Newsom: ‘California will be the first state to allow individuals to sue those spreading illegal assault weapons and ghost guns’

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed over 10 new laws restricting firearms this month alone.

The laws include limits on gun advertising to minors, more regulatory inspections for gun dealers, and a 10-year ban on firearm possession for anyone convicted of child or elder abuse.

The most controversial new law allows people to sue businesses that distribute so-called “assault weapons” or “ghost guns.” This law is modeled after a new Texas law that allows private citizens to sue anybody who aids and abets in an abortion.

“If they are going to use this framework to put women’s lives at risk, we are going to use it to save people’s lives here in the state of California,” said Newsom. “That’s the spirit, the principle, behind this law.”

Specifically, Senate Bill 1327 allows anyone in California to bring a lawsuit against anyone who distributes illegal “assault weapons,” parts that can be used to build weapons, guns without serial numbers, or .50-caliber rifles.

The law also allows legal challenges against any licensed firearm dealer who sells a firearm to anyone under 21 years of age. Plaintiffs who are successful in their lawsuits can be awarded $10,000 per weapon along with legal fees.

SEE ALSO: SilencerCo Launches New Osprey 2.0 with Enhanced Usability

Interestingly, the law is scheduled to go into effect in January, but it includes language that would automatically invalidate the law if the courts find the Texas anti-abortion law to be unconstitutional.

The New York Times reports that Newsom came up with the idea for the law in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision “declining to block a Texas law that gives people the power to sue anyone involved in someone receiving an abortion, from the doctor who performs the procedure to the Uber driver who dropped the patient off at the clinic. Under that law, plaintiffs are entitled to $10,000 and their legal fees recovered if they win.”

Newsom’s decision to adopt the Texas legal strategy has caused several gun-rights groups to speak out in protest. Surprisingly, the American Civil Liberties Union has joined in the opposition.

In a letter, the A.C.L.U. warned about the dangers of empowering the Texas legal model.

“We admire and share the Governor’s commitment to reproductive freedom, and we do not take issue with his legitimate concerns about the deadly proliferation of illegal guns. But there is no way to ‘take advantage of the flawed logic’ of the Texas law,” the A.C.L.U.’s letter reads.

This new California law is expected to face legal challenges which could ultimately end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

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  • Liberalism Sucks September 30, 2022, 5:02 am

    Time to start 3D printing, folks! The .STL files are out there – can’t stop the signal!

  • Dale August 4, 2022, 3:51 pm

    Newsom isn’t stupid but he is anti-American and CORRUPT, with all capital letters.

  • PBinLostAngeles July 29, 2022, 1:47 pm

    7/29/22 –
    I’ve lived in So Cal my entire 65 years, Bob Munden was one of my 1st cousins. I’m here to tell ya, you have no IDEA just how far massive illegal immigration has reached in destroying the once great Golden State where all things Fast Gun started, little question they’ve been voting for at LEAST 4 election cycles.
    I’d have moved to another state by now, cept for family, my age and painful injuries to my old frame. I can tell you this, the membership and leadership of the California Rifle & Pistol Association ( – whose legal body was tip of the spear in consulting on the NEW YORK STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASSOCIATION v. BRUEN matter – is fighting tooth and nail against this arrogant, criminal coddling governor. I hate to solicit, but if any of you are in a position to help the CRPA go to their site and see what you might do.

    As for our love of our great sport, Newsom and his climate change, radical environmental puppets – at all levels (state, county, municipal) of California government – UNCEASINGLY continue working to make the simplest firearm related activities as difficult as they possibly can. Coupled with another enabling, puppet of a AG, they’re doing it as I write!

    Even purchasing ammunition has become a protracted effort that makes going to the DMV look like a day at the beach by comparison. Consider, for about 2.5 years now, no longer can we receive shipments of small, personal use batches of ammo at home. Instead, we have to have a background check -$19 bucks a pop if you “haven’t purchased a gun in the last 5 years, in that case, its a dollar a pop” (YES, its THAT bad!) – with thumbprint, roster, federal system, the works. Then, if you purchase on line like I do because our shelves are bare, you must then and go to your authorized FFL holder when your items arrive who then charges an additional transfer fee, on TOP of California’s 10% sales tax and shipping charge(s).
    Believe me, there are plenty of us Conservatives left out here, but we must likewise, keep our heads down. Help the if you can, they’re are best hope…..

