FBI Kills Armed Vet in Raid Following Threats Made to Biden on Social Media

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

A Utah man who made threats against President Joe Biden on social media is now dead.

Craig Robertson, 75, of Provo, was killed in an FBI raid early Wednesday morning.

Robertson described himself on social media as an “Air Force Vietnam Era vet, retired welding inspector, gunsmith, and woodworker.”

He was also an NRA lifetime member, a proud gun owner, and a self-described “MAGA Trumper.”

FBI Comment

The FBI has confirmed his death but has said little else about the matter.

“The FBI takes all shooting incidents involving our agents or task force members seriously,” the agency said in a statement obtained by ABC News.

“In accordance with FBI policy, the shooting incident is under review by the FBI’s Inspection Division,” it continued. “As this is an ongoing matter, we have no further details to provide.”

Mr Robertson was a pro-2A advocate according to his bio on social media. The FBI believed him to be a “credible” threat to the president. (Photo: Robertson/Facebook)

Robertson had been in the crosshairs of the agency for several months.

Back in March, agents paid him a visit to ask about his threatening comments on social media.

Robertson reportedly told them, “It was a dream.”

The Threats on Social Media

Robertson did not stop posting threats online. Instead, he began to call out the FBI directly.

“The FBI tried to interfere with my free speech right in my driveway,” he wrote on Facebook on March 30. “My 45ACP was ready to smoke ‘em.”

With Biden visiting Salt Lake City this week, it appears Robertson couldn’t resist.

“I hear Biden is coming to Utah,” Robertson wrote on Sunday, Aug. 6th. “Digging out my old ghillie suit and cleaning the dust off the M24 sniper rifle. Welcome, Buffoon-in-chief!”

The FBI believed the threats to be “credible,” according to an official. They filed a 39-page complaint to obtain a warrant. On Wednesday, around 6 a.m., agents moved in.

Apart from the outcome, it’s unclear at this point what exactly happened during the raid. Hopefully, the FBI will release body cam footage in the coming weeks.

Neighbors Speak Out

Several neighbors have spoken to the media about the kind of person Robertson was.

“There’s no way that he was driving from here to Salt Lake City, setting up a rifle, and taking a shot at the president — 100% no way,” said neighbor Andrew Maunder in an interview with POLITICO.

“He definitely had his political views, which he was very public about on Facebook,” Maunder told The Salt Lake Tribune (SLT) in a separate statement. “But I think deep down, he was just a cranky old guy who was harmless.”

Connor Bunch, another neighbor, said he’d walk around church wearing a Trump hat and that he was “generally well-liked.”

“He seemed like kind of a weird old guy … but everyone knows a weird old guy,” he said. “You wouldn’t imagine that the FBI would come and shoot him.”

Paul Searing, who was friends with Robertson for 22 years, also indicated that Robertson was really harmless.

“But I don’t think it was anything more than an old man just trying to share frustration with what’s going on in the world,” Searing told SLT. “I don’t think he was actually going to drive up to Salt Lake and do anything. I just think he was fed up.”

This story is developing. Stay tuned for updates.

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  • Robert Davis August 16, 2023, 8:35 pm

    Do dumb things, win dumb prizes.

    As much as some WANT the cops to look bad here, the FACTS say otherwise.
    The man has a history of threats involving weapons.
    In this case wisdom did not come with age.

  • Kane August 15, 2023, 10:37 am

    US Timeline

    *Truman establishes CIA from communst OSS
    *Occultist Deep State has total control of US
    *Truman regrets his decision on Occultist CIA
    *Dulles lies about meeting with Truman
    *Occultist CIA starts overthrowing governments and has NOT stopped
    *Occultist CIA assassinates Diem brothers
    *JFK tries to reign in Occultist CIA
    *Occultist CIA and deep state assassinate JFK
    *LBJ reverses National Security Action Memorandum 273 (NSAM-273)
    *Craig Robertson serves in Viet Nam
    *LBJ dies of “heart attack” at the “ranch”
    *Occultist CIA and Deep State overthrow Trump emplaces current Fake POTUS (genuine POS)
    *Craig Robertson exercises his 1st and 2nd Amendment rights
    *Occultist Deep State assassinates Viet Nam veteran Craig Robertson

  • jerry s August 14, 2023, 9:36 pm

    If they thought this guy was so dangerous, why didn’t they surveil him and nab him when he went to the grocery store or bowling alley or church? It sounds like they went to his house to pick a fight. Why don’t they release a report? It makes you suspect that they have something to hide. Do the right thing and come clean, FBI. Stay safe.

