LaserLyte Training Tyme: A Shooting Range in a Box! – New Product Review – 2014 SHOT Show Preview

By Justin Opinion


The LaserLyte Training Tyme set comes with a training pistol, the LT-PRO laser unit, the LaserLyte reaction target, and batteries for all, and you can add Plinking Cans for more training and fun.

The LaserLyte Training Tyme kit  comes with a training pistol, the LT-PRO laser unit, the LaserLyte reaction target, and batteries for all, and you can add Plinking Cans for more training and fun.

It’s Range time – anytime, with the LaserLyte Training Tyme system. Learn shooting fundamentals and firearm safety and handling, and have great fun doing it – all without firing a single shot. What’s more, you not only don’t need ammunition, but you don’t need access to a range. Your game room, basement or garage is a perfectly good place to use LaserLyte products. Having said that, let me also get my “good sense practices” or “nanny” lecture out of the way: Always treat shooting training seriously: choose a proper “safe direction” of fire and follow the golden rules of firearms. Just because we are not using live ammo does not mean we are not creating habits!

There are so many practical uses for LaserLyte’s training products that I had to keep reminding myself that one of the most important uses is to have FUN! Any educator or instructor will tell you that when people are having fun and clearly understand the objectives, learning takes place at a greatly accelerated pace. This is the magic combination that, in my opinion, makes this system a very valuable training tool.

LaserLyte Training Tyme comes with what you see here, and batteries.

LaserLyte Training Tyme comes with what you see here, and batteries.

The Training Tyme kit comes with a training pistol, the LT-PRO laser unit, the LaserLyte reaction target, and batteries for all. In just minutes, you’re up and running.

The weighted pistol tips the scale at about 10.5 oz., and the resetting trigger measures a pretty consistent pull of just over 4 lbs. I’d like to see both of these slightly higher for realistic training, but that is a personal preference more than a complaint.

Blinking visual feedback tells you you've made the hit!

Blinking visual feedback tells you you’ve made the hit!

I am a competitive shooter. I shoot IDPA regularly, and I am always looking for a way to improve my skills and to be able to do so affordably and practically. Like it or not, we just can’t put as many rounds down range as we would like to, for a variety of reasons. Most competitors use dry-fire practice as a way to keep their motor skills tuned and improve areas of weakness. I certainly count dry fire as one of the most effective ways to improve my shooting, but even well-disciplined dry fire has limitations. First and foremost, it requires total honesty with one’s self to say “I didn’t make the hit”, or it loses effectiveness. Additionally, very few of us are using double action pistols (this is where the revolver guys snicker a bit), and so we get to practice draw-aim-fire one time a whole lot. You can only pretend to take the second and third shots because your trigger is not reset and will not fire. These limitations may seem small, but they leave gaping holes in the completeness of practice.

This is where the LaserLyte Training Tyme system comes in, and really helps to fill those gaps. Using the included LT-PRO laser unit in my Glock 34, I can draw and fire and record my hits. The LT-PRO laser unit is easily adjusted to fit most calibers. I used it with 9mm and with .45 ACP. With the Training Tyme pistol, I can make numerous follow-up shots at dispersed targets.  It is a winning combination.

  Safely and effectively train new shooters

Safely and effectively train new shooters

Another use for the Training Tyme kit that came immediately to mind is as an instruction tool. The blue pistol has a good set of sights (all black) for teaching sight picture. Safe handling and trigger control can be taught using this kit without the need to introduce an operating firearm at the early stages of learning.Add in the fun of the reacting target and watch the student’s eyes light up along with it when they start making hits. All of the introductory elements of shooting a handgun can be learned with the LaserLyte Training Tyme kit, without the sensory assault of life fire.

 Plinking Cans add old fashioned FUN to your training.

Plinking Cans add old fashioned FUN to your training.

I also had the chance to try out the LaserLyte Plinking Cans. Sold as a set of three, these battery-operated “cans” provide challenging targets that react and fall over when hit. The required 9-volt batteries for each can are included, and in minutes you’re ready to go.

The Plinking Cans work by using a light-sensitive outer shell that is covered by an opaque plastic film. The film has a round “hit” area that is less opaque and allows the laser strike to be recorded by the device. When struck, the can deploys a small plastic plunger that protrudes from the bottom – tipping the can over. The bulls-eye hit area on the can is smaller than the strike zone of the Reaction Tyme targets and can provide a challenging
course of fire.

Because the cans are using light sensitivity to operate, they are by nature sensitive to light. I found them to be so sensitive that it took some trial and error to find places I could use them without false positives from the ambient light setting them off. On the other hand, they never once failed to function when struck by the laser – so I suppose it is a tradeoff. To be fair, the instructions do advise you to find an appropriately lighted area to use the cans – but they are still a little too sensitive for my preference.

The LaserLyte Training Kit along with the Plinking Cans provided a great resource for training and just general fun. My nitpicking about light sensitivity and pistol weight can be interpreted as an indication that nothing else is wrong with these products. They worked exactly as advertised without any malfunctions, and provide a good value for safe and effective home training.

With a suggested retail price of around $200 for the Training Tyme kit, and nearly another $100 for the Plinking Cans, these are not children’s toys by any means. However, for the teaching, training, and fun they offer, I think they are a good value and I recommend them.




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  • fresh767 January 31, 2014, 11:16 am

    From LaserLyte website Q&A for LT-PRO

    Q: Why is there a constant drain on the batteries when installed?

