Gun Groups Sue New York Over Concealed Carry Ban for Non-Residents

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul at a recent gun violence prevention convention. (Photo: Hochul/

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) are taking New York to court! This week, they filed a federal lawsuit in the Northern District of New York. Their target?

The state’s strict ban on out-of-state residents getting concealed carry permits or having their out-of-state permits recognized.

Here’s the deal: GOA and GOF are standing up for several folks who live nearby but can’t carry concealed in New York.

They’ve got licenses in their own states, but New York’s giving them the cold shoulder. TV host and Second Amendment supporter Carl Higbie is one of these plaintiffs.

New York’s got this unique rule. If you’re not a New Yorker, you can forget about carrying concealed weapons there. It’s a no-go for anyone holding permits from other states.

So, while you can drive in New York with an out-of-state license, carrying a concealed weapon? Not happening.

This makes New York the lone wolf in the U.S., shutting out 94% of Americans from their 2A rights in the state.

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Erich Pratt from GOA isn’t mincing words. He’s calling out NY and its anti-gun politicians for weakening the Second Amendment.

“The State of New York and its cadre of anti-gun politicians have done everything in their power to weaken and outright ban the Second Amendment within their borders,” said Pratt.

“The Supreme Court has made clear that the right to bear arms extends to the public square, and this right is for all Americans, not just those who are residents of individual states,” he added.

Sam Paredes of GOF is echoing this sentiment. He’s pointing out how New York stands alone in this ban. His message to Albany’s lawmakers? Respect the Second Amendment, or they’ll make them.

This lawsuit could be a game-changer for gun owners that live near or frequently travel through the Empire State. Stay tuned as this legal showdown unfolds.

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  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment February 8, 2024, 4:27 am

    not a big deal to me since i wouldn’t go there if they paid me!

    • Hondo February 10, 2024, 5:42 pm


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