  • SquirrelSlayer August 14, 2023, 1:25 pm

    I imagine that it’s going to be really, really, really, etc……………………………………… hard to get the body cam video on this one.

  • Jerry August 14, 2023, 1:13 pm

    And yet, when some kid shoots up a school, and they compile all the online threats and statements made by the shooter, people say why dident ya take care of him/her sooner?
    And the answer is almost always, No Crime Had Yet Been Committed.
    Of course, yet others will scream DoubIe Standard! And point out all the school shooters who claimed to be, or actually voted, democrat, and werent pre-emptively taken out, but this daft old coot was, ghasp, an evil magahatter.
    It should be simple; dont post stuff like that, dont wave things that upset people, and you will upset fewer people.
    And they dident just walkup and bust the door in, there are reports of megaphone warnings, and a smoke grenade thru the front window. There will always be the debate about the necessity of a dawn raid, but theres stories about how “david kouresch”s front doir disappeared once it was pointed out all the bullet holes were from the outside-in, so some peoplewill never trust da gummint’s word on anything.

  • Let's go Brandon, FJB August 14, 2023, 12:02 pm

    Tuco: if you’re gonna shoot, shoot, don’t talk about it.

  • Mexoplex August 14, 2023, 10:35 am

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

    • SquirrelSlayer August 14, 2023, 1:31 pm

      75 years old highly opinionated and totally disgruntled senior citizen. I imagine that he’s the greatest threat to national security since Peewee Herman.

      • Malissa Chamberlain October 13, 2023, 5:29 pm


    • Kane August 15, 2023, 4:45 pm

      Ya mean like Tupac?

  • Phred August 13, 2023, 1:45 pm

    Maybe blustering, frustrated and intemperate but thats no reason to be executed……Brings to mind Branch Davidains …..better guy than George Floyd for sure.

  • Larry Skora August 13, 2023, 1:39 pm

    The idiot in Utah got what he deserved.

    • Hondo August 14, 2023, 1:18 pm

      Oh look, another lefty blow hard, STFU you mental deficient.

    • SquirrelSlayer August 14, 2023, 1:40 pm

      There are those amongst us who pray to God every night that they don’t get what they deserve. I’d say your benevolent ass might be amongst them.

    • Kane August 15, 2023, 4:50 pm

      Hope the child molesting fake POTUS (genuine POS) gets what he derserves.

  • Popeye August 13, 2023, 12:57 pm

    Mr. Robertson, may you rest in peace. But what you did was wrong and very stupid. What did you expect the FBI to do; sit on their thumbs and wait for you to do something even more stupid? As much as I dislike Preisent Biden and VP Harris I wish them no harm. I too have lost the respect I once had for the FBI. In my younger days Ias a police officer I was around agents of the FBI quite often. At that time they were a great bunch of fellow officers that had my respect and admiration, and they were mutually repectful of those they wre to deal with. Times change and people even more so. It is people like this who give the rest of us a bad reputation as gun owners, fellow NRA members and defenders of our most precious civil right. We have the inalienable right to speak our mind, but threats are not well received and we will probably never know why gunfire was the resolution.

  • Bob W August 12, 2023, 4:12 pm

    Weird old guy? No I’m sorry this was a nut with guns. You don’t threaten to kill people just because you don’t like them. Especially the president of the United States of America. I don’t like trump, he’s a draft dodger, and a traitor. But that being said I wouldn’t want any harm to come his way, I just want him to go away. You don’t threaten to kill anyone and think you’re going to be ignored just because you’re a crazy old man.

