Pro-Gun Parkland Student ‘Interrogated’ by Police for Shooting AR at Gun Range

Pro-Gun Parkland Student ‘Interrogated’ by Police for Shooting AR at Gun Range

Kyle Kashuv went to the range with his father.  He learned how to shoot an AR. (Photo: Twitter)

Taking a trip to the gun range with your dad isn’t what it used to be. Back in the day it was seen as an opportunity to learn the ropes of marksmanship, exercise one’s 2A rights, and spend some quality time with pops.

Not anymore! Now young shooters are seen as a threat to public safety. Their interest in firearms must be questioned. It must be scrutinized.

Parkland school shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv found that out recently. After going to the range with his father last week, he was, to use his word, “interrogated” by local police and school security. Kashuv, a junior at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, had made the mistake of posting pics of the visit on social media. Big Brother was watching.

On Monday, authorities put Kashuv’s feet to the fire. Because why would any “reasonable” student with “common sense” want to learn how to use an AR-15? 

“I can now check off being wrongfully questioned by law enforcement off my bucket list,” Kashuv said on Twitter, adding “school will be interesting for the remainder of my tenure at MSD. I am not looking forward to it.”

Kashuv told Tucker Carlson of Fox News that he believes it was “a clear attempt to intimidate me,” noting, “they used very, very, very harsh intimidation tactics.”

Very, very, very harsh intimidation tactics? Three verys? Dunno bout that. I don’t think the waterboarded the kid but that’s not the point. The point is he shouldn’t have been targeted to begin with! He did nothing wrong! NOTHING!

School officials acknowledge the meeting, saying that there were safety concerns voiced by parents and students.

“District staff and school administrators looked into this matter and following a review, determined the tweet messages to be non-threatening,” said Nadine Drew, a spokesperson for the Broward County School District in a statement. “In addition, school administrators did talk with the student.”

SEE ALSO: School Suspends Students for Simply Going to Gun Range, Irate Parents Respond

Kashuv’s encounter is becoming the new normal. We’re seeing it all over the country. Two New Jersey students were recently suspended for going to the gun range. Suspended! Not just questioned but booted from class temporarily for exercising their 2A rights. They also made the mistake of posting pics on social media.

This perverted mindset is epitomized by Greg Pittman, a history teacher at Stoneman Douglas. Pittman said the following on twitter, “After a mass shooting at a school, you don’t have to be the sharpest tack in the box to understand when another student posts a photo of an assault weapon why school security personnel and police might ask questions.”

Pittman followed it up with, “Do you have any idea what it is like for kids to go back or teachers in those classes? Kyle only did it for attention. Very very bad idea to do. Poor taste is being kind.’’

Would Pittman attack Muslim students for visiting a mosque after a terrorist attack by a radical jihadist? Would it be insensitive for those students to exercise their First Amendment rights? And, would their solemn prayers be in “poor taste”? Should they be interrogated by authorities for their beliefs?

Anyways, Kashuv had a thoughtful response, “Greg, it’s not in poor taste to learn how to defend myself to ensure I’m not the next victim. I want others to do the same. We saw that the actual first responder to an active shooter is the potential victim(s). The fact that you’re too ignorant to see that is telling.”

Makes you wonder who should be teaching whom.

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  • Dan May 2, 2018, 6:04 am

    We are going to see a wave of Democrats elected in the Fall, and they are going to be under a LOT of pressure from their constituents to do “something” about guns.

    What would save a LOT more lives in this country than restrictions on firearms purchase and/or possession, would be to require a national identification card in order to purchase alcohol.

    Drunk driving or a medical restriction on drinking, etc., and your card is suspended!

    Simple solution to a problem that kills about 100,000 Americans per year!

  • e April 29, 2018, 5:12 pm

    So much for the anti-bullying policy the schools have! Wonder why people are starting to look at the police in a negative way? Another case of schools overstepping their jurisdiction. I don’t care if he did it for attention. Why should his beliefs be stifled,? While the other students were encouraged(bullied in the name of fear) to protest against 2A. Good for any student that has the bravery to stand up for themselves and their RIGHTS! Congratulations to the FREE THINKING STUDENT AND HIS FATHER!!! Sorry school may suck for a while but you have a whole life ahead, so don’t let them take your freedoms because of fear!

  • MadDog Mike April 29, 2018, 2:11 pm

    Jr High in the 60’s – took our guns onto school bus, driver would keep them up front, give them back when we got to school, carry them into school and the classroom, teacher would place them in back of room for the day. When class was over we’d get them back, head out to field to shoot for a few hours, parents would come pick us up. Repeat throughout school year. Opening day of hunting season – no school. And it wasn’t counted against you. It’s not the guns people, it’s the people.

  • Matt April 28, 2018, 3:01 pm

    I feel for this young man when he mentions not looking forward the rest of the school year. I’d bet a paycheck that some or many of the kids who “bullied” the murderer last year will be “bullying” this young man now. Of course it sounds like this young man has some good people standing with him.

