Is An Expedited Death Penalty the Best Way to Stop Mass Shooters?

At the Republican debate on Wednesday night, former Vice President Mike Pence posited a solution to curtail mass killings in the U.S.: implementing an expedited death penalty for convicted active shooters.

“I’m someone that believes that justice delayed is justice denied. … As a grandfather of three beautiful little girls, I’m sick and tired of the mass shootings happening in the United States of America,” Pence said.

“And if I’m president of the United States, I’m going to go to the Congress of the United States, and we’re going to pass a federal expedited death penalty for anyone involved in a mass shooting, so they will meet their fate in months, not years,” he continued.

Pence then remarked on the Parkland tragedy, calling it “unconscionable” that the perpetrator of the Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High School massacre did not get to meet his maker. Instead, the assailant received a life sentence. 

“That’s not justice. We have to mete out justice and send a message to the would-be killers that you are not going to live out your days behind bars,” Pence said.  

Mike Pence at the podium of the 2nd GOP debate.
“That’s not justice. We have to mete out justice and send a message to the would-be killers that you are not going to live out your days behind bars,” Pence said. (Photo: Fox Business)

SEE ALSO: Newsom Goes Nuts! Signs Bevy of Anti-Gun Bills Into Laws — 11% Tax on Firearms, Gun-Free Zones, More!

Pence’s statements on the hallowed stage of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., certainly resonated far and wide.

Newsom Weighs In On Using Death Penalty to Deter Mass Shooters

California Gov. Gavin Newsom was apoplectic after hearing the former vice president double down on his position.

“Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic,” Newsom told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. “He’s been saying this now for months. I cringe every time I hear this.”

Newsom argued that many of these killers don’t plan to see the light of day following their attacks.

“What a joke, that that somehow is a deterrent,” chided Newsom. “Number one killer of our kids is guns, and that was a solution tonight? That was a debate for the next president of the United States on how to deal with mass shootings? I don’t want to say disqualifying. But honestly, for a former vice president, pathetic.”

Newsom, of course, believes the best way to end mass shootings is to roll back the rights of law-abiding gun owners via restrictions on concealed carry (more gun-free zones), “sin taxes” on firearms and ammunition, sweeping bans on commonly owned firearms and accessories, and fallible technologies like microstamping.

In your estimation, who has the better plan? Mike Pence or Gov. Newsom?

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  • Ira October 1, 2023, 12:32 pm

    Whether or not a swift execution will deter future mass shootings is unclear. But it is clear that one convicted and executed will not commit a crime again. That executed person will not be a a problem for prison overcrowding and wasted tax money.

  • Ira Williams October 1, 2023, 12:30 pm

    Whether or not a swift execution will deter future mass shootings is unclear. But it is clear that one convicted and executed will not commit a crime again. That executed person will not be a a problem for prison overcrowding and wasted tax money.

  • Rouge1 October 1, 2023, 11:24 am

    The Just-Us system is too corrupt to trust to do the right thing.

  • iron4life October 1, 2023, 5:20 am

    Pence= Turd

  • iron4life October 1, 2023, 5:18 am

    Lmfao! number one killer is guns.Dont ever take into account the mental illness that’s prevailing in these kids.

  • dacian September 30, 2023, 11:23 pm

    Mass shootings are stopped by an armed civilian on 3% of the time.

    And Red States have more homicides than Blue States do.

    Most mass murderers are not from the inner city either.

    • Hondo October 6, 2023, 6:54 am


  • Sniffey joe September 30, 2023, 12:36 pm

    Gavin Newsence TAX TAX AND CONTROL , MORE FUNDS FOR DEMON CRAPS , PENCE only has one good point taxpayers will rid the perp. Fast. If they survive.there assault on ANYONE.

  • Kbc September 30, 2023, 11:17 am

    What about DUI caused deaths? These are more per year than any firearms in any state or blue city. Haneous crimes..Guilotine or Hang them in public.

  • edw September 30, 2023, 2:01 am

    hey newsom,
    i was a cop for 30 years and i had never seen a violent gun but i had seen many violent people though. some of these people ended up on death row as punishment for the capital crimes that they were convicted of and then you conveniently imposed a moratorium on their executions when you took office as governor. and the latest is you have ordered California’s death row system to be dismantled by transferring death row inmates into the general prison population. surely you must feel these actions will improve your chances of becoming president one day, don’t you?

