FPSRussia Rumors Confirmed, YouTuber Facing Possible Drug Charges

FPSRussia Rumors Confirmed, YouTuber Facing Possible Drug Charges

Kyle Myers the man behind FPSRussia. (Photo: Franklin County Sheriff’s Office/Athens-Banner Herald)

The breakout YouTube sensation and star of FPSRussia, Kyle Myers, is once again under investigation, the third time in just over four years. Investigators claim he illegally obtained drugs shipped to his post office box in Georgia.

After receiving the package the local sheriff’s office arrested Myers and immediately brought charges. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE or ATF) subsequently secured a warrant to search his property.

According to ATF spokesman Nero Priester, the agency found only firearms on his property, and nothing illegal. The ATF seized over 50 guns in this latest investigation.

Federal law prohibits users of illegal drugs from possessing firearms. “We’re waiting for lab results to come back,” said Priester. “We got a subpoena for his blood to see if he is an active drug user.”

If the blood test shows that Myers was using illegal drugs the ATF will consider bringing the case to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. The charges Myers faces include possession of a Schedule I narcotic and drug-related paraphernalia. Investigators have not released any information about the drugs mailed to Myers.

Myers is currently free on a $10,000 bond.

See Also: FPSRussia Breaks Character, Meet Kyle from Georgia

The comically non-Russian YouTuber attracted a massive following with his over-the-top shorts featuring big guns and bigger explosions. Myers’ YouTube career came to a halt when his business partner, Keith Ratliff, was shot dead. That case remains unsolved.

Shortly after the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, or GBI, opened their case on Ratliff’s death the ATF and the GBI raided Myers’ family farm and a neighboring farm used to produce FPSRussia videos. The agencies claimed that Myers was using explosives commercially without a license.

Since then Myers unsuccessfully attempted to restart the YouTube channel and has shifted his focus toward other projects that don’t involve explosives.

Myers started the FPSRussia channel in 2011 and peaked in 2013 just before the death of his partner. The GBI believes that the identity of the killer or killers is known to Ratliff’s circle, which puts them “at a continued risk of harm,” reports the Athens Banner-Herald.

In the wake of multiple investigations, Myers put most of his projects on hiatus.

  • Tim November 7, 2017, 7:12 pm

    The key element in this article is that the atf seized the guns on his property, and now they are waiting for results to come back on the “drugs” shipped to his p.o. box. It was illegal for the atf to seize any property without proof hat a crime was committed. Atf had a warrant to search the property, not seize anything. Perfect case for a violation of fourth amendment.

    • Lee November 22, 2018, 5:22 am

      Wait what were the specifics of the arrest. If he just took the package and hadnt opened it he may get off on not knowing what was inside if he didnt use a credit card or something to trace it back to him. They did seize guns before he was convicted which is wrong. An when do cops randomly drug test people to see if they should be allowed to have a gun? He wasnt drunk driving? The ATF have been after this dude for a while now they will skirt the laws left an right to nab him.

  • Glenn61 September 4, 2017, 3:29 pm

    The article says schedule one drugs, I wonder what specifically the drug he was suppose to have gotten is. And if the ATF didn’t find anything illegal, then why did they seize 50 guns there…..?