  • BR April 28, 2018, 1:43 pm

    I do need to point out that in this pic. the kid does not have him muzzle down range it is down the shooting line with a mag in place and allowed in any range I have ever shot at. That being said regardless of intentions questioning the juvenile without a parent, about a possible crime, needs to result in charges/lawsuits period, as soon as they realize they can not be as cavalier with rights as they are with laws, things will get better.

    • Mike May 2, 2018, 9:26 am

      If you look the muzzle is pointed down at the barrier that separates the lanes.
      Any of the ranges where I live have those barriers made of bullet resistant material to prevent you from shooting the person in the next lane.
      I agree with you it isn’t a smart thing to do, and also agree it is a no-no for range safety.

  • Mark April 27, 2018, 7:42 pm

    I think I’ll teach my grandkids to not anything until their parent(s) show up. Then they have no right to interrogate any youth under 18. If it’d been my son, or grandson whom I have custody with. I would have made a trip straight to the school as soon as I found out and if they were closed for the day, it’d be first thing in the morning. Then I’d tell them before I talked to them (harshly) I will tell them I am recording and to try and stop me! Oh, I would probably call one of three attorneys on retainer first!

    Then say…”see you in court”.

  • Merlin April 27, 2018, 7:40 pm

    When I was a senior in high school I heard about ARs and wanted to see one and someday shoot one. And that day happened a few months after graduation in Air Force Boot Camp. One year later I was carrying an AR in Vietnam. I did not own one until 6-7 years ago, got bored with it after I customized it (super tack driver!) and sold it. So why would a normal high- schooler want to learn about an AR?? Sweet Jesus, am I missing something here?

    • Alfred rhoden April 28, 2018, 8:05 am

      Why would a kid want to learn about an ar15 assault rifle ? Well why would a kid say want to learn home economics, or why would a kid want to learn to be a pilot, same as to learn to drive a car. It doesn’t mean that the ones that want to learn about the gun and the pilot are going to learn it for destructive reasons. Even if for the people that only see color, if you stop and think some of the smartest people in the world don’t have the same color skin as we do. This is supposed to be the home of the free and the brave. If you stop and think about guns for a min. What do you think they had a problem with before there was guns? I bet there was an out break of stabbings, or bow related deaths. And in the future for what ever weapons they come up with next I’m sure that there’s going to be an massacre with those. But people are forgetting that those guns that everyone wants to ban is the reason that we have our freedom. Just like with cell phones, alcohol, and crack. You have to be 21 to get beer, but you always here about some wild party where all these underage kids are drinking go out and drive and kill a bunch of people and all you hear is what a tragedy that the parents wasn’t there to stop them. Well reality check. We can’t stop our kids from doing or making wrong choices in life. But what we don’t do is punish everyone for what a few people do. All the folks that want gun control maybe they should go walk about in a country that has gun control, and I bet when they come back to the good ol’USA there first stop would be at a gun store to pick up a pistol, rifle or even an AR/15. What people a felling to take in to account that for every person that do the rite thing and obey all the laws and just live there life never getting in trouble or walking outside the yellow lines like with everyone else is on earth there are two or more people that just want to cause destruction, and don’t care what they use to do this weather it be guns, bombs, cars doesn’t matter what we ban they will always find something to follow through with there madness. So if we ban these guns what are we to fight off the bad people with.

    • Mike V April 28, 2018, 12:55 pm

      Yes Merlin, you are missing something.

    • Scotty Gunn April 28, 2018, 1:17 pm

      I didn’t get to shot an ar until I was at least 23. But by then, I had shot rifles, pistols, and lots of black powder guns. What shooting enthusiastic kid wouldn’t want to shoot an ar? You act like it’s evil or something.

    • Russ April 29, 2018, 12:32 pm

      Are you really that uninformed, closed minded and that judgemental? I am 54 years old and have been around guns all my life. I also got my first chance to shoot a black rifle also at boot camp. I use that term black rifle because it probably makes more sense to a person like you. Truth be told I would have loved to shoot one before that but it just wasn’t in the cards. I now own 3 and enjoy shooting each one of them. I wish I could shoot them more often but silly things like bills and other responsibilities take any additional time to do that. The other reason I do it is because I can. I am a law abiding citizen and that allows me to legally do that. I also don’t harp on people that choose not to or are too scared to try safely shooting one. I have always felt that doing things that people are uncomfortable doing like shooting in today’s climate is a good thing. I have introduced many people that hated guns or were afraid of them and are now hobbyist shooters. A few aren’t and that’s okay also, at least they tried it. I think that’s more important to our sport than demonizing a kid who just wants to shoot a gun.

    • Drew April 30, 2018, 4:22 am

      AR? Really? Don’t you mean an M16? The US military has never used AR-15’s. A soldier wouldn’t be caught dead with one because that’s exactly what he would be in about 15 minutes.

