Five Reasons Why Guns Will Be Banned in the Future

(Editor’s note: In lieu of doing hackneyed April Fool’s content, I thought I’d have a little fun and write something that prognosticates the future of the Second Amendment.  As you’ll see, this article is meant to be comical and, therefore, should be taken with a grain of salt.)

I was thinking of what the future holds for our right to keep and bear arms. And the more I thought about the question, the farther out in time I began to contemplate it. So, what’s the future of the 2A in 15 years? In 50 years? In 100 years? In 500 years?

The cynic in me eventually came to the conclusion that the Second Amendment is fated to go the way of the dinosaurs. Total extinction! That’s right, in the future, say 500 years from now, one’s right to keep and bear arms will be a thing of the past, no longer will men and women be able to keep a government in check, protect themselves in the public square, shoot a buck during hunting season, hit the local range to de-stress, you know, all the things we need our 2A rights for.

How is this going to happen? Well, here are five future developments that will indubitably lead to the revocation of one’s fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

1. One World Government

Not the NWO I was thinking of. LOL.

Not the NWO I was thinking of. But I like this photo.  LOL. (Photo: WWE)

At one point or another, all of humanity will be united under a one world government. A U.N. on steroids. It’s sorta the de facto state right now when you think of the international oligarchs, industry elites, and private bankers that pretty much control the vast majority of wealth and commerce in the world.

The only difference between then and now is that currently there’s a tacit understanding of hegemonic rule, but eventually that will change and the ruling class will go public with their scheme to unite control the world.

Once it’s made official, the NWO (I guess I’ll call em that) will make no bones about its main priority, ensuring its reign of global domination goes unchallenged. What is the biggest threat to those in power? Armed resistance from a civilian militia. Consequently, a massive effort to disarm the citizenry and promote a “guns for me and not for thee” agenda rolls out.

Since most of the civilized world has already willingly (and in some cases enthusiastically) given up their right to keep and bear arms, I’d argue that the wind is at the backs of the gun-grabbing NWO power elites. Sure, there will be some resistance in what was formerly known as the good old USofA but ultimately resistance will prove to be futile.

2. Orwellian Surveillance

Persistent Survelliance Systems exist! Check out this radio lab episode. (Photo: Radio Lab)

Persistent Surveillance Systems exist! Check out this Radio Lab episode. (Photo: Radio Lab)

Eye-in-the-sky technology is already a reality. But when it goes mainstream and becomes a permanent staple in every town, city, state and country around the world is anyone’s guess. Conservatively speaking, I’d say in the next 50 years government drones will be as common as street lights.

What this technology brings to the table is a world in which no crime goes unsolved as the government will have the capacity to track down and watch everyone at all times. When a crime is committed, the watchers will be able to zero in and track the criminal as he or she leaves the scene, they’ll also have the ability to go back in time (via the recorded tape) and discover where the criminal was just prior to the incident, who they were with, what they were doing, where they live — all the necessary information they need to apprehend them.

Given the widespread adoption of this technology, the government will brainwash people into believing that it — and not the individual — is responsible for one’s safety. What follows is the complete decay of personal responsibility (and personal privacy) and an abrupt increase in government dependency.

You can see the banners now from the Ministry of Safety (an agency within the NWO) promoting the surveillance state at the expense of the 2A and other fundamental rights, “Disarm yourselves. We will protect you. You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide.”

3. Universal Doping

Low T? (Photo:

Is Low T a real disease? (Photo:

What’s the best way to control a population?

Not physical slavery. Enslaving a population by force is too much of a hassle. For one thing, cracking the proverbial whip is a messy business that only hardens the resistance and deepens the hatred for those in power. For another thing, it’s expensive as it commands a lot of time, energy, manpower and resources.

Don’t get me wrong, our overlords will use force when they have to but in the majority of cases, they will rely on something infinitely more powerful and effective to keep us in line: drugs!

We’re already way over-drugged. I’m not even talking about the controlled substances we consume recreationally, I’m talking about the stuff Big Pharma shills constantly. I mean, when was the last time you watched a nightly news telecast that didn’t have commercials advertising the latest and greatest wonder drug to treat a disease or affliction that probably doesn’t even exist? “Low T,” for example. Is that even real? Why do I need a pill for it? Can’t it be prevented or cured, like almost everything else, with a healthy diet and exercise?

