Tom McHale

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Beretta's 92 Compact INOX Model.

Beretta 92 Compact: A Classic Reborn


The Beretta 92 Compact (like this Beretta 92 Compact with rail INOX) is a classic reborn, channeling its double/single action predecessor.

This Steiner optic offers adjustments in .1 milliradian increments. What's a milliradian? Read on...

Mil-Dot Made Easy


The Mil-Dot system is exceptionally versatile – if you know how to use it. If you shoot a rifle, you can use mil-dot to hold the correct amount over a distant target. There’s a lot of fancy math behind the whole mil-dot thing, but we’re going to ignore most of that here and explain the concept, and more importantly, how you can use it, in plain English. There won’t even be a quiz at the end, I promise.

Beretta's APX pistol is now a family. The standard, Compact, and Centurion (not shown).

Field Test: Beretta’s APX Full Size and Compact


The APX was born out of the Army’s Modular Handgun trials. Manufacturers came out with new pistols and revisions of existing models in their efforts to win the lucrative contract to equip the United States Military with 74 boatloads of new handguns to replace the Beretta M9 series now in service.

Federal's New 224 Valkyrie Match Load

Top 8 Long-Range Shooting Gear — SHOT Show 2018


SHOT Show 2018 has just under 2,000 vendors on site this year, so there’s lots of new long-range shooting gear to see. Better yet, the Range Day outing Monday before the show opens has a 1,000-yard range where some vendors provide the opportunity to try new guns, ammo, and gear. Here are some of the interesting long-range shooting products we found this year.

Zippo hand warmer

Top 8 New Range Accessories and Gear — SHOT Show 2018


Over the years I’ve learned exactly how to find all the cool stuff at SHOT Show. Level One is where most of the new companies get space, so it’s where you find all the latest new inventions, guns, and gear. When the bell rings on opening Tuesday, I head straight there, where I spend the entire day wandering the aisles of the basement. Yes, it takes a whole day because the show as a whole is the same size as the Pyramid at Giza and you’ll walk over 12 miles just passing by every booth. Here are some of the cool things I ran across at SHOT Show 2018.

Shield Sights

Top 8 Concealed Carry Accessories at SHOT Show 2018

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With over 1,600 exhibitors in attendance showing 7 million pounds of gear, there are a lot of new products for legally armed citizens at the Shooting, Hunting, And Outdoor Trade (SHOT) show. If you choose to carry concealed, you might be interested in some of the new concealed carry gear we found this year. Here are a few items that peaked our interest.

This Aero Precision upper receiver and barrel is going to make a really nifty short barrel rifle one day.

How to (Legally) Build A Short Barrel Rifle


As defensive weapons, rifles rock. They’re easy to shoot accurately unless you’re into torching off .577 Nitro Express cigar cartridges. With box magazine designs like the those of the AR-whatever families, capacity is great, and reloading is easy. In fact, the only real downside of a rifle as compared to a pistol is maneuverability and portability.

Is a rifle more or less accurate with a suppressor? There's only one way to find out.

Is Your Rifle More or Less Accurate with a Suppressor?


Would you rather be quiet or accurate? Do you have to choose between them or do this two concepts coexist like politicians and sex scandals?

Not so long ago, I competed in an F-Class match, shooting at a distance of 800 yards. One thing that stood out was the competitors’ finicky attention to muzzle devices, or more accurately, the lack thereof. First, F-class allows none, so there’s that. Second, the chatter on the firing line was that muzzle devices like brakes, flash hiders, and suppressors only reduce the accuracy of a rifle. I have no reason to doubt that, but it did get me thinking.

The spring mount allows flex and directs splatter towards the ground.

Best Gift Ideas for Gun Lovers for Christmas — Range Gear, Targets, Holsters & More!

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It’s that time again. You know, June, when all the stores start putting up their Christmas decorations! Just kidding, it’s November, so you saw all the holiday hubbub start months ago. Whenever you choose to start the celebrating, it’s time to start thinking about gift lists. Here are a few items that are on ours. [...]

If you package your reloads in a good plastic box, you can use that to make a last minute scan to check for consistent overall length and other things.

Reloading: Final Inspection and Packaging Tips


The very last step in the reloading process is inspection and packaging. After all is done, I like to combine the inspection and packaging steps. As I put each completed cartridge into a box, I look it over to make sure everything is in order.