  • ed September 30, 2023, 1:57 am

    hey newsom,
    i was a cop for 30 years and i had never seen a violent gun but i had seen many violent people though. some of these people ended up on death row as punishment for the capital crimes that they were convicted of and then you conveniently imposed a moratorium on their executions when you took office as governor. and the latest is you have ordered California’s death row system to be dismantled by transferring death row inmates into the general prison population. surely you must feel these actions will improve your chances of becoming president one day, don’t you?


  • Doc Loch September 30, 2023, 1:23 am

    On this one, Nuisance is correct in one thing. This will do nothing in it’s very limited scope. Mass shooters have no desire to live usually, and often are attempting suicide by police. So, Dumb idea Dumb politician. The real solution is to strip away 90% of government intrusion into the live of humanity, and let nature take a much larger role. When children are not raised by a loving mother in a home where a father is allowed to administer consequences in appropriate ways, and make a living in a truly free market, some poverty and a good bell curve of prosperity will abound and happiness will reign despite the having or not having. Consequences should be allowed to come naturally and government should not exist by majority mob/thug rule.

  • Todd September 29, 2023, 6:36 pm

    It would have deterred none of them.
    It will not have deterred a single one of these since in a generalized sense…. they are all suicidal to begin with, with an intention of taking others out on the way and earning a terrible legacy as a bonus.

  • Mac September 29, 2023, 5:27 pm

    In answer to the headline question: no, not necessarily and/or totally…and think if Pence had another chance to explain his response more in depth, he might like to. But in answer to the other question of either Newsom’s plan or Pence’s…I’ll take Pence’s, hands down over Newsom’s. In fact, any/all expedited justice but particularly capital justice will indeed help to deter all crime/criminals. Like anything new…it’s been too long…it will take time/effort to get things going again, if ever, but if we could, the return of swift and sure justice at all levels is what we need, among many other things too numerous to mention/elaborate here. Indeed it’s not just one simple/easy (not) answer.

  • LibsWorshipSatan September 29, 2023, 4:06 pm

    Since a lot of these cowards shoot themselves when the cops show up to spoil their “fun”, or are shot by the cops themselves, this is only a band-aid solution at best. If you want a safer society, LET ALL LAW-ABIDING ADULTS BE ARMED ANYWHERE THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO BE! Ever notice these disaffected losers never pick a target that can shoot back? There’s a reason for that!

  • Kbc September 29, 2023, 3:41 pm

    So when are these dogooders going to do the same PUNISHMENT for those utilizing a vehicle and DUI for killing more people PER YEAR IN ANY STATE OR BLUE CITY than ANY FIREARM?

  • dragonslayer September 29, 2023, 3:28 pm

    I abandoned support of capital punishment when I saw it as incongruous with my anti abortion views, and I believe that permanent imprisonment is worse than death.

    • LibsWorshipSatan September 29, 2023, 4:08 pm

      There is a HUGE difference between a justifiable execution of a criminal, and the murder of unborn children. Even the Bible doesn’t shirk about legal executions done for a righteous reason.

  • patrick beach September 29, 2023, 2:42 pm

    a fair trial,if guilty,execute within 72 hrs,48 hrs if a firearm was used.

  • Chicago Bill September 29, 2023, 2:36 pm

    I have been a proponent of this my entire life. The death penalty has no teeth as TOO many appeals are allowed. In the event of absolute undeniable guilt and/or 2 eyewitnesses then NO appeals. If only 1 eyewitness then 1 appeal allowed. Executions should also be carried out in public, this would further deter Criminals.

    • Sam November 13, 2023, 8:25 pm

      Eyewitnesses are almost always the worst form of evidence. 15 years as a LEO backs this up. People that make this argument watch too many procedural crime shows. As for expedited trials, would agree if, and only if, if there is a determination that the prosecutor or investigators lied or concealed exculpatory evidence they are executed within 24 hrs.

  • Chicago Bill September 29, 2023, 2:29 pm

    I have been for this my entire life. The system allows too many appeals. If there are two eye witnesses then no appeal, 1 eye witness then 1 appeal. I’ll bet public executions would even further reduce crime.

  • Dale E Francis September 29, 2023, 1:15 pm

    Newsom must think the public is absolutely stupid. To stop shooting you have to clear the streets of deranged mental cases. Guns don’t shoot people. Deranged hot heads do. We have guns to protect ourselves from those individuals and our own government from taking our rights from us.