  • Steel Shrapnel September 4, 2017, 12:00 am

    Once feds come after you and miss their target they never stop, but increase efforts especially obama atf holdovers…! aft\’s reputation has never been the most respectful of all government agencies available. Personally I believe Keith Ratiff murder was probably 3rd party attempt to rob his extensive firearm collection, completely ignored whatever home valuables he had. Kyle Myers and his associates had everything to lose and lost most of everything when Keith was murder.Whenever highly skilled professional criminals pre-plan and commit high profile crimes law enforcement always use the typical investigation rule-book; next of kin, coworkers, and friends. Beyond those conditions law enforcement rarely catch actual criminals unless they continue numerous and similar crime sprees within singular border state of activity. If a highly skilled professional criminals is caught in the act then and most often only then do law enforcement piece together past crimes.Notice the article never mention where the arrest was made…? Maybe its easier to victimize Kyle Myers by mailing entrapment package and bust him when he\’s walking out of the Post Office wondering what\’s in the package, especially on Federal property…! aft may be setting up another one of their famous \”Legal Case Ruling\” scenario to sponsor drug testing for all gun owners to establish an indirect method of registering gun owners as well as delaying new gun purchases…?Already in my home state pending if you live in extremely socialist progressive controlled counties obtaining a pistol permit may take over one year. Sheriffs dept always blames lack of federal funding and shortage of personnel is why \”We the People\” 2nd Amendment Rights are taken away. The number one excuse liberal county sheriffs say to people waiting on pistol permits say \”We lost your paperwork, you\’ll have to refile for new pistol permit\”.

  • Steel Shrapnel September 3, 2017, 11:58 pm

    Once feds come after you and miss their target they never stop, but increase efforts especially obama atf holdovers…! aft’s reputation has never been the most respectful of all government agencies available. Personally I believe Keith Ratiff murder was probably 3rd party attempt to rob his extensive firearm collection, completely ignored whatever home valuables he had. Kyle Myers and his associates had everything to lose and lost most of everything when Keith was murder.

    Whenever highly skilled professional criminals pre-plan and commit high profile crimes law enforcement always use the typical investigation rule-book; next of kin, coworkers, and friends. Beyond those conditions law enforcement rarely catch actual criminals unless they continue numerous and similar crime sprees within singular border state of activity. If a highly skilled professional criminals is caught in the act then and most often only then do law enforcement piece together past crimes.

    Notice the article never mention where the arrest was made…? Maybe its easier to victimize Kyle Myers by mailing entrapment package and bust him when he’s walking out of the Post Office wondering what’s in the package, especially on Federal property…! aft may be setting up another one of their famous “Legal Case Ruling” scenario to sponsor drug testing for all gun owners to establish an indirect method of registering gun owners as well as delaying new gun purchases…?

    Already in my home state pending if you live in extremely socialist progressive controlled counties obtaining a pistol permit may take over one year. Sheriffs dept always blames lack of federal funding and shortage of personnel is why “We the People” 2nd Amendment Rights are taken away. The number one excuse liberal county sheriffs say to people waiting on pistol permits say “We lost your paperwork, you’ll have to refile for new pistol permit”.

  • John H Baumgaertner September 3, 2017, 3:49 pm

    Lot of assumptions about somebody most commenters don’t know personally. If you like his vids he must be innocent? If you don’t like him he’s getting what he deserves? Ah, there’s your “proof. ” And then you voted.

  • angela l lane September 2, 2017, 11:24 pm

    only marijuana is schedule 1 ,most schedule 1 are chemicals the average person has never heard of. Heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine are sched 2 \”known medical use but highly addictive properties\”.lortab narco ,percacets,oxycotin are also schedule 2. more people die each year from legally prescribed opiates than from all other drugs combined both legal or otherwise. IMPORTANT \” more people die each year from legally prescribed opiates than from all other drugs combined both legal or otherwise.\” the war on drugs should not start on the street but at your drs office{ through the pharmaceutical companies}. They have left the CIA as the number 2,& the \”Mobs\” as number 3 drug dealers and public enemies.

    • Tony October 13, 2017, 11:15 am

      Need to update your info.

      SCHEDULE 1 (CLASS I) DRUGS are illegal because they have high abuse potential, no medical use, and severe safety concerns; for example, narcotics such as Heroin, LSD, and cocaine. Marijuana is also included as a Class 1 drug despite it being legal in some states and it being used as a medicinal drug in some states.

      The opiates that make up Heroin are sometimes used in modern painkillers but most of them have been or are being replaced by man made pain inhibitors like Tramadol. Derivatives of Cocaine and LSD have been and are being used in modern pharmacopoeia but not in the street form.