    • Randy March 22, 2019, 8:09 am

      You’re missing a lot it would seem. Thank you for your service, but obviously you’re a city boy.

  • Michael Christensen April 27, 2018, 7:33 pm

    Was he Mirandaized by the police? Why was a lawyer or his parents not present since he is a minor. Illegal detainment and detention of a minor, sounds like a lawsuit against the school district and the coward police force who did nothing during the first shooting.

  • John Rash April 27, 2018, 7:16 pm

    Did Greg Pitman put himself between the shooter and the students? Enough said.

  • scott phillips April 27, 2018, 5:35 pm

    SIEG HEIL MEIN FUHRER should have been the first thing out of his mouth
    Did I do something illegal or threatening to someone, the second thing from his mouth
    Am i under arrest? the third thing
    then …bye bye…talk to my dad and my lawyer

  • FirstStateMark April 27, 2018, 5:26 pm

    I don’t give a rats ass what anyone says about this but Social Media is fucking this world up.

    • Jake April 30, 2018, 10:21 pm

      You think is a Facebook issue? Really? Not a police overstep issue?

  • Juggio April 27, 2018, 5:13 pm

    That’s a load of bullshite, they didn’t investigate the scum that perpetrated the massacre yet they investigate Kyle Kashuv. Stand up for your rights Kyle. They got caught with their pants down and now, they try to look invested. BULLSHITE

  • Anthony Moscicki April 27, 2018, 5:09 pm

    Mid 1960’s. Lived in Brooklyn, went to college in Manhattan on the west side. Worked for a florist on the east side. He had a Savage .22 bolt action rifle sitting in the store for quite some time. I took it home on the subway in a soft case. Cleaned it up. Went to class on a Friday, took the subway as usual but with the rifle in the soft case. After class walked across Central Park to work. Trip was from West 70th Street off Broadway to Lexington Avenue off East 60th Street. Walking across the park was stopped by police officer. Showed him the rifle, said he was interested in buying it for his son. Gave him the location of the shop and went on my way with the rifle. That afternoon, after his shift was over, he stopped by and, after some dickering with my boss, left with the rifle. That was a different time, folks.
    More respect for the law and for each other.

  • skipNclair April 27, 2018, 5:03 pm

    Should have said one thing and one thing only make an appointment with my lawyer, and he will answer all your questions for me. I try not to deal with traitors and he is quite good at it.

    • Jake April 30, 2018, 10:22 pm


  • Tom Siciliano April 27, 2018, 2:18 pm

    What changes. When I purchased my first .22 rifle, my buddy and I took a city of Albany, New York bus to a Pawn Shop down town. The owner, a friend of the family had ordered the rifle for me and it was in. We picked it up, stopped at a Walgreens for a coke, jumped on our bus for home. All the time, carrying the factory carton in full view. There wasn’t any doubt about the content. We were both 13 years old. Christmas 1961. Social Media?

  • Brian April 27, 2018, 1:22 pm

    SUE,SUE,SUE! If this were my kid first he would not be going back to that school, and second my shyster would get enough money from these bastards, both the “educators” and the moron cops who interrogated him without my knowledge for him to attend any 4 year college he wanted free of charge! Damn the socialist Nazi’s!

    • Jake April 30, 2018, 10:25 pm

      Not a moron cop… just your run of the mill scumbag officer. It makes them feel big to pick on kids and piss on the law.

  • frank April 27, 2018, 1:06 pm

    It’s more then a coincidence that this infectious display of human behavior called socialism is rampart where ever ex New Yorker’s reside. They have infected south Florida and North Carolina where they are called “half backs” those that can’t adapt to the hot summers of Florida, head back to New York but never make it, hence planting their mind set and socialist agenda in the local politics of the community they settle in.

    In the medical field this infectious disease is also known as “D.Z.S.”….Democratic Zombie Syndrome.

  • 9MMAN April 27, 2018, 12:48 pm

    Common sense observation: Everyone’s radar is on ultra high awareness because of what happened and that is acutely understandable. It would be if it happened in your town too. There is a parallel here; The Parkland shooter posted pictures of himself with guns on social media. Kyle pictured himself with a gun on social media some 71 days after the event and people reported it.

    The positive side is that more people are paying attention now across America “including and especially the authorities!” Which is exactly why the Parkland shooting happened in the first place. “The authorities failed miserably including the FBI for not doing their jobs!”

    Agreed, Kyle did nothing wrong and in another time and place the social posting probably would not have created the immediate attention it did. The authorities were Ouster-sized by the public and media for making such a HUGE blunder and catastrophic failure in the Parkland shooting. Chances of it happening again are being corrected and the result is going to be an over-reaction in human behavior, right or wrong. If this event did just one thing, it woke everyone up!

