Everytown Study Claims Stricter Gun Laws Could Save 300,000 Lives

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Last week, CNN flagged a head-turner of a study suggesting that a staggering 300,000 lives might be saved over the next decade—if only every state would tighten the reins on gun ownership like New York and California.

But critics are already locking and loading their counterarguments.

This study is the brainchild of Everytown for Gun Safety, the anti-gun organization funded by billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

According to the report, if states across the board adopted five “foundational” gun laws — universal background checks, purchase permits, red-flag laws, secure gun storage mandates, and a no-go on “shoot first” (aka stand your ground) policies — the U.S. might just see a dramatic drop in gun-related fatalities.

Enter Alan Gottlieb, Chairman of the CCRKBA, who’s blasting holes in the report’s findings. He’s calling foul, labeling the study “misleading at best,” and pointing out the high homicide rates in the so-called model states.

“While Everytown says California is the top state for so-called ‘gun safety policies,’ the homicide body count tells a different story,” said Gottlieb.

SEE ALSO: Why George Soros Is Responsible for the Largest Spike in Murder in American History 

“Based on 2022 data, the most recent year for which statistics are available, California reported the most murders of any state in the nation. In second and third place for this year are New York and Illinois, which simply defies logic,” he added.

Everytown Study Claims Stricter Gun Laws Could Save 300,000 Lives
These are the “National Leaders,” the models for other states to follow according to Everytown. (Photo: Everytown For Gun Safety)

Gottlieb’s not pulling punches when it comes to the Everytown study’s grading system either. He takes aim at the ‘progress’ label slapped on Washington State, where the CCRKBA is based, calling out the stark rise in homicides (they’ve doubled since 2014) despite increasingly restrictive gun laws over the past several years.

“If that’s what Everytown calls ‘making progress,’ we would be better off going back to living in caves,” scoffed Gottlieb.

As for mainstream media treatment of such studies, Gottlieb suspects foul play—a bias that swallows gun control narratives hook, line, and sinker, without a hint of healthy skepticism.

Liberty Vittert, the resident statistician and Professor at Washington University, chimed in with her own critique, echoing Gottlieb’s concerns.

In an interview with News Nation’s “On Balance” host Leland Vittert, she underlined that socioeconomic status as the more accurate barometer for violent crime, not the stringency of gun laws.

Her take? Ditch the legislation obsession and focus on funding the police, educational initiatives, and community programs.

SEE ALSO: Why the ‘Red State Murder Problem’ Is Not a Convincing Argument for More Gun Control

Vittert also put the spotlight on the urban “paradox” where cities like Chicago are loaded with strict gun laws but still suffer from rampant gun violence.

To put it bluntly, the cities where upstanding folks face the stiffest barriers to their Second Amendment rights are often the very places drowning in crime waves.

Against the din of calls to slash police budgets, endorse cashless bail, and wave through open borders—coupled with progressive prosecutors funded by the likes of George Soros—the Democratic helmsmen of these cityscapes are unfurling the welcome mat for hardened criminals to cause mayhem with impunity.

When you burrow down into the nitty-gritty of gun violence, the selective focus of the study on state-level data seems like a strategic sidestep from the turmoil rampant in cities under Democratic sway.

Turning the tables, let’s eye the states the study rebukes for their relaxed gun laws—such as Oklahoma, Wyoming, and Mississippi.

This raises a stark question: Would you genuinely feel a greater sense of safety on the troubled West Side of Chicago, or is a sense of security more palpable in the open, gun-tolerant ranges of Wyoming?

That answer is obvious to anyone not on the dole of Michael Bloomberg.

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  • Clint Wilde January 15, 2024, 8:40 am

    Anybody, and any group can just make stuff up and claim it as fact. SAF can make the counter claim that Constitutional Carry will save the lives of 300,000 people, but will they get press or media time? No. Only the ‘pull the numbers out of thin air’, crowd with no logic just ‘feelings’ on gun control issues and it is like Moses himself has it inscribed on a stone tablet.

  • Viet Vet January 12, 2024, 10:36 am

    We know from 70 years of scientific criminology study that wouldn’t curb crime. What all of that study found was that where there were more guns there was less crime. One study found that law-abiding citizens killed or drove off a criminal attacker around 2 million times each year. Think of how many people would be murdered or raped if they didn’t have the ability to protect themselves. Think that if just 20% of those people were unable to protect themselves in those situations what the death toll would be.

    The leftist brainchild, The Revolving-Door (IN)justice system, has resulted in terrible chaos and tragedy. There are tens of thousands of innocent men, women, children and law officers, lying in early graves due to this onerous system. The left obviously doesn’t want crime to go away, if it did they would lose their vehicle to disarm the American citizenry. They know very much what the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment is and given their agenda and overall utopia, that scares the hell out of them.

  • Kane January 12, 2024, 9:21 am

    George Soros is accused by many of saving his skin by early collaboration with the Nazi war machine in Hungary, a charge that his wonks have only recently denied. It is a certain fact that Soros was given sanctuary in England after WWII and would later exploit that nations economy for his own greedy gains (sounds like Robert Maxwell). Soros is the power behind the (closet homosexual) Barry Soetoro’s and the fake POTUS (genuine POS) war in the Ukraine. Both those horrible leaders are controlled by their corruption and push the Soros “Open Society” which is opened. To virtue signal and say you “stand by Ukraine” is to really show you are duped by the globalists once again.

    Soros is like David Bowie’s “The Man Who Sold the World” and it is you and your children that Soros is trying to sell down a river in his last big transaction before death finally ends his earthly reign

  • Dead Person January 12, 2024, 9:07 am

    Let’s see the list of 300,000 names.

    • Kane January 12, 2024, 9:41 am

      And if there is a list of 300,000, then is there is an even longer list of US citizens that will die from the opiods that the US government lets China ship in via Mexico to walk over the border?

  • michael January 12, 2024, 7:11 am

    bold faced lies and they know it and you know it. the only goal of gun control is to make you an easy target for criminals or government thugs to abuse.

    • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment January 12, 2024, 1:20 pm

      “criminals or government” both are the same thing

      • Hondo January 13, 2024, 1:20 pm


  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment January 10, 2024, 8:24 am

    yeah……criminal lives!

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