      Kid probably had some pot shipped from one of the medical marijuana states shipped to him and got caught. The other drugs can still be bought on the dark web and are shipped in the mail. He should have realized that if you break the law, there will be consequences, especially when you are a very high profile barely past teenager acting as a Russian with a pro gun video series on YouTube. He was constantly being harassed before the murder and it was the icing on the cake. No matter what happened, one of the most popular pro gun shows on YouTube that was specifically targeted at kids is gone and the people involved ruined.

  • Empty September 2, 2017, 4:26 pm

    Hemp oil is legal…there is no thc ie no psychoactive substance in hemp oil, it was most definitely to take the guns, cack sucking pigs

  • Winston September 2, 2017, 1:29 pm

    He is obviously being set up. If they fail on this attempt, the State will download child pornography on his computer as they did Scott Ritter.

  • Joe September 2, 2017, 8:38 am

    If they are waiting on test results of his blood, that suggests the substance they found is unknown and they are fishing for a reason to go after him.

  • Dr. Obvious September 2, 2017, 8:35 am

    When you receive a BOX you did not ORDER
    at your PO Box which is in a FEDERAL Post Office!
    STAY at Post OFFICE, Ask a postal worker
    to witness the opening of Said BOX!
    This Makes it Hard For the COPS to set you UP!
    Another Trick they USE to SET You UP!
    They send Fake UPS or FED Ex Driver to have you sign for a package!
    If you sign or accept the package you did not ORDER and take it in your house!
    THEY HAVE YOU! BOOM You just GOT set UP!

  • Connie September 2, 2017, 12:45 am

    It all makes sense how he had access to the kind of hardware that is out of the budget of the common person: he’s a dope dealer. Enough said.

  • FWiedner September 1, 2017, 11:21 pm

    If the BATFE is involved you can be assured that there is rampant criminal activity, and that Myers has no part in it.

    • Bob bacon September 6, 2017, 1:35 am

      Thread winner

  • ejharb September 1, 2017, 9:39 pm

    A old holder/lynch project
    The destruction of fps Russia and other forms of gun positive entertainment. Hey Hickok feel that itch between your shoulder blade?
    Your on the list too.
    Trump might be president but Barry’s Boyz are still in charge

  • Bobby September 1, 2017, 9:01 pm

    This dude is an idiot and was just a bunch of trouble waiting to happen. Everybody wants their 15 minutes of fame… Most can’t handle it or think they’re too big to get in trouble. This knob hasn’t been smart enough to tone it down long enough for the heat to subside and he’ll probably lose it all now.

    • Winston September 2, 2017, 1:29 pm

      Why is he supposed to ‘tone down’ legal activity?

  • tom farkas September 1, 2017, 7:02 pm

    Sounds like the cops cooked this one up. They searched his place and found nothing that proved the use of drugs or any evidence of previous use. They took his guns,which they were probably after in the first place.They have no evidence that showed who sent it to him, or even if he ordered it .The poor sap just went to his mailbox and picked up a package he thought he had coming from a gun merchant or something from amazon and the cops jumped him before he even opened the box.This really smells like a ametuer set up.

  • John D. Stiebitz September 1, 2017, 5:26 pm

    I guess the feds are trying to stop his videos. What a bunch of PIGS!!!!

  • joeblow September 1, 2017, 4:29 pm

    i have always considered myers guilty of killing his boss, simply because any man who shacked up with a woman that ugly cannot be mentally stable, and neither one have a credible alibi

    but now we have the atf claiming he might have hemp oil?

    now my question is, did the atf kill myers boss, then set myers up with hemp oil? just because they would love to take his guns?

