Federal Gun Registration Bill Introduced By Florida Senator

Federal Gun Registration Bill Introduced By Florida Senator

Sen. Bill Nelson with Parkland students Cameron Kasky and David Hogg. (Photo: Bill Nelson/Facebook)

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson introduced legislation this week that would create a national gun registry.

Known as the “Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act,” the bill would require ATF to set up a “searchable, computerized database” of all records pertaining to the sale, importation, production or shipment of firearms. The agency would be given three years to get the system up and running.

“The fact that there is a law on the books that forces agents to comb through millions of files by hand is absolutely ridiculous,” said Nelson, a Florida Democrat.

Under current federal law Big Brother is prohibited from tracking gun purchases. All transfer records remain in the possession of an FFL until a firearm is involved in a crime. Then, investigators can contact the FFL to get the pertinent info on who the gun was sold to. Only when an FFL goes out of business does it turn records over to the ATF’s National Tracing Center in West Virginia.

The Crime Gun Tracing Modernization Act has the support of Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez. On Twitter, Gonzalez touted the importance of the bill.

“This bill is Super Important, with it we will Actually be able to find the original owner of weapons like we see in Criminal Minds,” wrote the teen.

Gun-rights activists have long opposed giving the state access to gun records for obvious reasons. Government is a potential enemy of the people. It is the biggest existential threat to our basic rights and freedoms. Making it easier for it to determine which citizens exercise their right to keep and bear arms is like giving it a kill-first list.

SEE ALSO: So Why Not Register Guns? Here’s Why Not!

The Second Amendment creates a balance of power between citizens and government. Any measure that offsets that balance or tips it in the favor of the state ought to be rejected immediately by our elected officials. Remember, they all swore an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

Under Florida law it is a felony offense for anyone to create a list of gun owners. Moreover, any state agency caught doing so faces a fine up to $5 million.

The Florida Legislature has concluded that a gun registry would be “an instrument for profiling, harassing, or abusing law-abiding citizens based on their choice to own a firearm and exercise their Second Amendment right.”

Although he is a federal lawmaker, one would think that Nelson being from Florida would know better.

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  • William A Rowe January 30, 2021, 5:32 am

    This guy represents one of the reasons we’re pushing for term limits.

  • John R. PylesIII September 12, 2018, 4:18 pm

    These as-hole politicians all need to rounded up and put in school and taught what the Constitution says specifically The Bill of Rights. And then arrested for lying under oath and jailed! PS I will never register sh-t. never

  • Haroldwolf June 20, 2018, 5:07 pm

    Guess he slept through civics classes and missed the part of Shall Not Be Infringed.

  • Stan June 11, 2018, 10:44 am

    Nelson is, unfortunately, one of my U.S. senators.
    He is hard-line Dumocrat to the core. One of those who sat through the President’s SOTU speech and refused to
    applaud, when those of decent character in the room were giving a standing ovation for honored guests.

    How this jerk has been re-elected is beyond me, as he is anti- what are the basic values of the state of FL.
    He needs to be removed from office.

  • Expat47 June 11, 2018, 10:37 am

    So why not introduce a bill to ban incompetent sheriffs and school administrators? They’re the ones that caused this latest knee-jerk attempt to bypass the constitution and our rights.

  • Hondo June 10, 2018, 5:51 pm

    Not one more inch, FU ya POS, vote this clown out ASAP, enough of these creeps already.

  • Slim June 10, 2018, 5:37 am

    SIMPLE solution…. 80% guns!!!!! Build YOUR OWN with ZERO serial numbers by using an EASY JIG GEN2 or 5D and GOOD TO GO! Build pistols the same way! Can build GLOCKS and 1911’s all day that cone with jigs included and buy slides from any of the aftermarket suppliers and AGAIN ZERO serial numbers! LEGAL TOO! I’m right now waiting on my EASY JIG GEN 2 multi platform that will take cheap 80% lowers in an hour or so in ALL THREE calibers using the same jig…. AR-10’s, AR-15’s, and AR-9’s and all you need is a router, hand held drill, and the bits sold by the jig company you get your jig from… EASY AND SIMPLE! I’ll be buying the 80% frames for all my GLOCKS after I get all my rifles built and just hope to see the bigger 10mm/45’s caliber GLOCK 80% lowers to come out sooner than later since now all is sold is the smaller G17 or G19 sized frames which I also will will be buying to finish my GLOCKS. SAD they are turning good law abiding gun owners into criminals like they already have me with the bump stocks I’m NOT LOSING HUNDREDS of dollars on! I’m keeping mine on my rifles till I find a buyer and simply won’t bring them into the light unless my life depends on it like I’m SURE SO MANY OTHERS are doing! I bought my bump stocks LEGALLY so in my opinion… SCREW THEM ALL!

    • ZMC June 11, 2018, 12:50 pm

      I’m right there with you man, I don’t need uncle Sam knowing anything about me.

  • Goaks June 9, 2018, 2:58 pm

    I was in NY for 5 long years and finally got a chance to move out. This is the same kind of crap people are moving away from. The only folks in NY that you can count on that have fire arms are the criminals. It takes almost a year to get a permit and then a judge can say no because of the way you look.

    Now you would like to have a list of folks that have guns so that what, they can be harassed? The constitution provides us with the ability to fight tyranny and the formation of militia to do so. This one act would totally eliminate that and still leave the guns in the hands of criminals giving them even more leverage against law bidding citizens. Do you expect a criminal to say, oh I can’t use that gun to rob someone because it is not legal?

    How do such idiots get elected into office, who pays for this? It is totally absurd to think these people are really analytical and problem solvers. They simply throw as much crap against the wall to see what sticks! Really, all kinds of drugs are outlawed, but is there still a drug problem? Legalizing marijuana has actually slowed down the traffic problem, individuals don’t have to buy it illegally. Fighting the actual criminal, making tougher laws on those that are actually using the weapons to hurt others, and allowing the law biding the ability to fight criminals doesn’t hurt either.

    It has been said many times, the weapon itself does not do the criminal act. Criminals will always get what ever weapon they want. To make these weapons is not difficult. Stop trying to rehabilitate these folks, put them away and lose the key. Others will soon get the message. If you do the crime, a law biding citizen may fight back and kill you, or you will get caught and be put away with other idiots of the same accord for the duration of your life!

  • Goaks June 9, 2018, 2:54 pm

    I was in NY for 5 long years and finally got a chance to move out. This is the same kind of crap people are moving away from. The only folks in NY that you can count on that have fire arms are the criminals. It takes almost a year to get a permit and then a judge can say no because of the way you look.

    Now you would like to have a list of folks that have guns so that what, they can be harassed? The constitution provides us with the ability to fight tyranny and the formation of militia to do so. This one act would totally eliminate that and still leave the guns in the hands of criminals giving them even more leverage against law bidding citizens. Do you expect a criminal to say, oh I can use that gun to rob someone because it is not legal?

    How do such idiots get elected into office, who pays for this? It is totally absurd to think these people are really analytical and problem solvers. They simply throw as much crap against the wall to see what sticks! Really, all kinds of drugs are outlawed, but is there still a drug problem. Legalizing marijuana has actually slowed down the traffic problem, individuals don’t have to buy it illegally. Fighting the actual, making tougher laws on those that are actually using the weapons to hurt others, and allowing the law biding the ability to fight criminals doesn’t hurt either.

    It has been said many times, the weapon itself does not do the criminal act. Criminals will always get what ever weapon they want. To make these weapons is not difficult. Stop trying to rehabilitate these folks, put them away and lose the key. Others will soon get the message. If you do the crime, a law biding citizen may fight back and killing you, or you will get caught and be put away with other idiots of the same accord for the duration of your life!

  • Kip June 9, 2018, 7:58 am

    About 6 months ago my wife and I moved to florida from the peoples republic of new york–my biggest reason was to get away from comrad andy’s (cuomo) asinine SAFE act. I’ll be damned if I’m going to vote for any candidate down here that thinks ANY new gun law is going to be obeyed by criminals. Hey comrad andy, how many criminals have registered their guns? How about tougher laws where firearms are used-like no plea bargaining, no possibility of early release and less hassle for honest citizens that use a firearm to defend themselves? Any politician advocating “common sense gun control” should be asked the following questions: 1) What is an assault rifle. 2) how will you get criminals to obey this new law? &3) Did you take the time to research the actual effect of similar laws and is a similar law already on the books?

    • ej harb June 15, 2018, 11:42 pm

      Guess whos running against nelson? Governor Rick Scott who signed into law the biggest gun grab since the 94 Feinstein ban.sucks to be you.

  • Frank June 9, 2018, 7:33 am

    Old snake eye’s is up to it again.

  • Frank June 9, 2018, 7:31 am

    Bill Nelson is truly a Space Cadet who follows the drum beat of Nancy Pelosi and her cohort zombies.

  • Andrew N. June 9, 2018, 1:24 am

    There has NEVER been an time in all history when Registration hasn’t led to Confiscation. Just say “Not only NO, but FUCK NO!” to your Congressman.

  • Craig June 8, 2018, 11:53 pm

    How does a democrat get elected in Florida anyway. Oh that’s right all you New Yorkers that have retired and moved down there to get away from the oppressive socialist Democrat politics have brought those same politics with you and continue to vote for so called democrats. I have news for you. The so called democrat party is not the same. They are big government, all knowing, all seeing, total controlling communist. They want to use 5he constitution for toilet paper. The only obsticle of total control and forming a socialist government IS the constitution and the Bill of Rights and they hate it. Quit voting democrats into office like 5he crook Debbie Waserman Shultz and Bob Nelson. If you want womb to the tomb government move to Europe.

    • Winston June 9, 2018, 12:55 pm

      The Dems and Republican Michael Bloomberg- who are using a lesbian and a few other feminized FL male teenagers as anti-gun props- are neo-liberal corporatists just as the GOP are. Disarmament is how this Oligarchy plans to stay in control of the country while carrying out physical persecution of white males. The only differences between the two parties are identity politics and ownership of guns. Hillary voted with Republicans 94% of the time while she was a senator from NY.

    • Stuart October 2, 2020, 7:02 pm

      Yep, damn Yankee’s who think Democrats mean they get free crap, that only works in NY, I’ve never seen so many people here in Florida, that love any new tax that comes out. Like ‘Pennies’ for Pinellas’ its not Pennies you fools, its 1%

      But Rick Scott vs. Bill Nelson – which Democrat should i vote for?

  • KUETSA June 8, 2018, 11:22 pm

    NEVER register your your firearms to a confiscation list.
    The ONLY purpose served by registration is to facilitate CONFISCATION!

  • king missle June 8, 2018, 8:49 pm

    Antifa nonbinary genderqueers are ruining the United States…so confuse they don’t know which restroom to use!

  • Kevin Hare June 8, 2018, 7:11 pm

    Bye 👋
    Bill I have voted for you in the past but no more!

  • Glenn61 June 8, 2018, 6:46 pm

    I’m in Florida, and all I can say is that we are hoping that the inbred troglodyte, Bill Nelson, loses his senate seat in the next election cycle.

  • Nicholaus Carroll June 8, 2018, 6:42 pm

    How about,….kiss my rear end. Not happening with me or anyone I know. Try to take them. I will then be an outlaw and really don’t care about the outcome anymore. I’m really getting sick of this shit.

  • Bill June 8, 2018, 6:30 pm

    And just how will this prevent anything. What gun control law will prevent anything. Perpetrators using a firearm for a crime usually use a unlawfully obtained firearm and these are the individuals who don’t obey the law anyhow. Areas with some of the most restrictive gun control laws have some of the highest crime rates where the use of the firearm is used. People who will legally buy a firearm aren’t the people who violate the laws involving firearms. An individual that steals or buys an illegal firearm most likely won’t register it lol..

