House Dems Point to Parkland Activists to Justify Lowering Voting Age to 16

House Dems Point to Parkland Activists to Justify Lowering Voting Age to 16

Rep. Ayanna Pressley argues before the House Rules Committee in favor of lowering the voting age to 16. (Photo: C-SPAN)

Listen to the children!

That was the message from House Democrats at a House Rules Committee hearing this week during testimony about a bill that would affect everything from voting rights to election security to campaign finance. The current iteration of the bill (H.R. 1) doesn’t lower the voting age, but two representatives proposed an amendment that would allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote.

Their justification? Parkland.

Reps. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) both argued that like Vietnam War protestors and civil rights activists, Parkland students have proven that high schoolers are responsible and patriotic enough to vote in federal elections.

“I am here tonight…because across this nation, young people are leading the way, which has been the case for every social movement throughout our history,” Rep. Pressley told the Rules Committee:

“They are organizing and mobilizing and calling us to action, making plain the high stakes the next generation faces — from gun violence, to climate change, to the future of work, to the solvency of Social Security.”

SEE ALSO: Hogg Explains Why He Was Ready for Media Interviews Following Parkland

Pressley referred specifically to one of her young constituents who “has been at the forefront of the March for Our Lives Movement to stem the tide of gun violence.”

“It is young people…who march, organize, and remind us daily in the halls of this institution what’s at stake and just how high those stakes are,” Pressley said.

Rep. Meng, a cosponsor of Pressley’s amendment, also referenced student gun-ban activists as justification for the 16-year-old vote:

“It is only right and fair to allow 16- and 17-year-olds a voice in our democracy,” Meng said.

SEE ALSO: Feinstein to Introduce Bill to Set Minimum Age – 21 – for All Firearm Purchases

“Throughout our nation’s history, from the Vietnam War-era movements that sparked the 26th Amendment, to the Parkland students who reignited the gun violence prevention movement, the power of youth activism has profoundly impacted social and political movements in the United States, and it’s time their votes count, too,” Meng continued.

While Reps. Pressley and Meng are no doubt motivated by a sense of justice pure as the driven snow, their amendment would almost certainly help Democrats get elected in races across the country. According to the Pew Research Center, young people in Generation Z (born after 1997) hold liberal views on everything from race to climate change to the role of government.

And, if the post-Parkland walkouts are any indication, “gun control” could likely be added to that list.

Oh, and it should be noted that the same party that wants to lower the voting age wants to raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21.

Listen to the children!  And deny adults 18-20 the right to keep and bear arms!  

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  • Hondo March 10, 2019, 5:46 pm

    Another bobble headed nitwit , Is anyone surprised that this halfwit is a democrat ?

    I would like see it go back to landowners only , none of these welfare losers who add nothing to this country.

  • Robert Messmer March 10, 2019, 2:09 pm

    Quote: “Throughout our nation’s history, from the Vietnam War-era movements…” Silly me I thought our nation’s history started waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before the 20th century. Hmm way I remember the Vietnam War era a lot of those protests were by those subject to being drafted and sent overseas to be killed or to kill for absolutely no reason. (Remember LBJ saying “I won’t ask American boys to fight a war that should be fought by Asian boys”?) Question – why is an eighteen old mature enough to man a machine gun but not old enough to buy a pistol?

  • Larry March 10, 2019, 12:47 pm

    The Democrats of old, my parents and grandparents would have considered the assignation of today’s democratic party. I have friends who vote a certain party because of parents or grandparents this is totally asinine and total stupidity. WOULD YOU BE A FELON BECAUSE THEY WERE. WAKE UP!!!!!!

  • Patrick Maurer March 10, 2019, 12:35 pm

    It seems that the idea is, if we could only elect more morons, then everything will get better. We’ve seen in the last election, that the election of the Muslims and the communist just how stupidity that rationale is and it should be a wake up call for all but the blind. Schools today, do not teach rational thinking, they are nothing more the indoctrination camps for touchy, feely liberal minded twits. The teachers today are more interested in raising taxes so they can strike for pay raises and more snow days. The educational system today reflects exactly what we have in Congress, disfunction at best, and subversion as the rule. We as citizens are mostly responsible for this degradation in our government. Instead of really paying attention to what the politicians are doing, we keep believing what they spout, like carnival barkers, every election cycle, instead of replacing them like we would change a baby’s diapers, when something smelled bad. It is time to wake the hell up, folks. We are definately ruling out of time to restore our Constitutional Republic, before these snake oil salesmen and women ram through laws that strip us of what rights we have left.

  • Bob March 10, 2019, 10:56 am

    Until we start calling \”Dems\” what they really are, communists, we don\’t have a snowballs chance in hell of turning this country around. The Democratic Party is dead, taken over by the very people we fought against for 100 years. I am afraid we are loosing our culture, our freedom and our country and I think it might be too late to save it. I hope I am wrong but based on what I see in the \”new\” generation coming up I don\’t have much hope. The politicians being elected today are only a reflection of the voters putting them in office. Add Media bias, FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ, corruption, even some republicans are not really republicans. I served in the military in the seventies and did a tour in Vietnam. This is not the America or our WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam and current veterans fought and are fighting for. They made this country what it is, or what it was. I don\’t mean to speak for all veterans but I suspect they would agree that what is going on in government is disgusting and an insult to real Americans. I hope there are enough American patriots left to stop the downward spiral of our country. Time is running out. We have a President that is trying to turn things around but I fear the odds are stacked against him. Like him or not, he is our last best hope. God Bless America.