  • Stan d. Upnow July 29, 2022, 12:13 pm

    “Specifically, Senate Bill 1327 allows anyone in California to bring a lawsuit against anyone who distributes illegal ‘assault weapons,’ parts that can be used to build weapons, guns without serial numbers, or .50-caliber rifles.”

    So, if you own a banned “assault weapon” and seek to sell it to prevent the consequences of possessing it, you are now screwed anyway for “distributing” it! Same goes for ANY gun parts you might want to sell. Furthermore, every HUTA Liberal jerk in Commiefornia will sue you into personal bankruptcy. Cancel culture at its finest!

    Many guns are out there without serial #’s because they were not legally Required at the time of mfr. Now you’re a criminal or a lawsuit target for owning one? This is sheer insanity!

    Civil war? Got news for ya; it’s already begun.

  • Nicholas July 29, 2022, 11:59 am

    What I’ve learned over the years of writing articles on the subject, speaking, and doing interviews is simple. The so-called pro-2nd community is their own worst enemy. Let me repeat, the “individual right theory” has no force of law. It imposes no duty on anyone, and that should be obvious to all who have a modicum of sense. The reason that the “individual right theory” is so popular is because it allows those who are opposed to any type of Duty to protect themselves, their family, and community is it is a non-starter.
    “With obvious purpose to assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness of [Militia], the declaration and guarantee of the Second Amendment were made.” Your right to keep and bear arms as a sovereign is outlined as part of the doctrine of a nation founded on popular sovereignty in our “Declaration” of independence from England.
    I realize that the vast majority know nothing at all about law, and have been sold a bill of goods by contemptuous people’s on both sides. None-the-less, the purpose of the 2nd was to reinforce the constitutional command to maintain Militia, Article I, § 8, Cl. 15, composed, and codified in both state and federal statutes. It is not voluntary. Both state and federal statutes clearly impose an enrollment, and mandatory service whereby “when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time.”
    When the 2nd amendment community stops pretending that they are being brave and patriotic about resisting service in a state Institution, such as militia, then we might stop the inevitable fall into despotism. Understand this; this is a nation composed of sovereigns, and Militia is our force of law. The state is a fiction comprising representatives of the people. Any laws that those representatives attempt to impose on the People can only be done so by our consent, and at the hand of the militia, which is the People’s law enforcement. If we refuse, or as we should, indict and arrest miscreant “public officials” we protect our rights by enforcing our sovereignty in the only constitutionally recognized POWER “to execute the Laws of the Union…”
    Pro-2nd people, stop pretending that you know anything about this subject so that we can give our children a fighting chance to maintain their rights, and their freedom. We must move to revitalize the statutes that authorize and properly regulate the militia.

    • TOM July 31, 2022, 2:07 pm

      FINALLY ANOTHER PERSON WITH A BRAIN IN THIS WASTELAND OF INTELLIGENT SCARCITY….WELL SAID but as i have written its a waste of time with these myopic, single issue geniuses that look at issues ONLY through their eyes, not having a clue how a democracy needs to function.
      I have to call it what it is – a great majority of the writers here are ignorant, un or under-educated, and represent the worst in modern politics. How they make such absurd statements is beyond me. They go on and on about some idiotic BS about gun rights….and as stated above the absurd mantras of “patriot” and “defenders of democracy.” Patriot to WHAT, not to USA Democracy (clearly not which is obvious in their statements), their so-called patriotism is to their own wants, desires and what they feel should exist, no it what is the BEST FOR THE MOST (thats a major tenet of democracy which you Neanderthal uneducated whiners have no clue).
      Stupidity rules here. The guy above complains about California (yea, i live there, its a weird place, no question), but he couches his complaints against a GOOD NEW gun statute offsetting it against CLIMATE CHANGE, and other issues – are you kidding me, the minor significance of unlimited gun ownership against LOSS OF DEMOCRACY (with potential lunatic , criminal, psycho’s like trump) . CLIMATE CHANGE (existential), etc….ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
      And other fool states how he comes from Texas and things can be settled with the guns he will bring to the table – THATS BRILLIANT, isn’t it….\MY way or i KILL you.
      The few of us gun owner’s that have a functioning brain, are not in such a stupefied, ossified state that’s they can only focus on one issue at a time….and that being a relatively insignificant one at that!
      The majority of ignorant foot stomping little wanna-be warriors supporting democracy better wake thew hell up. For the FIRST time in your sad little life try USING YOUR BRAIN AND THINKING about what is RIGHT and GOOD (not just for you).