  • ronald miller June 8, 2018, 6:15 pm

    Democrats want to take our guns one way or another, now if we told democrats they can have guns for free and we will give them to poor people who dont work then they would love them

  • Donald Rasher June 8, 2018, 5:01 pm

    Hey this might work,……… just as soon as you get all gang bangers and street thugs to come in and register their guns. Until then, ….. all you goody, goody, two shoes politicians with your left leaning, progressive, socialist democrat ideas, … can go pound sand up your keester!

  • JOEL WS June 8, 2018, 4:44 pm

    [“The fact that there is a law on the books that forces agents to comb through millions of files by hand is absolutely ridiculous,” said Nelson, a Florida Democrat.]

    The real FACT is that it is SUPPOSED to be difficult and a slow process and was #designedthatway to protect American Citizens’ Rights. Digitizing the records would immediately turn it into a potential push button confiscation machine. Factor in the hack-ability of any database and you’ve given ambitious criminals and harassing activists the keys to make things even WORSE for honest firearm owners. Bill Nelson is either ignorant to a dangerous extreme, does not care about the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights, a law unto himself – a tyrant, or just another run of the mill leftist democrat and therefore a combo platter of all three. We really need to bring back treason and sedition laws in honor of white collar enemies of the state like the aforementioned ‘Honorable Senator’ from Floriduh. Maybe they could get rid of him under a breach of contract charge? (I’d add it might be worth a shot, but I don’t want someone intentionally misinterpreting my meaning.)

  • John Dow June 8, 2018, 4:14 pm

    And just how does any tracking list, aka registry, prevent or solve any crimes?

    Did the shell casing databases ever help solve a crime? No.

    All any such data does is provide easier means for the confiscation that the anti-gun crowd really wants.

  • Pseudo June 8, 2018, 4:07 pm

    Scott sold out and Bill Nelson does not have a man card, he is the incarnate of what Nancy P would look like as a LBGT or whatever the liberals label this BS.

  • Rog June 8, 2018, 3:59 pm

    All of these Federal gun laws apply only to US citizens. Chances are you are NOT a US citizen. Were you born in DC or one of the territories? Did you complete the requirements of the immigration and naturalization Act? Are you a government employee or in the military? If not, you are not a US citizen. You are either an American state national or a state citizen (if you are employed by state government). Citizen=slave. Repeat this to yourself until it sinks in. A citizen is not a desirable status. Stop calling yourself a citizen!

  • McQuary Thomas C June 8, 2018, 3:11 pm

    Emma Gonzalez is the best advocate they’ve got? “Now we can see who owns these guns like on Criminal Minds”. Seriously?!!! She thinks this will all work like a TV show; one that’s nowhere near reality. No wonder these mouthy kids haven’t a clue about the violence problem. Their snowflake persona and ignorance driven arrogance is part of that very problem.

  • deanbob June 8, 2018, 2:32 pm

    Mahatma Muhjesbude, first we must find a judge who knows the constitution; then we must find one who believes in it strongly enough to enforce it. When even the Chief Justice can get by with ignoring/violating the constitution, as CJ Roberts did when he legislated what Obamacare was (not once but twice!), one knows any fight is uphill!

  • mike June 8, 2018, 2:30 pm

    So , what I’ve read is that the “black rifles”, aka Colt AR15 ‘s have been available to the law abiding public since 1967. Why is it just of late that they are so evil? Why didn’t we have mass shooting with these back in the 60’s, 70’, 80’s etc? Were these guns sleeping in a corner somewhere?

    To the “Safe Act” in New York: It was written that there are over one million of such rifles in NY. Of this number, forty five thousand were registered, by twenty three thousand eight hundred forty seven people.

    Form your own opinions please.

  • pjw June 8, 2018, 2:18 pm

    Unfortunately Floridians have no choice in our upcoming midterm senatorial election. Governor Scott has recently shown
    his true anti second amendment position. The raising the age to purchase long guns and the banning of “bump Fire” modifications to long guns shows how Governor Scott has contempt for our state and federal constitutions. Senator Nelson has
    had a nearly forty five year record of contempt for the second amendment and our state and federal constitutions. Neither one
    of these self gratifying/serving politicians is worthy of an office of United States Senator for the state of Florida. How ever we
    as conservative Constitutionally minded Florida voters have no choice in our upcoming election. Our choice is bad to worse.

  • bjg June 8, 2018, 2:06 pm

    Brought to you by the very trash of the U.S.. democrats. They hate America, they hate guns, they hate freedom. Love only CONTROL!

    • Bobs your uncle June 8, 2018, 8:02 pm

      Money! money,money, money, you forgot money in our state we have a joker running for office who says he’ll get money for the schools, just like demo’s said getting money from legal gambling and then from legal marijuana for the schools would solve everything, what it solved was, where their next big campaign contribution came from. These MF’s don’t do anything unless it enriches their interests. Doing it for the children? probably not, be a man and admit it its for the………..

    • Bud June 9, 2018, 9:15 am

      Do they remind you of other famous socialist who turned fascist. Like Hitler and Stalin and Mussolini and Mao.

  • Grant Stevens June 8, 2018, 2:03 pm

    The only gun law American citizens need to obey is part of the supreme law of the land – it’s called the Second Amendment and “shall not be infringed.” Those in government who attack this Amendment with legislation and bureaucratic regulations are committing treason and should be immediately removed from office for violating their oath to the Constitution of the United States. Sic semper tyrannis!

  • Donald Congleton June 8, 2018, 2:01 pm

    NO! NO! NO! HELL NO!!

  • Joel B. June 8, 2018, 1:43 pm

    Can you imagine the uproar if a Solon proposed a bill requiring the public recording and registrations of abortion procedures? If Nelson’s bill is presented to the Senate, a conservative member should propose amending the bill to include such a requirement. The chance of passing would be zero.

  • Mac Daddy June 8, 2018, 1:34 pm

    How can anybody trust this guy. First he tells people he does not want to take away their 2nd Amendment Rights or violate any of our Rights. No he won’t hurt us he just wants a registry just like Himmler did for his little Corporal. Then like most gun grabber this is a smoke screen to make it easier to round up the gun owners just like Joe Stalin & others like Marshall Tito. Gee boys & girls isn’t that the new Little Corporal of our time with Heir Hogg. This is the time to vote because “We The People Are Pissed”.

  • Michael Christensen M June 8, 2018, 12:55 pm

    What about states where private party gun sales are still legal? Like in Maine where I live.

  • lmcl123 June 8, 2018, 12:43 pm

    Well if Emma thinks it’s ” Super Important” we should do it!!! And the reason Criminal Minds people find the original owner is because the writers write it into the script… Heil Hitler Emma.

  • Mahatma Muhjesbude June 8, 2018, 12:30 pm

    I’ve been predicting this for years. The tipping point where these extreme radical Totalitarian leftists, posing in insidious euphemism in their mendacious self-description as a ‘Democratic Party’, is now nearing the critical mass that emboldens this party of treasonous Tyrannists to fully reveal their true agenda to simply defile the 2nd/A and all other Constitutional rights as they please, when they please, and no longer hiding under the specious acclaim of ‘public safety’ or crime prevention.

    This is probably because they realize that this next midterm election will make or break their agenda. If it turns out that the Trump administration loses either the Senate or the House, they’ll be able to wheel and deal with the corrupted wing of the GOP to slip and slide their nit picking gun control laws, and block laws like the ‘hearing protection act’ to allow silencers.

    But here’s the pitiful part. IT’S ALL OUR OWN FUCKING FAULT!

    We’ve allowed our pitiful porcine sycophant lifestyles to be co-opted, re-directed, and brainwashed into doing nothing but complaining and whining like mewling finger stuck in our asses morons, but not taking any pro-active, citizen duty action to stop all this criminal activity by the criminal justice system ITSELF!

    To Wit: Why are we, the sheeple, NOT simply ENFORCING THE SECOND AMENDMENT? Or put another way, why isn’t this CRIMINAL against humanity being cuffed and shackled and perp walked to the nearest jail for even conspiring to attempt a firearms registry?

    Why isn’t Everybody and Anybody who intentionally violates our self-evident Law of The Land protected Constitutional rights immediately arrested arraigned and held without bail pending trial for such an egregious crime that rips at the soul of our Liberties?

    I mean, we have 80 fucking thousand swat raids a year stealing more private property than all the burglaries in the country combined and putting people in prisons for something that is completely legal in other parts of the country, and we can’t arrest and charge someone for high crimes and treason after a public admission of guilt and an act of furtherance of the crime?

    Huh, wha, ah ah um, duh…Whaddya mean?

    I’ll jump the gun here a bit for the tip off. It’s because the criminal justice system is all a lie! It
    ALL is a criminal conspiracy fraud. It has corrupted itself into legislating outside the Congressional purview with criminal judges who ‘legislate from the bench’, and criminal prosecutors so politically corrupted as to disregard the law and or ‘weaponize’ it for their own political or financial agendas.

    The criminal justice system has been transmuted into existing solely for the purpose of serving the Deep State agenda, and NOT to protect the rights of the American Citizen, or uphold the Law of The Land.

    For everybody’s futile edification here,

    Fuck voting him out, the appropriate prosecutor’s office or the local district attorney’s office should cite on the arrest warrant for the swat team as they flash bang this treasonous asshole’s house as the 12 guage breach rounds blow the door off the hinges is:

    18 USCC Section 241-242:
    (241) If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any Citizen in the free exercise or enjoyment of any Rights, or Privilege secured to them by the Constitution or Laws of the United States…they shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, and if death results they shall be subject to imprisonment for any term or for life.”
    (242) “Whoever, under colour of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom willfully subjects any inhabitant of any state to the deprivation of ANY, Privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or Laws of the United States…shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, and if death results shall be subject to imprisonment for any term…”

    The meaning is pretty clear, even to those who are for all practical purposes cognitively deceased, that any so-called lawmaker who tries to make a law banning or restricting or regulation any citizen’s right to have and use firearms, is a major criminal offense?

    This isn’t something new. There’s already case law on challenges over the years:

    [Miller vs. U.S. 230 F 2nd 486, 489] The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislatures bearing the appearance of lawful legislation constitutes the law of the land. It does Not. The U.S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement.

    “WHERE RIGHTS SECURED BY THE CONSTITUTION ARE INVOLVED, THERE CAN BE NO RULE MAKING, OR LEGISLATION WHICH WOULD ABROGATE THEM.” [Miranda vs. Arizona. 384 US 436 p 491] In other words, all anti-2nd/A gun laws are patently illegal.

    “An unconstitutional law Is Not a law; it confers no rights, imposes no duties, affords no protection, it creates no office, it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative, as though it has never been passed.” [Norton vs. Shelby County, 118 US 425 pa.442]

    There’s more, but that should drive home the point. So the big question, again, is why is the NRA not rallying and calling for ‘authorities’ and spending some of our dues money on lawyers to file criminal charges against these traitors?

    The FBI wants to charge and prosecute a sitting president for a bullshit ‘obstruction’ charge and this moron gets away with conspiring to violate our rights?

    At least the NRA should file a class action Federal suit to get a SCOTUS to re-verify that all gun laws violate the Supreme Constitutional law, and therefore all those citizens prosecuted for violating ILLEGAL gun laws, should be released if in jail, and their charges expunged and appropriate compensation designated?

    But we know they won’t. And we know why.

    • Jay June 9, 2018, 6:50 am

      Amen! The sad thing is, apathy has got everyone to the point that it will end up in the streets all over this country to straighten things out and truly make America what it once was, Free!

    • ~ Occams June 9, 2018, 11:27 am

      Thank you.