    Kyle is not the only student 2A supporter in Parkland. All students who haven’t been brain washed and that believe in the 2nd should be pro-active. After all it is their right too! Be alert, stay vigilant, be of sound mind and God Bless America!

    • Mike V April 27, 2018, 4:52 pm

      With all due respect, that’s a load of bull.

      Don’t provide cover for these bafoons. There is no excuse for this preposterous over reaction.

      People threatened by this kid are being emotionally absurd or deliberately working an anti gun agenda through this.

      The authorities have no excuses.
      When confronted with this information they should have looked at the pics and words and acknowledged there was nothing to worry about.

  • Mike Donovan April 27, 2018, 12:25 pm

    Pittman should be dismissed. Clearly this “teacher” doesn’t belong in a classroom. Any classroom.

  • Sartech April 27, 2018, 12:17 pm

    Come on guys, the only real lesson here is don’t post your private life on social media…..duh!

    • Zdravko Kurtovic April 27, 2018, 1:59 pm

      Absolutely! Some have made the argument that social media is a government-created (or at least facilitated) entity whereby it can harvest vast amounts of information on citizens. Just like Google can accumulate the same with Big Brother behind the curtain.

    • kane April 27, 2018, 5:31 pm


      Social media not withstanding, the bias against Kyle Kashuv is important point.

  • Forrest Ebert April 27, 2018, 11:40 am

    Why doesn’t anyone mention the main perpetrator of most of the anti-gun anti-2 amendment rights? George Soros! He backs a lot of mayhem in the country like a modern day Hitler but yet no one points a finger his way!

  • Pat J April 27, 2018, 11:06 am

    At my local NRA endorsed club/range on Wednesday with 3 of my ARs. Next to me another old guy with an M14, next to him a kid with a 6.5mm, his own build. A good kid and a good shot with a damn nice rifle. All three of us knew the proper and safe uses for rifles and sidearms. I’m glad the FL kid has access to training and an actual father, but he needs a little more sense about his contemporaries’ hysteria. But keep training those skills are perishable and need to be built up over a lifetime. Long life, Kyle.

  • J. Smith April 27, 2018, 11:00 am

    So, now law enforcement is johhny on the spot. Great job boys. Did the post have anything threatening either written or implied? No, well then this needs to be a civil rights harrassment suit, plain and simple. NRA and gunowners of america need to lead the charge. People who dont understand freedom, who wont fight for it or to protect it dont deserve it and will sell for any comfort they deem.

  • JoeUSooner April 27, 2018, 10:47 am

    The only “safety concerns” were hoplophobic and unjustified… and they were “voiced by” a few irrational, scared “parents and students” who are too stupid to understand the concept of tools. So stupid, in fact, that they should not be allowed out in public without a Keeper!

  • Michael Gangemi April 27, 2018, 10:37 am

    Let the Law suet begin ! The young man is a minor ! Sue the living shit out of the people that actuated the child it is against the law for law enforcement to question a minor without the parents of that child being present ! The only time Law can intervene and Question a minor without the parents or legal guardian present is if there is irrefutable evidence of wrong doings ! I would have there heads on sticks for this ! My Father took me to the gun range with his partners from the Rochester Police department and taught me gun safety and target practice,. I turned out to be a better shot than my dad, who could shoot out the ace in the center of a playing card at 50 feet with a snub nose 38 Smith and Weston. It’s time to set the record straight ! Our Constitution is the supreme law of the land ! Anyone trying to subvert our constitution is a felon and will be treated as such ! Sue the bastards ! Do not take NO FOR AN ANSWER !

  • Stephen Kiraly April 27, 2018, 10:28 am

    Anybody notice there is not a peep about this in the Main Stream Media. All kinds of coverage on Pittman calling for gun control but the “objective” (cynicism on my part” MSM has nothing on him slandering the kid.

  • David Clark April 27, 2018, 10:26 am

    Living on the “Gold Coast” of Florida make no mistake Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties are simply NYC South. PC is ramped here. One dare not utter ANYTHING not supporting the crazy extreme left. So am I surprised this kid was all but water boarded to get “The truth”. Soon I’m expecting a full credit course “Mid Dark age Inquisition methods of integration”

    I’m almost OK with minimum age 21. It does seem these shooters are young, teens in most cases, and may lack the maturity to put impulses in their proper place. As for this case however the kid did NOT buy the weapon, he was under the tutelage of this Father, a seeming informed, experienced and above all a real “Dad”.

  • maxsnafu April 27, 2018, 10:25 am

    The police are NOT your friend.

    • Jake April 30, 2018, 10:26 pm

      Keep saying that as loud as possible. People need to wake up.

  • Todd April 27, 2018, 10:16 am

    Due diligence.

    That’s all I got!


    • Al April 27, 2018, 11:01 am

      What!!! BS, the tweet spoke to an instructor, and it was a public range, where he would have had to have a parent or Guardian with him or he would not have been allowed to shoot.
      NOT “due diligence”, but overreaction, and overreach.

