The H45 military stove is the only one I know that burns diesel with no wick and with a somewhat controllable burn. It is balls to the wall hot, so try it in your backyard first, but they use this stove in military tents, so the danger of spontaneous combustion above it must be reasonable (lmao). In addition to diesel, home heating oil, kerosene, and jet fuel, the H45 also burns gasoline also, which makes it truly unique. This winter is over, but next is on the way. This is a good deal at Sportsman’s Guide.
Prior Article Deals Found at Sportsman’s Guide:
Free Shipping Coupon w/o Buyers Club SH1604 exp. May 15 2016
H45 Multi-Fuel Heater $149.99
Tube Canister for Burying a Rifle $24.95
58 Gallon Steel Barrel $59.99
58 Gallon Pickle Barrel $54.99
Some of you long time readers here may remember that I found a killer deal on a copy of a 100 round Beta C-Mag at the height of the Sandy Hook gun boom in 2013. It was at the Sportsman’s Guide. Other sporting goods retailers were price gouging and SG was selling that mag for what was at the time less than suggested retail price. I thought it was pretty cool. These days that mag is even $50 cheaper, but that isn’t the point of this article. I’m on the SG mailing list now, and just sitting around today I opened their current flyer and found a few prepping products that I have actually reviewed, at really low prices, and a couple I haven’t, but that I know are also really great deals. I’m going to be light on this column for a few weeks because my kids are out of school for Passover, so I figured I would just share this information, and give you my coupon code. 😉
And NO, by the way, we don’t get a kickback from SG. There are actually no advertisers specifically supporting this column, as if any would with all of the truther gut spilling I can’t seem to keep in all the time.
The H45 Military Stove
The H45 stove that you have seen me mention in several of these columns, and that I fully tested over a year ago with diesel. I know winter is over, but for those of you in the Northeast, where oil burners are nearly ubiquitous (I am from New Hampshire), the H45 stove should be in your basement regardless of whether you think the Zombie Apocalypse is coming or not. It is the only controllable stove I know of that will burn diesel or home heating oil without an electric preheater, or a wick that can clog and let you down. Fuels of this type don’t just burn at room temperature. They have to be heated over 145 degrees, or you have to use a wick of some type. Throw a match into a can of diesel, or into your home heating oil tank, and the match will go out. Your oil burner has a preheater that runs on electric, and that is why, when the power goes out, you can’t run your oil burner even though you have a full tank of oil. I have also covered wick stoves, but beware depending on these with the courser grades of fuel than kerosene, (which is Jet-A).

Note that if you plan to use the H45 with a Jerry Can, it takes the old kind with the wide mouth. If you read my article you’ll also see the newer plastic type with the inside and outside threads. Used Jerry cans are usually on Ebay for $40-$80.
The H45 is gravity fed, and it is meant to be used with a Jerry Can of diesel, jet fuel, or gasoline. Jet fuel is a slightly finer grade of diesel, and home heating oil is a slightly less fine grade.
If you have an oil tank, you have a feed line, and you should be able T that line into the feed line for the H45, with a shutoff. If you vent it to your oil burner chimney, I don’t think there is a better power outage backup.
This is merely an idea, not advice, so experiment at your own risk. I have to put that so the dumb assholes among you don’t burn your house down and try to sue me. Oh there I go again blowing sponsor opportunities, and I didn’t even mention that jet fuel won’t reach more than 800 degrees burning in open air, while the melt point of steel is well over 2,000 degrees. And there I go again…
Note that the H45 burns at like 45,000 BTU, so it is something of an unhinged monster once it gets going, even at the lowest setting. They use it in military tents, but I would make a deflector of some kind of you plan to set it up in your basement. Supposedly with gasoline it is even more unhinged, but I have not tried it.

This fridge water tap will most likely work just fine to tap your existing oil burner over to the H45. Try at your own risk of course.
From a prepping perspective, I think there is going to be a huge glut of fuel available in the gas tanks of cars. The H45 uses about a 1/2 gallon of fuel an hour at the lowest setting, so if you figure that in cold climates you need to heat 4 months per year, if you budget 5 gallons per day of fuel, turning the heater on and off in your living space, that isn’t a lot of fuel to collect throughout the rest of the year, especially if there are diesel trucks with large tanks, and dead neighbors with 250 gallon fuel tanks in their basements.
The Sportsman’s Guide deal at $149.99 is pretty good compared to Ebay, unless you live near Ft. Smith AK or Akron OH, where the better deals on Ebay are located. There are, however, a number of “Make an Offer” sellers these days, so being that it is April, I think there might be some deals out there. Just make sure you get all the parts. The ones on SG are new and unissued, and the rubber looks to be new. If you are in the $40 a year Buyers Club it is even cheaper.
Just remember that if you don’t plan to make a fuel bucket contraption with a tap, or hack a fuel line as I speculated, you have to get an old style Jerry Can with a wide mouth to use the included fuel feed system. You will also see a Jerry Can tripod to hang the can angled down when you search H45 stove.
Bury a Rifle and Some Food