      It’s nice to see ONE PERSON HERE AWAKE. I was amazed at all these ‘experienced shooters’ here couldn’t identify the weapon used in the Vegas/Paddock fraud;

      Belt-fed 7.62

      THAT lie has been 100% exposed (as evidenced by the cops banning alt-media, yet as soon as alt-media uncovered a lie, THE ‘OFFICIAL NARRATIVE’ WAS THE RE-WRITTEN), you most here still think it was ‘real’.


      Stop shouting ‘conspiracy theory!’ and wake up to FACTS AND EVIDENCE.

      I suggested (below) ONE HOUR spent by ALL here with Prof. Jim Fetzer, who exposes all these ‘events’ for what they are; False Flag agendas…..

      How many here know that the ‘Paddock shooting’ killed the Hearing Protection Act?

      AND I’LL BET 100% of you have no clue that NOW they’re screaming for ‘metal detectors’ in ALL hotels?

      Well, guess who OWNS that business?

      Dual-passport holder Michael Chertoff, head of DHS during 9/11 – and who released the ‘5 dancing Israelis’ who were caught with explosives and large amounts of cash, all failed Lie Detector tests, all quietly released back to Israel…

      And 3 were confirmed Mossad agents.

      Spend an hour and try to save your country:


      And NO – it’s NOT a ‘conspiracy theory’. They’re conspiracy FACTS.

  • Country boi June 8, 2018, 12:24 pm

    And that’s one reason why living in Kansas can be good! We are all hunters believers of living off the land. And family bound people who praise our great savior and the good holy book! I’ll take my horse & buggy with my side arm, over a Mercedes any day! And I don need no beach or sky raised buildings just leave my rights alone! Lots of land out here for fresh start in state with open carry law… and believe me! We respect our gun carrying brothers & sisters. That’s what ales ks living so easy!

  • Leighton Cavendish June 8, 2018, 12:07 pm

    Once they have a list, then they know who owns all the guns and where they MIGHT be.
    Still about 300-400M out here now that will not be on that registry.
    Ask about NY SAFE law. How many complied?
    I might be OK with it if they let us buy anything and everything firearms related…with no tax stamps or long waits. Machine guns…suppressors…etc. .But you know that is not going to happen.
    But it is a slippery slope from registration to confiscation.
    “Shall not be infringed” has been taking on a lot of new meanings.

  • Ben June 8, 2018, 11:56 am

    What I am going to say will probably not be very well received but it needs to be said…. so here goes ! Yes, Nelson is a far left Communist Scumbag that has to turn to a child from Parkland to stand with him on this bill. Hey why not, I don\’t know this child ( and I\’m in no way putting them down ) but with all their vast experience and wealth of knowledge they have obtained in their 15 – 17 years of life, why not seek their advise and support !
    What we have going on here with crime, violence, gun control etc. has to be expected. While patriotic Americans have been asleep for the past 50 – 75 years, plus or minus, the communists and socialists have been hard at work. ( Snoring in the background ) One of the Premiers in the USSR years ago ( Kruschev or Stalin I think ) made a very pertinent statement, he said America would never be defeated militarily. America would have to be defeated from within ! So the hard work began. He stated as Karl Marx once stated, you have to start with the children. He said turn the kids minds towards sex. So we had the sexual revolution in America. The educational system would have to be changed, so they changed it. Just look at the educational system in America now, we are not #1 in the world, as we ought to be, in fact, nowhere even near it. According to PEW Research, the last assessment was in 2015 in which out of the 71 most developed and developing countries the world, the U.S. ranked an unimpressive 38th in math and 24th in science ! UNEXCEPTABLE for America and Americans !!! Not all, but by far the vast majority of schools from kindergarten, through grade school right through high school are teaching anti Godly garbage and it\’s all being taught as fact. Example….the THEORY of Evolution by Charles Darwin is being taught as a fact, not a theory. By the way, they also, in no class on this subject tell the kids that Charles Darwin CURSED EVOLUTION on his deathbed. The \”MYTH\” of CREATION is rarely taught ( truthfully at that ) if even mentioned at all. Just as something to think about; It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in Creation. It\’s so much easier to believe, \”Well GOD Made It\” The Bible has been thrown out of our schools, much less… reading and teaching it ! Prayer had to go too, we certainly can\’t have prayer either ! So now the kids are well prepared to go to our once great colleges and universities, a great many of which were once Christian Colleges. The kids are now prepared for the Liberal, Socialist, Communist professors that are some of the nicest Ungodly anti- America, anti-U.S. Constitution, definitely anti 2nd amendment people you\’ll ever meet. For years now, with an acceleration that started in 2008 they have been secretly and silently changing and rewriting the history of our nation. So now this generation has been brought up in an America different than the America their MOM AND DAD were brought up in AND… they are voters ! Anyone notice after every Presidential election that the, whatever you wanna them, Democrat, Demoncrat, Socialist, Communist etc. loose, they change the Congressional Districts. This is done in most if not all states. They shift the districts around to cut back on the amount of Republicans in a district and redistrict it to include more of their people, Democrats, Communists, Socialists etc. The Republicans let all this happen. In fact the Republicans let them get away with just about anything. No matter the political party, their all headed the same direction. The Democrats are just gonna get you there faster ! They disguise themselves as \”progressives\” when in reality they are Regressives !
    In closing you have to first off be honest with yourself and ask, how did we get here ? The answer is really quite simple. While our politicans sold our country out and lined their pockets quite handsomely, hardworking Americans had to take on 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs just to make what they used to make while working only one job, which had full benefits. American moms and dads are now working so much (or looking for work ) they are unable to properly raise America\’s most precious asset, our children. Mom and dad started loosing their cars, homes etc. and begin looking for a way out, looking for a miracle. Enter the \”Churches\” of America today. The Bible calls it \” having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof\”. You no longer hear the Bible being preached anymore. Today\’s preachers preach nothing at all about God\’s truth and what they are supposed to be preaching, instead they have seized on this opportunity to enrich themselves. If you aren\’t prosperous in this world today it\’s because you don\’t have faith in God. Then they challenge you, prove to God you have faith by sending me you money. It usually starts with a small amount, next they say you need to make this a monthly \”faith offering\”. Then you need to up the amount of your monthly offering or either continue your monthly offering but, they proclaim \” God told me last night that you need to prove you really have faith in God and send me a faith, or love offering or send in your \”seed\” of $1000.00, $10,000 or even more. One tv preacher on recently said God told him that he \”NEEDED\” a bigger jet, so he is now conning people out of their money, life savings, monthly \”faith offerings\” on their credit cards. The sad part is people are falling for this GARBAGE ! In the Bible seed is not referred to as money given to a preacher or any ministry. Seed is The Word, God\’s Word, which leads people to Jesus Christ ! People are falling for this garbage that\’s flooding the airwaves because what houses that have a Bible in them, most have an inch of dust on them. People are more interested in what some preacher says about something than what God says about it !
    Let\’s face it, today in America, we have children growing up in houses that aren\’t homes. God says a child needs a father and a mother, however, politicans and activist groups encourage single parent homes. We have babies having babies. Our children are turning to gangs for some sick twisted sort of family and stability. We\’ve kicked God out of our schools, kicked the 10 commandments out of our courts, you can talk about God in some places ( some of which you better whisper ) you can\’t mention Jesus Christ, they\’re even trying to kick Jesus Christ out of Christmas. I\’m todays America everybody and every group has their rights ! Everybody has their rights !…….. What about God\’s Rights ? God gave us this nation. We honored God and boldly fought and died to defend this great land. Now we first kicked Jesus Christ out of everything and now we\’re kicking God out of everything and then we go out and say \” God bless America \”. The Bible says \” He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision \”. \”All nation\’s that forget God shall be turned into Hell\” God does not bless any nation that forgets Him and just think, God DESTRYOED Sodom and Gomorrah for a whole lot less than is going on on this country right now, everyday and every night !
    I\’m not a preacher and don\’t claim to be, however I do ready and study the Bible and it all ties in together. If we want to keep our 2nd Amendment rights we need to start immediately to make a lot of serious changes beginning with ourselves. We need to get involved in the Convention of States movement. For anyone that may not be familiar with the C.O.S. I urge you to check out the website. It\’s a way that our founding fathers in their God given wisdom gave the people to take back control of our government in the event it started overstepping it\’s bounds, becoming out of control. Check it out and get involved. We need to take back our schools, from kindergarten all the way through college.
    Just as a footnote, I live in a conservative, Christian community. Many and most by far claim to be a Christian. I\’ve noticed our school board members including our superintendent (all of which are elected) allow this liberal garbage to be rammed down our children\’s throats, allow evolution to be taught as a fact. Check it out where you live, find out what\’s happening.
    Of you cherish your rights guaranteed by our constitution it\’s past time to wake up. Get involved !!
    It\’s our and our children\’s future and it has to start with us, and sadly we\’re way behind !

    • MP June 8, 2018, 12:32 pm

      Have you watched “The Handmaid’s Tale”?
      I think you’ll really like it.

    • Z June 8, 2018, 12:42 pm

      1) Emma Gonzalez didn’t write the proposed legislation, she simply agrees with it.
      2) The basic curriculum in publicly funded schools hasn’t changed since pre WW2. America hasn’t kept up with advances in technology.
      3) Privately owned colleges can teach whatever they want in the same way you can speak your opinions. It’s for employers to judge the value of an education.
      4) The Separation of Church and State exists to keep the government from sanctioning or promoting one religion over another. It’s intent is to allow freedom of religion. No god, of any religion, has a place in Public schools for that very reason.

    • John June 8, 2018, 1:05 pm

      Well put Ben ! We need some serious revival in America ! Keep preaching it right brother !