    • Jake April 30, 2018, 10:27 pm

      Holster sniffing badge bunny.
      Cops are the main scum in the swamp.

  • jim jadwin April 27, 2018, 10:00 am

    Interrogated? Hope it was not by that spineless sheriff Israel or any of his lilly liver toad deputies of that same Sheriff’s department.

  • Stevie April 27, 2018, 9:55 am

    Well, we can’t have it both ways. If we are going to blame the cops for not intervening in Cruz’s life before he shot up the school we can’t blame them for questioning a kid posting pictures of himself with an AR-15 at a gun range. Hindsight is always 20-20 and until the cops develop mind-reading abilities they are going to have to ask questions and investigate. It’s better than attempts to ban “assault rifles”.

    • Bob April 27, 2018, 10:44 am

      Stevie your comment is just absolutely wrong. This student did not post any threats whatsoever. Was the gun too scary looking for you? He has the right to pose with the gun and post his picture on social media. Instead of taking the knee-jerk reaction to question him which is just trying to over compensate for their earlier inaction, that misguided poorly trained sheriff’s department should instead go back to law enforcement training to learn what constitutes a legitimate threat and then learn what course of action they should pursue. In the Cruz case there were numerous red flags that that lousy sheriff’s department failed to follow-up on. Don’t forget the FBI also dropping the ball. I suppose you want to ban AR-15’s also? Next time think about what you are going to say before you comment here.

      • Stevie April 28, 2018, 12:02 pm

        I didn’t say a damn thing about banning AR-15s. In fact I own more than a few. Why don’t you re-read my comment and then YOU think about what you are going to say before you comment?

    • Michael Gangemi April 27, 2018, 10:45 am

      Wrong ! If a child is found to have a disruptive and uncontrollable disrespect for authority, and displays violent tendencies ! That child should be the focus of the law, NOT SOME KID Going to the range with his DAD ! That’s harassment ! And a act of violence on the authorities actions. It’s called probable cause ! If there isn’t any, acting like their is , is HARASSMENT ! And that’s breaking the law !

      • Stevie April 28, 2018, 11:57 am

        If he’d just gone to the range with his dad he wouldn’t have been questioned. It’s only after he posted a picture of himself with an AR on social media that the police got interested. Most people don’t post pictures of themselves at the range so he brought attention to himself.

    • Al April 27, 2018, 10:58 am

      Cruz’s interactions with the authorities were far more numerous than this, and confrontational, so you’re comparing apples and oranges.

    • Michael Gangemi April 27, 2018, 11:08 am

      Wrong ! If a child is found to have a disruptive and uncontrollable disrespect for authority, and displays violent tendencies ! That child should be the focus of the law, NOT SOME KID Going to the range with his DAD ! That\’s harassment ! And a act of violence on the authorities actions. It\’s called probable cause ! If there isn\’t any, acting like their is , is HARASSMENT ! And that\’s breaking the law !

    • Jake April 30, 2018, 10:29 pm

      Consider suicide buddy

  • Peter Kullavanijaya April 27, 2018, 9:47 am

    However, if he mentioned that he has an “older” male lover, a fatherly figure, with whom he regularly engages in sex with, perhaps a State level politician, a Deputy Sheriff, the Local Pastor, or someone on the PTA Board, he would had been hailed as a “good kid”.

  • Uris Mazariegos April 27, 2018, 9:33 am

    Here is another sample of how anti-gun official harras people this school district and police departments should be charged with intimidation of minor, there is nothing wrong with exercising your 2A right cups and anti-gunner is the Taliban of America keep your eyes on them they are about to take you. 2A away and freedom

  • Steve in Detroit April 27, 2018, 9:28 am

    Interrogate a Minor Child? Lawsuit.

    • John L April 27, 2018, 3:47 pm

      Short and succinct. Well said. I raised my two grown boys to be respectful and law abiding. Had this happened to them I would have gone absolutely ballistic! Broward county seems to have a major problem with their Sheriff’s department. No problem intimidating teens. But a major problem going up against a shooter. They are a national joke.

  • jim April 27, 2018, 9:24 am

    I’m sorry for the police. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t….Every conversation had, becomes an “interrogation.” Any action taken brings out “lets sue” “throw him in jail.” Its all going to lead to no action by any officer. Have fun then folks.

  • Lawman April 27, 2018, 9:20 am

    Must have been millennium officers who questioned this youth. All kinds of training, college degrees, but, NO COMMON SENSE! Could have been handled so differently without any problems.

  • Yellowdog11 April 27, 2018, 9:10 am

    It’s comments like yours that should encourage a visit from the cops. Crap like this gives all gun owners a bad rep. Thanks for nothing asshole.

