New D.C. Mayor: ‘You have a mayor who hates guns’

Muriel E. Bowser, mayor of D.C. (Photo: Muriel for Mayor)

Muriel E. Bowser, mayor of D.C. (Photo: Muriel for Mayor)

Muriel E. Bowser, the new mayor of the District of Columbia, is a proud and unapologetic anti-gunner.

She made that clear last Thursday while speaking at St. Augustine Catholic Church in front of hundreds of churchgoers who were there to support the Washington Interfaith Network, an organization that advocates on behalf of poor and elderly D.C. denizens.

“You have a mayor who hates guns,” said Bowser, according to The Washington Post. “If it was up to me, we wouldn’t have any handguns in the District of Columbia. I swear to protect the Constitution and what the courts say, but I will do it in the most restrictive way as possible.”

This is so extreme it’s almost laughable. How does one even respond to that?

I guess I’ll try. She hates firearms? That’s like saying “I hate hammers or automobiles or swimming pools.” It’s something a moron would say. Seriously.

Then there is the notion that she’ll protect the Constitution by making it increasingly difficult for the citizens she serves to exercise the very rights that that founding document guarantees. What the heck?! That’s Orwellian doublespeak! In other words, she’ll protect one’s freedoms by limiting one’s rights. Does that sound reasonable to you?

But as crazy as her remarks were, what’s even more insane is the fact that her comments were greeted with uproarious applause. Those in attendance were actually cheering for a politician who swore to do everything possible to infringe on their ability to defend themselves, their family and their property.

“I didn’t get elected to warm the seat. And I only got elected for four years — though I’m going to run again,” the mayor added. “But I know this, I can’t make decisions thinking about the next election, I have to make decisions that I think are right. And that is why I ran for mayor and that is why I need you every step of the way.”

As it’s been said, I suppose people get the government they deserve.

  • Russ January 20, 2015, 4:51 am

    Wow, that shithole makes California look good.
    Good bye DC! Wave bye to another communist takeover of a state.
    One by one along the coast and moving inward as I always suspected they would do.
    Did you hear that freak say she’s going to reinvent government?
    I feel like aliens are taking over the planet……are they?
    She kind of looked reptilian.
    It’s unphuqingbelievable.

  • LiberalsRCommies January 19, 2015, 2:15 pm

    Why is it that moderators of this site can choose not to publish a comment like this:
    She says she hates guns. How can anyone not see that this is an inanimate object. It takes a person to hold it, load it, aim it and pull the trigger. This ignorant idea that you can absolve the criminal and blame it all on the gun is beyond any stupidity I have ever seen in my life. It takes a person of low intellect to make such a statement and to try and convince others of their insane beliefs. The Constitution is the law of the land. Any attempt to take from us our God given rights to self defense will be met with hard core absolute brutal force.

    There is nothing wrong with what is stated. Its my right of freedom of speech to state openly what I believe in. To censor this comment is wrong.

  • Max Hoyle January 19, 2015, 1:29 pm

    A real credit to marion barry, maybe smart enough to stay out of jail! Is she going to get a blonde white husband now?

  • dave hickman January 19, 2015, 1:15 pm

    Is Muriel a man too? You know, like Micahael, I mean Michelle Obama. So many politicians never learned the true meaning of the 2nd amendment. It is intended to allow citizens to be well armed so that we can defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. The government would love for us to be completely disarmed so that they could easily take away all of our rights. Almost 300 million people died during the 20th century because of war and tyrannical dictators. People in America think that would never happen to them. Well, turn in your guns and find out what happens next. The people that were tortured and murdered in the last century didn’t think it would happen to them. How many defenseless people died wishing they could have fought back? I, for one, know that history repeats itself. We in America are repeating history today. We have passed the time of talking about criminal behavior in our government. There will be another false flag event that will usher in more laws that removes our liberties. Eventually we will have no liberty. I’ve said enough. No one listens, no one but NSA.

    • Russ January 20, 2015, 4:35 am

      I hear you dave, and all that stuff you mentioned is commonly known by us all.
      But what’s cracking me up is that you noticed that Michelle, or Mike as I like to call “it”, is much more of a man than Barry the fag is.
      I’m still laughing.
      Your very insightful.

  • LiberalsRCommies January 19, 2015, 1:14 pm

    She says she hates guns. How can anyone not see that this is an inanimate object. It takes a person to hold it, load it, aim it and pull the trigger. This ignorant idea that you can absolve the criminal and blame it all on the gun is beyond any stupidity I have ever seen in my life. It takes a person of low intellect to make such a statement and to try and convince others of their insane beliefs. The Constitution is the law of the land. Any attempt to take from us our God given rights to self defense will be met with hard core absolute brutal force.