    • Let's go Brandon, FJB August 14, 2023, 12:00 pm

      “He was a draft dodger”. Clinton was a draft dodger, so was Muhamed Ali. “and a traitor”. How? explain without using references from CNN. Were you outraged when a bunch of celebrities threatened Trump? All of you on the left are hypocrites. The media lies all the time about Trump. Russia, Russia, Russia. After all those years of them saying he was a Russian spy and imbeciles like you believing it; they just recently said that story was false. How many more lies from the media are you going to believe until you pull your head outta your rectum?

      • Hondo August 14, 2023, 1:23 pm

        Low intelligence lefties eat the lies right up and just keep regurgitating the same old bullshit, Bob W doesn’t seem to be too bright or a critical thinker, that’s for sure.

      • Smitty August 14, 2023, 6:42 pm

        Couldn’t have stated that better. Except to add that Bob needs to look up the definition of “traitor” in the dictionary… what a tool. In the future,if we have one, Joseph R Biden will be the definition of a traitor.

      • Smitty August 14, 2023, 6:43 pm

        Couldn’t have stated that better. Except to add that Bob needs to look up the definition of “traitor” in the dictionary… what a tool. In the future, if we have one, Joseph R Biden will be the definition of a traitor.

      • Smitty August 14, 2023, 6:43 pm

        Couldn’t have stated that better. Except to add that Bob needs to look up the definition of “traitor” in the dictionary… what a tool. In the future, if we have one, Joseph R Biden will be the definition of a traitor.

  • Whathappenedtomycountry August 12, 2023, 8:27 am

    Must have been losing his mental faculties, because you don’t tell the enemy you’re going to do something, you just do it.

    • Let's go Brandon, FJB August 14, 2023, 12:02 pm


  • Ralph Cramden August 12, 2023, 12:55 am

    DC is a sh!thole run by DemocRAT criminal thugs who now depend on criminals to vote them into office. Why do you think we have a justice system that keeps criminals on the streets?? Its because they need the vote of them, their families and their friends. If the can’t vote at least they can assist in the cheating of votes. FACT!

  • Kane August 12, 2023, 12:46 am

    The FBI has many good field agents but only around 3 had the guts to stand up and become whistle blowers. The hierarchy of the FBI has been captured by occultists and that would have to include FBI Director Wray. The fake POTUS (genuine POS) is way too stupid to even understand why the deep state keeps his ugly face around.

  • Ralph Cramden August 12, 2023, 12:41 am

    People make idle threats all the time. Look at all the celebrities who made public threats against Trump and not one investigation. Who wants to bet this was a straight up Biden hit?

  • Jeff August 11, 2023, 11:18 pm

    If they killed everyone who thought the same thing about Biden and the corrupt FBI that this guy did, half the population would be dead. His mistake was saying it on social media, every word of which is monitored by the Feds. But of course if you’re a Trump-hating lib, the same rules don’t apply

  • Brad F. August 11, 2023, 11:06 pm

    I agree with the majority of these comments: law enforcement officers have taken on the role of judge, jury, and executioner in our society, whether you are a young Black man with his hands in his pockets or a cranky old white man waving a .45.

  • Stephen Chuckra August 11, 2023, 10:04 pm

    Craig Robertson is dead because he acted stupidly. I’m a former cranky Air Force vet.
    SMSgt Steve Chuckra, Retired 2009

  • someolboy August 11, 2023, 8:33 pm

    Biden Administration = Threat to America and our Constitution.

  • Hondo August 11, 2023, 8:27 pm

    This terrorist agency need to be disbanded, they’re a threat to law abiding citizens of this country.

    • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 10:58 pm

      Don’t think the guy realized the seriousness of his on-line comments. He considered it his 1st A. right to say anything he wanted, even death threats against the president and others. He likely was just pissed at what’s happening to our country, like the rest of us, and was just spouting-off with no intention to make good on any of it. But, the corrupt FBI, weaponized to protect the Biden regime in every circumstance, saw fit to take him out as a warning to any even Thinking such thoughts. Folks, we’re getting close.

  • Stephen Iverson August 11, 2023, 7:04 pm

    Thought Crime much????

