CCRKBA: Leniency for Michigan Gunman Enabled His Crime

BELLEVUE, WA – The man responsible for murdering three Michigan State University students and wounding five others should have been behind bars, but instead was free because of a reduced charge on a plea deal, a fact that should outrage not just gun owners, but everyone in the country, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“Published reports say Anthony McRae was arrested on a felony gun law violation in 2019,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “However, a few months later he was arrested a second time on a less serious gun-related crime and was allowed to enter a guilty plea on the misdemeanor charge while the felony charge was dismissed. He spent a total of 18 months on probation, but was allowed to retain his gun rights. Instead of being incarcerated, where he could harm nobody, it appears he was allowed to escape imprisonment thanks to a lenient prosecutor.

“It’s not just soft judges who make hardened criminals,” he observed. “It’s also soft-in-the-head progressive prosecutors.

SEE ALSO: DOJ Announces $200 Million Spend on Red Flag Laws

“Various published reports have revealed McRae’s past brushes with the law,” Gottlieb continued. “Let’s look at the facts. Guns are prohibited on the MSU campus, yet there he was with a firearm. There’s a law against murder in Michigan, and he committed three of them. What makes anybody think passing more laws will prevent the next madman from doing the same thing?

“This senseless incident is already being exploited by anti-gunners who want to use McRae’s evil act to justify new restrictions on millions of law-abiding Americans who are just as shocked and heartbroken as anyone,” Gottlieb stated. “Had existing laws been enforced more than three years ago, this crime might never have happened because, at the very least, McRae would have been unable to legally own or possess a firearm. 

“We’re tired of gun-hating, headline-grabbing politicians racing to the nearest microphone to push their anti-rights agenda every time a criminal or deranged individual commits a violent crime,” he added. “That’s not justice, it’s political grandstanding designed to penalize people who had nothing to do with the crime. Passing new laws that only impact honest citizens creates the false impression something has been done to prevent a similar crime in the future. At the very least, it’s dishonest.”


With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

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  • David J Smith Jr February 26, 2023, 4:35 am

    Keep a big pile of stones in your house in case a gunman breaks in, you’ll have something to defend yourself with!

  • Willie B Hadley Jr February 22, 2023, 2:50 pm

    I wholeheartedly agree with this article about a man who should’ve been given life in prison for taking the lives of three people on the MSU Campus. As for the Prosecutor, he or she should be recalled immediately for making another deal that places this killer in a position to get a gun and take someone else’s life. When Prosecutors can choose not protect citizens contrary to state law, their discretion should be limited and/or removed altogether in my humble opinion.

  • James Gregg February 22, 2023, 11:43 am

    Actually most people go to prison via plea deals. A prosecutor will often use a plea deal because they don’t have an airtight case. So the choice is either offer a plea deal or possibly not convict at all.

  • Brian February 17, 2023, 5:38 pm

    Gun grabbing politicians, especially Democrats ,don’t care about the truth, all they care about is the Democratic agenda of one party rule and total control over their subjects. That’s why gun control is aimed solely at law abiding citizens. This woke prosecutor who made the deal for this criminal which allowed him to acquire 2 9mm handguns is just as responsible for the victims of the MSU “mass shooting” as the whack who pulled the trigger.

  • Mark F February 17, 2023, 10:31 am

    I was about ready to say, “Weird. Why don’t I hear much about this in the media right now?” Then I saw this article and the suspect’s mug shot. “Oh, right. Now I get it.”

    Nothing to see here folks, keep moving on.

  • Truthful conservative February 17, 2023, 8:54 am

    Hogwash…the honor system in gun purchase applications that allow countless mentally unstable folks the ability to buy firearms and ammo is what enabled this.

    • Big Al 45 February 17, 2023, 3:19 pm

      ?? There is NO ‘Honor system’, and for you to make such a statement is in indication not only of your ignorance on an easily researched topic, but your bias to begin with.
      I’ll bet you have NO IDEA of the process to legally buy a gun, including the MANDATORY Background check.
      As to the mentally unstable remark, that is the blame of our Congress, and Lefties who felt that those with mental issues should still walk our streets, the Demmies defunded our State institutions long ago.