  • Ben June 8, 2018, 11:55 am

    What I am going to say will probably not be very well received but it needs to be said…. so here goes ! Yes, Nelson is a far left Communist Scumbag that has to turn to a child from Parkland to stand with him on this bill. Hey why not, I don’t know this child ( and I’m in no way putting them down ) but with all their vast experience and wealth of knowledge they have obtained in their 15 – 17 years of life, why not seek their advise and support !
    What we have going on here with crime, violence, gun control etc. has to be expected. While patriotic Americans have been asleep for the past 50 – 75 years, plus or minus, the communists and socialists have been hard at work. ( Snoring in the background ) One of the Premiers in the USSR years ago ( Kruschev or Stalin I think ) made a very pertinent statement, he said America would never be defeated militarily. America would have to be defeated from within ! So the hard work began. He stated as Karl Marx once stated, you have to start with the children. He said turn the kids minds towards sex. So we had the sexual revolution in America. The educational system would have to be changed, so they changed it. Just look at the educational system in America now, we are not #1 in the world, as we ought to be, in fact, nowhere even near it. According to PEW Research, the last assessment was in 2015 in which out of the 71 most developed and developing countries the world, the U.S. ranked an unimpressive 38th in math and 24th in science ! UNEXCEPTABLE for America and Americans !!! Not all, but by far the vast majority of schools from kindergarten, through grade school right through high school are teaching anti Godly garbage and it’s all being taught as fact. Example….the THEORY of Evolution by Charles Darwin is being taught as a fact, not a theory. By the way, they also, in no class on this subject tell the kids that Charles Darwin CURSED EVOLUTION on his deathbed. The “MYTH” of CREATION is rarely taught ( truthfully at that ) if even mentioned at all. Just as something to think about; It takes more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in Creation. It’s so much easier to believe, “Well GOD Made It” The Bible has been thrown out of our schools, much less… reading and teaching it ! Prayer had to go too, we certainly can’t have prayer either ! So now the kids are well prepared to go to our once great colleges and universities, a great many of which were once Christian Colleges. The kids are now prepared for the Liberal, Socialist, Communist professors that are some of the nicest Ungodly anti- America, anti-U.S. Constitution, definitely anti 2nd amendment people you’ll ever meet. For years now, with an acceleration that started in 2008 they have been secretly and silently changing and rewriting the history of our nation. So now this generation has been brought up in an America different than the America their MOM AND DAD were brought up in AND… they are voters ! Anyone notice after every Presidential election that the, whatever you wanna them, Democrat, Demoncrat, Socialist, Communist etc. loose, they change the Congressional Districts. This is done in most if not all states. They shift the districts around to cut back on the amount of Republicans in a district and redistrict it to include more of their people, Democrats, Communists, Socialists etc. The Republicans let all this happen. In fact the Republicans let them get away with just about anything. No matter the political party, their all headed the same direction. The Democrats are just gonna get you there faster ! They disguise themselves as “progressives” when in reality they are Regressives !
    In closing you have to first off be honest with yourself and ask, how did we get here ? The answer is really quite simple. While our politicans sold our country out and lined their pockets quite handsomely, hardworking Americans had to take on 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs just to make what they used to make while working only one job, which had full benefits. American moms and dads are now working so much (or looking for work ) they are unable to properly raise America’s most precious asset, our children. Mom and dad started loosing their cars, homes etc. and begin looking for a way out, looking for a miracle. Enter the “Churches” of America today. The Bible calls it ” having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof”. You no longer hear the Bible being preached anymore. Today’s preachers preach nothing at all about God’s truth and what they are supposed to be preaching, instead they have seized on this opportunity to enrich themselves. If you aren’t prosperous in this world today it’s because you don’t have faith in God. Then they challenge you, prove to God you have faith by sending me you money. It usually starts with a small amount, next they say you need to make this a monthly “faith offering”. Then you need to up the amount of your monthly offering or either continue your monthly offering but, they proclaim ” God told me last night that you need to prove you really have faith in God and send me a faith, or love offering or send in your “seed” of $1000.00, $10,000 or even more. One tv preacher on recently said God told him that he “NEEDED” a bigger jet, so he is now conning people out of their money, life savings, monthly “faith offerings” on their credit cards. The sad part is people are falling for this GARBAGE ! In the Bible seed is not referred to as money given to a preacher or any ministry. Seed is The Word, God’s Word, which leads people to Jesus Christ ! People are falling for this garbage that’s flooding the airwaves because what houses that have a Bible in them, most have an inch of dust on them. People are more interested in what some preacher says about something than what God says about it !
    Let’s face it, today in America, we have children growing up in houses that aren’t homes. God says a child needs a father and a mother, however, politicans and activist groups encourage single parent homes. We have babies having babies. Our children are turning to gangs for some sick twisted sort of family and stability. We’ve kicked God out of our schools, kicked the 10 commandments out of our courts, you can talk about God in some places ( some of which you better whisper ) you can’t mention Jesus Christ, they’re even trying to kick Jesus Christ out of Christmas. I’m todays America everybody and every group has their rights ! Everybody has their rights !…….. What about God’s Rights ? God gave us this nation. We honored God and boldly fought and died to defend this great land. Now we first kicked Jesus Christ out of everything and now we’re kicking God out of everything and then we go out and say ” God bless America “. The Bible says ” He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision “. “All nation’s that forget God shall be turned into Hell” God does not bless any nation that forgets Him and just think, God DESTRYOED Sodom and Gomorrah for a whole lot less than is going on on this country right now, everyday and every night !
    I’m not a preacher and don’t claim to be, however I do ready and study the Bible and it all ties in together. If we want to keep our 2nd Amendment rights we need to start immediately to make a lot of serious changes beginning with ourselves. We need to get involved in the Convention of States movement. For anyone that may not be familiar with the C.O.S. I urge you to check out the website. It’s a way that our founding fathers in their God given wisdom gave the people to take back control of our government in the event it started overstepping it’s bounds, becoming out of control. Check it out and get involved. We need to take back our schools, from kindergarten all the way through college.
    Just as a footnote, I live in a conservative, Christian community. Many and most by far claim to be a Christian. I’ve noticed our school board members including our superintendent (all of which are elected) allow this liberal garbage to be rammed down our children’s throats, allow evolution to be taught as a fact. Check it out where you live, find out what’s happening.
    Of you cherish your rights guaranteed by our constitution it’s past time to wake up. Get involved !!
    It’s our and our children’s future and it has to start with us, and sadly we’re way behind !

  • mike June 8, 2018, 11:36 am

    nelson is an ASSHOLE

  • Mike June 8, 2018, 11:33 am

    Unfortunately I think this has a fairly good chance of passing.

    I am from Michigan a state the requires handgun registration, which was started in the 1920’s to keep black people from owning handguns (because of the Dr. Ossian Sweet situation). The democrats still think this is a good idea as do the Michigan State police. This is one of 5 or 6 states that require this. It solves zero crimes and is a burden of lawful gun owners.

    Recently I am seeing way to many private “gun owners” require unnecessary paperwork (phot copy of drivers license, bill of sale, etc) for private sales so I feel that the democrats have brainwashed enough people for this type of garbage to pass.

    • Jim Cargill June 8, 2018, 11:52 am

      Quite the contrary, this has zero chance of passing. There is more support for the 2nd Amendment today than there has been at any time in the last 100 years. This bill will go straight into the trash bin, where it should. However, if WE don’t get out and vote in November, it will be resurrected.

      Vote in November Keep America Great.

    • Leighton Cavendish June 8, 2018, 12:11 pm

      They want proof of transfer in case the gun is used in a crime. they can wash their hands of it.
      I don’t blame them at all.
      I have not and will never sell a gun to a stranger unless I am in dire straits.

  • Dennis Thomas June 8, 2018, 11:33 am

    This feel good legislation Dem’s are continuing to produce is only moving us further away from the real problems. This feel good BS is only raising a boil on the ass of law abiding citizens who enjoy exercising their 2nd amend rights. What do we have to do to stop you and get you on a pathway to success to reduce these mass shootings. Trying to stop all should be your goal. However, I would like to believe that Dem’s are smart enough to know you can’t stop them all. To many people, to many schools, malls, train/subway terminals, and the list goes on. Twenty thousand gun laws now so I ask the questions, how many attacks have they stopped? What makes you think one more law or twenty thousand and one gun laws will work? Stop insulting my intelligence and do the right thing before it’s to late. You can’t legislate good behavior of mentally troubled people. Evil will find a way. DO SOMETHING BESIDES BLOWING COST EFFECTIVE SMOKE.

    • Z June 8, 2018, 12:48 pm

      A government doesn’t derive power from presiding over law abiding citizens. It derives power from the authority to penalize people who violate laws. Every year, more laws are passed until a person can’t go about their daily routine without violating a law they may have no idea exists. The intent of these laws is not to increase public safety, the intent is to provide another means for government to gain power over the citizens.

  • Stan Hollins June 8, 2018, 11:20 am

    Let’s get rid of this anti constituton bum

    • Jim Cargill June 8, 2018, 4:35 pm

      Whom are you speaking of Stan? Just who is the “bum”? If you are in FL, then it is your responsibility to get rid of the “bum” who is pushing this legislation.

  • Stan d. Upnow June 8, 2018, 11:16 am

    These gun-banners are like cockroaches. They will crawl through any crack or crevice they can to get reach their goal……
    virtually complete disarming of the American public. Like cockroaches, they are relentless in their pursuit and will not stop until they achieve their aim, or are terminated.

  • PBinLostAngeles June 8, 2018, 11:15 am

    In 1931, German Weimar Republic authorities discovered plans for a Nazi takeover in which Jews and others would be denied food and persons refusing to surrender their guns – REGARDLESS of faith, political, or social position – within 24 hours would be executed; these plans were written by Werner Best, a future Gestapo official. In reaction to such threats, the government authorized the registration of all firearms and the confiscation thereof, if required for *“public safety.”* – The interior minister warned that the records must not fall into the hands of any extremist group.
    Little more than two years later, the ultimate extremist group – led by Adolf Hitler – seized power and used the records to identify, disarm, and attack political opponents. Constitutional rights were SUSPENDED, and mass searches for – and seizures of – guns and dissident publications ensued. Police revoked gun licenses of Social Democrats and others who were not “politically reliable”
    6/24/2016 – Barack Obama’s home state of Hawaii, became the first state to enter gun owners names into an FBI database; this will “automatically notify police” if an island resident is arrested ANYWHERE ELSE in the country. Governor David Ige said in a statement at the time, that the legislation is about *”COMMUNITY SAFETY”* and responsible gun ownership. He said it will help law enforcement agencies protect Hawaii residents and visitors.

  • kjj1564 June 8, 2018, 10:52 am

    If these FU*CKING Democrats like Bill Nelson would put as much time and energy upholding or rights and doing there job as they do trying to take away our gun rites and destroying the 2nd amendment, which they swore to uphold, the country s problems would disappear.

  • Stan d. Upnow June 8, 2018, 10:43 am

    I have the shameful duty to say Nelson is one of my FL senators. I have written & called him more times than I care to tell, and always with the same result- a BS, arrogant reply that mirrors the Progressive-Socialist Liberal views that have become the Dumocrat Party line on guns.
    Nelson is nothing but left-wing scum!

    • Douglas Pope June 8, 2018, 11:08 am

      Very well said . I have received the same response when I contacted his office . We need to make sure we see him fail in the election .

  • Russ June 8, 2018, 10:33 am

    Not happening Skippy.

  • Bill June 8, 2018, 10:30 am

    If the records do not become public knowledge, and that states have the opportunity to opt out of the program. I have already killed before in combat, I do not want to do it again; to stop some criminal breaking into my home or business to steal firearms listed on some website.

  • jon olenick June 8, 2018, 10:25 am

    What happens to those records when the ffl goes out of business? Jon

    • Clayton June 8, 2018, 10:44 am

      my org ffl was under my name, when our company incorporated we had to turned over the old ffl along with 60 or so filled packed banker boxes of 4473’s and our gun books to the atf .. i called the trace center (where the 4473’s were going to be sent) and asked them what if a client calls me asking for a sn on a gun i transferred for them during my old license … the client would have to call the trace center but to be on the safe side wait for a GOOD amount of time b4 one would call .. i asked why they said there is well over 300+ boxes of 4473’s in the hall way at the trace center that they are going to be scanning and putting into a database and my old ones wouldn’t be into the database for sometime .. so in other words the client is out of luck .. so keep your personal records .. but i do believe once the 4473’s are scanned they are destroyed

    • Stan d. Upnow June 8, 2018, 10:46 am

      As was correctly stated in the article, the records are transferred to BATFE. Talk about loopholes in the firearms laws!
      Now, the only saving grace here is that if the FFL has those records for 20 years, or more, they can destroy them.

  • James Tedesco June 8, 2018, 10:23 am

    The solution is simple, Nelson needs to be retired from public office. Lets send the democrats a message in the midterms, lets can them all!

    • Stan d. Upnow June 8, 2018, 10:47 am


  • phil June 8, 2018, 10:19 am

    Sent this to my illustrious Senator Bill Nelson: As a reminder Canada scrapped their program after $Billions on a similar program. BTW a little clause in the 2nd Amendment says “…shall not be infringed.” An experienced Senator like you should know better. Thank you for reading my opinion.

  • Tom Cernera June 8, 2018, 10:16 am

    Mr. Nelson is up for re-election this year. All of Florida should do everything possible to vote him out. I will do what ever I can to that end!

    • Stan d. Upnow June 8, 2018, 10:48 am


  • Joe June 8, 2018, 10:15 am

    Vote Bill Nelson out of politics this November. Vote for Rick Scott , vote Republican !!!

    • Stan d. Upnow June 8, 2018, 10:54 am

      Rick Scott may be the lesser of two evils, but don’t forget, he rushed to sign gun-control legislation only weeks after the Parkland shooting.
      He, and AG Pam Bondi, could’ve stopped the overturning of the FL law preventing gay adoptions, but chose instead to let it die.