  • Bob Eustian March 10, 2019, 10:54 am

    Until we start calling “Dems” what they really are, “communists”, we don’t have a snowballs chance in hell of turning this country around. The Democratic Party is dead, taken over by the very people we fought against for 100 years. I am afraid we are loosing our culture, our freedom and our country and I think it might be too late to save it. I hope I am wrong but based on what I see in the “new” generation coming up I don’t have much hope. The politicians being elected today are only a reflection of the voters putting them in office. Add Media bias, FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ, corruption, even some republicans are not really republicans. I served in the military in the seventies and did a tour in Vietnam. This is not the America or our WW1, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam and current veterans fought and are fighting for. They made this country what it is, or what it was. I don’t mean to speak for all veterans but I suspect they would agree that what is going on in government is disgusting and an insult to real Americans. I hope there are enough American patriots left to stop the downward spiral of our country. Time is running out. We have a President that is trying to turn things around but I fear the odds are stacked against him. Like him or not, he is our last best hope. God Bless America.

  • AJ March 9, 2019, 4:27 pm

    Hmm I seem to remember the Dems pulling a similar stunt by trying to make pedophilia legally protected in California.

    Next they’ll just lower the legal age for being a minor.

  • Joseph March 9, 2019, 10:53 am

    You guys need to WAKE UP. This is the Communist party taking over the country, right in your faces. “Student movements”, illegal immigrants and now brainwashed children having equivalent votes to WWII veterans. The Republican party is controlled opposition, just like they have in Russia. Do you still think you will vote and save the country? Or that it is the non-voters who ruined it? The Communists are here in our faces, and no one has the guts to deal with them.

  • Patrick March 9, 2019, 2:04 am

    They should put voting back in the hands of property owners. Not sensible allowing people to keep adding to my property taxes. So they can have a dog park, or a paved walking path etc.

  • Patrick March 9, 2019, 2:00 am

    They are going the wrong way. Voting age should be 30.

  • Shawn McManus March 9, 2019, 12:46 am

    I guess that since Democrats are loosing their regular voting bloc, they need to expand.

  • Mike Watkins March 9, 2019, 12:24 am

    These idiot Dems rode in on the same manure wagon as the ones who want illegal immigrants and convicted felons to have the vote. The motive is rather transparent. They know all of the aforementioned groups will be reliable socialist/democrat voters.

    Lawbreakers, the immature, those who are totally irresponsible should never have the vote. We should be REDUCING the number of people who can vote, not increasing it

    How about, only those who have served their country are allowed to vote? You make the commitment, take the risks, go where you’re sent, actually give up something for your country, THEN you’ve actually earned the privilege of voting.

    This piss you off? Gosh, I’m SO sorry!

  • Sofaking1337 March 8, 2019, 11:01 pm

    This has a lot to do with why I left MASS. They ultimately believe that a tyrannical threat is impossible in modern society. Ironically enough it’s where it all started, siezing firearms and quartering soldiers by a tyrannical entity. They would rather rely on the authorities to take care of them. Seriously I grew up around them, most of them are sheep. No patriots left in MA.

  • bill Weatherholt March 8, 2019, 8:44 pm

    If it is 21 to buy a gun lets make it 21 to vote 16 and 17 those kids still have a lot to learn about Life , could be swayed way to easily just think back when you were 16

  • Curt March 8, 2019, 6:50 pm

    This is really dumb. They can’t see an R-rated movie, but should be able to vote. Getta grip America.

  • Bob March 8, 2019, 5:14 pm

    Why 16? Seems arbitrary. Why not 15 or 14? Why not go all the way. Babes in the womb should have a vote. Naturally they will need a guardian to vote for them until such time as they have matured sufficiently. A court appointed attorney, I should think, who will look out for their best interest. Wonder how they would vote on abortion? And 35 for president? Maybe that was okay 250 years ago. Now young people know everything and we should take advantage of that. How about 18? Posting for a friend.

    • Patrick Hank March 8, 2019, 10:01 pm

      These same folks want to kill the unborn and even recently born.

  • Mark Brown March 8, 2019, 4:50 pm

    Great. In between popping Tide Pods and sucking condoms up their nose, they can vote……utterly asinine.

  • Gina March 8, 2019, 4:18 pm

    SERIOUSLY 😳!!!

    ”If you believe a 16 year old is old enough to make decisions on major issues that affect our country, then you must also believe a 16 year old is old enough to buy cigarettes, buy a vape, buy alcohol, buy guns, sign legal documents, buy lottery tickets, gamble in a casino, rent a car, rent a hotel room, get a loan without having a parent co-sign, sign legal documents, get married, raise a family, own a business, no longer be on a parents insurance, no longer be the responsibility of their parents, own their own home, join the military, etc… and you must also agree that they are too old to be tried in juvenile court making them eligible for life in prison or even the death penalty.” (Joyce Fischer) After all in this Country we are currently doing the exact opposite telling “current adults” they are not
    “mature enough- adult enough” to make these decisions with our current laws… at 18-21 in some states and soon to be others, you are saying they are too immature to already do many of the above mentioned things! Pull your collective heads out of your rear ends, either they are “Adults” at 18 with EVERYTHING that entails or they are NOT, enough with all of these age 21 laws, because if they are NOT “Adults” at 18, then everything changes to 21 for Everything-Everywhere, if they are “Adults” at 18 then Everything-Everywhere changes to 18, and they are Definitely NOT adults at 16!