    A: The LT-PRO is a sound activated device, and therefore will continue to drain batteries while installed. There is not an on/off button. To prolong the life of your batteries, we suggest removing them entirely from the unit when not in use.

  • Glen January 17, 2014, 1:42 pm

    I went out and purchased the kit as a direct result of this review. There were questions that I would have otherwise not been able to answer without your review – well done. Since I just purchased the kit and have used it, I will share my comments. I looked at my normal firearm supply resources and the price of the kit with shipping was $ 220 to $ 240 which is right about MRSP on the LaserLyte website. I ended up going to Ebay and purchased for $ 178 with free shipping. After I received, I opened and began setup and found the directions were close to useless, other than a few reference diagrams and thank goodnesss for them. To someone who purchases the kit, when you set it up be slow and careful as it is easy to break the battery door off the target or some of the smaller, delicate pieces of the laser unit. The parts are just not that well built for the price. After finally getting the battery door off the target, I inserted 3 triple A batteries supplied and it came on just fine. I then began setting up the laser unit, which is where you should have step by step instructions with the parts and sequence well identified. The laser unit has no on / off switch, so it was difficult to determine if it was indeed working and if the unit was put together correctly. There was a thin protector that needed to be removed between the batteries and the spring after trying to get it to work by dis-assembling and re-assembling a few times (which was referenced by the instructions, my bad). Remember these parts are small and my eyes and hands are not what they used to be. The batteries are much smaller than my pinky fingernail or a small shirt button. In fact, on one of the iterations, 2 of the 3 batteries popped out and I could only find one of them – the other swallowed up by the floor and it’s fixtures. After several iterations of assembly, I finally got it to work and began using it. The training pistol supplied I found to be well suited for this application. There will be a couple of spots on my hand that will be sore because of the plastic after extended use. I would recommend using shooting gloves. As stated in the description, the pistol is about the size of a S&W Shield. The sights are black, but one could add dots and / or lines to them if they so desired, which I will probably do. The trigger pull I found to be equiavlent to a Springfield XDS, a Glock 26 /27, or a Sig 938 from the factory – perhaps a little lighter. I had no problem with it or the training pistol itself. I have not put the laser unit in any of my firearms, but soon will as that is one of the primary reasons for the purchase. My eyes have changed over the last couple of years after Lasik surgery some 15 years ago. I believe my sight picture has changed and I am having some problems with a couple of pistols in particular and I thought the kit would help me trouble shoot the problems I am having, which I am sure that it will. Although when using the training pistol, the shots seem to be well placed most of the time, so I am not sure if the problem is me or the pistols, but most likely me and I am looking forward to finding out why. I might purchase the plinking cans and perhaps a couple more targets, in particlar the new ones that allow you to shoot a group and then display it. One issue I am seeing and maybe the author of the review can answer this question: I left the laser unit intact in the traing pistol for a couple of days and it appeared to me that the batteries were dead. Fortunately, I ordered some ammunition the other day and with it a 12 pack of the 377 batteries for the laser unit. The question: do you have to unscrew the cap on the laser unit OR what is the proper way to turn it off so the batteries will not wear down ? I have not used the unit / kit extensively, but so far I do like it, it is fun, a great training tool (our family is in LE and it will help keep the skills sharp, especially if you can not make it to the range before having to re-qualify). You can not get much better for quick access to problem determination of your shooting skills. Especially when you consider using the actual firearm in question, which I will be doing within the next couple of hours. Would I purchase again ? So far the answer is YES, the only thing that would change my response is if one of the parts broke. Thank you for the initial review and hopefully you can answer my question above. Glen

  • Al January 7, 2014, 7:56 pm

    This is a must have for any LEO. I would like to see a tactical scenario style projection screen system that simulates real life encounters (like the ones I shot wax bullets at out of a revolver). The motor training
    skills are what really count. You can get used to the muzzle blast and recoil later on during live fire.
    Looks like a great product!

    • Justin Opinion January 8, 2014, 8:29 am

      Agree, Al and Tim. LEOs certainly have the need for constant refinement of motor skills and quick sight acquisition. This system certainly helps with that. With multiple reaction targets (which are available separately I think) one could create scenarios with placement of them. I like your idea about projected scenario-based interaction, but I doubt that you or I could afford it if it existed!

  • Tim McRae January 7, 2014, 1:19 pm

    Excellent! Apart from all the obvious training and practice value these should make combat and team training much safer than live fire.

    How about a LEO simulator that we could afford at home? I think there is not enough of us to warrant the game makers taking duck hunt to this level but maybe one of them could do it as a public service? Combine laser or light readers with realistic weapons or real weapon mods and you have a real system for use at home.

    • Muhjesbude January 8, 2014, 12:18 pm

      Yeah, what they need to do is get Phil to start using it on his porch and having Duck Dynasty endorse it then it’ll be in Walmart for a hundred bucks!

  • Ed January 7, 2014, 11:19 am

    It’s about tyme!!! Dealing with my single shot pellet guns has been really effecting my elbow bending for burgers and shakes!

  • Muhjesbude January 7, 2014, 8:56 am

    This is the best thing since chocolate covered beer nuts.
    I currently train my practitioners with bb pistols and work up to .22’s and then to their carry calibers. Compared to the old days, With this set up, I’ll bet i could cut the proficiency time course by two thirds. Time is money so this is a bargain in terms of cost effectiveness AND convenience.

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