  • Chuck September 29, 2023, 1:03 pm

    We could stop the plethora of crime in the country EASILY… All the government would have to do is establish a Singapore mandate across the country.. The legal and education systems in Singapore are based on the British systems. The Singapore government has credited caning—flogging criminals with a rattan cane, a practice introduced by the British—with making Singapore’s crime rate so low. I guarantee lawlessness would decrease exponentially and prison cells would be empty…

  • jerry September 29, 2023, 12:59 pm

    It has long been my opinion that a third possible verdict be established in murder cases, namely “guilty beyond any doubt.” With the guilty beyond any doubt verdict the murderer will be given the death penalty to be executed in 15 days. That would be justice meted out in a way that even the dumbest gang-banger would understand. I guarantee that that would greatly reduce the amount of deadly attacks and would restore our people’s confidence in our justice system. It would at least restore some safety to our city streets. Stay safe.

  • Kent G Kramer September 29, 2023, 12:55 pm

    The expedited death penalty for mass shooting suspects maybe be a deterrent for some but not for all, because of the fact some shooters are already suicidal. Many of these shootings could be prevented if parents, law enforcement and mental health professionals were doing there job and reporting these issues before someone does something to harm innocent people, if there is any doubt about someone’s competence then take their guns and put them on a national list that prohibits purchases of firearms permanently or until they can prove otherwise. the other thing I think should happen is start holding people that do not report these potential killers to be held accountable for their inaction

    • Scott September 29, 2023, 7:43 pm

      You’re starting to sound like a democrat. You can’t just take someone’s guns because someone “doubts their competence”. There needs to be a reason, any it cannot be based on “any doubt “ of their competence.

  • realwesterner September 29, 2023, 11:46 am

    I have long advocated for an “express lane” for mass murderers, child rapists and other heinous offenders. Something to the effect of if a crime is committed of sufficient nature with sufficient, undeniable evidence such as eye witnesses, photographic/video evidence or other similar guilt-proving evidence puts the offender on a 72 hour list. Once the criterion are met, the offender is judged and if appropriate, terminated within 72 hours of arrest. This is a Biblical model for punishment for certain crimes like intentional murder and rape. The “express lane” would keep the street clean of offenders, and it very well ought to give pause to anyone inclined to commit such crimes. Of course lawyers would suffer in all this as their ability to bill whomever for appeals in perpetuity and blah, blah, blah would be severely diminshed. So its kind of a double win.

  • ejharbet September 29, 2023, 11:29 am

    pence is a lying swamp puke and isn’t going to do crap. anyone who trusts him is a fool.

    and in my opinion since mass shooters are caught in the act they need to be tied to a post in front of the nearest outdoor range and shot to pieces and the footage shown for a week. and gun free zones abolished

  • SuperB September 29, 2023, 11:27 am

    Hang them in the town square. Let everyone see what happens.

    • realwesterner September 29, 2023, 11:47 am

      Absolutely. Let potential offenders beware, and let victims feel vindicated.

  • Steven J Money September 29, 2023, 11:26 am

    IMO an expedited death penalty will be a factor but what that factor is, and how it affects a future shooter will take decades of evaluation. It won’t affect the intent of suicide by mass shooting.

    We have base instinct for self-preservation and so a realty that one can shoot up a school, or event, or murder someone and live longer in jail with a death sentence than many times the relatives of who they murdered; today the death penalty has no effect.

    An immediate death penalty will get these assholes out of our society shortly after they commit their special crimes, which is a positive outcome.

  • Glen September 29, 2023, 10:50 am

    Didn’t take it far enough. Never grant Fame to these would-be footnotes. Refuse to mention their name in the Media and cremate them. Toss the ashes on some needy plot of earth and let them anomously nourish future growth. History already has enough madmen to fill textbooks. We flush the waste products of our bodies. Lets do the same with the waste of our society.

  • LJ September 29, 2023, 10:41 am

    Capital punishment is not a deterrent in the USA for this very reason. In cases where the person is guilty without any doubt whatsoever, carry out the execution immediately ‘Chinese style’ – and publicly. And yes, bill the family for the bullet.

    Cases based on circumstantial evidence, let them have their appeal, but require the case settled within a year. Then off with your head!