  • Jbourneidentity September 1, 2017, 4:24 pm

    We sure have some tin foil hat-wearing lunatics running around this place, don’t we? Drugs get shipped to PO boxes all the time, you retards. It’s not at all uncommon. Police have dogs sniff packages at USPS, Fed Ex and UPS locations all over America because those places REQUEST it because it’s such a problem. Set up? Framed? Way too much NCIS watching with this group. Yeah, I can’t see a 28 year old kid with all the money, influence, power and fame in the world using marijuana or drugs and being stupid, can you? Just because he’s a famous gun owner doesn’t mean he’s not a dope-using idiot, apparently like many of the people posting here.

    • Doc Loch September 2, 2017, 3:03 pm

      I just hope you aren’t ever on a jury. I would like all the people here on a jury who think of every possibility that a person could be innocent first. MOST peope ARE NOT criminals. Therefore, get that idea first and accuse accordingly. Secondly, law enforcement at the federal level has become dramatically MORE criminal in the past many years (likely because they have a harder time covering their crimes due to internet communication). True conspiracy to comment murder, illegal surveillance, fraud, treason, theft, and other valid conspiracy has become more and more apparent at levels we previously would not have believed. The tin hat conspiratist is no longer the joke the CIA intended it to be.

  • Sluggo September 1, 2017, 4:04 pm

    Wow! Taking a real bite out of crime. Ha!

  • John Nash September 1, 2017, 2:52 pm

    “Federal law prohibits users of illegal drugs from possessing firearms. “We’re waiting for lab results to come back,” said Priester. “We got a subpoena for his blood to see if he is an active drug user.”

    He hasn’t violated the statute “USERS of illegal drugs” until his blood/cannabis content is verified that he used the oil substance. If that hadn’t been determined, then what exactly was the probable cause to issue a search warrant and subsequent seizure of unrelated private property, his firearms? Did the ATF lie to the judge? Is there more information which would validate or invalidate this story? I don’t know what to think, but I am alarmed at its face value.

    • mike hunt September 1, 2017, 4:52 pm

      interstate transmission of drugs (federal)

      possession (state)

      all felonies. you dont get to keep guns on hand while charged with a felony until acquitted.

      • Grendal113 September 1, 2017, 9:26 pm

        Right cause we all know innocent until proven guilty is so passe…

        This is why . Oh nevermind.
        May your chains sit lightly.

    • Saner 01 September 2, 2017, 4:59 am

      And if his blood sample does come in with amounts of THC in it – He could have had that on a Domestic Vacation perhaps to Colorado or Seattle – Just a short drive up the road from him really. Subpena for a blood sample – That HAS to be Un-Constitutional. What a Man does on his Vacation is None of anyone’s Damn Business. The ATF owes Mr. Meyers an apology along with every one of his firearms. We DON’t live in Russia here . . .

  • Ricky Price September 1, 2017, 2:25 pm

    I still like to watch him.

  • Oaf September 1, 2017, 12:52 pm

    According to the Franklin County Sheriff’s office and agents with the Appalachian Regional Drug Enforcement Office, Myers was arrested after he allegedly received a substance through the U.S. mail known as Butane honey oil.

    Butane honey oil is a marijuana concentrate and is a highly potent concentrated THC (Tetra-hydro-cannabin-ol) that is most similar in appearance to honey or butter.

    It has a street value of $150 per gram as opposed to regular marijuana that has a street value of $30 per gram.

  • kickinitforever September 1, 2017, 12:31 pm

    Why are you bringing this up as news after this long? The case was tried and adjudicated last year

  • Kevlar1911a1 September 1, 2017, 12:19 pm

    From what we have heard here in Georgia not far from Kyle it was Marijuana oil. Which is a schedule 1 drug.

  • Ron September 1, 2017, 12:04 pm

    They’ve been unsuccessful at previous attempts to rreat him on weapons and illegal explosive charges, so now they ship him some dope to frame him for posession? Yet they find nothing dope related on their property? He’s arrested because he recieved a package in the mail? He knows he’s being watched by them…so it’s very unlikely he’d have dope shipped to him. This kid doesn’t strike me as a drugged out, gun shooting, anarchist that makes youtube videos. It doesn’t add up. This is a setup!