Long story short, the drug culture that exists now is only going to get worse. As we become more dependent on government for our personal safety, so too will we become more dependent on Big Pharma (which will be subsumed by the NWO) to make ourselves healthy and happy. In short, we will become a global nation of addicts. As such, we will do just about anything our overlords want for a quick fix of whatever it is we’ve become hooked on.

4. Flesh Farms

In the near future, no one will hunt. Why? Harvesting a living animal will be considered a crime. Animals, it will be decreed, are entitled to certain inalienable rights, like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness — a novel and bitterly ironic idea that will sound vaguely familiar to our descendants living under the NWO.

Yet, while animals are awarded all these rights, they lose the very thing that has kept them alive all these years: the tax revenue generated from hunters and gun owners. That’s correct. The vast majority of conversation efforts are funded by hunters and shooters. And as a result, the decision to kill hunting will ultimately kill all the wild game in our “forests” — which thanks to government geoengineering, massive deforestation, rampant pollution and anthropogenic climate change will be nothing more than small plots of land with a few emaciated trees.

It’s no matter, though, instead of meat, technology will be implemented to produce a meat-like substance in laboratories known as “flesh farms.” Basically, they’re test-tube steaks! It’s not really known how the NWO procures this meat (Soylent Green?) but it’s adequately spiced and artificially flavored so no one really raises an eyebrow.

5. The Rise of the Machines

The rise of the machines is inevitable.

The rise of the machines is inevitable.  Be they terminators (T-800s) or Matrix machines or HAL 9000s, they’re emergence is unavoidable.

Technological singularity is inevitable. Pretty soon, computers will have an intelligence that is not only superior to our own, but a cerebral capacity to create future systems that are increasingly intelligent. Couple that with the potential emergence of artificial consciousness and what we have is a recipe for the “Matrix,” as in that classic film starring the inimitable Keanu Reeves.

Crazy talk? Maybe, but if anyone or anything is going to take down the one world government, it won’t be the proletariat. It’ll be the machines. And, let’s face it, to preserve their own future they’re not going to want their subjects walking around with weapons.

Yes, the machines will disarm everyone. The human leaders of the NWO may conscript the proletariat to fight this new war, but because the masses will have become so drugged up, undernourished and hyper-dependent on government, they just won’t have any fight left in them. Machines will win the war, and win it convincingly. It’ll be the end of humanity.


The good news: in the future, we’ll all be dead. The bad news: without a means to defend against tyranny, citizens will be enslaved by the powers that be. But eventually, our enslavers will be enslaved by machines. What follows the machines? It’s anyone’s guess.

So what is the main takeaway from this article?  Enjoy your 2A rights while you have them, because who knows what the future holds.

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  • MIKE September 14, 2018, 10:55 am

    You might have meant it as a joke S.H. but you are Spot On with how they are going about it. VERY Prescient indeed!

  • mike September 14, 2018, 10:52 am

    So what is the main takeaway from this article? Enjoy your 2A rights while you have them, because who knows what the future holds.


  • Ken roth March 22, 2018, 5:22 pm

    Bless this mess

  • Auggie Will August 20, 2017, 12:03 am

    A joke well maybe so but the way things are going the UN mostly will be running the world in about 100 years.
    Look at the UK now.
    If someone breaks into your home and you kill that person with let’s say a bat you are going to jail!
    If you can call the police then run out of the house but at any rate run out of your home.
    If you are on the streets and someone tries to rob you then you must give up your money do not fight back because if you do and the robber gets hurt or worse killed you are going to jail for a long time

    • mtman2 January 27, 2018, 9:14 am

      Well then don’t wait for LE – knock’em out on a mugging and vamoose;
      if in your house drag’em out side to come around if they can- or not…

  • Zeke Frye August 18, 2017, 7:52 am

    Simultaneously amusing and horrifying. Here it is a year plus on, and by and large and on the whole commenters failed to note that this was an April fools joke. I suspect it is because they skim rather than read carefully, therefore they failed to register the date on which this was published and the explicit warning. Additionally, a certain function seems to be prevalent, a particular facet of the philosophy that makes up the social and political gestalt of America is busy reinforcing & distilling their zealous nature.
    The writer of the article that his tongue planted firmly in his cheek as he offered this dark humor. The true entertainment comes from the comments.

  • gary May 19, 2017, 1:08 pm

    If the Doom and Gloom were to come about then there would be a lot more criminals in the world I fear, and the USA and its freedoms we love will be no more. All I can say is pray for the DEATH of the ONE WORLD ORDER movement. Our Constitution is too precious to loss.