      Rick Scott is Not a Conservative. He is a slimy, self-serving politician.

  • Frank June 8, 2018, 10:14 am

    A Case For Gun Ownership

    I would like to weigh in on the gun debate with a different argument (at least I have not heard it) on the question of gun ownership. First, I would like to dispel the common statement by the progressives that there are millions of guns “on the street”. The truth is that the only guns on the street are the illegal ones in the hands of criminals and gang-bangers, and no laws or regulations will change that. Most guns are legitimately owned and in gun safes or secured in the homes of law-abiding citizens. These are the guns that the progressives are after and the only ones that will be affected by any new regulations. That being said, let me get back to my thesis. For the purpose of this article, I have researched the following information from the internet. Currently, there are 125 million private residences in the United States. Additionally, there are approximately 765,000 sworn police officers. Simple math (125 Mil. divided by 765,000) indicates that there is just one P.O. for every 160 or so residences! Now when you consider that there are only about a third of the police on duty at any given time, the number jumps to about one officer per 480 residences. This does not even consider the public buildings, malls, hospitals, parks and other business entities. My point here is that the “police” is a response-oriented organization, which in most cases respond after a crime has been committed. In the event of a major crisis, there is no way that the police can protect the property and security of the citizens. Our Founders knew this and gave us the second ammendment.
    As a retired police officer of New York City, who had worked the riots of the 1960’s, I have personally seen what people are capable of doing under mob mentality. What do you think your neighborhood would look like should there be a prolonged blackout? How long do you think it would take for the police to respond to your call for help to protect your family and property? In addition many liberal city officials order the police to “stand down”, rendering the police ineffective. One need only look at Furgeson, Md. to see what “the mob” looks like in times of crisis. As a police officer, I never feared gun ownership by honest citizens.
    Now some may question the statisics I have used, and I cannot swear to their accuracy, but regardless of the numbers you use, the rational remains! The defense of your family and property rests with you. If our political leaders were honest and really cared for our welfare, they should encourage gun ownership by the citizenry. Many police chiefs across the country have taken this position.
    Lastly, when a pressure cooker is used by a terrorist, no one blames the cooker. Let it be a gun involved and there is a call to blame the weapon and take guns away from us. It is simply a case of using an incident to promote a political agenda! There are countless reasons why people own guns legitimately: hunters, target shooters, home defense, and just the hobby of collecting them. Guns in the proper hands are no more dangerous than cars, trucks, tools and yes, even pressure cookers. I will end with one startling fact: more people die at the hands of doctors than gun owners.

    Frank, Retired NYC Police Sergeant

    • ~ Occams June 8, 2018, 10:42 am

      Thank you, Frank, BUT UNTIL THE PEOPLE WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH – like the total fabrication of Boston and ”pressure cookers”.

      It’s beyond my comprehension how the people that want to disarm you create a transparently phony event, tell [you] a story – IGNORE THE FACTS (like the Boston PD sending out a tweet THERE WOULD BE A BOMB DRILL AT THAT MOMENT AT THAT LOCATION!!!!)

      …and everyone BELIEVES the story!?

      I suggest – and it IS important – all of you – SPEND ONE HOUR OF YOUR LIFE to arm yourself with truth and facts, and listen to Prof Jim Fetzer.

      He’s The Real Deal, not a joke, not a nutjob, not a whacko.

      Education. The spread of TRUTH will stop the LIES that ‘justify’ politician gun-grabbing…..



    • Stan d. Upnow June 8, 2018, 11:00 am

      I think you meant Ferguson, MO.

    • Irish-7 June 8, 2018, 11:13 am

      Excellent points! This may very well be the BEST comment that I’ve ever read on this site. Thanks for your service to the community!

  • Nick June 8, 2018, 9:52 am

    I hate to say this, but years and years of studying this topic has led me to one conclusion. The vast majority of gun owners, pro-2nd people, and all the so-called pro-2nd groups are as responsible for infringement as those who are working to disarm us.
    The 2nd Amendment reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” It does not read people with CCW are necessary. It does not read a bunch of guys running around pretending to militia that has no lawful authority is necessary. It does not say that a voluntary body of the army called Nation Guard is necessary.
    What it says in the language and understanding of those who wrote the document, and for whom it was written knew the terms to mean is All able-bodied men, well trained, and well armed are the body that we designate “to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions” is necessary to our security, freedom, and liberty.
    The Militia is not a voluntary group, it is mandatory on all members of the community except a few public officials, and those specifically exempt by statute. There are volumes of statutes, and books on this topic, but the so-called pro-2nd community has backed itself into a corner with the individual rights theory that is a 20th Century creation. It was created for reasons that should be obvious; greed, ignorance, stupidity, and the end result of a disarmed America.

    • John Stevens June 8, 2018, 10:55 am

      Respectfully I do believe we should look at all of the wording and provide context from the courts on this issue.

      A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

      A comma links independent clauses…. worded another way, A well regulated Militia necessary to the security of a free State, the Right of the people to keep and bear Arms neither of which shall be infringed upon.

      Furthermore, the Supreme Court has upheld the law as recently as 2008 in District of Colombia v. Heller (2008) stating that the amendment protects an individual’s right to keep a gun at home for self-defense. Given home is where the heart is, I carry 100% of the time to protect me, my family and other innocent law abiding citizens.

      • Mahatma Muhjesbude June 8, 2018, 1:19 pm

        John, check my previous comment in full agreement with you and some other case law. But the way state legislators get away with abridging a guaranteed Constitutional right that specifies that it “Shall NOT be infringed. which is the legal affirmative of saying ‘no qualifiers or exceptions allowed’ in gun ownership, PERIOD, despite well established case law and US Criminal Code is a little leftist slickary dickery jeti mind control trick by making people believe that States can make any law they want for ‘public Safety’ or extreme ‘crime prevention’ according to the ‘needs’ and wishes of their state legislators.

        If they get called to issue about it they claim the holiness of their sacrosanct moral superiority as good cause, which is nothing but a fraud. And then put their foot down on it with a reference to the 10th Amendment and their twisted interpretation by it. They conveniently leave out the phrase “…nor prohibited by it (the Constitution)”

        In other words, it was obvious that the Constitution could not cover every State’s occasional unique behavior or social issues in criminal effect so the 10th/A allowed states to make other more detailed criminal statutes that would supposedly help maintain social order and peace. But only if they are NOT in disagreement with the original Constitutional specifics.

        But the totalitarian lawmakers took this to mean they can change the original Constitutional law of the land and sort of ‘odify or improve upon existing laws’ which is severely NOT allowed.

        Therefore, the wording of the 2nd/A does not allow any qualifiers, contingencies, or exceptions of any kind. The context of the language of the time had been through the Language expert Ringer, and the greatest language experts and professors of English all agreed when the SCOTUS required an analysis for some of these cases, that the aforementioned was precisely what the Framers meant. No qualifications at all for private gun ownership of citizens. Not mental illness, not previous criminal convictions, and not because someone else of self-described superior moral high ground thinks that someone they don’t approve of should not be allowed to have a weapon.

        If one scrutinizes the history and temperament of the time, not too many were worried about ‘crime prevention’ or criminals compared to the higher concern and threat of Tyranny from a corrupt government with central power and authority backed by arms the citizenry don’t have. The people who committed crimes with weapons or not were banned from society by putting them in prison. Not the weapons? But of course this has been turned upside down by a totalitarian disarmament agenda and the situation is dire.

      • Nick June 8, 2018, 1:49 pm

        I’m glad you commented on carry because it brings into question the legitimacy of CCW, and the pitfalls surrounding the topic.
        Comma’s, and SC decisions aside, there are actually volumes of statutes and books defining the reasons why we have a 2nd Amendment, and why it is almost irrelevant.
        Justice Scalia wrote his opinion on a poorly designed case in order to protect the individual right. If he was not so sure that this nation was in peril, he would have had to decide against Heller. If I were on the bench, I would have voted against certiorari because I’m actually a student of this aspect of law. I would not have risked that so poorly a constructed case would go before a body that knows so little about justice, and Constitutional Law. A 5-4 decision in the vast majority of cases should be all that is necessary to understand my meaning.
        Heller and McDonald were nothing more than mumbo-jumbo because 99% of the public hasn’t a clue about the DUTY/Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Note that I emphasize DUTY because the Constitution says so. It is the Bill of Rights that claims a right for the enforcement and protection of that DUTY. Rights beget a DUTY, and nothing else will suffice.
        You are a CCW willing to protect and defend, but consider that there are many, many prosecutors, and bureaucrats out there who could give a rats behind about whether you are in the right or not. They’re going to teach you a lesson if you use that gun, no matter how obvious it is that you are in the right. Take a look at England and Australia now. Self-defense is no longer viable. Even in the State in which I live, self-defense is unacceptable.
        You may be in the right, but a defense of that right would be costly at best, and at worst you may face a jury that is more than willing to convict you of a crime.
        If we had Militia as the Constitution requires, you would immediately go before a Court Martial, the facts would be viewed, and a verdict immediately handed down. Over and above that, you’d probably have had a number of your fellow Militia right there to assist you, and clear you even before a Court Martial was deemed appropriate.
        The entire issue of whether or not the Right to Keep and Bear Arms will remain hinges on ignorance of the subject, and a majority of Americans who want nothing at all to do with service to the community, and the nation. That includes most of the so-called pro-2nd people.

    • Jim Cargill June 8, 2018, 4:48 pm

      Nick, you are either an outright liar, or pathetically stupid. Did you intentionally fail to include the second portion of the 2A? It reads, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

      The 2A addresses two separate, but equally important aspects. First, a well regulated militia (which, almost 250 years later is “the military”, and; Second, the right of people to own firearms. Those are two SEPARATE conditions within the 2A.

      You cannot possibly be a supporter of the 2A if you are so negligent as to not be able to understand what it says.

      The Second Amendment does not give us the right to protect ourselves…that is a Basic Law of Nature. It DOES give us a reasonable tool (firearms) with which to protect ourselves. Nations that do not have a 2A only allow their citizens to protect themselves with rocks, pots and pans, sticks, fists, etc.

      • Nick June 9, 2018, 2:23 am

        Jim Cargill, I suggest you re-read what I said, and possibly the volumes of work on the Constitution, and specifically Article 1, Section 8, Cls. 15&16.
        I did intentionally leave out the last 14 words of the 2nd because they are superfluous to the meaning and understanding of Militia. The Founders understood Militia to include all the people in service to community.
        I did not say that the 2nd gives us a right to protect ourselves. It attempts to add another layer against the disarming of “A well regulated Militia”. You can read the Militia Act of 1792, or all the State statutes that define Militia, its duty, its power, and its ultimate authority as the arm of the People “to execute the Laws of the Union”.
        I suggest that you’re lashing out at me because you are in the majority that never serves beyond claiming to know something on a topic, for which you clearly have no clue.
        And here is a bit of a tidbit for you, and anyone else who thinks they know the subject of the 2nd. The Heller team refused to prepare for any questions on the first 13 words of the amendment because they feared it would end the money pot that this fight fills.
        Once again, we should be thanking our lucky stars that Justice Scalia was on the court and understood that this nation is in grave jeopardy.
        I’ve read several State statutes on Militia. I’ve read the ratifying arguments and why the Virginia House refused to sign the Constitution without a Bill of Rights. I also note that the co-author of the 2nd, George Mason asked rhetorically in the debates, “I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best, and most effectual way to enslave them.” Do you comprehend that at all?
        I have found that in over 30 years of studying this aspect of law, and speaking with those who pretend to know and support what to Keep and Bear Arms means, that most have never delved past the last 14 words of the 2nd, or they are, as most, not inclined to do anything but complain, and look to false profits for arguments that have continually pushed us into what we have today. As Einstein noted, “Doing the same thing over, and over, and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.”
        Mr. Cargill, Let me ask you how many books you’ve read by competent constitutional scholars on the entirety of why the Founders saw fit to include Militia in the body of the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights? How many articles have you read, or written on the subject? How many of the Federalist Papers, or Anti-Federalist have you read? How many State Constitutions, or Militia statutes have you read? How much of the ratifying debates have you read?
        There is now an entire population that does not have a Right, but more importantly, the DUTY to Keep and Bear Arms as the Founders understood, and made permanent lawful doctrine.