Unfortunately the rectangle box I reviewed in my “Bury a Rifle and Some Food” article is sold out. It was like $13! But this cylinder is still available with free shipping. It’s a really nice tool for long term storage.
Several month ago I showed you a couple of military containers on Ebay for burying weapons and at the time, I thought those were good prices. Sadly, the square one is already gone on the Sportsman’ Guide, but the cylinder is still there, at a ridiculous price with free shipping (use my code). This is the more useful one anyway, if you plan to hide an inexpensive bolt rifle, and not an expensive AR-15.
You’ll note that I have been shutting off comments to these articles now, and that article was one reason actually, as it had the most interesting comments so far of most I have written. But at the end of the day, did anyone really need anyone to tell us that we could use 4″ PVC? In that string of comments I had a long discussion with some fool who claimed that military fuel, some of which I have personally owned 20 years out of expiration, would damage food stored with it. After some curiosity and significant research, I proved that it would not, and that this was just another speculative fool trying to make himself feel important. So no more comments. If you don’t like my tests, don’t read them anymore.
Food Storage Barrels
These are products I have not bought or tested yet, but with free shipping they are a killer deal.

I have linked to this metal barrel and a plastic pickle barrel above. Either would be great for stuffing with Walmart rice, beans, and flour. They can also be used for fuel.
If you have not yet started storing food, you haven’t had to deal with the time involved in filling relatively small containers. Even the 6 gallon buckets I found in bulk on Ebay for my first food article are really tedious, and as we get closer and closer to the end of the road here, I personally have not taken the time to protect all of my storage food from bugs and rodents. Being able to just throw a lot of food into big secure barrels with some 02 absorbers would be welcome, but I can’t deal with it this week. I’m thinking some of you may want to though, and these are really great deals.
I have linked above both a metal and plastic barrel, and either of those could be used for water and fuel storage as well. With plastic, any HDPE container will store all fuels just fine. You don’t need a licensed gas can, but again, this is at your own risk. I can tell you that 58 gallons of diesel in that pickle barrel, sitting at the bottom of your gutters, will never be suspected as fuel by neighbors or the authorities, and it’ll cook a lot of rice and beans with one of those wick stoves from St. Paul Mercantile that I reviewed. The metal barrel has a pressure relief valve, which is probably for gasoline I guess.
Green Family Tents

I haven’t tested this tent, but it sure looks good for the price and it is family sized with one pole, or you can get this one with the vestibule in the front. I’m ordering one to test, but I think we may be toward the end here. I hope I’m wrong.
You may laugh at this, but it is really hard to find a tent that is big enough for the family, that can take some abuse, and which is not some gaudy color. If you have to bug out, and you are going into a wooded area, the best color is olive drab green, and SG has some really big teepee style single pole tents for under $220, less with Buyer’s Club. I did a pretty good tent overview some months ago, and I did buy several of those tents, but I have yet to follow it up.
I am going to order one of these for a “comparing tents” article at some point, but I won’t be able to get to anything substantial for this column for at least a couple weeks. As many people pointed out on that original Beta mag article, SG has a pretty good track record of giving you good product at reasonable prices, even though technically you might be able to find them cheaper. That tent looks like a good deal to me.
The Cockroaches Scatter
This past week some interesting news came out, that one of the world’s largest banks is going to admit to gold and silver price manipulation, and out some of their cronies. Dane Wigington at Geoengineeringwatch.org also just released a press blitz on a recent lawsuit filed in Canada, and a pending major lawsuit in the US. Rhode Island recently had legislation introduced to prohibit genoengineering over their state. As Dane explained in his latest radio show, the powers that run all of this are going to try to keep the public in the dark until the last possible second, so that it’ll all collapse hard and fast. The ensuing chaos, they think, will protect them from culpability. The dying planet, the inflated financial system, and even the plates of the earth’s crust, are all in play, and they will all be stretched to the end as the criminal cabal of insanity run us off the cliff.
Thing are starting to uncap. Noted prepper Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne just took an extended leave of absence. For some reason the islands in Japan that were just struck with a quake were found to be covered in a strange foam. This is weird stuff, even in our crazy world where the first lady is a man. It could be just a matter of days until our run away locomotive finds us at the mouth of the long dark tunnel. Are you ready? I’m not, but I’ve tried.