    • Tony September 1, 2017, 1:56 pm

      Absolutely agree, FBI and ATF have a long history of framing and setups. Do your research it’s factual, sources are coming from retired agents.

  • Jeff September 1, 2017, 10:53 am

    Not enough Evidence to make an informed decision on what is in the Article. That said I would like to know the packages origin? How it was identified as drugs? Sure smells like a set up!

  • Charles September 1, 2017, 10:41 am

    Hmmm packages don’t get sent in the mail unless they have a return address. Wonder if they arrested the sender of the package too. Probably no record of that…ya think? No supporter of drugs or their use.. but this one has the stink of a set up.

    • Jeff September 1, 2017, 11:16 am

      That’s Exactly what I thought also

    • Tony September 1, 2017, 1:58 pm

      The FBI doesn’t like to arrest themselves!

    • Bobby September 1, 2017, 8:51 pm

      I retired from the USPS and you CAN send a package without a return address (although it isn’t recommended). A return address can also be FALSIFIED so your theory about return addresses is shot to shit.

  • Mott Dorn September 1, 2017, 10:15 am

    And what happens when/if they find NOTHING?

    • Barry Soetoroe September 1, 2017, 3:37 pm

      This is a deliberate setup by the holier-than-thou Feds and GBI. I wish they would spend this energy and time harassing Jihadist and Antofagasta thugs.

  • Jc September 1, 2017, 10:08 am

    From what I read it was just a little marijuana. This is such bullcrap.

  • Irish-7 September 1, 2017, 9:43 am

    I’ll be interested to see exactly what he got in the mail. Although the drug was not identified, he faces charges for a “Schedule I narcotic”. This means “no known medical use”. My curiosity stems from multiple news reports on The O’Reilly Factor that addressed people buying prescription pain pills through the mail. These would be Schedule II, III or IV narcotics. Schedule I drugs are heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and marijuana. I believe those businesses selling medical marijuana are operating with STATE authority. Pot is still illegal to the FEDERAL government. I think the unsolved murder of his business partner is more serious.

    • Steven Hayden September 1, 2017, 10:05 am

      something smells

    • Jc September 1, 2017, 10:09 am

      Tryannical laws are meant to be resisted. If our founding father saw how these idiots in office put hemp and cannabis in the same group as heroin they wiuld have another revlution. They were avid hemp growers btw.

      • Irish-7 September 2, 2017, 9:40 am

        I find it highly hypocritical that both the government and the medical community are taking narcotic medications away from legitimate chronic pain patients, but sponsoring medical marijuana at the same time. When I picture the aging, arthritic Baby Boomers, I just don’t see them smoking pot or eating hash brownies as anxiously as them taking a pill every 4 hours.

    • angela l lane September 2, 2017, 11:23 pm

      only marijuana is schedule 1 ,most schedule 1 are chemicals the average person has never heard of. Heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine are sched 2 “known medical use but highly addictive properties”.lortab narco ,percacets,oxycotin are also schedule 2. more people die each year from legally prescribed opiates than from all other drugs combined both legal or otherwise. IMPORTANT ” more people die each year from legally prescribed opiates than from all other drugs combined both legal or otherwise.” the war on drugs should not start on the street but at your drs office{ through the pharmaceutical companies}. They have left the CIA as the number 2,& the “Mobs” as number 3 drug dealers and public enemies.

  • JESUS September 1, 2017, 9:41 am

    Obviously the Government has tried in different occasions to frame this guy (possession of explosives, illegal guns, etc) now they ship drugs to his house to put him in jail and deny him in the future to own firearms. All these accusations are fake and the
    The Deep State knows it, once you become an enemy of the state they will do anything to ruin your life.

    • mauser6863 September 1, 2017, 11:32 am

      I can get the home address of lots of famous people and ship them whatever I please. Perhaps the Attorney General needs some pot shipped to him (theoretically), guess he would be arrested, etc., however he is in the protected ruling class, so he would get a pass. Maybe the presiding judge with get a nice package mailed to him during the trial???