  • John June 8, 2018, 9:48 am

    Sen Nelson has always been on the opposite side of liberty and patriotism. Look and see if he has any large deposits lately. Democrats are Communists who hide under a false label !!

  • Charlie June 8, 2018, 9:47 am

    This is the same guy that wants to continue supporting sanctuary cities with federal funds.

    • Stan d. Upnow June 8, 2018, 11:03 am

      In case you missed it, Nelson was among the Dumocrats who sat throughout the entire State of the Union address by Pres. Trump. He is nothing but a POS and Dumocrat stooge.
      How this worthless cuck has been re-elected is beyond me.

  • P. J. BIRKENSTAMM June 8, 2018, 9:46 am

    Just one more LIBTARD who understands nothing about the 2nd amendment and is only looking at a worthless piece of legislation that he and his croneys think will actually do some good and appease the gun control a-holes.. People actually vote these tards into office?

  • Azlonetti June 8, 2018, 9:44 am

    As a Florida resident, I urge all eligible voters in this state, who are concerned about preserving their Second Amendment rights, to vote in this coming November 2018 elections. A good number of Florida candidates, including at least one Republican who comes to mine, are preying upon anti-firearm sentiments, inflamed by the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, to get themselves elected or stay in office. A few, like Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Chris King, who wants to “ban assault rifles and high capacity magazines”, seem determined to turn Florida into the next California and New York when it comes to gun rights and ownership.

  • Vaughn Winslett June 8, 2018, 9:42 am

    Bill Nelson can go straight to hell

  • Irving June 8, 2018, 9:36 am

    Whoever lives in Florida, don’t let them pass this law. It will open the floodgates to hell. I’m from NYC LEO and in a couple of more years God willing will retire to Florida. One of the main reason is there common sense gun laws. Trust me when I say, you don’t want it to be like NY. Like someone said Nelson is a Democrat. He don’t care. Vote republican. GO TRUMP !

    • Stan d. Upnow June 8, 2018, 11:08 am

      Many Repubs are nothing but go-along-to-get-along RINOS.
      We desperately need term limits and curtailment of the outrageous benefits that go along with
      a seat in Congress. If that is done, we will have people in office who truly want to serve our country
      instead of feathering their nest.

      • Irving June 8, 2018, 3:02 pm

        So true about the Rinos.

  • JFR June 8, 2018, 9:24 am

    Of course, here is an example of another politician who has no idea how it works and is using rhetoric, fear and hyperbole to trick uneducated and lazy Citizens of what’s best for them. As stated by others, nobody, and I mean nobody has had to go through records by hand for decades. Yeah, there are some records that have not been computerized but I’d guess the vast majority are perfectly and quickly searchable.

    I’ve posted what’s below before but it bears repeating. Emma González should not be a lazy (even if young) Citizen and learn the facts before speaking out on an issue. A lot of us should do the same.

    The record of the background check that’s supposed to drop off in 90 days out of the NICS. The paper 4473 has to be kept for 20 years. After 20 years, they can be destroyed. If the FFL conducting the transfer goes out of business before that 20-year period, they must box up those records and ship them to ATF Out-of-Business Center (ATF National Tracing Center). The ATF is not allowed to computer…ize them per Title 18 U.S.C. 926(a):

    ” . . . such records, (shall not) be recorded at or transferred to a facility owned, managed, or controlled by the United States or any State or any political subdivision thereof, nor that any system of registration of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transactions or dispositions be established.”

    For about 15 years, the ATF has been transferring this “out-of-business” data to microfilm and destroying the hard copies in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 926(a). The ATF also requires the closing store to transfer hard copies of the Acquisition/ Disposition records or, “bound book”, to the ATF. The ATF has graciously allowed businesses to keep this record electronically and so also requires the electronic copy be transferred to the ATF if one exists. Clearly, this is also in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 926(a) since this electronic record will clearly then exist within a facility owned, managed or controlled by the United States once transferred. The ATF receives millions of such records every year.

    Shortly after the microfilm project commenced, the ATF began to create a “Computer Assisted Retrieval System” (CARS) using this out-of-business data. Since this data is derived from the Form 4473, it contains the name, address, height, weight, race, date of birth, place of birth, and driver’s license number (or other ID number) of every firearm purchaser as well as the serial number of the firearm(s) purchased or transferred. Think of how many transactions must be stored in the CARS. This data exists on a mainframe operated by the United States and is in clear violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 926(a).

    In the early 2000s, the Microfilm Retrieval System (MRS) project commenced which took this data and added manufacturer and importer information along with “other” data to the database that already included the name, address, height, weight, race, date of birth, place of birth, and driver’s license number (or other ID number) of every firearm purchaser as well as the serial number of the firearm(s) purchased or transferred. Microfilmed out-of-business records are also being converted to digital image for who knows what purposes. This data exists on a mainframe operated by the United States and is in clear violation of Title 18 U.S.C. 926(a).

    In addition to these new systems, the ATF has operated the Firearm Tracing System for almost 30 years. It contains firearm tracing information from all traces performed in that time period and includes data manually collected from Out-of-Business records and entered into the trace system by ATF, to include:
    – Dealer, importer and manufacturer computer and paper “Bound Book” Out-of-Business records,
    – Dealer “Bound Book” records (computer and/or paper) copied by ATF during annual inspections,
    – ATF Form 4473 copied from dealers and Out-of-Business records,
    – Multiple Firearm Sales reports,
    – data obtained from traditional phone calls to the manufacturer, distributor and final selling dealer and additional data sources, such as some state firearms sales records,
    – Dealer’s “Bound Books” over 20 years old voluntarily sent in to ATF,
    – Data from some antique firearms allowed to be entered in “Bound Books”,
    – Stolen guns reported to ATF and,
    – “Suspect guns” which include (these are ATF’s own examples): individuals purchasing large quantities of firearms (including older C&R firearms), and firearms transferred by dealers with “improper” record keeping.

    It’s not known if all of these databases are linked together but it’s obvious that they borrow data from one another. ATF agents have access to this information via the eTrace System and Online LEAD. Here’s the thing, tens of thousands of people at thousands of law-enforcement centers in dozens of countries worldwide also have access to the eTrace System. Yes, these worldwide agencies have access to this information to include a “description of the original retail purchaser.”

    But good news, the GAO has researched all of this and it’s all legal and in accordance with U.S.C. so we’re fine and should have nothing to worry about. Right?

    It’s be great if the NICS was used just for that, instant checking of a potential purchaser’s background in order to process a lawful transfer and then that check and the information gathered to perform it deleted but it’s not and has not and truthfully, I don’t think it will ever operate like that. NICS is being used to stockpile information on every lawful transfer that has ever occurred. No thanks. I think it’s pretty simple to see how the system as it is currently operated and exists and any “improvements” infringe on our natural rights.

    This is why any responsible Citizen should not support any form of firearm registration or “universal” background checks. Admittedly, what the federal government has brought to bear regarding firearm transfer information is nothing like Criminal Minds, it’s also not really as big of a hassle as Senator Bill Nelson would like the public to believe or as Emma González believes.

    Information on the above can be found on the GAO’s and BATFE’s own websites.

    • Mahatma Muhjesbude June 8, 2018, 2:39 pm

      JFR, They are all linked. Everything is linked and at the immediate access and service of any LEO with computer interface anytime they feel like it as long as they click the ‘investigation’ box on the log in. It’s how police check if it’s stolen, and anything else that might interest them. All background checks and all 4473 data are in a data base somewhere. One that never gets deleted. How do you think they find out the owner or who bought a gun so fast after a mass shooting. They had every gun the Vegas shooter identified the same day they seized them. Before they even knew very much about him?

      I can pick up any gun with serial numbers and let you know in a few minutes who made it and the last person who had it via 4473 until it went ‘private transfer’ at a gun show or such. Which is why, of course, the Tyrannists are pushing so hard to close the so-called gun show/private transfer loophole.

      Instead we should close the criminal violation of our Constitutional rights by these police state government agencies and the corrupt politicians. With immediate prosecutions under all these Laws they are wantonly violating. And pass two term legislation. One in office, and one in jail if they get caught intentionally violating our rights’ laws.

      We better figure out something fast and at least make an example out of one of these criminal lawmakers to slow down their unaccountability ‘high’?

      To start with, all the NRA would have to do is announce that they intend to file a complaint for criminal charges against this nitwit traitor Nelson, and that might gather momentum if enough public outcry backs up the complaint?

      Otherwise I don’t know what the hell we’re going to do. By this time next year, if the extreme leftist agenda goes forward after midterms, all you Molan Labeyers can kiss your guns goodbye for all practical purposes.

      You can’t have a REVO then when they’ll know about it before you do and target focused confiscation teams will reaching out to make their own public examples of those good citizens who don’t comply or try to resist with extreme punitive measures designed to threaten your entire life, before you can even say ‘lock and load’, let alone actually do it.

      • JFR October 29, 2018, 4:50 pm

        I know it’s late, Mahatma Muhjesbude, but thank you for your reply and the information you provided. I knew that the 4473 information was retained and that’s how they can so very quickly report on the previous owners or where each and every firearm was purchased. So much for a “law on the books that forces agents to comb through millions of files by hand”, huh? They must have a lot of combs!

        My “linked” comment was in reference to the existence of a single terminal system that you can search all of these databases/systems at once. As I stated, it’s clear and a fact that each iteration uses information from the previous system and adds more to it. The question is, can you search all of them at once or do you have to “log in” to each individually and perform the same searches? Or is the latest system truly all encompassing and means that the older iterations are useful only as archival purposes? It really doesn’t matter, I suppose. These systems exist and any free, independent and clear-thinking individual should not be comfortable with that.

        I also read your other comments here and am in full agreement.

  • Larry Gauthier June 8, 2018, 9:14 am

    These far left politicians need to be voted out of office. They stand only with how the wind blows and what Bloomberg tells them to think.

  • Scott McIntosh June 8, 2018, 8:59 am

    Interesting how Emma mentions a FICTIONAL Hollyweird show like Criminal Minds. Just another misguided Liberal useful idiot. Hogg is an enemy of the People and everytime to see him I know why the 2nd Amendment is so important.

  • Trouser Trout June 8, 2018, 8:51 am

    They can all suck my Glock!

  • Jerry S. June 8, 2018, 8:46 am

    Scott will glom onto something like this for votes from the libs. He is an out and out traitor. Nelson is a Democorrupt, what else do I need to say. If this passes patriots should open the gates of hell on these a-holes and let the revolution begin.

  • Mort Leith June 8, 2018, 8:46 am

    First of all,, it’s ILLEGAL ! ! !
    And how DARE Florida try to impose law on ANY other State..

    Only a DUMBycrat would even consider that kind of bogus garbage

  • Charles Jennings June 8, 2018, 8:43 am

    A quote for the ages !
    “THIS YEAR WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY.FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, A CIVILIZED NATION HAS FULL GUN REGISTRATION, OUR streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future “!

