Colorado: Extreme Gun Control on the Move!

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

In a flurry of legislative activity, the Colorado General Assembly is pushing forward several gun control measures. The NRA-ILA is rallying opposition, citing threats to constitutional rights.

Senate Passes Controversial Gun-Free Zone Bill

The Senate recently advanced SB24-131, notably expanding gun-free zones. Critics slam the rushed process and lack of public input, despite some amendments narrowing the scope.

Proposed Gun and Ammo Tax Inches Forward

A contentious bill, HB24-1349, aims to impose a 9% tax on firearms and ammunition sales. It recently moved out of committee, despite existing federal and state taxes on these items.

Mandatory Insurance for Gun Owners

HB24-1270, mandating liability insurance for gun owners, faces a critical committee hearing. The NRA-ILA prepares to voice strong opposition, arguing it unfairly targets responsible gun owners.

Call to Action: Your Rights at Stake

The NRA-ILA urges supporters to speak out against these measures. They emphasize the importance of contacting legislators to oppose the proposed legislation.

You can take action to oppose these bills by clicking HERE.

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  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment April 8, 2024, 1:41 pm

    in commie land the constitution don’t mean shit!

  • guns-R-us April 5, 2024, 10:05 am

    I’ll just sell my guns and ammo at an 90% discount, but they all come with a somewhat expensive paper clip that is taxed at the standard rate.
    Paperclip prices vary.

  • Chuck Matson April 5, 2024, 8:41 am

    Leftards gotta be leftards! Legalize drugs…then violate your bill of rights! Smfh

  • Nicholas April 5, 2024, 7:36 am

    I’m tired of reading these articles. I’m tired of the lack of knowledge. I’m tired of all the pretend patriots. Read the Constitution yourself. Understand it, in its entirety. You don’t have the latitude to pick and choose what powers or prohibitions you like.
    The Constitution is a uniform document, and if every clause is not given its due force or proper execution, the document means nothing. Most will blame corrupt representatives, judges, and agencies. The Constitution was written so that the People had all the force of law, but yet, we want nothing at all to do with that ultimate power. The mindset is, let someone else do the job of enforcing the law. Let someone else show up when there is an emergency. Let someone else risk his/her life.
    There are limited delegated authorities. The most powerful and potent is listed at Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15&16. There are few who know the proper lawful function of those two clauses that were formed from centuries of struggle. They are derived from colonial statutes, which are now State statutes. You’ll find them buried somewhere in your states law books. Neither the federal or local governments want anything to do with them as they would return all power to the people. Organizations like the NRA and GOA want nothing to do with them because they believe that they will lose their membership base and flow of contributions.
    I fear for this nation because given the choice between liberty and tyranny, the majority will always choose tyranny and avoid following any Duty that might prevent that outcome.

    • Walleye April 5, 2024, 9:23 am

      We have entered a post-constitutional far left, fascist form of global governance. Most of the laws, rules, and regulations imposed upon U.S. citizens are clearly unconstitutional, but the system is too powerful for individual persons to fight. Unless there is a civil war or rebellion to overthrow this tyranny, we’re doomed to become subjects of this newly forming dystopia.

      • Nicholas April 5, 2024, 11:55 am

        The men who debated and ratified the Constitution understood long before you and I were born. That is why they placed Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15&16 in the Constitution. However, the term Militia has been so corrupted, its history and law twisted into a completely distorted record.
        April 19 is fast approaching. On that day in 1775, 70 Militia mustered on the Green in Lexington to face the Regulars. Those 70 men were not volunteers. They served in accordance with Militia statutes that required able-bodied men between certain ages to be enrolled, armed, and disciplined according to statutes. Militia was not voluntary, and if you can find your state statutes, and read the Militia Act of 1792, you will find that it requires mandatory service. Why? Because the people needed a recognized and codified body to supersede all agencies of government.
        Despite the lies, Militia were not required to obey the commands of the state, regardless of what the uneducated think. It’s right there in the law.
        National Guard cannot be militia, as they are “Troops of War” established under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3.
        You can try to find your state statutes, but they are quite difficult to uncover. I searched for months until I had to ask for assistance from Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., who is the foremost authority on this subject. Read his articles and books for the historic and statutory record.

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