      So the big story is yet to be told here. Why was he arrested by the local sheriff and not BATFE, the FBI, Postal Police, etc. The crimes accused are all federal crimes. I doubt the Postal Inspector called the Sheriff.

      Unless they can show that he “ordered” the drugs and perhaps paid for them, the government’s case will likely fall apart, years from now and with hundreds of thousands spent by the defense. They wanted him for the murder of his business partner and couldn’t make it stick. Maybe he did it, maybe not. BATFE obviously has a hard-on for this guy and wants him shut down.

      YouTube has probably shut off all his ad revenue prior to this incident as they have de-funded just about all gun channels. He was the Number 1 channel with Hickok45 in 2nd place.

      If he is innocent, I wish him luck,he will need it.

      If he was smart, he’d pack this show up and move to a free country.

      • Bob bacon September 6, 2017, 1:42 am

        What free country?

  • Syl September 1, 2017, 9:01 am

    Now you know where the Black man get the drugs he sell. The Black man can not afford to finance the drug. The White man buy the Drug, the black man sells the drug, The Black man get blamed for the drugs. Now there’s another way to keep the lie that its the Black man, but who do the finance?? by the way, the White man sells the drug but the news never come to the light the white man crimes are not new worthy, there hands are always creeky clean

    • Spottedcrow September 1, 2017, 9:17 am

      You sir are a moron…. Some things you cant fix and stupid is one…

    • Dindu September 1, 2017, 9:24 am

      I can see you are ever so slightly grasping the English language you retard

    • Dr Motown September 1, 2017, 9:26 am

      And the Black Man be pretty stupid to buy the drug, sell the drug, use the drug, and ‘den get busted by the pohleece. After 50 years of ‘dat sheet, you dun think the Black Man would learn his lesson…

    • Yomamma September 1, 2017, 9:43 am

      Where do the drugs come from? The brown man down south. Sigh….

    • White man September 1, 2017, 9:45 am

      Wow inner city schools really don’t seem to be teaching you very much. How many times do you think the following phrase has been said “lets go to the suburbs to get some drugs homie”? That’s easy. It doesn’t happen. If someone wants drugs they go to the inner city because they’re everywhere. That guy wasn’t buying drugs and getting them shipped to redistribute to the black community. He probably was getting weed to smoke for himself. I am so sick of black people (not all black people ) blaming their problems on white people if you want a better life and you don’t want to have negative stereotypes about yourself then do something about it and be somebody and make something of yourself that doesn’t contribute to the downfall of society. Enough of the pity party. White people are not out to get you!

    • Fried chicken September 1, 2017, 1:33 pm

      Den we goes to duh 7-11 and ah sez. ” I wants a chicken wing, a orange fizzy and a pack of double Os.” An duh beach say, “Wat bees double Os mophuka?” An ah sez to da beach, “Beach, dey bees kools! Jus like me!”

  • joefoam September 1, 2017, 8:48 am

    Who ships drugs to a mailbox, and how did the authorities know to intercept the package?

    • Mark C September 1, 2017, 9:56 am

      This very much sounds like a sting operation. If they could either find/prove usage of drugs, they could prevent his possession of weapons. If they can’t, he’s just inconvenienced. I believe he is either being targeted because he’s into something perhaps they feel he shouldn’t be or did somethings that he simply can’t be linked to and they’ll take a lesser crime to bust him on.

      His lawyer should have a field day with this if whomever sent the drugs gets traced back to an agency. That would be a multi-million dollar settlement.

      I hope it all washes out for him.

    • Texan56 September 1, 2017, 10:21 am

      This is more common than you think. The investigation is often on both ends and anyone associated with either party can slip up. I know of a specific example where a person was receiving their ‘regular’ FedEx shipment of contraband (not pot) and the sheriff was there to arrest him the moment he received it. That person had gotten complacent with the arrangement then it blew up in their face. Not really a surprise when you think about it. Real simple – just don’t do it!

