New Mexico on the Brink of Adopting Seven-Day Waiting Periods

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

In a move that’s just a governor’s signature away from becoming law, New Mexico is on the brink of implementing a seven-day waiting period for gun purchases. This proposed change is stirring up discussions among gun show promoters and vendors.

Carlos Gonzales, a seasoned gun show promoter, admits that this new legislation, similar to laws he’s seen in states like California, would make his job a bit more challenging.

“It makes my job a little bit harder,” Gonzales told Chandler Farnsworth of KRQE News 13.

He’s quick to add, though, that his business will roll with the punches and continue operating as usual, albeit with some adjustments for vendors.

Gonzales isn’t alone in his concerns. Steffen Sparks, a Las Cruces gun vendor, echoes the sentiment, highlighting the logistical and financial burdens this law could impose.

Sparks points out the hassle of transporting unsold inventory back to the shop and the need for additional storage during the waiting period.

SEE ALSO: New Mexico Gov. Trying to Eliminate Firearm Industry Under the Guise of Budget

“What would happen is I would bring all this inventory, even though you’re a ‘proceed’, I have to haul it all the way back to my shop and then sit there for seven days,” he explains.

The proximity of Texas, just an hour away from his shop, is another factor he brought up. Sparks suggests that customers might opt to purchase guns in Texas, where they can avoid the waiting period.

“They would just go across, down to El Paso and buy one, and then just bring it back, which is perfectly legal,” he says, pointing out a potential loophole in the law’s effectiveness.

As for the immediate future, Gonzales notes that, for now, it’s business as usual at his gun shows.

“Right now, as long as the feds clear you, you can go home with your firearm today,” he states. But with the proposed law awaiting the governor’s signature, vendors are bracing for change, seeking guidance from the state government on compliance.

In the midst of these preparations, vendors like Gonzales emphasize their commitment to responsible and legal operations. “We’re not promoting any kind of craziness. We’re not promoting anything illegal or bad, it’s actually quite the opposite out here,” he asserts.

As New Mexico inches closer to enacting this new gun law, the impact on local businesses and consumer behavior remains a topic of keen interest and debate. As always, stay tuned for updates.

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  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment February 27, 2024, 11:16 am

    if you don’t have guns now, then grab some quick!

    don’t forget some ammo!!!

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