    • Mr Shifter March 8, 2019, 9:27 pm

      Couldn’t have said it any better than you did Gina!

  • Abdude March 8, 2019, 3:47 pm

    If 16 year olds are so bright, how come all legislators raised the drinking age to 21, and are trying to do the same with smoking and the right to carry?!

    And the reason they are the one who organize, protest and march is because the rest of us are working to buy them food, clothes, pay tuition and put food in their mouths. Not to mention pay for their smartphones so theh can organize protest…

  • Pete A Fasanello March 8, 2019, 2:51 pm

    Children like welfare recipients should not be allowed to vote

  • Bayou Boys March 8, 2019, 1:40 pm

    What a bunch of Dumb Ass’s

  • MIKE OKELLY March 8, 2019, 1:37 pm

    lower it to 16,ARE THEY CRAZY. i say raise it to 25

  • Einar R. Petersen March 8, 2019, 1:26 pm

    The Voting Age should NEVER have been reduced from 21 to 18, EXCEPT for those Serving in the Active Military. Simply watching the \”On the street\” Interviews of our Youth of Today is enough to turn your stomach. They have no grasp of reality and are totally without care or respect of our Great Country. As far as referring to the various Mass Shootings, the FACT is… ALL of them were committed by DEMOCRATS. Even the monster that carried out the Las Vegas attack only very recently prior to the attack, changed his Political affiliation from Democrat to Republican so as to hide his idiocy.

  • J. Scott March 8, 2019, 1:24 pm

    That’s all we need is a bunch of 16 year old kids at the voting both! We need real people not a bunch of half grown babies making decisions that affect several million grown ups!! STUPID IDEA folks. Think about it, and I mean REALLY think about it!! Emotions is not a voting platform.

  • Einar R. Petersen March 8, 2019, 1:24 pm

    The Voting Age should NEVER have been reduced from 21 to 18, EXCEPT for those Serving in the Active Military. Simply watching the “On the street” Interviews of our Youth of Today is enough to turn your stomach. They have no grasp of reality and are totally without care or respect of our Great Country. As far as referring to the various Mass Shootings, the FACT is… ALL of them were committed by DEMOCRATS. Even the monster that carried out the Las Vegas attack only very recently prior to the attack, changed his Political affiliation from Democrat to Republican so as to hide his idiocy.

  • john E March 8, 2019, 1:09 pm

    Just what we need. A lower voting age. The under 21 crowd has no understanding of the world. Probably even the under 25 crowd. We need to raise not lower the voting age. They say guns are dangerous but allowing younger voters to vote would be more dangerous than giving them a gun.

  • spunky52 March 8, 2019, 12:45 pm

    Funny thinking that kids that can’t make sensible decisions to stay off junk food, to not get involved in the social media stupidity, can’t survive in the world on their own, can’t make good choices at all in life, should be impowered to choose what the country should do or take action on, is as preposturous as saying this person has any common sense, much less intelligence to stand on our taxpayer dollars ande try to give underage children the right to determine anything pertaining to our countries direction… idiot…LOL!

  • larry March 8, 2019, 12:41 pm

    Just what we need. The votes of unemployed young Americans to help the Socialist up the ladder so we can have another two or three generations of grown adults who thinks the world owes them a living.. What a crock. How in hell do these people get elected???

  • Phil Stewart March 8, 2019, 12:38 pm

    No It is “liberal teachers” who are Herding Americas’ children (students) to March and Protest but in “their own image” They should be ashamed of themselves, but their not they shape students opinions and stir them up with rowdy behavior tactics (bastards) ‘Not’ as free thinkers, who have examined a fair and truthful look at both sides of an issue and who have the full opportunity of being taught American and world history concerning the 2A. That way they can make a fair and balanced conclusion on their own,,,other wise there would be two movements in student groups a pro and a much smaller con 2A march, most teachers think so highly of themselves that they are a danger to our Country and our students, Americas’ generations are being brainwashed so to speak by those we trusted and give a paycheck to with. In your trust we put “our children” to get a fair & balanced education. and YOU have failed us! So true, can anyone argue that point?

  • Richard March 8, 2019, 12:30 pm

    As one other expressed it and most know it but won’t say it, women rule by the heart and men rule by practicality. That’s why we love women but…when it comes to governing over the masses common sense should prevail over emotions. The emphasis on putting more women in power is fine but the results are as you see it, emotion over what is practical. Everybody equal, a loving thought but not reality. Men have to go to war to face reality and most women do not. Survival has always been the man’s duty not always the woman, so the thought processes are naturally different. Give the women the hammer and she will use her natural (maternal) instincts to control and run things ‘her’ way (excuse the use of sex identifying pronoun) on emotions and practical, common sense system be damned. Lot of lesser empowered men think the same, by the way. Controversial statement, eh? Sorry, just an opinion..

    • Michael March 8, 2019, 9:10 pm

      Thanks, Richard. My wife agrees, as she expressed (by me) earlier.

  • James R Shumate March 8, 2019, 12:16 pm

    I can’t even believe people exist that are this fucking dumb!