  • M C Durden April 27, 2018, 9:09 am

    This is so typical of what ill trained law enforcement is doing someone takes a proactive stance and it’s the wrong one I was a police officer for almost 30 years and I can tell you we were a lot better trained back in the day but also people were different they for the most part respected the police and the police respected the public I think that got lost some where along the way we would have went to the parent not the kid first

  • Jake April 27, 2018, 9:06 am

    When you post any comment, pic, video, etc.. to a social media website, you are directly reporting to the gestapo. Not everyone realizes this. Mainly because these sites weren’t initially designed for that. People and media downplay the importance of getting away from these sites as paranoia, or no big deal. But, if you don’t want to be spied on, don’t post to the Internet. Yes, I realize the irony of my comment. But, I will gladly share a viewpoint when I feel it may enlighten someone.

    Now, teach your kids to utter one response, and one response only, when any authority figure is questioning them on anything outside the education curriculum. “I want my Mom/Dad here now.”

  • Gene April 27, 2018, 9:03 am

    Social media should be outlawed

  • Christopher R Kennedy April 27, 2018, 9:00 am

    Seems to me that this young man’s 1st Amendment rights got a bit trampled too.

    • Jake April 27, 2018, 9:09 am

      In a roundabout way, yes. And, everyone else who hears of this story. Reason being, if BB can put fear into the hearts of all, and make them second-guess about what the “should or should not” publish. Then, Absolutely!! The 1st amendment is under attack.

  • joefoam April 27, 2018, 8:56 am

    What this kid has, and continues to be subjected to is disgusting. Gestapo interrogation tactics meant to intimidate him especially so. The teacher going on a rant in the classroom to trash him is another example of the type of people we have within our school faculties to ‘educate’ our children. Too bad the SRO and the Sheriffs office didn’t scrutinize the shooter as well as this kid, the whole event may have never occurred. Yet pass more laws, it will certainly fix the problem.

  • steven thul April 27, 2018, 8:47 am

    The time is now, Stand up and Be Heard, the powers to be are doing everything they can to Dis-Arm America, Don’t Let this Happen. Show your support for the 2nd Amendment, if you live in MN, go to the 2nd Amendment Gun Rally at the State Capitol on Saturday 28 Apr starting 12:00 noon.

  • Bill Agaana April 27, 2018, 8:46 am

    The young man DID do something wrong! He posted his “Hey, look at me!” brag on social media. One of the best ways for anyone to get in trouble, justified or not, is to brag on social media. Anyone capable of rational thought would avoid social media altogether. Anyone using social media is courting trouble.

  • Mr. Sparkles April 27, 2018, 8:30 am

    I agree that it sounds like the school and the local LE could have handled this situation better but both the young man and his Dad ought to consider using a little common sense.

    The situation was of their own making and could have best been avoided by them

    I, too, have voiced concern when my daughters have been asked as part of their yearly school sports physicals if their are guns in her home. It only took one discussion before they were able to respond of their own accord that it was nobodies business. When I go out together with either my daughters or their husbands and now their children, they all know that this is not the time to be Facebook fanatics. There is what we consider to be an unreasonable sensitivity to firearms in the more ignorant cliques of our society but by doubling down on that ignorance by broadcasting our excursions in the “gravel pit” we only invite questions and critiques that are best avoided.

    Should the school and local LE be ashamed of itself? In my opinion, YES!! But as my mama always said, “stupid is as stupid does.”

    • Mike V April 27, 2018, 12:25 pm

      So this is what we’re reduced to?
      Can’t talk about our lives, can’t live in the open?

      Don’t we invite the intolerance by allowing them to be the only voice heard?

      No sir, we will not submit.

      • Mr. Sparkles April 28, 2018, 9:52 am

        You can’t change a piece of granite by bouncing your head off of it. You have a better chance with a continuous trickle of water.

        • Mike V April 28, 2018, 1:07 pm

          You’ve conceded then. The situation is not that bleak yet in my opinion.

          However by inaction or by a lay low approach you will create that granite wall.

          You’re guaranteeing their victory.

  • David April 27, 2018, 8:26 am

    Might have saved 17 lives if law enforcement and school officials had shown this much interest in Cruze!

  • Ed Sunderland April 27, 2018, 7:51 am

    This was a disgusting flat out act of liberal act of intimidation and they did it to a kid. Insane which describes the liberal left. That was BS. They thought they could win points by doing that? What they have done is ignite gun owners to be on watch for liberal sheriff departments and schools going after kids. Today it’s guns, tomorrow it’s a picture of a pistol, “wait a minute”

  • Fed UP April 27, 2018, 7:39 am

    This young nan needs to sue these silly sob’s! As a parent I would not put up with this crap. It clearly shows the STUPID COPS WERE NOT DOING THEIR JOB WHEN THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN AND NOW THEY ARE OVER REACTING TO TRY AND COVER IT UP….SUE AND SCREW EM GOOD!!