      • Hondo August 1, 2022, 10:34 am

        Tom you’re a buffoon , get an education and learn to write there genius.

      • D.J. August 2, 2022, 1:08 pm

        There is no “ democracy “ here , Professor .

        This is a “ Representative Republic “ .
        Modern “ education “ ( indoctrination) did you very
        little favors , did it not , sir ?

  • Mac July 29, 2022, 11:34 am

    Democratic California where you can shoplift and not worry about getting arrested, illegally enter the country, collect welfare and food stamps and never have to earn your own way like an adult, get free housing healthcare….. but you better not defend yourself from while being mugged or robbed the air heads frown on that

  • Gopher Baroque July 29, 2022, 10:33 am

    “Now if a home builder places their own personal serial number on a 80% gun kit they personally built, then the home built gun should be completely legal, even in California????????”

    Note that the serial number needs to be recorded by an FFL

    + for Mark N.’s comment

  • Randy Rowley July 29, 2022, 9:41 am

    We Texans have had enough of Commiefornia! Let’s meet in Arizona and settle this once and for all! We’ll bring our guns and you can bring your vegan burgers.

    • Stan d. Upnow July 29, 2022, 12:19 pm

      Too bad their mandated electric vehicles won’t make it that far.
      If you pay the 30,000+ violent gang members in L.A.(alone!), I’m sure they would take care of the problem for you.

    • TIM July 29, 2022, 1:11 pm

      It’s when brutally ignorant people make these incredibly stupid comments that you realize why we need restrictions on guns. What kind of Moron makes statements like this? You must think you live in your own world, but this country was a democracy (at least before the lunatic trump), where the rule of law dictates, not pinheads like you, you belong in nazi germany where you sound like you’d be quite at homre!

      • Shanz July 29, 2022, 4:46 pm

        With all due respect Tim. You can shove your democracy up your favor libtard ass. I wish so badly we can start this civil war so faggot ass commy piece of shit traitors like you can be wiped clean from our Constitutional Republic you fucking moron. Trump Trump Trumpety Trump Trump. Yeah…… you voted for the other guy you fucking moron.

      • Hondo August 2, 2022, 7:52 am

        Looks like you have a bad case of TDS there Tim, the only known cure for that is to stick your head in a bucket of lye and take deep breaths.

  • Dale Holcomb July 29, 2022, 9:05 am

    The people of California must be the dumbest left-wing radicals in the nation. You want to pass laws making law abiding citizens criminals, yet let criminals’ animals that should die, run loose. You had a chance to recall this POS, and you still did not get it done. So, the ones that are smart enough to go vote think he is doing a good job. FJB and all the leftwing liberals.

    • Stan d. Upnow July 29, 2022, 12:26 pm

      Ain’t just Commiefornians. New poll shows Biden is not favored in 2024 among Democrats. Newsom comes in as the third choice behind second choice Hillary and first choice…. Kamala Harris !!!
      Dementia Joe is wanted for another four years by “only” 38%.

      The idea of secession is becoming more & more desirable.