  • Jim March 8, 2019, 12:12 pm

    If anything they need to raise it back to 21 or better yet to 25 unless the person is in the US Military. It takes a while for the brain to develop and mature and 18 yr old kids don’t have it, much less a 16 yr old. Now the military will mature you very quickly plus if you are willing to possibly give your life in the service of your country you should have a say so in how it is run. I know that the voting age was 21 when I was growing up and because of the timing of my birthday and the laws changing I was 23 before I had a chance vote yet I was a 6 yr NCO in the US Navy during Vietnam!

  • Michael J March 8, 2019, 12:00 pm

    The problem about allowing anyone to vote is that now you have an angry mob of people with no skin in the game. These kids have no jobs, skills or life experience to decide anything. I doubt they’ve never filed a tax return, served in the military.
    Nevermind that, now the kids can vote for that new school stadium and give those deserving teachers that huge raise in exchange for a passing grade in a useless public education system. And they can vote for free everything, after all what could go wrong?

  • ES March 8, 2019, 11:50 am

    Republicans had the House, Senate, and Whitehouse, we saw how that worked out. What makes you think people will vote Republicans (or attempt to) when all they did was bicker, argue, and blame each other for whatever was the topic of the day? They (we) had our chance and we blew it. I believe we will never have that chance again after the stupidity shown by all three. I would love to be proven wrong but the Republicans that exited after Trump won were in it for themselves (as most are) and had no desire to change or remove the Affordable Care Act. After 8 years you would think there would have been a group of Republicans who were working in the background to enact changes for Obama Care once all three (House, Senate, WH) were taken. You honestly believe if they (Republicans) were to gain control we would not have a repeat of the nonsense that went down? Seriously? And we want our local representatives to fight so the latest addition (10 day waiting period for firearm purchase) wont be enacted? Right. Watch and learn kids. I’m in my sixties, ex-service, ex-Middle East vet and I don’t see anything except a large internal physical war approaching our great nation.

  • Rod March 8, 2019, 11:17 am

    Granted some kids mature a lot quicker than others, but the majority of them are still half baked beans! Maybe make a compromise 16 able to vote, and also able to be tried as an adult also……no make that mandatory they be tried as an adult!

    These idiots are just trying to exploit children for what they think is their benefit! Shame on them!

  • Bob March 8, 2019, 10:49 am

    It a young person is too immature to purchase a fire until they are 21, it stands to reason that they are also too immature to vote. The Democrats can’t have it both ways.

  • FirstStateMark March 8, 2019, 10:36 am

    What a bunch of Looney Tunes! Wait, there are probably not old enough to know what a Looney Tune is.

  • wdcraftr March 8, 2019, 10:26 am

    When you take God out of school, govt, and most everywhere but in a church of home, you end up with everyone doing what feels right in their own heart. In other words, everything is right, if you feel it is right. So abortion/murder, homosexuality, hate, violence, oppression, tyranny, etc, is All OK, as long as it fits Your agenda.. We have already seen that the women are taking over Congress, are in our Pulpits, and now they want children to vote. So they are Mature enough to understand govt, to make decisions that effect everyone in America, but they are Not mature enough, intelligent enough, to Own a firearm? They are now Mature enough to Run my life, but not to handle a firearm? That makes No sense.. But then again, it isn’t supposed to make sense, but only give them the Power they want..
    What most people never hear, is who the Beast is, and what it’s Mark is.. The Beast is the Catholic Papacy, Vatican, Pope, and it’s Mark will be a Sunday law passed in America in the name of Climate change, rest, and the common good, but this law will Progress into Forced Sunday Worship, which will Violate God the Creator’s holy 7th day Sabbath, Saturday.. So when passed, every person on the planet will have to decide Who he Worships, based on what day they Worship on, and that decision will determine his eternal destiny. Eternal Life, or eternal Death.. Once all have decided, then all are Sealed in that decision, the 7 last plagues fall on the unsaved, and then Jesus returns, the Earth convulses, the sun and moon are moved out of their places, and No life is left alive on the Earth.. It’s time to pray, repent, and study the bible, for time is Very short now..

  • Tenbones March 8, 2019, 10:17 am

    Let’s see, 16 years old….First 1-2 years, still in diapers, unable to do much of anything; 2-6 yoa, formal learning begins, learning to walk, talk, read, write, simple math, etc. 6-12 yoa, still learning to walk, talk, read, etc., and now developing some social skills. So, this leaves about 4 years for adult maturity and development. Isn’t this called the ‘teen’ years, where they act like they know it all? Now they want to give them the right to vote, now that is a scarey thought!

  • Russ March 8, 2019, 9:44 am

    They actually said that with a straight face ? Buffoons and poltroons, each and every one of them.

  • Malcolm Allred March 8, 2019, 9:12 am

    If we are truly concerned about the future of our country, the voting age should be raised to 30.