  • Paul Heinz April 27, 2018, 7:34 am

    With regard to the dead cop comment. People like you who abuse your 1st amendment are the reason we have to fight so hard to protect our 2nd amendment. You sir are the poster child for gun control and I’m sure an integral part of the movement. No second amendment advocate would utter those words.

  • Lee from SC April 27, 2018, 7:29 am

    This whole thing happened because the young man posted his day at the range with his father. Um, every teen and tween with a phone either posts a million narcissistic selfies or documents their free time on social media. Hell, if Hi go to the zoo my phone asks me to write about my experience there and to rate the dann place. Thanks google. What he did is the norm for a kid his age. He should be commended for actively learning about his #2A rights by learning the right way. Having his Pop take him to a range and teach him proper gun safety and when or where it is appropriate to use a rifle or any weapon for that matter. The police using Gestapo tactics as well as the school would have got a great big F You! If my son wants to show others that teens can be responsible with semi automatic rifles or any fire arm that is his God given right. If this story does anything it shows the same bunker mentality as was the case after 9/11. Knee jerk reactions by leftist dumbicrats who already want to ban ALL guns from civilians but just don\’t take away the armed security details they get. I\’m not trying to minimize what happened at Parland I\’m simply putting out there what all #2A ers should already know. Kudos son for being baptized into the fight to keep our Second Amendment right. As for the Gestapo that leaned on you, let your dad tell them to go to hell. Sic Semper Tyrannis.

  • Lee from SC April 27, 2018, 7:26 am

    This whole thing happened because the young man posted his day at the range with his father. Um, every teen and tween with a phone either posts a million narcissistic selfies or documents their free time on social media. Hell, if Hi go to the zoo my phone asks me to write about my experience there and to rate the dann place. Thanks google. What he did is the norm for a kid his age. He should be commended for actively learning about his #2A rights by learning the right way. Having his Pop take him to a range and teach him proper gun safety and when or where it is appropriate to use a rifle or any weapon for that matter. The police using Gestapo tactics as well as the school would have got a great big F You! If my son wants to show others that teens can be responsible with semi automatic rifles or any fire arm that is his God given right. If this story does anything it shows the same bunker mentality as was the case after 9/11. Knee jerk reactions by leftist dumbicrats who already want to ban ALL guns from civilians but just don’t take away the armed security details they get. I’m not trying to minimize what happened at Parland I’m simply putting out there what all #2A ers should already know. Kudos son for being baptized into the fight to keep our Second Amendment right. As for the Gestapo that leaned on you, let your dad tell them to go to hell. Sic Semper Tyrannis.

  • Rich April 27, 2018, 7:25 am

    I was graduated from Madison H.S. in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 1965 as was Senator Chuck Schumer in 1967 and Senator Bernie Sanders in 1959. Madison had a RIFLE team at that time.

  • MadDog Mike April 27, 2018, 7:12 am

    First off, Andy Buckmichael, you’re a total POS. As for Coward County interrogating this kid for going to the range with his Dad, that deserves a great big fat-ass lawsuit against the County and the school board. Yeah, yeah I know they determined that no threats were made and blah, blah, blah – should have thought about that before you hauled an innocent kid and his Dad in for doing something like exercising they’re Constitutional Rights while being perfectly legal in doing so. $$$$ My Dad always said – Hit em where it hurts, right in the pocket book, then they’ll learn.

  • Scott Loombrege April 27, 2018, 7:10 am

    Millions spent by gov’t to spy on the public and they miss or allow themselves to miss the real threat. Often they kiddnap, or kill the innocent. They are the threat.

  • David Jones April 27, 2018, 7:01 am

    It’s sad it has to be this way, but the police were just doing their job. I’m certainly not surprised parents raised an alarm, particular given the overblown fears some seem to have. The issue for me would be what sort of “interrogation” it really was. A few questions asked to make sure it was legitimate, no problem. If a student posted photos of shooting anywhere, even at a gun range, parents raised an alarm bell, told authorities and they did nothing and then the person did commit a heinous crime, you know we’d be saying, “Well, the cops were told about this guy and did nothing.” So I am okay with a thoughtful question or two, but not a big interrogation.

    • Mike V April 27, 2018, 12:37 pm

      Yes, because a polite question or two would result in a school shooter confessing his desires.

      Your premise is flawed.

      If you legitimately had concerns you would have to go as hard as legally possible.

      If you have this case, you have nothing to raise concern, and therefore zero reason to interject.

      This is not acceptable behaviour in a free society.

      This cannot be tolerated.

  • Sean Carberry April 27, 2018, 6:58 am

    Wow-how about a lawsuit for rights violation? What jackasses these teachers are. Let’s convict people when we think they might commit a crime. So anybody running for any political office, off to jail with them.

  • Andy Buckmichael April 27, 2018, 6:52 am

    Useless scum cops. The only good cop is a dead cop.

    • Cyrus April 27, 2018, 7:20 am

      Ummmmmm – I’m gonna have to go ahead and completely disagree with you! That is one fucked up statement!