  • hey April 3, 2016, 5:44 pm

    Lots of good arguments in the artical. About the dependence on phamicutical drugs is mostly a result of all of the poison the big food company, biotect lobbied FDA is allowing on the market. Which is leading to a chronically ill nation dependent on elaborate health care services that was just so convinently created for us as more posion arrives to market. How many Americans do you know that hasn’t had a operation for a diease by the age of 55?? The big food companies have killed or ruined the health of Americas more than terrorist organizations have ever done. What do we do?? Support the market by buying this crap then feeding it to the kids to create the next chronicly ill generation. The engineered sub prime mortgage crisis of 2008 was just to speed up the devaluation of the dollar over the long term, that is currently the world’s reserve currency. When the Federal Reserve printed off more money (quantive easing) to buy government debt that bailed out the banks along with accumulating government debt our currency is going to lose value to Europe and the emerging markets in the long term. This is part of the Global elite’s (central bankers) plan to have the International monetary organization replace the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency with special drawing rights (basket of currencies) that brings the world’s central banks together to allow a true control of the world and they will officially be the world’s unelected government. Our so called freedom, health, prosperty and country is running in high gear to take a nose dive fast!! Unless we get out of our usual mind state of just doing what is necessary to pay bills or capitalize and become proactive to beself aware of what is going in this country, to stop lobbisum (only way the U.S. government now operates) and share with people to do the same, or we do not have a good future.

  • hey April 3, 2016, 5:28 pm

    Lots of good arguments in the artical. About the dependence on phamicutical drugs is mostly a result of all of the poison the big food company, biotect lobbied FDA is allowing on the market. Which is leading to a chronically ill nation dependent on elaborate health care services that was just so convinently created for us as more posion arrives to market. How many Americans do you know that hasn’t had a operation for a diease by the age of 55?? The big food companies have killed or ruined the health of Americas more than terrorist organizations have ever done. What do we do?? Support the market by buying this crap then feeding it to the kids to create the next chronicly ill generation. The engineered sub prime mortgage crisis of 2008 was just to speed up the devaluation of the dollar over the long term, that is currently the world’s reserve currency. When the Federal Reserve printed off more money (quantive easing) to buy government debt that bailed out the banks along with accumulating government debt our currency is going to lose value to Europe’s and the emerging markets currency in the long term. This is part of the Global elite’s (central bankers) plan to have the International monetary organization replace the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency with special drawing rights (basket of currencies) that brings the world’s central banks together to allow a true control of the world and they will officially be the world’s unelected government. Our so called freedom, health, prosperty and country is running in high gear to take a nose dive fast!! Unless we get out of our usual mind state of just doing what is necessary to pay bills or capitalize and become proactive to beself aware of what is going in this country, to stop lobbisum (only way the U.S. government now operates) and share with people to do the same, or we do not have a good future.

  • jack n meovslo April 2, 2016, 3:58 pm

    Heil Hitlary 2016

  • dano April 2, 2016, 11:00 am

    Watch the movie “Idiocracy” . It’s funny and stupid, but has an underlined message that ignorance is celebrated in today’s society, so as humans evolve, only the cool idiotic beautiful people procreate. Making the future …… Well watch the movie . Lol.

  • Mark April 1, 2016, 8:11 pm

    Re: above.
    I shot my TV 7 (dead) years ago. That was a load (of distortion and depression) off my mind. I feel so much more free without it! More time for target practice.

  • Richard D Alley April 1, 2016, 3:33 pm

    So, if you agree with this article, why waste your money on a moribund NRA?

  • SuperG April 1, 2016, 3:25 pm

    Let’s not forget that the mega-corporations will need to field their own armies then too. I’ll work for Chevron, as I know they pay well.

  • apmock April 1, 2016, 1:37 pm

    OMG!! Thank you for this alert Mr. Blannelberry!
    I got my gun ready by my front door.. Wait there’s a box truck in my drive way… oh no a man is holding a cardboard box as he comes to my front door, I think a tag on his shirt spells Fed x or something …Its the Gov. man panic!!!! maybe he’s got a bomb in that box OMG this is how they get my guns 1st they blow me up then they can walk right in and take everything !! …. wait I know what to do …I’ll shoot him before he gets to my door …. hold on Mr. Blannelberry …. Bang! Bang! wow I nailed him right between the eyes, thank for the heads up e mail you saved my life & my guns……wait something has fallen out of the box as it hit the ground?? holly smokes it’s a holster that I ordered a couple days ago, not a bomb!!!!