    • Michael March 8, 2019, 9:41 am

      I just know that this is going to create a firestorm, and probably get me into trouble, but….My WIFE says that, in addition, it should Only be Landowners, (because they pay/paid the taxes), and then Only the Male Member of the Household, (as women were considered ineligible to vote due to their cognitive processes being more subject to their emotions than their male counterparts). She says that was the way it was in the early days of Our Country. THAT’s my WIFE’s opinion! GOD Bless her. (Yes, honey, I will go buy more ammo. oh, 2 cases…not 1. Ok. Sure. lol)

  • Jay March 8, 2019, 9:11 am

    A few facts are in order here. The USA education system has lowered standards for people to graduate high school so much that colleges are now teaching at high school levels. Only 12 States even have a exit exam to graduate and less than half to see if their IQ will get them a basic job. The average IQ of a high school graduate has dropped in the last thirty years to 80 from 100 and 70 is considered border line retardation! Estimated 10-13 percent average never graduate at all and and almost half can not read or write well enough to fill out a job application correctly! The grading system has been lowered so much that 30 years a go a C would be an A now. Plain to see why the Democrats want them to vote, it’s called easy to manipulate!

    • Martingard March 8, 2019, 11:17 am

      Yes, that’s all we need, a bunch of lame brained kids voting. Most of them don’t even know how to dress properly and some can’t even speak our language (blackspeak). I can see it all now, they’d move the
      Whitehouse to Disneyland, yes, the one in California. Some would have to have their parents drive them to vote, and of course tell them who to vote for. Democrats want to see more of their ilk voting, regardless of age, education or common sense.

  • Gary March 8, 2019, 8:59 am

    Has anyone seen that 1968 movie Wild In The Streets? I saw it as a 16 year old. It’s about lowering the voting age and the adolescents take charge of the country. Honestly it’s like an omen on what is happening now. If you can watch it Please do. It was on TCM just a few weeks ago.

  • Bob Eustian March 8, 2019, 8:52 am

    I agree with most of the comments here. They pretty much seem to sum up the communist party aka democratic party. . Education system is run by these same like minded twisted people. It is now Indoctrination not education. American history? Good luck finding that in our schools or at the very least, the real American history I was taught as a student many years ago. Just ask a recent high school grad or college grad for that matter anything about our history and you will not believe it. The lack of basic American History is astounding. Except of course when you ask who is the blame for the worlds problems then they are quick to blurt out America. I think of all the people who died to stop communism and I think they would be turning over in their graves if they could see what is happening to America. My uncle was a Pearl Harbor survivor who went on to fight in other battles in the Pacific also. He once told me America can only be defeated from within. Sad thing is ask a recent grad who attacked Pearl Harbor and more than half don’t even know. Wow, was my uncle right or what.

    • Martingard March 8, 2019, 11:19 am

      Dang, Robert, you nailed it!

    • J. Scott March 8, 2019, 1:42 pm

      I have a 15 year old Grandson and I ask him awhile back about American History class. He said “What do you mean?” Then I ask who was our First President Answer, “Don’t Know! What President was in office during The Civil War? We don’t have that kinda stuff in school GramPa Our American History is now “We don’t have that “STUFF” in school> Thank you “Progressive Party of The Democratic Communist People” and you want these babies to VOTE! You gota be outa your fucking skulls.

  • Buddy March 8, 2019, 8:47 am

    No. It’s the young people that are dumb asses easily brain washed by criminals in Congress that are ruining the country. Exactly why they need to be adults to vote!

  • Michael A. Gilliam March 8, 2019, 8:39 am

    Now, let me see if I have this straight. The Dems want to raise the legal age to purchase a firearm to 21 because they feel a 16 year old is not mature enough to own a firearm. Of course since they are not mature enough to own a firearm it makes perfect sense to give them the vote to shape the future of this Nation.

    • Cristobal Colon March 8, 2019, 9:08 am

      they want to get elected in 2020, so why not let the snot nose kids vote for the Dems! they think they are so smart. but they are just as ignorant as the 16 yr olds. but above that! just how fucking stupid do they think we the Republicans are? really Democrats! do you think we are so nieve!

  • Hendrik Haan March 8, 2019, 8:01 am

    Sure, the country should be run by the leftists like Bernie Sanders and AOC. They will tell these children what to think. They will also redistribute according to how they obey orders, like Maduro does in Venezuela.

  • Dr Motown March 8, 2019, 7:48 am

    Like most Dummycrats, the teenage mind is not fully developed, so you can see how sympathy for that idea may originate….

  • BILL March 8, 2019, 7:22 am

    I can see everyone here has already taken all of my responses. We all know why Ds are pushing this, teenagers are dumb enough to believe their lies.

  • Godfrey Washington March 8, 2019, 7:21 am

    In not sure which is more disturbing;

    The fact that the Government wants to justify creating voters simply because they want the Government wants


    That a group of tidepod eating, covering themselves in hand sanitizer and lighting it on fire, suicide committing because some told them too on Facebook, unable to identify their own gender, children want to dictate what happens in the lives of responsible sane citizen who don’t do the moronic things I previously mentioned.

  • BigC March 8, 2019, 7:18 am

    This may be, no scratch that, this is without a doubt, the stupidest, most inane idea these damn fools have ever tried to pull yet!!!! Tell them these CHILDREN will all vote GOP and see how fast they change their tune! The voting age should be RAISED to 21, except for service members and those who prove they’ve paid Federal Tax. If they have no skin in the game, they have no right to determine anything for those of us who do!!!!!

    • bernmntsa March 8, 2019, 8:41 am

      21 years old, I agree let’s get a bill started to bring this back. If you have nothing in it you should be able to vote.