  • ejharbet August 11, 2023, 6:47 pm

    if you’re going to do something like get the attention of the government in a negative fashion.
    make sure that when they come you’re property you’re ready. there are driveway alerts you can place.
    motion detector lights are alarms.
    tannerite fido etc. this guy was surprised and too slow to react.
    but he died trying

  • Dan August 11, 2023, 6:36 pm

    I’m all about second amendment rights, free speech, and respecting people, but making even veiled threats against the Commander-In-Chief or law enforcement is crossing the line. I’m not a fan of Biden either, but come on now… you just can’t be doing stuff like that. This is a regrettable situation, but I’m not surprised it turned out this way.

  • Richard Wayne August 11, 2023, 6:27 pm

    The FBI is nothing more than the modern day Gestapo, the KGB of the democrat party.

    • Abel August 12, 2023, 7:35 am

      If you publish threats to the president, how can they be ignored? Did the FBI really have a choice? Again, 1A rights do not apply protection to inciting violence.

      • Let's go Brandon, FJB August 14, 2023, 12:05 pm

        “how can they be ignored”? They did when the threats were toward Trump.

  • Mike August 11, 2023, 5:49 pm

    This whole situation is a mess. Yes, Mr Robertson should have not have made the threats. No doubt he was going to get himself in trouble. But he was 75! How can the FBI not handle this a little better than killing the man? It is all about choices. Bad choices on Mr Robertson’s part, but c’mon, who at the FBI let these men kill this 75 yo man. For real, this just sits wrong with me. My dad is not far off that age. SMH…

  • Todd August 11, 2023, 5:22 pm

    Wait…. why the fbi? I thought the secret service investigated threats against the president? Why a raid on the guys home at 6 in the morning? Detaining a 75 year old for questioning on his comments didn’t happen before the raid?

  • F4U-Corsair August 11, 2023, 4:56 pm

    Other local news sources say that the FBI used a battering ram to break into his house at 6:15 am, and he was shot and killed during the raid. No mention anywhere of him having a history of violent acts or a criminal record, but I bet that he didn’t.

    There are probably more raids to come—remember when Biden had the FBI go after the people who protested in front of abortion clinics? I think since the modern democrats (who are actually just marxists walking around in a hollowed out democrat skin—the true democratic party is dead) got away with those, this raid is just the start of an escalation of the same strategy.

    The fact that this man was killed for just saying things on Facebook is chilling.

    And probably meant to be a message to other people that they should think twice before they express themselves online.

    Which I’m sure is the lesson that all of us here are supposed to learn before the 2024 election drops like a neutron bomb on our Republic (the deciding of which will no doubt take at least a month, because of all the counting and recounting before they declare Biden, or Newsom, or Kamala the winner.)

  • Ozark Muleskinner August 11, 2023, 4:37 pm

    This is how government goons use ‘color of law’ and Red Flag laws to summarily execute Americans who dare to speak out against government tyranny, due process be damned. Such assassinations are a warning to all Americans, to not speak out against Corruptocrat Tyrants: Bend the knee or DOJ killers, just like those at Waco and Ruby Ridge, will be coming for you too!

  • Ross Cowell August 11, 2023, 3:46 pm

    I guess we have to wait and see if he pointed a gun at these so called officers or not, and also see if the officers Identified themselves. But then you have the FBI investigating themselves on this. It’s going to be a wait and see. But with the recent history of the FBI. I will not just take their word for it. Not anymore. But there better be positive video evidence. And I do mean positive. It may turn out to be just like the officer that killed an unarmed woman in the capitol 6th riots.

    • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:00 pm

      Videos can be edited. Ever hear of Photoshop?

    • Irish-7 August 12, 2023, 10:44 am

      Will it matter what the bodycam video shows? Nothing was done to the guy that shot the woman in the face inside the Capitol! Also, Ruby Ridge, Waco and the LaVoy Finicum case in Oregon.

  • Charles B Parmenter August 11, 2023, 3:32 pm

    The FBI is on the LIBS side when it comes to taking everyones gun. Legal or not.

  • bobsyouruncle August 11, 2023, 3:27 pm

    You now see how important those Red Flag laws are

    • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:02 pm

      So, when did you join Everytown?