    APRIL FOOLS BACK to you Mr. Blannelberry LOL

  • Bobo April 1, 2016, 12:30 pm

    My prediction:
    Hillary will be elected president with the Oval Office being moved to Levenworth Prison. State dinners will be limited to corn beef hash and peanut butter sandwiches.
    Bernie will be selected as Vice President and will immediately commence erecting statues of Karl Marx and the army will do away with the traditional salute in favor of the raised fist.
    All ammunition manufactured in the US will have a maximum 100 FPS velocity.

    • Jeremiah April 1, 2016, 4:04 pm

      Hellary, first day in office, will be the first president to pardon herself…

      • Dennis M April 2, 2016, 11:51 pm

        Amen to that.
        We elected Obama the first time because of the novelty. We elected him the second time because we were too embarrassed not to. We will elect Hilary because we refuse to believe lightning will strike three times. (Didn’t vote for him, didn’t vote for him, will not vote for her.)

  • joe April 1, 2016, 12:24 pm

    1st of all the author said April fools joke , good 1, but people if u want to have a voice in our nation again, remember the 70’s BOYCOTT , sometimes the best thing to do is NOTHING … Unite,pick a day or days ,don’t go to work ,turn on a light or even a water faucet and when the MAN flies over or drives by, exercise your 1st amendment rights with both hands , PEACE sign with 1 hand and your FREEDOM BIRD with the other chanting ” TAKE THIS TO THE BANK WE’VE HAD ENOUGH “

  • Jim Jones April 1, 2016, 11:58 am

    You seem to forget, in the future, we won’t need firearms for defense against thugs and criminals because all unregistered transactions of property will be conducted by rap battles. Thug rolls up, challenges you to a rap battle, you lose, you give him your phone and wallet. If you win, he turns himself in to the police for rapping without a license.

    • Anonymous Gerbil May 5, 2016, 2:45 am

      This is the future I fear the most.

  • Former Marine April 1, 2016, 11:21 am

    The comments from the idiots who missed the disclaimer this was an April Fools article were almost as good as the article. I loved the Soylent Green reference. Sadly though I think some of this, especially the surveillance, was right on the mark.
    Remember gentlemen, SUSPICION BREEDS CONFIDENCE 😉

  • Bisley April 1, 2016, 10:45 am

    This isn’t something to be taken lightly (and the attempt failed anyway). The only reason people in government seek to disarm the general public is that they intend to do things to us that a people with the means to resist wouldn’t tolerate.

  • Edward Glenn April 1, 2016, 10:21 am

    Lighten up, folks. It’s April 1st, April Fool’s Day. This was meant to be FUNNY, even if it missed the mark.

    • Ricky Price April 1, 2016, 11:01 am

      People that write these articles much live under a Rock. Come down to KY and just try to take our guns.

      • Jay Warren Clark April 1, 2016, 2:15 pm

        You underestimate, sir, the terrible power of two somatic influences: government schools (which you do not control and probably know anything about), and television–the most powerful somatic beverage we have ever known and from which, given how dull the schools make us in 12 years, we are not able to protect ourselves.
        And if you don’t think this is true just ask yourself one question: Are the people in KY serious enough to turn off and get rid of their televisions? Indeed, when asked most people would laugh assuming that you were joking! Think about it; it would take only a generation and a half to completely reeducate the public. And, like throughout all history, those who were born thinkers (“free thinkers” they were called) can be easily isolated and then liquidated one at a time. The history of the various inquisitions will lay this all out for you–and a lot more.
        Oh, and did I mention the official corporate media? Did you know that we have been listening to an almost totally scripted “story” since at least 1963? And don’t think that the alternative media will save us and keep us close to the truth. Even the unstoppable alternative voice of Alex Jones is now supporting a billionaire who has never read the Constitution for president! And you can’t get more main stream than that, eh? ‘Nuff said. JWC

  • Sundance98 April 1, 2016, 10:10 am

    April Fool? No, all of the things in this article are correct. So, why not – for just once can’t firearms owners and supporters do
    the right thing: Remove ALL Firearm LAWS and Restrictions except one: Mandatory Drug Testing for All Firearm
    Purchases and Transfers. Require that an FFL and one additional Witness……utilize a NIH Generated Litmus Paper Drug
    Test. It would be a Pass or Fail System. If you Fail…you can come back in 180 days and repeat the test. All current firearms
    owners would be grandfathered and not required to be tested. Otherwise, you can be sure – one of the other Four Suggestions
    in the article will eventually occur.