  • Alan March 8, 2019, 7:15 am

    Ok, as long as we lower the age to buy handguns and long guns and permits to carry to 16. A vote is more dangerous than a gun.

  • Chris Howard March 8, 2019, 7:09 am

    “Kid’s” today are sometimes too impressionable ? They are barely learning about “American History” in school ?! If, the decisions of America are going to be based off of children’s feelings ? Then let them enjoy all of their “Constitutional Rights” ?! Let them buy any Firearm at 16 ?! Let them do Tours and Engagements of Wars and Politics ?! Let them Legally drive without permits ?! Let them buy Alcohol at 16 ?! Let them pay for their own home property tax’s ect… ?! Let them get married and have sex with older people, that use to be illegal now should change because they could vote ?! They are not ready to have children at that age ?! What do you think they are ready for in life that they can decide what should be right for everybody else ?!!!!!!@

  • DAVID MILLER March 8, 2019, 6:54 am

    Give 5 year olds right to vote they do not want to go to school or listen to parents

  • Daniel A Ryan March 8, 2019, 6:50 am

    Weren’t they just swallowing Tide pods and boiling water? And snorting condoms? Now they’re constitutional experts,,, why don’t we try lowering the drinking age first and see how that works out…

  • C. Williams March 8, 2019, 6:49 am

    Most ignorant thing ever. This would make lowering the voting age from 21 to 18 the second most foolish thing the Socialist (no longer Democrat) party has plagued us with. As usual they are still and always go the wrong way. The voting age needs to be raised back to 21 and should require both photo ID and a W2 form showing at least 6 months of employment per year.

  • chuck rhudy March 8, 2019, 6:46 am

    this is the dumbs thing I have heard If the draft was brought back then maybe you and the rest of the liberals would know what the 2nd amendment means So suck it up buttercup Where would we be if we didn’t have guns speaking some other language

  • Richard Hynes March 8, 2019, 6:43 am

    Throughout the years we have progressed to a point of idiocy, but before that we made good fundamental changes in our voting laws, women were recognized as they should have been! Then allowed everyone to vote as long as you were 18 and older, well not everyone has skin in the game if you will, at one point in our history, a voter need to have had land to vote, why is this, well I’m no scholar, but the simple answer is, land owners paid the taxes, they had skin in the game. I’m not saying we should go back to land owners right to vote only, but it did seem logical that they had the say because they were burden with the taxes. Now, at 16, most and I’m pretty safe to say most 16 year olds are not mature enough to drive much less be informed on political or even life in general. I’m still in the belief, if you’re old enough to die for this country, you have the right to do as you please! It’s time we pull in the reins on our legislators, it’s getting way out of hand. These are just thought from a simple person looking at the total meltdown of our government.

    • Carl Esch March 8, 2019, 7:45 am

      Richard Hanes, I agree with you 100%! When I red that radical about Voting, I shuttered! I remember when I was 16 & 17, at that age young people is OH so Easley persuaded. It’s like when every one I ran with back then was joining for Vietnam War. The other side of the street was running to Canada, smoking pot, did not want to work, est. I went into the Marine recruiter’s office. Why? Because two of my best friends I ran with did. Hello! Of course they promised the Moon. All I got was an M-14 and taught to kill. OH, I am glad things turned out as well as they did. However I was wanting school and to learn a trade I could put to use later. I was Stupide and had Girls on my mind at that time. The age of 18 is plenty young enough to Vote. Thank you for bring your opinion out. I pray the right people reads your comment.

  • Leighton Cavendish March 8, 2019, 6:39 am

    old enough to be drafted, too…right?

  • Phillip Teresi March 8, 2019, 6:29 am

    Why dont we just have them run for office too?

    • Carl Esch March 8, 2019, 7:48 am

      Ha! Ha! Now my coffee is on my Key Board. I needed that one!

  • Phillip Teresi March 8, 2019, 6:28 am

    She just went full retard.

    • JC March 8, 2019, 6:53 am


    • BigC March 8, 2019, 7:21 am

      I’m sure THAT ship sailed a LONG time ago!!

  • Roland March 8, 2019, 6:20 am

    Yeah, because they are so wise and educated and use reason and not emotion… How stupid! It is obvious pandering for votes!

  • Steven March 8, 2019, 6:08 am

    It’s about manipulating kids to vote Democrat, as most kids don’t pay any attention to politics. Most 18-25 year old adults aren’t tuned in to politics.

  • Mark March 8, 2019, 5:58 am

    Does REP. Ayanna P. know she belongs to a party that voted against the 13 th and 15 th amendment?

  • Z March 8, 2019, 5:43 am

    Guns from 21 YO – so VOTING from 21 YO too !!!!!!!

  • Mike March 8, 2019, 5:30 am

    Maybe the democraps are finally realizing that they are importing too many votes with all the illegal aliens being let in with their open borders and have decided there are millions of votes right here already? An un-tapped resource!
    I can see it now…let’s go vote , then hang out at the mall and get the latest crap c.d. and eat fries. then mom or dad can pick us up and take us home. Who’d you vote for Johnny? I voted for that woman who was hot, I forget her name,or I voted for that guy who promised we’d all get everything for nothing!
    Agree, you can’t fix stupid, let’s just hope there are still enough to vote it out, but for how long? But, no reason to stop there….let them vote, buy alcohol, cigarettes, register for the draft…. I’m not saying kids today are stupid, but I like most here was 16 at one time. Nowhere ready or mature enough for the real world then, let alone voting.
    God help us please……

  • Jay E. Simkin March 8, 2019, 4:50 am

    At end-2016, there were about 402,000,000 firearms in the U.S. (military firearms excluded; See: U.S. Department of Justice, Firearms Commerce in the United States, 2018
    [ ] and U.S. Department of the Treasury, Commerce in Firearms in the United States – February, 2000 [ ]).Note that these documents are public and published. Anyone able to do basic math, can check my calculations.