      • bobsyouruncle August 12, 2023, 2:29 am

        That would be never. I should have added, sarcasm. I thought from all the hype, red flag laws were going to stop just this type of thing. If the gov wants to make a point and or assert authority its just far easier to shoot people dead. Sorry, that old geezer that had to drive his car a block to church every week just wasn’t that scary and there was plenty of time to know that.

  • Godfrey Daniel August 11, 2023, 3:22 pm

    How many times have we heard/read after the attacker/shooter did the deed that he/she was a nice guy/gal/kid, and would never hurt anyone? We may never know what exactly happened. Whenever you start posting/talking of assassinating a President, be sure you’re going to be watched very closely and/or investigated very carefully.

    • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:05 pm

      Oh, you mean like Depp, Madonna, Griffin, DeNiro, and a host of others? Like them? Two standards at work, and if you don’t get that by now, you’ve got the brains of an earthworm.

    • Ralph Cramden August 12, 2023, 12:43 am

      Nobody buying that sh!t in this day and age. News reports this man was in a wheelchair.

  • larry e lynch August 11, 2023, 2:56 pm

    The fbi is watching you if you have read this. The fbi imo is a threat to america inspite of what talking head RINO Sean Hannity says.

  • Wes James August 11, 2023, 2:08 pm

    This guy was a whack job… you simply cannot go around making the kinds of threats and comments he did! Not in today’s society! Too many times, you hear “Why weren’t all these red flags noticed and acted upon??”
    He was NOT a responsible firearm owner. Typical twitler supporter- maybe…

    • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:07 pm

      Oh, they acted all right; they killed him.

  • gypsy August 11, 2023, 1:59 pm

    more in justice by the bought and paid for federal agencys . this is murder by the fbi

  • Mike August 11, 2023, 1:49 pm

    I guess Mr. Robertson “Tried that in a small town.”

    • Mike August 11, 2023, 5:42 pm

      Guessing you didn’t understand what the meaning / intent of the message of that song. But that’s okay. I get it. Just more and more divisive comments.

    • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:08 pm

      Stupid people say stupid things…. Mike.

    • chupakis August 13, 2023, 11:21 pm

      … and got a visit from the rich men north of Richmond.

  • Kenneth A Janulewicz August 11, 2023, 1:47 pm

    Frank Durham, there is no hearing for a search warrant. A judge listens to the purpose of it and then decides whether to issue one or not.

  • D.J. August 11, 2023, 12:57 pm

    Don’t jackals & wild dogs always attack the weakest
    of the herd ?

  • frank durham August 11, 2023, 12:53 pm

    yes, this man was frustrated and allowed his emotions to cloud his judgement. But where I have a problem with this is the warrant was issued and this man received no “DUE PROCESS” in that hearing to counter 39 pages of words that were used to influence a judge without any counter argument. This happens all too often in other courts. ie: Recently children were taken by government because the parents wanted to use fundamental and integrative medical approaches vs conventional medicine (surgery, drugs, radiation).

    Where was this man’s due process? Where was their due process?

    if you find time, watch this movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzJyj5UIWsw

    • Sam I Am August 11, 2023, 1:40 pm

      We don’t know what happened. The video that I expect to come out will hopefully shed some light.

    • gypsy August 11, 2023, 2:06 pm

      i agree that looks like no due process the fbi is and was in on the 2020 steal prove is there

    • Ralph Cramden August 12, 2023, 12:46 am

      Don’t need due process with a crime ridden criminal admin.

  • Big Al 45 August 11, 2023, 12:50 pm

    One more for the list like Waco, Ruby Ridge and others.
    Seems the FBI is mostly made up of trigger happy asshats.

  • Clayton August 11, 2023, 12:45 pm

    Appears he was playing a game of F around and find out. I guess he found out. This guy gives conservatives and gun owners a bad name

    • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:15 pm

      He was 75 and might have had initial signs of dementia. Seemingly, they gave him no chance.
      I have Zero trust in the FBI, at this point. Look what they did to Roger Stone, Pastor Houck, and Donald Trump with their Gestapo tactics.