  • John Boutwell September 29, 2023, 10:40 am

    Will a faster death penalty deter crime, no but it would make for a much better delivery of justice.

  • Gerald Easson September 29, 2023, 10:38 am

    The only way that exterminating those parasites can really have the best effect deterrence wise is to use a public gallows in the most public area available and enforced broadcasting!!

  • Claudis Minor September 29, 2023, 10:30 am

    I don’t believe in the death penalty because of the inequities in our justice system. An admitted liar and criminal is not only walking around unscathed by the justice system, he’s running for President again. In the case of a mass killer, they are usually arrested at the scene. These criminals should be executed immediately in the most dreadful manner. The media should show the most horrific, graphic photos of their execution.

    • G September 29, 2023, 7:33 pm

      Are you taking about Joey?

    • kane September 30, 2023, 8:44 am

      Don’t think I heard you correctly the first time.

  • Tricyclerider September 29, 2023, 10:26 am

    Ditto Mike in a truck!!!

  • Matt September 29, 2023, 10:17 am

    Unfortunately Newsom is basically right and Pence is a fool. Yes, most times these lunatics intend to die in the process–it’s quite rare that one is captured alive. There’s a reason for this that no one wants to admit, for fear of being called a tinfoil hat nut themselves. But Pence and Newsom are both villains, and they’re both playing for the same team.

  • Robert L September 29, 2023, 10:00 am

    Not only a quick sentence and execution, but the execution should be a public hanging. Let any wanna be see what’s in store for them. They’ll see the criminal cry, and plead, and pee himself. It won’t be pretty. But the scene of a mass murder isn’t petty either.

    Broadcast it on Public Television and C-Span. I’m sure they’ll be happy to do so. They claim to hate mass murder and the perps as much as anyone. Both outlets are publicly funded.

    Actions have consequences – sometimes tire consequences.

  • Pete Faz September 29, 2023, 9:47 am

    Pence is so full of garbage —there is no need to eventake these animals into custody,drop them in place

  • Dwane September 29, 2023, 9:42 am

    Big talk for Pense. First of all, it’s a state issue. Second, the ALCU (what’s left of it, will be up in arms, then dealing with NAACP and other woke like minded will hamper his effort.

  • Ron September 29, 2023, 9:34 am

    Much of the mass shooters motivation is the notoriety they get from the press. Photos, manifesto published, headlines, body score etc. We need to stop publishing their names. Call them names like Butt Maggot, Shit Eater etc. Execute them and bury them in an open casket, face up, underneath an outhouse, so passers by can crap on their head. This will reduce the thrill of such acts.

  • Jack September 29, 2023, 9:33 am

    I’m all for it, but the majority of mass shooters fall into two categories: career criminals with a sociopathic disregard for the consequences to their own actions, and suicidal nutjobs who expect to die in the shooting. Again, I’m all for it, but I don’t see how a stiffer death penalty is going to deter the most dangerous kinds of mass shooters. The financial savings of not keeping them on death row for decades is definitely a plus, though.

  • Wesley Jones September 29, 2023, 9:32 am

    This presents a quandary for me. Pence is correct in that an expected swift punishment is a deterrent. My quandary is that I just do not trust any government or judicial body to make such a irreversible call. The mass shooting scenario where there is absolutely no question about who did it might get by my reluctance. Newsome is so agenda driven…he’s still trying to take ban guns and doing it on the bodies of dead children. When the best common sense out there knows that if you have a madman killing people…the best solution is a good guy with a gun. Simple fact…there are a lot more good guys that madmen…thankfully.

  • john September 29, 2023, 9:27 am

    While I agree we need expidedted death penatly where it is done in weeks not decades I do not think it will be a deterent to Mass shootings (shootins that are just targetting large groups of random people) as these people intend to die anyway. What it will stop is the smaller shootings where people think they can get away with it. Gov Newsom again proves what an idiot he is by pointing the blame to an inanimate object. Take a gun away from a violent crazy person and what do you have? A violent crazy person looking for a new weapon.

  • Jason September 29, 2023, 9:18 am

    Best plan yet—agreed.

  • J September 29, 2023, 9:17 am

    Newsom is an idiot.

  • michael September 29, 2023, 9:05 am

    i think it would. let the police put the shooter(s) down at moment of their capture.