    Things so abundant and concealable cannot be controlled. “Gun control” is as absurd as was Prohibition, the nation-wide ban on sale of alcoholic drink (1919-33). Then, as now, the makings for home-brew could be bought in any grocery.

    Those, who want to lower the voting age to 16, while raising to 21, the minimum age for firearm ownership, lack the mental capacity to see the absurdity of their proposal. If a person can’t be trusted with a firearm, are we to think that such a person is capable of deciding who should represent them?

    We have set 18 as the minimum age for military service (17, with parental consent). That should be the minimum age for firearm ownership, voting, and other civic duties.

  • Jory Humphreys March 8, 2019, 4:23 am

    So let me understand the Liberal mind…… at 16 you’re not responsible enough to drink alcohol, you are in no way to be trusted with a firearm for another 5 years but I think you have a sound clear developed rational mind that can help steer our political electorate with your wise opinion of what is right and wrong. Seriously, how do these people get up in public and try to sell this crap?? I’d be too embarrassed to say something this stupid publicly.

  • J. Atwood March 8, 2019, 4:10 am

    The reason the voting age was reduced from 21 to 18 was because the draft age was 18. The rationale was that if you were old enough to fight and die for your country, then you’re old enough to vote for the people sending you to fight.

    It’s not that 18 y.o.s are mature enough to make informed important decisions. It was so they could keep being drafted without as much uproar

    The kids were vocal because they didn’t want them and their friends to die in Vietnam. Not because they were mature and insightful. I wish people would learn some history. Jesus wept.

  • JB March 8, 2019, 4:08 am

    How much do 16 year old children pay up in annual federal, state, and local taxes?

    Yeah that is what I thought. ZERO.

    You know when you don’t have a job it makes for time to march around the country at the tax payers expense.

  • Poggy March 8, 2019, 3:37 am

    Communist BS to screw up America.
    A dangerous idea, but the democratic socialists see more democrat voters…
    16 year old’s cannot understand comic book language and these fools think they could understand lawyer language in legislation, no, this is a stupid idea.
    I think more people should read the Communist Manifesto and see what is happening in America.?

    • Z March 8, 2019, 5:49 am

      They are too lazy, too stupid and way too deep indocrinated to read such Revelations !!

  • Cody Gaddis March 8, 2019, 3:16 am

    When they raised the age to buy a rifle to 21, we should have raised the voting age to match.

    If you are not deemed responsible or rational enough at 18 to possess a firearm, then you are

    definitely do not possess the mental capacity to make a well informed vote for anyone to run this country

    local or federal.

    • Alan March 8, 2019, 7:17 am


  • Righteous whatever March 8, 2019, 3:14 am

    I say do it. At the same time, make them be considered an adult for crimes, make it such that their parents no longer have to legally support them and such that parents no longer get the ability to declare them as a dependent if they register to vote. Change the age of majority if you want to change the voting age and not also tie land ownership to it. Of course, I don’t think that the tax payers should be forced to pay for their liberal indoctrination… I mean education… in high school if they can’t finish that by age 16.

  • todd blair March 7, 2019, 4:18 pm

    hey while their at it lets lower the drinking age to 14 years of age. bullshit kids of today don’t even mature until they are well into their thirties. still living with their parents, they can’t even make decisions on their own. talk about wanting to fuck up a country. keep thinking you left wing bastards and we’ll be so backwards we’ll be called New Britain. wake up you fuck sticks.

  • Beachhawk March 7, 2019, 4:15 pm

    The Democrats want to lower the voting age because they think it will broaden their base and that younger voters will be more susceptible to their propaganda. They may be right. Teenagers tend to be more liberal and they tend to latch on to whatever they think is cool and popular at the moment. There is a problem with teens that has not been addressed. Our K-12 schools no longer teach American history, civics, government or geography. They cannot name or describe any of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution or know that those amendments make up the Bill of Rights and the basis of our freedom. Freedom of speech is already being stifled on colleges and universities all over the United States and many students would vote without hesitation to throw out the right to bear arms. As others have noted, teenage brains are not fully formed and I would suggest not fully educated either. We gave 18 year-olds the right to vote because, at the time, we were drafting them into the Armed Forces. We no longer do that. We also briefly lowered the drinking age to 18 with disastrous results. I think that the results of lowering the voting age to 16 would imperil the entire nation.

  • Brandon March 7, 2019, 4:11 pm

    Well, Obama said that you’re still a kid that can stay on your parents’ health insurance until you’re 26 so I say we raise the voting age to 27. The human brain isn’t even fully developed at 18.

  • James March 7, 2019, 2:02 pm

    ya know they are likely to get a suprise I doubt the majority of 16yo’s are for gun control. Even though they have been brainwashing them for 11years in our public schoool systems. One thing I am relatively certain of is that teenagers are very unlikely to vote for more resrictions on themselves but never the less giving the vote to youngsters who can’t even listen to their parents half the time is a bad idea. let em be kids a while longer.