    Adolf Hitler~1935

  • trapperwv1 June 8, 2018, 8:42 am

    Our legislators have no respect for the constitution.
    Federal law regulating oath of office by government officials is divided into four parts along with an executive order which further defines the law for purposes of enforcement. 5 U.S.C. 3331, provides the text of the actual oath of office members of Congress are required to take before assuming office. 5 U.S.C. 3333 requires members of Congress sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath of office required by 5 U.S.C. 3331 and have not or will not violate that oath of office during their tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law, 5 U.S.C. 7311 which explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense (and a violation of oath of office) for anyone employed in the United States Government (including members of Congress) to “advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government”. The fourth federal law, 18 U.S.C. 1918 provides penalties for violation of oath office described in 5 U.S.C. 7311 which include: (1) removal from office and; (2) confinement or a fine.The definition of “advocate” is further specified in Executive Order 10450 which for the purposes of enforcement supplements 5 U.S.C. 7311. One provision of Executive Order 10450 specifies it is a violation of 5 U.S.C. 7311 for any person taking the oath of office to advocate “the alteration … of the form of the government of the United States by unconstitutional means.” Our form of government is defined by the Constitution of the United States. It can only be “altered” by constitutional amendment. Thus, according to Executive Order 10450 (and therefore 5 U.S. 7311) any act taken by government officials who have taken the oath of office prescribed by 5 U.S.C. 3331which alters the form of government other by amendment, is a criminal violation of the 5 U.S.C. 7311.

  • trapperwv1 June 8, 2018, 8:40 am

    Our legislators have no respect for the constitution.
    Federal law regulating oath of office by government officials is divided into four parts along with an executive order which further defines the law for purposes of enforcement. 5 U.S.C. 3331, provides the text of the actual oath of office members of Congress are required to take before assuming office. 5 U.S.C. 3333 requires members of Congress sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath of office required by 5 U.S.C. 3331 and have not or will not violate that oath of office during their tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law, 5 U.S.C. 7311 which explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense (and a violation of oath of office) for anyone employed in the United States Government (including members of Congress) to “advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government”. The fourth federal law, 18 U.S.C. 1918 provides penalties for violation of oath office described in 5 U.S.C. 7311 which include: (1) removal from office and; (2) confinement or a fine.

    The definition of “advocate” is further specified in Executive Order 10450 which for the purposes of enforcement supplements 5 U.S.C. 7311. One provision of Executive Order 10450 specifies it is a violation of 5 U.S.C. 7311 for any person taking the oath of office to advocate “the alteration … of the form of the government of the United States by unconstitutional means.” Our form of government is defined by the Constitution of the United States. It can only be “altered” by constitutional amendment. Thus, according to Executive Order 10450 (and therefore 5 U.S. 7311) any act taken by government officials who have taken the oath of office prescribed by 5 U.S.C. 3331which alters the form of government other by amendment, is a criminal violation of the 5 U.S.C. 7311.

  • srsquidizen June 8, 2018, 8:40 am

    The notion of “combing through millions of records by hand” is ridiculous. If cops have the gun they know the manufacturer and serial number. The maker and/or distributor must keep good records disclosing which FFL got a particular gun. Both small and large FFL’s can provide information about the retail purchaser quickly. In case you haven’t noticed, the big-box stores that sell thousands of guns already track buyers in their own computers. It’s legal for them to do that regardless of state law because they are merely storing digitally records they are required to keep by federal law.

  • Mr. Sparkles June 8, 2018, 8:36 am

    It should be clear to all that Mr. Nelson’s goal goes beyond his lying statement of tracking guns used in crimes as these guns represent such a small percentage of total guns and total deaths that any Hilary fearing politician would not be wasting this kind of money that could instead be used to pander votes from the indolent class. He wants to be prepared to confiscate them. And enlisting the support of Emma is like enlisting the support of the hens in the hen house to snare trap foxes.

  • Terry D Wood June 8, 2018, 8:31 am

    Another reason why we need to purge all Democrats from our government. People like Bill Nelson; and the government is full of them, always think government involvement in our lives and tracking our every movement from birth to death is their mandate. They instantly, upon being elected, forget they are the employees of the people and Emma Gonzalez no matter her status at Parkland can’t vote so she has no standing in supporting this absurd attempt to create a firearm registry which is the final step before confiscation. It must be rejected.

  • BOB CREEKMORE June 8, 2018, 8:23 am

    This clown has one thing in mind registration which will eventually lead to confiscation and tyrrany, exactly what the founding fathers of our nation were trying to keep from happening. Someone needs to tell that idiot that the second amendment is not about hunting it is about keeping a rotten government in check.

  • Christopher J Davison June 8, 2018, 8:19 am

    No Registry..

    The government cannot be trusted to wipe a donkeys ass, let alone handle more data on gun owners that will be ‘leaked’ by liberals.l.

  • Luke June 8, 2018, 8:17 am

    Don’t know who Cameron Kasky is but if David Hogg is involved with ANYTHING it must be a REALLY bad idea.

  • ROBERT June 8, 2018, 8:04 am

    SHADES OF GEORGE ORWELL. It’s too bad these chillen’ don’ read any more. — It must be great to play video games and watch TV and movies. Ya’ larn alls ya gotta’ know that a way!

  • Will June 8, 2018, 8:02 am

    Nelson is just doing this to isolate Scott and take votes away from him. Hard to say what Scott will do since he is as likely to support this bill as to oppose it, depends on which way the wind blows. Scott used to support the NRA but after Parkland, he switched sides.

  • Retnavet June 8, 2018, 8:00 am

    I once sent a lengthy email to ButtheadBill Nelson describing for him how upon his death I intended to educate small school children on what a sorry sack of sh*t he truly was and take them on field-trips and encourage them all to urinate and defecate on his grave.

  • Pontificant June 8, 2018, 7:59 am

    Every traitor has a “justification” for their crime. Put his name on the list.

  • Cyrus June 8, 2018, 7:57 am

    How many lists do they need? The NICS Tracing Center has a record of all my gun purchases. I am a law abiding, tax paying American who bought every gun I own in the traditional legal method. They need to stop this crap!

  • Taz June 8, 2018, 7:53 am

    Kip is absolutely correct, the ATF only in the most extreme of cases has to hand search for firearms records, the information regarding the initial manufacture, sale and purchase of any modern firearm with a serial number is on their computerized DATABASE that can be accessed by Law Enforcement Personnel with a law enforcement case number, that are trained and authorized with a password to do. And as stated by Kip, you can obtain that sensitive information in less than a day, but it should not be available for anyone to access it as they (and you know who I mean) can and will abuse the information.

    • trapperwv1 June 8, 2018, 8:45 am

      That is correct they only have to make contact with the FFL to determine the original 1st buyer of the firearm. I live 1/4 mile from the BATFE Trace Lab in Martinsburg WV

  • Andy June 8, 2018, 7:49 am

    Rick Scott 2018!!!

    • Infidel762X51 June 8, 2018, 8:52 am

      A stinkin backstabber the lesser of two evils is still evil.

  • Infidel762X51 June 8, 2018, 7:46 am

    This is one of a long list of teasons this scumbag needs to go.

  • Jay June 8, 2018, 7:39 am

    It is about time that the Citizens of these United States demand criminal charges against any politician going against the terms of their office and the Constitution!

  • Kip June 8, 2018, 7:35 am

    Bill Nelson should take the time to realize how the current law works before complaining about one. Back in the 80\’s (when computers weren\’t nearly as fast) I worked at a major sporting goods store in the hunting department ( no names but before they decided to destroy their stock of ar-15\’s they actually were pro gun). When I came to work one morning I was told that ATF had been there that night after closing with the company VP. Apparently they needed records on a shotgun (the owner was caught outside the white house with it). Here\’s how it works: ATF contacts the manufacturer or importer to find where the firearm was shipped, then the wholesaler is contacted to find the retailer, who is then contacted to find the purchaser. The while process is usually completed in less than a day.
    Does bill nelson really think people ste pouring over records by hand? If he does he\’s out of touch with progresd (and reality) and is just another reason to replace him.

    • Retrocon June 8, 2018, 9:27 am

      You don’t really think he doesn’t know how it works?

      SOP for democrats and guns… lie… lie… lie…

      This is one of the same idiots who claim that the gun industry, one of the most regulated industries in history, is completely unregulated.

      It’s called propaganda and misinformation.

    • CharlieKing1 June 8, 2018, 9:57 am

      Sounds like this FL US Senator is grandstanding to buy votes. And the two Parkland survivors pictured next to him proves it. Oh, how I wish that I can gain an audience with one of my two senators that easily. Staffers are usually the gatekeepers and no farther than that do I get…

  • Kip June 8, 2018, 7:34 am

    Bill Nelson should take the time to realize how the current law works before complaining about one. Back in the 80’s (when computers weren’t nearly as fast) I worked at a major sporting goods store in the hunting department ( no names but before they decided to destroy their stock of ar-15’s they actually were pro gun). When I came to work one morning I was told that ATF had been there that night after closing with the company VP. Apparently they needed records on a shotgun (the owner was caught outside the white house with it). Here’s how it works: ATF contacts the manufacturer or importer to find where the firearm was shipped, then the wholesaler is contacted to find the retailer, who is then contacted to find the purchaser. The while process is usually completed in less than a day.
    Does bill nelson really think people ste pouring over records by hand? If he does he’s out of touch with progresd (and reality) and is just another reason to replace him.

  • DaveCee June 8, 2018, 7:34 am

    They should have left Bill in outer space.

  • Marty June 8, 2018, 7:27 am

    As an Aussie living in the U.S.A. , I’m loving the freedom to own and shoot firearms. Don’t accept gun registration, it’s only purpose is make gun confiscation possible!

    • Al June 8, 2018, 7:58 am

      Yes, but look at how ‘safe’ your mother country is!!

    • Scott McIntosh June 8, 2018, 9:04 am

      We are darned happy to have to here in America Sir!

  • Vyn Popplewell June 8, 2018, 7:16 am

    Big brother does not need more info and control they perform poorly with what have given them and what they have taken.
    Just look at what they don’t do with the info they have.
    A bill to reduce the number of agents and reg’s is a much better use of time

  • L Calbo June 8, 2018, 7:13 am

    There is already a system in place, this proposed system will allow people with agendas to target anyone who legally purchased a firearm, not criminals because they don’t legally purchase them. Just look at how corrupt the FBI, IRS and who else in power can manipulate for political means. This is not good.

  • Jerry Jones June 8, 2018, 7:07 am

    This Bill hasn’t got a prayer in HELL of becoming Law this year……#1. There are too many Senators up for re-election…..and this bill won’t pass muster to the people living in a lot of States…..#2. This Bill would do absolutely NOTHING to stop Gun Violence….#3. Trump would have to sign it and he won’t.

  • mka June 8, 2018, 6:50 am

    Through the years,I have written Nelson with questions and suggestions. I never heard a peep or a reply from this left wing phony.
    Recently,I have been getting e-mails from him,touting all the wonderful things he has done for me and Florida.
    This bill is typical of this left of Pelosi senator. You know he is in trouble when he has to resort to trickery like this bill.
    He knows it hasn’t a chance of being brought to the floor,never mind passage.
    This old man is from the west coast of Florida,and grew up when we were still Florida. He has lived on his heritage and hidden
    his leanings to long. Get him gone,come this electorial season.

  • Lou June 8, 2018, 6:46 am

    If emma Gonzalez says it is “super important”, then it must be super duper important.
    After all, with all her years of watching tv and playing video games, her perspective is important.

    Maybe “double chocolate super duper”?

  • Joe June 8, 2018, 6:16 am

    Bill Nelson looks like fire marshal Bill from Living Color.

  • Robert R Boggess Jr June 8, 2018, 5:44 am

    I am a lifelong Floridian. Bill Nelson is the worst Senator ever. I’m not happy with Scott because of what he did with the gun bill here. But if I have to flip a coin I’m voting for Scott. Nelson has got to go.

  • Myles Poland June 8, 2018, 5:36 am

    La Goblina’s handlers are working overtime. Next time the left needs a figure to lead the anti gun charge, they should pick someone other than a butch latinx or noodle-armed homosexual.