  • dacian September 29, 2023, 8:59 am

    Newsom was correct and he has the entire history of the human race to prove him right. The death penalty never stopped any nut case from committing mass murder. As a matter of fact most people who commit mass murder want to be killed by the cops.

    The death penalty also never stopped husbands from killing their wives which comprises the bulk of murders in the U.S.

    According to a Stanford University Study you are 3 times more likely to have a death in the home if there is a gun in the home and 35 times more likely to have a suicide which with a gun is almost always successful compared to other methods people use to attempt a suicide. As one First Responder said “I have saved people from suicide by drowning, overdosing on prescription drugs, slitting their wrists and even hanging themselves, but I have never saved a person who blew their brains out in a fraction of a second with a gun. Of course proven studies like the one at Stanford are always ignored with the wave of the hand by the Far Right whose advanced paranoia prevent them from accepting any scientific data or from thinking clearly or logically.

    Newsom also has the history of gun control in Europe and Asia to prove that with tough gun laws those countries have only a fraction of the homicides and mass murder that Capitalvania does, where the God Almighty Buck is more important than human life. Of course the Far Right always ignore history and science with the simple wave of their hand.

    The Far Right are sadistic people who revel in violence and lust for executions, they are the same people who years ago burned witches at the stake. The Far Right know nothing about the science of psychology, nor do they want to as it conflicts with their primitive far right ideology of revenge which does nothing to solve the problem of people deciding to commit mass murder.

    • ejharbet September 29, 2023, 11:39 am

      people like you are why I have guns. ask yourself how important is my disarmament to you? is it worth your life? come and try me. my rights and the rights of the citizens of this nation are worth dying and killing to preserve from people like you and the pukebag governor of California New York New Jersey et all

    • KMS September 29, 2023, 12:39 pm

      It must be so exhausting to have all the answers, and to be able to speak for everyone everywhere.

    • ANDREW M KOZEE September 29, 2023, 9:11 pm

      Are you the woman in the “Green Jacket” from Seattle? You have an answer for everything… Has NASA contacted you – if not they are wasting all of America’s time and money – YOU have ALL the answers. Tell me how those “big bad guns are hurting you”. Are they REALLY hurting you? I think not. The guns can’t make any decisions by themselves – they can’t go out and reap carnage upon people. It takes a DARK HEARTED HUMAN to do those things.

  • The Ghostman September 29, 2023, 8:59 am

    Do a reverse guillotine with them facing the blade coming down toward their neck. Also, televise them.

  • Ed September 29, 2023, 8:57 am

    I agree with Pence on this issue. Newsome on the other hand is simply parroting his woke ideology. The woke have always wanted to sit on the top branches of their tree of reality and look down on others to feel their preceived superiorty. Another consideration couls be if you use a gun in a crime and are found guilty no appeals.

  • DKH September 29, 2023, 8:46 am

    Sadly Gruesome Newsom is probably right on one point, most mass murderers don’t expect to live past their Savage rampages. For those who do swift justice is correct. Bring back drawing and quartering, the guillotine and disembowelment. The Medieval Era had the right idea.

  • Mike in a Truck September 29, 2023, 8:41 am

    Will this include the Government mass killers? Execution isn’t deterrence. Its retribution. How about we stop funding psycho active drugs, transvestite surgery, violent video games,and take the free range mentally ill off the street. How about we hold public officials that release unstable criminals back onto the street accountable- they take the place in prison of the creeps they release. . Foreign countries have emptied thire mental institutions and prisons and have sent them here. No of course not because mayhem is what the Satanic Left wants.Pence is a Putz and he and his Repub and Dem friends have created this problem- on purpose.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment September 29, 2023, 5:04 am

    toss them in a wood chipper

  • Nightingale September 28, 2023, 7:47 pm

    “…and send a message to the would-be killers that you are not going to live out your days behind bars,” Pence said.

    Mass shooters and school shooters often kill themselves and many appear prepared to be killed by responders, so the imagined deterrent effect of a speedy trial and execution might not have the same impact on them as it would on a ‘normal’ murderer. In fact, their languishing in prison for a lifetime might be the best punishment available.

    A new kind of penalty so severe that it shocks and deters even a psychopath will have to be implemented.

    • Jeff Kyle September 29, 2023, 9:51 am

      Personally, I’m fond of the “draw and quarter” punishment. Think William Wallace in the movie “Braveheart”. Broadcast it nationwide. You commit a heinous crime, you get the heinous punishment.

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