      • James Gregg February 22, 2023, 11:53 am

        Actually it was Reagan who shutdown the mental hospitals, Democrats wanted them to stay open.

    • Willie B Hadley Jr February 22, 2023, 2:57 pm

      I disagree with your opinion about this man being mentally unstable since he has been repeatedly charged on unlawful use of weapons charges involving violence on two previous occasions. He knew what he was doing and we should stop making excuses for their deliberate, premeditated, clearly evil inhumane actions against others.

  • Charles B Goldsmith February 17, 2023, 8:16 am

    Maybe Shakespeare was right. Prosecutor is a lawyer,judge is a lawyer, a LOT of politicians are lawyers. So,why aren’t the laws being enforced?

  • a11four1 February 17, 2023, 8:13 am

    “We’re tired of gun-hating, headline-grabbing politicians racing to the nearest microphone to push their anti-rights agenda every time a criminal or deranged individual commits a violent crime,” he added. “That’s not justice, it’s political grandstanding designed to penalize people who had nothing to do with the crime. Passing new laws that only impact honest citizens creates the false impression something has been done to prevent a similar crime in the future. At the very least, it’s dishonest.”
    ”We’re tired of” has become woefully inadequate.
    They know it too, manipulation of election processes is solid proof. The will of the public IS NOT being followed.

  • F Taeter February 17, 2023, 7:16 am

    MSU shooter was in possession of 2 handguns he’d purchased “legally” but never registered. That’s a crime and should’ve been prosecuted. Why don’t we close that loophole or lack of enforcement? All my handguns are properly registered w local County…

    • Big Al 45 February 17, 2023, 3:31 pm

      And in what manner would ‘registration’ have stopped him??????
      Like so many, you apparently think registration is a magical method to stop crime.
      Registration is ONLY gonna do anything AFTER the fact, so what does it do?
      Nothing. Except inconvenience the Law abiding and allow a Police State to take them whenever they want.
      What this is (once more) is a failure of our Justice system, plain and simple.
      This isn’t the first time, it’s happened A LOT.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment February 17, 2023, 5:31 am

    Question for the Mods…..
    So was my original comment to harsh for posting?

  • Randy February 16, 2023, 12:37 pm

    Bottom line is that people get the Government they Deserve, period.

    • Michael Rossi February 16, 2023, 2:10 pm

      SSDD in the d-rat ruined USA

  • RW February 16, 2023, 11:40 am

    Look at his color not to be Racial, but if it was a white man he would still be in jail all because of BLM which is BS.
    Just is peaking out from her eye cover. Law is the law no matter what color or race you happen to be. This country has laws in place for Murders, Remember who let these criminals out during elections? Let us get the power back to the people to make these laws happen. And get these soft lawyers out and judges who line their pockets from the criminals.

    • Willie B Hadley Jr February 22, 2023, 3:02 pm

      Great comment! Hold public officials accountable by recalling them for their repeated failure to protect citizens! Oh! And stop blaming guns for shootings, because it does not fire unless someone pulls the trigger.

  • Jons_On February 16, 2023, 8:22 am

    Gun laws are only obeyed by law biding citizens and completely ignored by criminals. The left’s push for stricter gun laws has nothing to do with safety and a whole lot to do about control. If anyone thinks that the party of slavery wants you and me to be free needs to have their head examined. The democrat party still wants their slaves and for them the sooner the better. Unfortunately for them it’s hard to enslave a bunch of people when those people are armed.

  • John R. DeJulius February 15, 2023, 2:13 pm

    The STUPIDITY of the left in Michigan is NOT surprising !!!!!! Only when the Libtards are getting killed, will some of them finally figure it out !!!!! It could be a LONG wait !!!!!!!

  • springerst94 February 15, 2023, 10:03 am

    What state let him off that easy? If it was Michigan you need to tell that as well. We can’t fight what we dont know.

  • Rodney Steward February 15, 2023, 9:50 am

    I didn’t even want to watch it when I seen it was CNN reporting, they lie so much how do we know most of this is true.

  • Dr Motown February 15, 2023, 8:18 am

    Can’t wait for Governor Gretch Witch to claim that “more gun laws are needed to stop this senseless violence.” Not one word of condemnation will be voiced by her against the DA who let him off in 2019

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