NY Times Opinion: I’m a Black American. I Need a Gun to Feel Safe in This Country.

The New York Times posted Wednesday the video above entitled, “I’m a Black American. I Need a Gun to Feel Safe in This Country.”

The primary injunction from those featured in the video is, according to The Times, “Go buy a gun. Arm yourself. And just make sure you get some training.”

Amen to that!

GunsAmerica has been advocating that for years! Black America would benefit the most from responsible gun ownership, both because blacks are disproportionately the victims of violent crime and because the anti-gun establishment has racist roots.

SEE ALSO: Gun Control’s Racist History

The Times paints a different picture, naturally. They reduce it to binary white/black issue as though it’s white America threatening black America. Not true. Working-class whitey is not an enemy of black people. The true enemy is government, of course, and the power brokers who seek to expand its control over the masses of all colors, races, creeds, genders, etc.

It’s why so many politicians champion gun control. Because they know that keeping black America unarmed means more black victims. More black victims mean more votes for big government solutions to “curb the gun violence epidemic” (or “end the war on drugs”) — “solutions” that erode fundamental rights and perpetuate the very problem they claim to address, which in turn, means peddlers of those failed policies stay in power.

Ever notice that cities with stringent gun laws usually have high rates of violent crime? One must ask themselves if gun control was a viable fix why do cities like Chicago (510 homicides in Chicago in 2019) and D.C. (166 homicides in 2019, a record number) have so many shootings annually? Worse yet, why do the people of these cities keep electing leaders who maintain the status quo (there’s been a Democratic mayor in D.C. since 1971 and one in Chicago since 1931)?

It’s almost funny, but one of the women featured in the video unwittingly acknowledges this very phenomenon.

Kat Traylor, I think her name was, says, “I’ve been fighting for gun regulation in my state for eight years. Regardless of who was in office, our lives didn’t get any better for a black and brown community in fact they just stayed the same. That’s when the realization hit that until we have legislation and all the wrong people don’t have guns, you need a gun.”

SEE ALSO: D.C. Writer, Comedian Rallies Behind Concealed-Carry After Gunpoint Robbery

Now she’s half “woke” to the truth: no political party is going to save you. That’s correct. As mentioned, quite the opposite. Government, over time, will enslave you if you don’t keep it in check or if you keep voting in politicians who systematically sacrifice your freedoms at the altar of public safety. Remember, at its best, government is a necessary evil.

What Traylor misfires on is you need a gun because all of the wrong people will always have guns. No legislation is going to stop criminals from getting guns, just like no law is going to stop a junkie from getting dope. And those in power are never going to disarm themselves. When’s the last time a politician has introduced a law calling for a ban on private security details or turned their personal residence into a gun-free zone?

Bottom line, there is not a legislative solution to combating violent people or a tyrannical government. The only option is to take personal responsibility for your safety and to exercise your rights. Be prepared to defend yourself, your family, and your property from any malefactor attempting to tread on ’em. Be it a hardened thug or a gov’t jackboot.

Be careful, though. This way of thinking is contagious. It breeds independence and self-reliance, an awakening to a desire for a limited government, and a hankering thirst for liberty or the ability to act without permission. All scary things if one is a Nanny State ideologue.

More black people can and should bear arms. We’ve been saying it here on GunsAmerica for years. And, we welcome them with open arms because we’ve long acknowledged that armed men and armed women are citizens while unarmed men and unarmed women are subjects.

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  • Kimberpross July 8, 2020, 9:25 am

    In reality, there are, and always will be, a % of humans that are evil. Whatever that % is exists in all walks of life, school teachers, police offices, soldiers, neighbors, church congregations, etc. To understand that, carrying personal protection is logical. Everyone knows the good guys with the guns will likely be too far away to help when one of the evil doers acts. The evil doers will have a weapon regardless of the politics and laws and they will not act when the good guys are obviously around.

  • Kurt Gaida July 7, 2020, 7:49 pm

    “Working class whitey”? Derogatory terms shouldn’t be used no matter the race of the person using them

  • Devin Standard July 3, 2020, 10:03 pm

    Good start! Black, white or represented by any wavelength of light in between, we responsible Americans ALL ought to own weapons and be trained in their use.

    Outside of racist, Democrat-controlled, jurisdictions, all law abiding adults have the right to be armed. So, in fact, America is free, and colorblind, for all except for those living in Democrat run Hell holes.

    Come to free America and live like a citizen as opposed to a subject. Buy your guns, get training and carry them with you.

    Happy Independence Day!

  • Paul Lech July 3, 2020, 2:30 pm

    510 homicides in Chicago in 2019 and D.C. 166 homicides in 2019, a record number. A) How many of the homicides are NOT firearm related. Yes these are facts but tanted facts.
    B) Totaled up they do not equal the number of traffic death for one year in any state.
    Why is everyone so damed intent on control when motor vehicles kill more in one year then firearm deaths due inclueding war deaths (both firearm & vehicle)!!
    I don’t like red beats should I start a cry to ban them.
    Politiction are the reason we have a “me generation” I am the only one that matters, & My opinion is the only right one. This needs to stop and stop now. This mentality is what cause riots.
    It is time to return majority rules. Which means the polictions need to talk to the people they represent, not vote the way they want. People don’t talk anymore. Texting and bloging are our ave. of communication. You can’t see how some real feel. They need to get out of their offices and talk face to face with the people and see the reaction not just hear or see the words.

  • Willy July 3, 2020, 7:25 am

    Just take this one statement alone:

    “Ever notice that cities with stringent gun laws usually have high rates of violent crime? One must ask themselves if gun control was a viable fix why do cities like Chicago (510 homicides in Chicago in 2019) and D.C. (166 homicides in 2019, a record number) have so many shootings annually? Worse yet, why do the people of these cities keep electing leaders who maintain the status quo (there’s been a Democratic mayor in D.C. since 1971 and one in Chicago since 1931)?”

    We all have been hearing the very same statement for years, even decades. It’s so obvious it is true, but nothing ever gets done to correct it. The problem is government and politicians. They look out for themselves and their own interests, while being paid by us, and all they do is talk out of both sides of their mouths, depending on the situation, with the goal of staying in power. We need to start now, to be telling them, how we want it.

  • Mikki July 3, 2020, 6:46 am

    I’m an old white women, born in 1961. 2nd and 4th generation immigrant. I was raised by my grandma who was born in 1926. I’ve worked with all ethnicities through my life. I was raised color blind. Just bad people aware. The 2nd amendment is all Americans rights!

  • Peter J Wall July 2, 2020, 8:29 am

    Everyone who qualifies under federal & state law who has a desire to arm themselves, should be able to be armed. Gender, race, religion or any other factors in one’s makeup shouldn’t matter. However everyone should take personal responsibility and become competent with proper safe firearm training. This should be the only limitation on the second amendment.

  • Paul July 2, 2020, 8:06 am

    My comments are usually sideways or a bit combative but this article drives it home! crime isn’t a black or white problem it’s everybody’s problem.
    Great article!!!

  • Boz July 2, 2020, 7:49 am

    Welcome to the club. I’m a white American and I need a gun to feel safe in this country.

    • Yada Yada Yada July 3, 2020, 3:28 pm

      I’m a white club member too……

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