  • Russ August 11, 2023, 12:42 pm

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  • Claude Tetreault August 11, 2023, 12:33 pm

    Responsible gun owners do not talk about dusting off the rifle and getting the camo on and assassinating the President, Vice-President and Attorney General and “smoking” the FBI in their driveway with a .45. The FBI was acting on a credible threat to the President of the United States and were doing their job to protect the Constitution and the duly elected President and other elected officials from harm. Want different leadership, vote, canvass, get involved in your party or cause and work for the change through peaceful means. If my neighbor was talking about “smoking” me in the driveway with a .45 I would call the police as obviously they don’t know how to live in a civilized society where laws protect people from dangerous people. You can disagree with Biden and his policies, and work to defeat him in the next election, what you cannot do is attempt to overthrow the duly elected leaders through violence. I am saddened that many of the comments thus far are demonizing the FBI. If the shoe was on the other foot and Trump was the one being threatened I have no doubt that the conversation would be honoring the brave men and women of law enforcement. As a responsible gun owner I hate it when irresponsible gun owners draw national attention by their actions that endanger all of our rights to keep and bear arms. I am horrified that there is a minority of gun owners who think that shooting and unarmed person with whom you disagree is a reasonable solution to your disagreement. This is not Equador!

    • someolboy August 11, 2023, 8:32 pm

      Correction: Not Duly Elected, but elected by pre- programmed voting tabulators, un-verified and false mail-in ballots, thanks to the Covid scheme, which was designed to interfere with the election to keep Trump out of office, and mailed in ballots for Trump, that were misdirected and made to disappear by the U.S. Post Office.

    • Frank August 11, 2023, 10:17 pm

      The shoe has been on the other foot… repeatedly. Or is your memory so short you don’t remember the guy who drove to DC to kill Kavanaugh?… The repeated threats against Alito, and Thomas… And how many times in four years did they hang or burn Trump in effigy? I bet the dumbass, carrot-top comedienne who stood there with a bloody, severed “Trump” head didn’t even get a phone call from a law enforcement agency.

      If the FBI gunned-down a 75 year old African American in his own driveway, it would be the summer of 2020 all over again. Lastly, no one has tried to overthrow this government through violence. Quit listening to MSNBC.

    • Bob W August 12, 2023, 4:23 pm

      What an excellent comment. I’m surprised this one sided web site actually posted it. I own many guns. I served in the military. I took an oath to obey and defend the Constitution of the United States twice, once in the Army and again when I was sworn into the New York City Fire Department. I took that oath very serious then and now. If you don’t like what’s going on, make changes but don’t dare threaten to kill other Americans. As you said, that just gives the assholes one more reason to want to take away my guns.

    • James August 13, 2023, 11:04 am

      Duly elected???

    • chupakis August 13, 2023, 11:25 pm

      You make it sound as though the shoe hasn’t been on the other foot and Trump hasn’t been (openly and blatantly) threatened. Where you been for the last six years?

    • chum lee August 13, 2023, 11:27 pm

      Horrified froggy. Naturally.

  • david August 11, 2023, 12:18 pm

    Trump needs clean house Fbi, Cia, etc

  • Blue's Dad August 11, 2023, 12:17 pm

    FBI = Federal Bureaucratic Incompetence So it’s not a threat but I am sure they get butt hurt somehow ridiculous fucking country full of pussies. and they are all in washington DC getting butt hurt.

    this is a crying shame come on DC he was an old man not a fucking threat Okay his choice of expression wasn’t the best, but really you gotta kill the man HE SERVED THIS COUNTRY!!!

  • david ziegler August 11, 2023, 12:14 pm

    **************** Trump 2024 *******************

  • Andre August 11, 2023, 12:06 pm

    Really? The FBI is now a rogue agency? I remember a time when African Americans would say that the FBI & DOJ were out of control. That the justice system was unfair. African Americans would say there is a 2 tier justice system. The rest of America would tell us that this was not true. We also told to just shut up and follow the law. We were told if you just followed the law you wouldn’t have a problem.

    Trump sound like every criminal who always say that they are innocent. Prisons are filled with only innocent people. He should just shut up and stop committing crimes. Its’ not different than what we have been told for decades.

    • Greg August 13, 2023, 11:29 pm

      Who’s “we”?

