Massachusetts’ Draconian Gun Bill — HD 4420 — On Hold Till Fall

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, This Week

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Massachusetts lawmakers have postponed debating the extensive 140-page legislation, HD 4420, until fall. They intended to discuss it before the summer recess, but the need for further review arose.

HD 4420, titled “An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws,” plans to reshape the Commonwealth’s gun laws. The broad measures have provoked scrutiny from gun rights advocates.

House Speaker Ronald J. Mariano voiced disappointment over the delay.

“While the House’s commitment to pursuing a comprehensive update remains steadfast, a new legal landscape will be the greatest threat to those efforts,” Mariano wrote in a statement obtained by the News Service.

“That is why the House believes that we must thoroughly evaluate all of the proposals made in [the legislation] over the Summer, and that House Members must have the chance to continue to speak with their constituents and provide feedback,” he continued. “House leadership will continue to work on the bill until it is ready for debate this Fall.”

SEE ALSO: Biden’s DOJ Bribing States to Adopt Gun Confiscation Laws

What’s in the Draconian HD 4420 (H/T NRA-ILA)

  1. Institutes a new, broad “Assault Weapons Ban,” including firearms already owned by law-abiding citizens.
  2. Bans all federally legally tax-stamped automatic firearms.
  3. Gun bans on possessing any gun, loaded, or unloaded at:
    1. All state, county, and municipal buildings.
    2. All polling places.
    3. Any private property unless the owner has provided express consent or has posted signage allowing firearms on their property.
  4. Mandates Safe Storage laws.
  5. Mandates new training requirements including costly written exams and live fire training.
  6. Mandates registration of all guns and feeding devices.
  7. Mandates reporting of any modifications or new parts to a gun.
  8. Mandates serializing all firearm parts.
  9. Bans anyone under 21 from acquiring or carrying any semi-automatic rifle or shotgun.
  10. Bans anyone under 15 taking part in shooting sports and training.
  11. Places new mandates, protocols, and training requirements on retailers.

The bill scrutinizes every aspect of gun ownership. It proposes a broad “Assault Weapons Ban” on firearms owned by law-abiding citizens. It suggests bans on possession of guns in public buildings and polling places.

Safe storage laws and new training requirements also form part of this bill. It includes mandatory written exams and live fire training. All guns and feeding devices require registration, according to the bill.

The bill also obliges reporting of gun modifications or new parts. It demands serial numbers on all firearm parts. It proposes restrictions on individuals under 21 acquiring semi-automatic rifles or shotguns.

The bill prohibits anyone under 15 from participating in shooting sports and training.

Though delayed, the bill remains a critical topic for Massachusetts gun owners. It’s essential for every concerned citizen to stay informed and engaged with lawmakers.

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  • io games October 31, 2024, 4:01 am

    The proposed bill represents a comprehensive approach to gun ownership and regulation, aiming to enhance public safety through a variety of measures. The broad “Assault Weapons Ban” targets firearms that many consider high-capacity and potentially more dangerous, reflecting ongoing concerns about gun violence.

  • Sandra August 26, 2023, 6:47 pm

    As the leading cause of childhood deaths is now gunshot wounds, its time for some regulation. Like not allowing anyone under the age of 21 the ability to purchase an assault rifle. Or banning guns from polling places and municipal buildings.

    No, this its not the first step in taking your guns, its a first step in keeping us safe from gun violence

  • T Tremblay July 29, 2023, 1:34 pm

    The police are on our side, temporarily, until they get their exemption, like every other gun law in every other anti-gun state. Once that happens, they will throw their support behind this bill. Honestly, what street cop would not appreciate the chance to bust gun owners on newly-created felony charges here in Massachusetts. That is the stuff of headlines for departments and promotions for cops. Remember, their 20 year Civil Service pension, and all its perks, is more important to them than your 2A rights!

  • David A Welsh July 28, 2023, 11:51 pm

    The Mass dems need to be tarred and feathered.

  • Randy July 28, 2023, 3:07 pm

    Trying to enforce most of the nonsense in this bill is not even realistic. Serial numbers on all gun parts and reporting all modifications to every firearm? I work for an FFL. At least a couple times a month we get a denial back on the NICS system for a gun purchase. No one ever follows up with these people or charges them with being a prohibited person trying to buy a firearm. How about we start enforcing the gun laws we already have and stop trying to pass new ridiculous ones that won’t get enforced anyway?

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