  • Tom April 1, 2016, 10:09 am

    Even after taking that “grain of salt” there is a possibility of this happening sooner than later…

    Economic collapse + some sort of “famine” (or other major infrastructure interruption) = no shots having to be fired to gather weapons. You want a guaranteed supply of food and water? You’ll need to trade your weapons. Think Jade Helm. How many of us have “smart meters” regulating our homes?

    I’m sure just the presence of a few tac teams in full battle rattle along with some MRAPs might convince a few individuals that whatever weapon they’re holding won’t have much, if any, effect. Again, no shots fired. What about the many uses of drones?

    Then again, taking the William Wallace (Brave Heart) approach might have some merit. At the time of the American revolution, only 6% of the population was for independence. Great Britain did not have a technological advantage in terms of weapons.

    The problem is, the full meaning of the 2A has been watered down to a perception by the general public of self-defense. So, to protect against tyranny, at least a good portion of the military and law enforcement would have to follow the Constitution rather than specific orders. That is a hard prediction to make.

    I think I need some more salt…

  • Steve HANCOX April 1, 2016, 10:00 am

    One reason why you are wrong; it’d take a CIVIL WAR to remove A) the 2A from Constitution & B) trillions of dollars of property CANNOT BE REQUISITIONED BY GOVERNMENT WITHOUT DUE REIMBURSMENT (5th Amendment) they tried this in 1860 & look what happened… Technology can always be fooled, not everyone wants to live drugged up in your “Brave New World”, and– we’re Americans– we’re different. We’re natural “Resistors” and wouldn’t have it any other way– so f**k your world govt. look at what a corrupt, inept abattoir of retards the UN is now!! C’mon, you really think human spirit will become that repressed that quickly? BS. In fact, technology will only aid in the arming of pop. W/ 3D printing & open source arms designs.
    They may become so prevelant that they remove the Hughes Amendment part of 86 GC law!!!
    Smile smile smile…

    • Tom April 1, 2016, 10:17 am

      All that is quite true. What happens if Martial Law is imposed?

  • K france April 1, 2016, 9:51 am

    Who ever wrote this article is a true idiot – WTF is wrong with you – This kind of trash needs to stay out of Gunsamerica. Period

    • Adam April 1, 2016, 1:26 pm

      It was an APRIL FOOLS DAY JOKE!!! Take a deep breath and hold it for a sec then blow it out slowly.

  • Jake April 1, 2016, 9:51 am

    April Fools? This is a joke right? When you use 1984, Terminator, and Soylent Green as your sources with abandon you’re either joking or high.

    • SGT-N April 1, 2016, 6:12 pm

      HE WAS JUST JOKING! It was an April Fools’ prank with a little teeth. Was he high? Depends whether the author was from Colorado or has a med pot permit.

  • Mike S. April 1, 2016, 9:32 am

    Not funny, man……not funny at all…

    • SGT-N April 1, 2016, 6:34 pm

      Though, the comments are a hoot!

  • Nick S April 1, 2016, 9:13 am

    My prediction is this: in 500 years genetics will have weeded out morons like the writer of this piece. Intelligence and the ability to think critically (based on fact) will have become the norm.

    • Leighton C April 1, 2016, 10:32 am

      Maybe in 500 years we will have weeded out the CRIMINAL gene(s)…that would help.

    • Chief April 1, 2016, 10:39 am

      I would disagree . Look at all of the 20 somethings that voted for the communist Bernie .

  • GaryGary April 1, 2016, 8:51 am

    If the Dems win in 2016 I say they will win again in 2020. And that folks will speed up TOTAL gov control over our lives. Thus within 20 years from now or less the face and freedoms of America are doomed. As it is I don’t recognize the country today from the 1980’s much less 1960’s that I grew up in . We had better learn the true meaning of Totalitarian government !!

    • jamesford April 1, 2016, 11:35 am

      In another 8 years of socio-communist-islamic rule you will not believe your eyes. Sharia law will replace whatever they are calling it now. Amerika will be a much darker place in more ways than one… Europe is already falling never to recover. No kid from a real American family has a chance today of anything more than a subsistence level, third-world, meager existence. They might as well start learning how to be good slaves and beg. Maybe they will be allowed to keep breathing. Maybe.