  • Jerry August 11, 2023, 11:53 am

    I once knew a guy who, while we were working, kept an eye out for obama and airforce one flying in to town, and discussed how best to “take him out”, he favored buying a S.A.M. or drone, and i told him if he was serious he would steal a load of explosives and an airplane and do it himself to guarantee it would be done, ya cant trust to hire somebody to do such work and not just take your money and nark on you. He couldnt even offer me enough money to stop laughing at the offer.

  • Phillip DeWitt August 11, 2023, 11:24 am

    It’s always best not to let your mouth override your brain. Imo the best policy for police is to talk and take your time instead of breaking down doors early in the morning. The FBI constantly seems to rush and get people killed. The FBI has insured one less Trump vote in next election, perhaps that was the goal.

  • Ron August 11, 2023, 11:07 am

    Seems to happen all the time when the fbI is involved just what would they do if someone broke down there door at night asholes

  • CM Chaso August 11, 2023, 10:56 am

    Of course they whacked him! Threats against Der Fuhrer are forbidden! Even from a frail 75 Year old who was simply expressing his angst at the destruction of his country. What? You thought you had a Right to SPEAK? Ha Ha! Keep your mouth shut OR ELSE!

    • Sam I Am August 11, 2023, 1:39 pm

      You’re an idiot.

      • Hondo August 11, 2023, 8:10 pm

        Found the Biden nut hugger, FO you lemming.

      • Kane August 12, 2023, 12:19 am

        The fake POTUS (genuine POS) was accused in writing by his daughter of showering with her as a young child and sexually molesting her and he (fake POTUS) used the tyranical power of the deep state to arrest a couple that obtaimned the documents, and shut down public attention.

        So now telling me where I am wrong???

        And then tell me why I should consider the fake POTUS’s enemies my enemies???

        And then tell me why you think this pervert (still talking about the fake POTUS) should control the fate of the young Americans serving in the US and the rest of the US???

      • Kane August 12, 2023, 12:22 am


        And then tell me why you think this pervert (still talking about the fake POTUS) should control the fate of the young Americans serving in the MILITARY and the rest of the US???

  • Ronald Grey August 11, 2023, 10:47 am

    “Likeable”? Saying all he said about what he was planning or imagining (benefit of doubt) doing.. “Likeable”? What’s to like about proposal of assassination/murder of someone that did you nothing?

    • Kane August 12, 2023, 12:09 am

      Vietnam vet, NRA Member > Fake POTUS (genuine POS), corrupt, lying, pervert, life long politician millionaire civil
      servant, war mongering, tyrant, incompetant, corrupt, foolhardy, moron,

  • Frank August 11, 2023, 10:45 am

    Criticize the Biden regime, and end up in a body bag. Disband the FBI and ATF… for a starting point.

  • Laddyboy August 11, 2023, 10:04 am

    Gee! Mr. Robinson was found guilty before any action was taken. Does this make his murder OK? What about the THREAT the “red headed” XY made? What about the group that SHOWED the murder of President Trump? What about the THREATS ‘ms. pelosi’ made? What about the INSTIGATION THREATS ‘waters’ made MULTIPLE TIMES?

    • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:25 pm

      And Chuck Schumer’s overt threat that resulted in an ACTUAL assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh and his entire family! Did the FBI kick-in Schumer’s door at 6am and shoot him? Of course not, he’s a Progressive-Socialist big-wig.

  • Bob August 11, 2023, 9:42 am

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  • Rodney Steward August 11, 2023, 9:11 am

    The FBI has now become the enemy to this country, they are nothing but cold blooded killers, as we all seen that with the Bundies.

    • Laddyboy August 11, 2023, 10:05 am


    • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:28 pm

      Wondering if they would have shot Trump when they raided Mar-a-Lago? (he wasn’t there at the time)

  • Rick Phillips August 11, 2023, 9:02 am

    Millions of Americans feel in a way like this Veteran did.
    The current Government and it’s alphabet soup agencies have turned rogue and lawless!
    We are disgusted with these thugs! How many of us must die at their hands? How much lying and bullying do they have to do before Congress acts?