  • David Calderwood March 7, 2019, 1:57 pm

    Democrats like to hang their hat on transparency and this, along with support for open borders, is just another typical and transparent attempt to gain control through adding more Democrat voters. Most teenagers are still children with childlike minds. The voting age should be raised — not lowered.

  • Dan C March 7, 2019, 11:25 am

    Reps. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) and Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) both argued that like Vietnam War protestors and civil rights activists, Parkland students have proven that high schoolers are responsible and patriotic enough to vote in federal elections.

    First, the core reason was 18 year olds were being drafted and going to Vietnam, plain and simple.

    Second, science tells us the brain is not fully developed until age 25, The cognitive areas have not made all the synaptic connections for rational thought processes. That is fact, why do you think Insurance actuaries have determine sure high rates until 25, and after they drop? With that, we are going the wrong way on the issue. I prefer someone that can actually think clearly, imagine the hormones raging and they get to vote.

    If this happens, I might actually leave the country, because quite literally, it has lost its mind.

  • StevO March 7, 2019, 10:54 am

    A 16 year old can’t even decide what clothes to wear and they want them to vote! They would destroy this country as it is today.

  • Daryl Burke March 7, 2019, 10:01 am

    You can’t cure stupid.

  • WaikikiWayne March 7, 2019, 9:36 am

    If we do this, we need to ensure all 16-Year Olds must be classified as Adults when they break ANY law. Just a bunch of Liberal Snowflake Tide Pod Eaters…. Want to vote and be an adult, be an adult in every aspect.

  • Jim March 7, 2019, 9:36 am

    They dems are trying this BS in Oregon. Apparently a persons brain is not ‘developed’ enough to exercize a certain constitutional right until they are 21, but their brain is ‘developed’ enough to vote when they are 16.

  • James Stamulis March 7, 2019, 8:27 am

    The sane and best thing for the country would be to ban all Democrats. Molon Labe!

  • Charlie March 7, 2019, 8:13 am

    Wait, let me see if I understand this. The Democrats think that:
    – an 8 year old can decide his or her sexuality
    – a 12 year old can get an abortion without parental notification
    – a 16 year old should be allowed to vote
    …but, a person must be 21 for a Constitutionally given right to purchase/own a firearm

    Oh, they also believe pedophilia is normal & natural, the Green New Deal is a good idea and murdering a baby up until the time of birth (and right after) is acceptable.

    That’s some messed up logic. People, it’s time we take back our country from these lunatics.

    • Chris March 7, 2019, 2:00 pm

      Well, well, well…. sounds like somebody just nailed it on the head. Couldn’t agree more.

  • S. Rowe March 7, 2019, 8:06 am

    I feel like I’m in bizzaro world! This is insane! Young people are inherently stupid which is why we put age restrictions on everything. This is a blatant tactic by left wing radicals to guilt immature children to vote. This has the same perverted feel as strangers in a van with candy luring children in to satisfy their whims. These Representatives should be investigated and removed from office if that was actually possible. Why don’t we give kindergarteners the ability to vote. We’d have Barney in the Senate with Oscar the Grouch sponsoring bills like the “Boom Boom on the potty Act” or the “Sesame Street revitalization Act”. Pure crazy

    • Steven March 8, 2019, 5:58 am

      More dingbats like Cortez would get elected.

      • Tim March 8, 2019, 7:17 am

        Bingo we have a winner! The government would be filled with rappers, social media personalities, etc. Ozzie Osbourne would be president. Lol!

  • Cincinnatus March 7, 2019, 7:15 am

    If they are to immature to drink a beer and buy a handgun or rifle, then they are too young to vote. Amazing how the anti-American democrats have two standards. The first is to treat ALL 18-21 year old as so immature and stupid the government will protect you. On the other hand they think a 16 year old is mature enough to decide who will govern them.

    From what I have seen of the 16 year olds out there – they are as stupid as a bag of hammers – thanks to their public school education. Most of the kids have their face stuck in their phones and can’t tell you what state they live in.

    Pretty clear – the democrats HATE America and will do whatever it takes to destroy it and replace it with a dictatorial socialist state.

    Fortunately this will never get through the amendment stage.

    • Ed March 7, 2019, 12:33 pm

      I agree that allowing 16-year-olds to vote is still another ridiculous idea from elected officials. However, your assessment of the lack of intelligence of the kids today is misguided. I have two of those kids, and while they are typical teens (just as I am sure that you were, as was I), they and their friends are not as “dumb as a bag of hammers.”

  • MJK March 7, 2019, 6:48 am

    Maybe the eligibility age for a Democrat to run for public office should be raised to 80 years old. Maybe by then their brain cells may start to function!

    • Z March 8, 2019, 5:54 am

      Amazing idea !!
      Lets make it H.R. 1984

  • Danko March 7, 2019, 6:46 am

    What a joke ,you think the countries messed up now ,let a bunch of kids start to vote ,they have no concept of what is going on in the world ,parkland ? Don’t vote with your brain ,vote with your feelings ,typical liberals

  • Wilson March 7, 2019, 6:11 am

    If that isn’t the dumbest shit I ever heard……Democrats are fucking stupid!!!

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