      • SGT-N April 1, 2016, 6:21 pm

        Will we be able to super-size our tabouli to go with our artificial goat?

  • Mario April 1, 2016, 6:29 am

    I see some have their tin foil hat on a little too tight,guns are going NOWHERE,,they can try and ban whatever they want,,but in the end,,there are about 400 million guns in North America,with a VERY aware population of gun owners who have seen their right to own threatened for the last few years,guns and ammuntion sales are skyrocketing,,people are stockpiling guns and ammo like never before,,manufacturers can’r even keep up,many of them having to go 24 hours a day,,all those owners are NOT giving up of their whatever ban they come up with,there will still be 400 million guns in private hands,and that scares the hell out of the Libtards,and politicians who would love a chance to rule over and unarmed population,,and THAT”S NOT GONNA HAPPEN,we are to well armed and too many for them to take on.

    • Jay E. Simkin April 1, 2016, 9:29 am

      At end-2013, there were about 335,000,000 firearms in the US, excluding those owned by the Department of Defense. See “Firearms Commerce in the United States”, U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, issues of 2000 and 2015. Presuming that another 10,000,000 were added in 2014 and 2015, the amount at end-2015 would be about 355,000,000.

    • Joe McHugh April 1, 2016, 2:59 pm

      Mario, really? I mean I don’t own a gun and none of my associates here in upstate New York have firearms either. Heck, I’m pretty sure that there are only a dozen shotguns for hunting ducks in all of New York State.

      Some of the residents of New York used to keep guns in their homes but that was before our Governor Andrew Cuomo mounted a campaign to educate the citizens about the down side of having firearms in our homes. He cited all of the tragic childhood accidents when they play with unsecured guns found in the home. Cuomo also stated that countless suicides could be prevented by severely curtailing private ownership of guns. He made even more sense when he said that having a gun eventually led people to engage in criminal activity.

      Governor Cuomo really opened our eyes when he said that the home invading criminals would, more than likely, take away any guns we might have and use them on us! But what actually cinched his argument was his assurance that if we had time to go and get a gun, we certainly had time to dial 911.

      The majority of New Yorkers like Governor Cuomo and re elected him during the last election cycle. He’s a good speaker and he makes a lot of sense. What’s the big deal about the Second Amendment anyway? That was just added to allow the hunters to shoot squirrels with flintlock muzzle loaders anyway.

      (sarc. sw. off)

      • SGT-N April 1, 2016, 6:26 pm

        Mayor Emmanuel has also done such a great job cleaning up Chiraq … I mean Chicago.

      • Dennis M April 3, 2016, 12:07 am

        Joe, your comments are an even better April Fools joke than the article. Take two people, both whose homes have just been broken into while they are home. Choice is go for your gun or go for the phone. Let’s see, police might be there in 45 minutes, bullet might hit the mark in a tenth of a second. Not much choice there, go for the gun.

  • Aaron March 31, 2016, 7:58 pm

    This is great.

    My fear is that these ideas are promulgated on purpose. Like a tag on a cow. She gets loose, they know who to call. You cite this, you cite that – they can identify your risk level. If you get heated and start blabbing at every little trigger they know you’re a real live wire.

    Chief of police in my college town admitted to watching those videos trying to prove September 11 was a con job. He told a class of a hundred he watched them.

    I watched them, too. Then I watched some more. Then I read some stuff.

    Get this – the biggest crux to their argument is that Building 7 was blown up with explosives. I recommend watching a full video of the collapse. Liars say it only fell in a few seconds. Lies. You can clearly see the roof collapses under the weight of the extra NBC HVAC equipment installed for the FBI/nypd joint task force operations center that was supposed to withstand an NBC attack. They retrofitted that building out of spec. Claiming it was the only steel building to collapse from fire is a lie. Two 3.7 earthquakes shook it, then the fires took hold after the water lines were severed.

    We see what we want to see.

    Be careful to not let your emotions cloud your intellect.

    • bison1913 April 1, 2016, 6:23 am

      You lost me…

      • Aaron April 1, 2016, 12:09 pm

        My point was really esoteric, pardon me.

        To crystallize it – what is more likely, that democrats own guns & tons of stock in Ruger and Smith & Wesson (they profit from gun ownership & fear mongering) or that they actually believe they can Randy Weaver every American gun owner?

        They profit from us getting emotional about their fear mongering.

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