    • CM Chaso August 11, 2023, 10:59 am

      Congress is powerless. MOST of them are part of the problem.

  • Dr Motown August 11, 2023, 6:28 am

    I can be a “cranky old dude” too, but I would NEVER brag on social media about “smoking” the FBI with my pistol, or “dusting off my sniper rifle” when the President is visiting…Sorry, it may be his 1A “right,” but he was asking for serious trouble with that sh*t, which can be easily interpreted as a threat. Maybe he had some early cognitive issues which suppressed his frontal lobe filters, and it’s sad that he didn’t have family or friends to help him temper his public comments better😖

    • CM Chaso August 11, 2023, 11:02 am

      Yup. So he deserved to be wasted. We can’t allow old men to spout-off like that.

    • John Derek Best August 11, 2023, 11:40 am

      I can’t believe with all of the media cover ups, and numerous series threats to our country the fbi considered this guy a clear an present threat. I thought the whole idea of the 1A was to be able to say what he said?
      Nope he was practice for the future. Too bad fbi can never raid gangs with the same boldness.

      • Sam I Am August 11, 2023, 1:46 pm

        Maybe you need to understand what the law reads. Doesn’t matter who the POTUS is – the same action would be taken regardless if your stupid ass makes a threat like that. Appalling the amount of ignorance. As if Biden is pulling the strings to send the FBI to deliberately shoot this guy.

        • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:35 pm

          So, where was the FBI when BLM/Antifa was looting/rioting/beating people and burning down federal courthouses and police stations? Wasn’t THAT against the law? The FBI answers to the DOJ and AG Garland, and we Know where they stand and what they’re about. Wake The F-ck Up!

        • Kane August 11, 2023, 11:59 pm

          The FBI has thrown away the rule of law by covered for the Biden crime family and the timing of raiding and killing this guy was that of a police state and it’s unaccoutable police force sending a message to enemy’s of this corrupt regime.

    • Ocean Dragon August 11, 2023, 1:30 pm

      You are absolutely correct. We’ll see what happens when the FBI video is released. I’m pretty sure I would be investigated if I were proclaiming such threats as well. It is free speech until it causes a threat. Idiot!

    • Ralph Cramden August 12, 2023, 1:02 am

      I wonder what would have happened if the FBI smoked Johnny Depp for insinuating an attack on Trump when he asked a big cheering audience…when was the last time an Actor “KILLED” a President? That sounded like more of a threat. And a threat to incite violence.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment August 10, 2023, 2:22 pm

    govt seems way to harsh on trump supporters

    • Sam I Am August 11, 2023, 1:37 pm

      Are you seriously that delusional? The guy made public threats on social media including one that he was going to kill the POTUS. Take off your MAGA cap for a second and pretend you actually still have a few brain cells left. Harsh on Trump supporters? Honestly, comments like this play right into the hands of liberals. You can’t rationally or logically defend any psychopath dumb enough to make these kinds of comments in public and not expect consequences – I don’t care how frustrated you are. Yeah, I’m sure he was a likable guy…so was Charles Manson.

      • Stan d. Upnow August 11, 2023, 11:39 pm

        Yeah, guy, harsh on Trump supporters. Why don’t you ask some of the Jan. 6 political prisoners regarding that? Jackass.

      • Kane August 11, 2023, 11:53 pm

        Why don’t you repost what you said when Johnny Depp threatened Trump or when Kathy Griffen threatened Trump???

      • Ralph Cramden August 12, 2023, 12:57 am

        We don’t have a POTUS, we have a POS.

      • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment August 12, 2023, 4:37 am

        ??????? your commie party is against guns, no death penalty, due justice, supporting criminals over the police, love not war shit, everybody has rights, and the fact that he harmed no one……what exactly makes you so right here???

  • Kane August 10, 2023, 11:32 am

    Very sad, the little I know about Craig Robertson suggests that he was a really likeable dude.

    • Bob W August 12, 2023, 4:31 pm

      Yea and very crazy.

      • Kane August 14, 2023, 10:06 am

        Really, what was the worst statement that he made?

        Maybe Robertson did NOT want a child molester running the US into the ground.

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