdivision thereof.

  • MarkJ August 18, 2023, 1:58 pm

    Reality check for Hair Gel Newsom and his Democrat idiot buddies:

    Given the procedural hurdles for congressional passage and state ratification of constitutional amendments, the fact that only 13 non-ratifying states can kill an amendment, and that of some 12,000 amendments being proposed since 1789 only 33 have been sent to the states with only 27 actually being ratified….

    …it stands to reason that Governor Hair Gel has a statistically better chance of bumping into Elvis and Lisa Marie in an LA bodega than he’ll ever have of seeing his stupid amendment being added to the Constitution.

  • Hal Rohm August 18, 2023, 12:33 pm

    Those you would enslave you must disarm

  • Stuart Robinson August 18, 2023, 11:48 am

    Gov. Gruesome is wrong about everything, as usual. It’s political grandstanding for personal gain. I live in CA and he’s a terrible Gov.. He really should focus on the significant problems of this state, mostly caused by him and his party but there are too many sheep to vote him and the Dem’s out. He is still and always be an a*#-hat.

  • Mark N. August 17, 2023, 1:09 am

    Yes it is a blatant political stunt intended to hopefully raise voter awareness of Gov. Nuisance when he decides to announce for president, but it is a battle he cannot possibly win. He will never get three-fourths of the states to agree, not with 27 of them being “Constitutional Carry” already. He should just be happy to take DiFi’s seat when she finally decides to retire or simply dies.

    Hmm, I wonder. If DiFi dies in office, the governor gets to appoint an interim senator. Can he appoint himself?

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment August 16, 2023, 3:26 pm

    28th amendment should deal with the communism in america!!!

    • Blue Dog (he/him) August 17, 2023, 3:18 pm

      The 28th Amendment should deal with not revealing the identities of costumed vigilantes!

      (that one is going to be a deep cut)

      • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment August 18, 2023, 6:57 pm

        like antifa,blm,nfac,black panthers, isis, AL-quaida,ect….your heros. I do believe they are covered under the first amendment (something for the rest of us americans is banned)

        • Blue Dog (he/him) August 20, 2023, 7:01 pm

          Swing and a miss, Captain Liberty! (even though she looked better than heels than you probably do)

          • Hondo August 21, 2023, 10:32 am

            Good god you are an insipid idiot.

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