  • rogue scholar January 19, 2015, 12:45 pm

    As a criminal I support politicians who disarm law abiding citizens. I feel safe when I’m taking care of business knowing I won’t get shot by someone with a concealed carry permit.Thanks Muriel, HaHaHa, LOL

  • Larry January 19, 2015, 12:30 pm

    A few months ago, on another site, I had a supposed retired DC cop, “Snuffy”, painfully try to explain how the current Police Chief restricted lawful citizens Second Amendment rights because they didn’t want the citizens to have guns in DC! The District of Columbia is truly the closest thing to the Kremlin that we have in America.

  • Mickey Meador January 19, 2015, 11:13 am

    The District of Columbia was intended to be a place where the Federal Government could meet and be independent of any the states authority. It was never conceived to be residences of citizens except for the President. It’s daily operation’s of facilitie (utilities, police, postal services) is solely run by Congress with Federal monies.
    So what has it become? Crime, corruption, poverty, drugs, protected by socialist politicians.
    Solution: give every property not housing Federal office to the state of Maryland. Maryland would welcome more liberal, socialist Democrat voters (live or dead) to their already corrupted state.
    Maybe the residents of D.C. will think that I. a 50 yr resident of Texas, should not have a say in then matter but as I am a U.S. taxpayer and I was actually born in Washington, D.C. I have more interest in preservation of the city than most of the residents who are largely parasites of us all.

  • AK January 19, 2015, 10:36 am

    What the mayor is really saying is, if you are a gunowner, she is going to use the power of her office to make your life difficult. So….say a politician similarly officed, says ‘I don’t like minorities and while I respect the Constitution, I am going to be watching you all very carefully as you are the ones who disrupt my community.” Just when some of us thought this fight was over, a new generation of leftists, emboldened by billionaire support, is arising from the urban cesspools.

    Two things are becoming apparent…first, the coiffured sleaseal John Edwards said one thing intelligent in his life, and that there are “two Americas.” Second….the time for talk may be passing…..

  • Alfonso A. Rodriguez January 19, 2015, 9:58 am

    Feud stated once the being afraid of weapons shows lack of sexual maturity. Maybe she needs professional help. I foresee that sooner rather than later, she will challenged in court to her detriment. Someone is going to bust her Ivory tower. In the mean time, in keeping with her extremist philosophy, she could ask her protective detail to get rid of their firearms since the value of her convictions makes her bullet proof.

  • John January 19, 2015, 8:32 am

    A female Obama. She’s obviously a prime candidate for rapid advancement within the Democratic party. Maybe she’ll challenge Hillary in the presidential primary.

  • Jim January 19, 2015, 7:55 am

    And after having made those bold, sweeping statements, has she instructed her handlers to ensure that whenever and wherever she makes public appearances that there will be no armed security of any kind participating in the event? Has she refused armed personal security from the police? Is she demanding that everyone in her administration follow suit and completely forego any type of armed security?

    Does she personally go to the victims (and their families) of every violent crime that happens in her city and explain to them how they are so much better off being unable to protect themselves? Does she have and communicate an effective plan for what people are supposed to do to protect themselves when they become prey to thugs and whackos while they are waiting the 7 to 20 minutes it takes police to respond?

    Yeah, I didn’t think so either!

    It’s a shame that generations of kids are no longer taught that The Second Amendment was put in place so people could protect themselves and their country from overbearing political whackos just like this ignorant, self-serving buffoon!

  • Mark January 14, 2015, 7:34 pm

    I will be willing to bet that even though she has an outright hatred for guns, she will have no problem with her security detail being fully armed to the teeth! If she is that anti gun why doesn’t she disarm her security detail to set the example. Somehow I don’t see this happening.

  • Dilligaf January 14, 2015, 6:04 pm

    Political extremists like this woman do not need to hold office anywhere. She fights for her OWN political agenda…..not that of the people she supposedly represents. Career politicians NEED to be removed from office…..they are killing America

  • Will Drider January 12, 2015, 10:59 pm

    D.C. is already on thin ice with a Judge on CWP issuance. Accordingly permits to purchase firearms must also not be unduly restricted. I see a lot of Contempt of Court Charges against the Mayor and those under her charge. I would not have a problem with Virginia annexing D.C. to protect the peoples Rights like what happened in Ukraine.

    • Michael E. Hensley January 19, 2015, 4:14 am

      We used to have parts of DC, When we had it, It was Good, We do not wants any Parts of it back, Thank You Very Much, Matter of fact certain parts of the Nawthen Burbs!! most of us Virginian’s would gladly give to DC

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