  • Nicholas July 29, 2022, 8:52 am

    I posted this elsewhere, but it is worth repeating because if you read the Law, this act amounts to Treason. Why? Because the original Constitution requires an armed citizenry capable of bearing arms they themselves supply for the Duty “to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrection, and repel Invasions.”
    So I repeat –
    What I’ve learned over the years of writing articles on the subject, speaking, and doing interviews is simple. The so-called pro-2nd community is their own worst enemy. Let me repeat, the “individual right theory” has no force of law. It imposes no duty on anyone, and that should be obvious to all who have a modicum of sense. The reason that the “individual right theory” is so popular is because it allows those who are opposed to any type of Duty to protect themselves, their family, and community is it is a non-starter.
    “With obvious purpose to assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness of [Militia], the declaration and guarantee of the Second Amendment were made.” Your right to keep and bear arms as a sovereign is outlined as part of the doctrine of a nation founded on popular sovereignty in our “Declaration” of independence from England.
    I realize that the vast majority know nothing at all about law, and have been sold a bill of goods by contemptuous people’s on both sides. None-the-less, the purpose of the 2nd was to reinforce the constitutional command to maintain Militia, Article I, § 8, Cl. 15, composed, and codified in both state and federal statutes. It is not voluntary. Both state and federal statutes clearly impose an enrollment, and mandatory service whereby “when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time.”
    When the 2nd amendment community stops pretending that they are being brave and patriotic about resisting service in a state Institution, such as militia, then we might stop the inevitable fall into despotism. Understand this; this is a nation composed of sovereigns, and Militia is our force of law. The state is a fiction comprising representatives of the people. Any laws that those representatives attempt to impose on the People can only be done so by our consent, and at the hand of the militia, which is the People’s law enforcement. If we refuse, or as we should, indict and arrest miscreant “public officials” we protect our rights by enforcing our sovereignty in the only constitutionally recognized POWER “to execute the Laws of the Union…”
    Pro-2nd people, stop pretending that you know anything about this subject so that we can give our children a fighting chance to maintain their rights, and their freedom. We must move to revitalize the statutes that authorize and properly regulate the militia.

  • RJG July 29, 2022, 8:44 am

    If Kalifornia were to remain consistent in law enforcement, then someone injured in a car accident could sue the car manufacturer or they could sue the state or the governor if they were shot in a no gun zone because their rights under the 2nd amendment were breeched.

    • Stan d. Upnow July 29, 2022, 12:29 pm

      You haven’t learned yet that facts & logic are 1,000 light years away from the Progressive-Socialist mind?

  • Elmer Fudd July 29, 2022, 8:07 am

    So, if someone uses a .50 caliber fully semi-automatic assault weapon of war with a threaded barrel to shoot their unborn child in the womb, they get to sue the FFL/person that sold them the parts?

  • Let's go Brandon, FJB July 29, 2022, 7:41 am

    Newsom is a communist and should be forced to the gallows. Si Vis Pacem Parabellum! Trump 2024!

  • Hondo July 29, 2022, 7:35 am

    Newscum is just another greasy turd of a demorat. Biden is just a depends filling incompetent fraud.

  • David Wright July 29, 2022, 5:31 am

    The sad thing is the Second amendment guarantees US citizens the right to bare arms and shall not be infringed apon by the government. Building a firearm at home has been upheld since the passage of the second amendment.

    Not only are these politicians breaking constitutional law, they even admit they know what they are doing is unconstitutional. Biden and Newsome are caught on tape saying they will pass unconstitutional laws that will stay effective atleast until someone has enough money to fight all the appeals and funding the government has to draw out the lawsuits going against their unconstitutional agenda.

    It took 50 years to overturn a unconstitutional verdict like Roe vs Wade. The recent ruling by the Supreme Court was about states rights verses Federal overreach. Not abortion itself.

    Now if a home builder places their own personal serial number on a 80% gun kit they personally built, then the home built gun should be completely legal, even in California????????

    • Armed and Dangerous July 29, 2022, 10:38 am

      Building a firearm at home has been upheld since the passage of the second amendment.
      That is true David. However the second amendment was passed in 1791. Serial numbers were not required until 1968.

  • Mark N. July 26, 2022, 1:01 am

    It is ALREADY illegal to transfer an “assault weapons” (as defined in the current statute) OR an unregistered “ghost gun” in the state of California, a state where ALL transactions MUST be performed by an FFL. So what this says, really, is that the family can sue the gangbanger and the guy who sold him the gat for an unlawful shooting. (And good luck with suing a gangbanger.) Fundamentally, it changes nothing for the rest of us who determine to comply with the law. P.S. The State also outlawed Defense Distributed’s milling machine and all 80% kits.

    What these new laws therefore boil down to is political grandstanding.

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