  • Dan June 8, 2018, 5:20 am

    Our political system has been so corrupted by corporate money and influence that whether we retain any given Right or Freedom is solely at their discretion!

    Politicians do not represent We the People, they represent the corporations who fund their exorbitantly expensive campaigns, and if those corporations deem that it is in their best interests to support legislation that threatens our Rights or Freedoms, those politicians, who may have been giving lip service to our causes, know who is buttering their bread, and will vote accordingly.

    Native Americans were defeated because they could not come together in defense of their rights, we will lose ours for the same reason. Divide and Conquer in our case involves the politically motivated polarization that pits us against each other over hot bed issues that will never be resolved as long as our response is resorting to childish name calling like, “Commie, Liberal, Gun Nut, and etc.,

    The biggest threat to our Rights and Freedoms isn’t the specific Right or Freedom that happens to be under attack, it is the corruption of the decision making process!

    • Jay June 8, 2018, 7:36 am

      The corruption of the decision making process was given the green light back in 1934 when Auto fire weapons were banned! At that time the politician and anti American groups knew under the guise of “Safety” many things can happen to get control of the one thing that prevents tyranny and control of the masses! The 2nd amendment and Guns!

  • GMan June 8, 2018, 4:38 am

    Maryland used to maintain a database with a fired case from each modern handgun sold. After years and millions of dollars here is a comprehensive list of all the crimes that were solved using it:

  • Brick June 8, 2018, 4:27 am

    The sith lord is becoming more powerful by the day. The NWO will use it’s clone army to conduct door to door and remover the threat commonly called, the III percenter’s. (AKA Jedi) of America. Well, the term Come And Take it wasn’t said to just sound like a tough idle threat. We mean it

  • Chris Baker June 8, 2018, 4:16 am

    Like 99.9% of legislators, this guy either has complete ignorance of what his oath of office really means and how he’s supposed to protect and defend the constitution.

    Or he knowingly lied when he took the oath and doesn’t care about the constitutional rights of the citizens of this country.

    I suspect that it’s the latter and I believe that same applies to the rest of them as well. They all need to be fired and perhaps jailed for the treason they commit on a nearly daily basis.

  • NeighbourToTheNorth June 8, 2018, 4:06 am

    Talk to Canada. We are not using our failed registry anymore. You can probably pick it up cheap!

  • Julio June 8, 2018, 3:44 am

    In order to correct some of the asinine misconceptions noted above, please be aware that every firearm sold in the U.S. is tracked from manufacturer to FFL to consumer. It takes ATF app. 10 minutes to call the maker and find out where the gun went and then ask the FFL. Bill Nelson is a POC of the first order. Scott, is only slightly better but sold out to pressure from all those well trained monkeys from Parkland with that stupid change in the minimum age. As bad as all that is, there is a monumental ass named Levine, former Miami Beach Mayor, running for governor. He is one dangerous POS. Fortunately the Florida Constitution has Art. 1 § 8(a) which doubles down on the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Nevertheless our vigilance must never cease.

    • Bill D June 8, 2018, 8:48 am

      You’re right about Levine. He’s putting all his hopes on the anti-gun lobby as his entire platform revolved around enacting, ahem, “common sense” gun control. There was a time when that was a guaranteed losing position. Hopefully, his campaign is wrong and the tide hasn’t turned that much.

  • Billybob June 7, 2018, 1:52 pm

    The Weimar Republic’s well-intentioned gun registry became a tool for evil. The perennial gun-control debate in America did not begin here. The same arguments for and against were made in the 1920s in the chaos of Germany’s Weimar Republic, which opted for gun registration. Law-abiding persons complied with the law, but the Communists and Nazis committing acts of political violence did not. In 1931, Weimar authorities discovered plans for a Nazi takeover in which Jews would be denied food and persons refusing to surrender their guns within 24 hours would be executed. They were written by Werner Best, a future Gestapo official. In reaction to such threats, the government authorized the registration of all firearms and the confiscation thereof, if required for “public safety.” The interior minister warned that the records must not fall into the hands of any extremist group.

  • SuperG June 7, 2018, 10:37 am

    You’ll never get this traitor to change on his own, so you will have to petition his puppet-masters. According to opensecrets.org, his top three are Morgan & Morgan, Indyne, & Leonardo Aerospace. He has a lot of defense contractors on his bribe list, so he must sit on a defense committee or something.

  • Paul DeResta June 7, 2018, 5:08 am

    I am a Florida resident . I don’t like Bill Nelson . Governor Rick Scott is running against him . Scott wants to do away with career politicians , like what he is trying to become. With Bill Nelson you know what to expect . He is all talk no action. Rick Scott on the other hand sold gun owners in Florida out. He says one thing then will torpedo you through the back door.

  • Millionth Council June 7, 2018, 2:36 am

    More evidence that the Red Menace is alive and well in Florida.

  • Paul Ring June 6, 2018, 11:39 pm

    What must be done to stop such actions. What can the average citizen do to bring this type of assault on our 2nd Amendment rights? A real stop that gets the point across that we will never allow this to happen. To make it a federal crime to try and enact any legislation that weakens the 2nd Amendment by any one or group.

    • Myles Poland June 8, 2018, 5:39 am

      Troll the everliving crap out of them. The left are sociopathic narssicists, they can’t be reasoned with. The thing they hate most is being exposed. Exposure drives them to hysterics. Their hysterics drive fence-sitters to us.

  • SeppW June 6, 2018, 10:13 pm

    Ridiculous. Any kind of registry of firearms owned by citizens is dangerous. I can’t imagine the bill goes anywhere, but in the trash.

  • Blue Dog June 6, 2018, 4:46 pm

    As a gun owner myself and firearm enthusiast, I support national gun registration in theory. I think that gun registration will only work alongside universal background checks.

    I am reading through the bill now, a PDF available on Sen. Nelson’s website – https://www.billnelson.senate.gov/sites/default/files/Crime%20Gun%20Tracing%20Modernization%20Act_0.pdf

    The database will be kept by the sellers and can be remotely accessed by the ATF and it will require sellers to add the information that they are currently required to keep on hand (20 years back) to the database, so inclusion in this database will be retroactive. I am not sure if it is a good thing or not, that these databases will be kept by the sellers. If the government is going to register the sales, then the government should have to do it on their end and not require the sellers to get this all set up on their own dime. This is considerably more elaborate than just making the vendor keep records in a dedicated Acquisition and Disposition book, especially if the ATF is going to be able to access it – are sellers going to be required to have these records accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year? It is good to have the sellers include records for firearms already sold, though.

    The bill specifies that the database can be searched by date of disposition, license number, or descriptions or identifying characteristics of the firearm but not by personal information of the buyer but that personal information will be available as a result of the search. That restriction seems reasonable.

    Either way, this is all grandstanding. Gun registration doesn’t have quite enough buzz to get it over the top right now, at least not nationwide. Maybe during the next presidency?

    • Mike V June 6, 2018, 7:10 pm

      Your credentials as a gun owner mean nothing, nobody wants to take your 30″ barreled break action shotgun.

      For the rest of us who own useful weapons, having our names on a registry would be a nice first step towards confiscation…no thanks.

    • J June 8, 2018, 2:37 am

      The fact that they can not keep personnel information private should be enough to make one want to keep paper records and not electronic. Just because its in a tv show does not mean it is reality. We barely have Capt Kirk’s communicator.

    • Chris Baker June 8, 2018, 4:21 am

      One of the very first things Hitler did when he came to power was to register all the gun owners. Only after the government knew who they were could he proceed with the next step which was confiscation. We all know what came after that. All of us who know the history of WW II do anyway. Holocaust deniers don’t believe it even though there was overwhelming proof.

      Don’t say it can’t happen here. That’s exactly why the second amendment was placed in the bill of rights.

    • Brandon June 8, 2018, 6:22 am

      Apparently Bill Nelson’s computer “alter ego” is ‘Blue Dog’

      Anyone else notice that when someone starts out with “I’m a gun owner BUT”… they always turn out to be an enemy of the Constitution of The United States of America?

    • JFR June 8, 2018, 9:03 am

      ” . . . I think that gun registration will only work alongside universal background checks.”

      You got that backwards; universal background checks won’t work without firearm registration. Enforcing such background checks is completely impossible unless they already know what you have, Or perhaps they catch you “red-handed” or the firearm that is transferred was manufactured after a certain date. Otherwise, “Oh, I transferred that years ago, long before the onerous background check requirement came into effect.” “Universal” background checks means firearm registration. Make no mistake.

    • joefoam June 8, 2018, 9:38 am

      So when the authorities have the weapon in hand and the crime has already been committed what good does it do to know who purchased the gun. The victims are already dead or wounded. I thought the pitch was for crime prevention not punishment.

    • Al June 8, 2018, 10:17 am

      Out of curiosity, where have you been these last few years???
      Do you honestly believe that the FBI, the BATFE and the Feds in general are trustworthy?!?
      After ‘Fast and Furious’, and the IRS turning on conservative institutions, and now with the FBI backing Hillary and then Trumps alleged collusion with ‘Russians’???????
      At what point do you realize that power is a corrupting force, and that our Federal Govt. officilas right down to the lowest levels are indeed corrupt????
      Have you NOT read our Founding Fathers papers on WHY they set up the Constitution in the manner they did???
      Yours is a dangerous ignorance, as an alleged “forearms enthusiast”, you should educate yourself and drop this foolish notion that any such ‘registry’ would have nay effect on crime or psychopaths.

    • Phil June 9, 2018, 8:29 am

      Any idea what “…shall not be infringed.” means?

  • Mark June 6, 2018, 4:14 pm

    Commie Traitor!

  • Chaastran June 6, 2018, 3:38 pm

    Enenma Gonzalez is one stupid puta…

    • Mike V June 6, 2018, 7:03 pm

      That’s the best you can do?
      Come back when you have a real argument that doesn’t rely on childish antics to convince.

      • Myles Poland June 8, 2018, 5:42 am

        Gun grabbers don’t use “real arguments.” They use emotionally resonant rhetoric. Feel free to pat yourself on the back for being so big-brained while hysterical leftists erode your rights.

        • Mike V June 8, 2018, 12:02 pm

          Real arguments are the only convincing arguments.

      • Scott McIntosh June 8, 2018, 9:08 am

        And the best you can do is to address childish remarks instead of saying that doesn’t sound stupid from your pie hole?

        The 2nd Amendment is designed to protect YOU from a future Obama like government you putz. Wake up!

        • Mike V June 8, 2018, 12:13 pm

          Come again?

          Stick to the facts, stick to the story.

          Win the argument with truth spoken powerfully.

          If this guy has only name calling to contribute than he’s almost useless to the cause.

  • Jaque June 6, 2018, 3:21 pm

    Bill Nelson, The hidden Communist. One would have expected Diane Feinstein to demand a national gun registry but not Mr Sportsman and Hunter Nelson. Not that such a registry would have stopped the school massacres or any other murder by the use of firearms. Or acts of terrorism. Or gangs and thieves use of guns. What about a Knife Registry. Has the registration of cars stopped death by cars. Or car theft. No, No, No. No.

    National firearm registries are for one thing. To provide a list for the Police State to confiscate and kill listed gun owners.

    We must never submit to such Tyranny. However the momentum is on the side of the Communists. You know what to do.

    • Tom June 8, 2018, 7:41 am

      Nothing ” hidden” about him. Democrats are all latent Communist.

  • Bobs your uncle June 6, 2018, 2:54 pm

    The reason its against the law for gov. or anyone to collect lists is because of the “Badder Mienhoff gang” they used such lists in Germany to find who had guns, then went to their homes and stole the guns. This however sounds like the beginning of a gun confiscation program, I’m sure this will only cost a few hundred million and produce nothing of value.

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