      Additionally, there are several articles circulating about marijuana and firearms. Google it. They do not mix. People in places where it has been legalized or get it for an otherwise legal medical reason seem to think they have been given permission. Its the same as drinking and firearms. The intoxicant, whatever it is, makes possessing firearms illegal. Drunks and dope heads are a danger to themselves and others. Again, real simple – it’s not worth it. Don’t go there.

    • Johnh September 1, 2017, 10:23 am

      You get a tracking number when you mail things.

    • Bobby September 1, 2017, 9:20 pm

      You wouldn’t beleive the amounts of illegal drugs that come through the USPS… I retired from the USPS back in 2012 as a City Carrier and there was a constant hammering from customs and our “higher ups” to look out for certain suspicious packages. They can’t catch everything in shipping. When they DO they will do what is called a “controlled delivery” in order to make sure the addressee accepts the package. It’s a complicated process but I assure you that if they delivered the package it was because he was EXPECTING it. “Setting up” somebody with a drug shipment via mail would require more than just simply delivering it to the mailbox…a CHAIN OF CUSTODY is required.

  • Jerry September 1, 2017, 8:26 am

    Where’s the victim? Oh wait, we live in a police state with 77,000 pages of federal regulations, most of which are malum prohibitum rather than malum in se.

  • Art Vogt September 1, 2017, 7:58 am

    I smell bullshit. Having “drugs” shipped to a PO Box? You’ll notice, or at least if you’re a skeptic you will notice that no mention is made of what kind of “drugs” we’re talking about here. Schedule I narcotic and drug-related paraphernalia? Are we talking about something that is legal in one state and not legal in another? How else does the ATF (an agency not chartered to investigate drugs (other than alcohol) get wind of someone ordering “drugs” through the mail, obtain a warrant, and be waiting for the schmuck when he goes and picks the package up at a PO Box? Yup, my bullshit detector just overloaded.

    • unknwn September 1, 2017, 10:30 am

      Your reading comprehension is atrocious.
      The ATF went to his residence after he was busted by the Georgia secret police. The ATF used the federal prohibition against illegal drug -user-s from purchasing/possessing firearms or ammunition. The guns have been seized prior to evidence of drug use confirmed through blood testing. Once that evidence has been confirmed, whatshisname will forfeit the 50 firearms for possession by a prohibited person.
      Until the review of the Federal substance scheduling results in overhaul of statute -anyone- who can be proven to be an illicit substance user will be flirting with loss of their 2nd Am. rights and possibly be prosecuted for Federal perjury charges due to evidence available on the 4473 forms you routinely fill out to purchase said firearms.

  • Zorro September 1, 2017, 7:29 am

    Who cares the guy is old news, move on from this Dumbo …!!! We have far more important things to think and talk about rather than a fake Russian – enough with the Russians already …!!!

  • BAC September 1, 2017, 5:50 am

    He should know better. Georgia ATF & GBI don’t let up once they get your scent.

  • roger September 1, 2017, 5:46 am

    I said he was involved in drugs in earlier stories. No sympathy from me. I am not a pot or drug supporter. He made his bed let him sleep in it.

  • William yaar August 30, 2017, 6:06 am

    What crops does he grow on his family farm?

    • Cenneth September 1, 2017, 3:13 am

      The good stuff .

  • Richard Steven Hack August 29, 2017, 7:23 pm

    I don’t think this guy is dumb enough to ship drugs directly to his Post Office box.

    I smell set-up. Hackers do this kind of thing all the time to computer security people they don’t like.

    • Dan September 1, 2017, 8:23 am

      I agree. Setup.

    • Bobby September 1, 2017, 9:05 pm

      You don’t think he was dumb enough? Have you read the laundry list of crap that he’s pulled up to this point? He isn’t a MENSA member, that’s for sure 😀

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