Adjustable gas plugs allow users to control how much gas from a fired cartridge is redirected back into the piston and operating rod, which in turn cycles the action and loads another cartridge. If all the gas is allowed the escape, the action won’t cycle; if too much gas is redirected, the action will cycle too quickly or too forcefully. Adjusting the gas flow to fit a specific cartridge ensures that the action cycles reliable with minimal wear and tear on the blot, op-rod, etc.
M1 Garand
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Feed Your Garand What It Wants: Adjustable Gas Plug Install and Test
Updated: June 6, 2019 { 23 comments }The Guns of D-Day – June 6th, 1944
Updated: June 5, 2018 { 19 comments }The primary weapon of the infantryman is the rifle. Yes, at this time there were also submachine guns, pistols, anti-armor weapons, and machine guns. But these weapons were all intended to support the rifleman as he took or held ground. Interestingly enough, most of the armies in the Second World War were using either the same rifle their fathers carried in the First World War or a variant thereof.
The Best M1 Garand Rifles Sold Auction
Updated: August 31, 2017 { 23 comments }Let’s take a look at the 10 of the top M1 Garand rifles sold to date.
Kingston Armory Shows Rimfire M14 and M1 Garand Replicas – SHOT Show 2017
Updated: January 30, 2017 { 35 comments }Following their success with their .22-caliber M1 Garand, Kingston is launching a rimfire replica of the M14 rifle for 2017.
MilSurp: A Full-Auto Garand? The Secret World War II-Era T20 Rifle.
Updated: January 25, 2017 { 24 comments }During World War II, the Ordnance Department granted a number of developmental contracts for various types of weapons. These weapons were given a “T” (Test) prefix and were intended either to modify the existing M1 rifle to increase its utility or were an entirely different type of weapon that might prove to be an improvement over the Garand.
Kingston .22 LR Garand–SHOT Show 2105
Updated: January 26, 2015 { 78 comments }Kingston Armory had a couple of intriguing rifles at SHOT Show this year. How does a .22 LR Garand or M14/M1A style rifle suite you? Well Kingston Armory is in the process of making them. These guns look and feel almost exactly like the real thing, but the rimfire chamberings will be much easier to shoot.
Range Day – M1 Garand and MR762A1 LRP
Updated: December 24, 2014 { 2 comments }Military Arms Channel has some fun with an M1 Garand, H&K MR762A1 LRP and a Sig 556 DMR.
Build Your Own M1 Garand – In Person CMP Advanced Maintenance Class
Updated: December 12, 2014 { 8 comments }From CMP, “There is an $1,800 fee for the class and includes the CMP Special Rifle that participants will build in the class and three lunches that are provided. The class fee of $800.00 will be charged to the credit card provided approximately 4-5 weeks prior to the class.”
Soviet SVT-40 vs. M1 Garand – Best Battle Implement Ever?
Updated: August 21, 2014 { 116 comments }General George S. Patton once called the M1 Garand the “best battle implement ever devised.” But was he correct? The run up to World War II saw a giant leap forward in technology for weapons of war. The jet airplane was invented for WWII. Of course the atomic bomb was invented for WWII. But more importantly, the weapons that saw the most combat, the infantry battle rifles of the war, changed considerably as well, worldwide. The SVT-40 never really got out of the gate due to the later popularity of the AK-47, but that doesn’t change the fact that it was an influential rifle on the Eastern front during the war, or the fact that it totally rocks. We got to test an actual 1943 SVT-40 side by side with an M1 Garand, and the results may surprise you.
M1 Garand 16″ Bayonet Reproduction – Product Review
Updated: July 3, 2014 { 12 comments }BudK File this one under go figure. I am a big fan of the knife importer BudK and I was really excited when I saw that they are importing a reproduction of the Model 1942 US bayonet that was originally made for the M1 Garand, and that also fits the M1903 Springfield. The original [...]