    • Ram6 April 27, 2018, 8:05 am

      It’s that mentality and comment that has seen more police killed in the line of duty this past year than at any other time in America. You are the problem and not the solution.

      • Jake April 30, 2018, 10:38 pm

        Today’s cops do nothing NOTHING to merit anyone’s respect. It is the police and the mentality THEY have towards CITIZENS that leads to the deaths of officers.

        The guilt of dead cops rests solely on the police them selves.
        If over half the country fears and hates you then your not doing a good job and it sure as hell is not the fault of the American citizens.
        Maybe cops should stop killing Americans and America would not think of them as low down, lying, cheating cowards.

    • MB April 27, 2018, 8:33 am

      1st Amendment rights stop when you cross the line of another persons safety. Your IP address is recorded even if you don’t use your real name and location. You could find a couple of detectives at you door an a few days. Do you really think like that or are you just spouting off because you think you have anonymity behind a keyboard? You need to seek professional help. And I would recommend if you own guns, sell them, you are dangerous. Blue lives matter….

      • Jake April 30, 2018, 11:00 pm

        Blue lives do NOT matter….. that’s a dangerous statement. Cops are grossly compensated to do a brainless job that takes very little skill. Blue lives are disposable by there very nature.

        Don’t get sad cuz some guy thinks cops are scum ( most are)…. its ok to think things that others disagree with. This dude didn’t threaten anyone.

        Listen to body counts cop killer song (totally protected speech) it’s way worse then this dude.

        I think you may just be a badge bunny.
        And a closeted socialist.

    • Yellowdog11 April 27, 2018, 9:09 am

      It’s comments like yours that should encourage a visit from the cops. Crap like this gives all gun owners a bad rep. Thanks for nothing asshole.

    • Jake April 27, 2018, 12:23 pm

      I guess this “Andy” clown is the Soros plant here today.

      • Jake April 30, 2018, 11:02 pm

        People like soros use the police to fuck with Americans…. wake up. Government bad… m’kay. Cops are government.

    • Al Joy April 27, 2018, 12:47 pm

      Taking the kid in for questioning without his parents being present was ndefinately the wrong move. If they take you in for making a dumb ass statement like that, first ammendment or not you should be taken in for questioning. Todays youth need to learn to respect cops and know what a cops job curtails. Thumbs down to your comment.

      • Jake April 30, 2018, 11:09 pm

        You want the government to interrogate an American citizen for a statement like “ the only good cop is a dead cop”……. Really?
        Maybe if he said something like “im gonna kill” or something but he didn’t…
        you just don’t like his opinion so you think it should be silenced.
        Thou not very articulate, it is indeed protected speech.
        A lot of people ( I’d say most ) don’t think highly of law enforcement… this county is a prime example of why.

        You are preaching socialism here buddy

    • Jake April 30, 2018, 10:46 pm

      No no no…. dead cops create a bunch of tax payer paid funerals… they ARNT worth that… I don’t want a parade for these loosers.
      But a hell of a lot less money, a fuel saving car and a camera instead of a gun would go a long way.
      Passing bills that make is super easy to put a cop in a prison… like a year of hard time for a cop caught speeding.
      Much better to put them in prison to be raped on a daily basis….. just like they do to America…. fitting.

  • [email protected] April 27, 2018, 6:50 am

    Omg, all gun owners with children need to post similar pictures and overrun the internet. If we don’t band together now, tomorrow will be too late.

  • Joe April 27, 2018, 5:26 am

    The kid thought it might be cool to bring some attention to himself during a time when the community was on high tension status. Not a good idea Kid.

    • Mike V April 27, 2018, 12:44 pm

      Right, because attention grabbing is frowned upon by his fellow students/ activists/ grand standers.

      Nothing more than the “wrong” opinion/ lifestyle being shared.

      A perfectly legal and moral activity, protected by the constitution is forbidden by some of his fellow students and their parents…therefore they send the authorities in?

      It’s his life, it’s none of the states business.

    • Jake April 30, 2018, 10:31 pm

      Joe, you are a pussie and this kid has 10x the guts you will ever or have ever had.
      Move to China.

  • Jonathan Bailey April 27, 2018, 5:04 am

    Because why would any “reasonable” student with “common sense” want to learn how to use an AR-15?

    1. this gun has very low recoil due to the virtues of its gas operation: it is a boon for training children new to firing guns
    2. 5.56 ammunition can be found in abundance and very cheap
    3. it makes a very accurate, flat-shooting small-varmint rifle, an excellent squirrel gun
    4. it fits the frames of minor children and women well
    5. it is a rugged rifle that is practical to use in rough-weather outdoor shooting environments

  • Art The Fart April 27, 2018, 4:43 am

    It is none of anyone’s business, whether or not this young man went to the shooting range with his father or not. It sounds like these so called law enforcement officers are Pigs, with nothing better to do, than try to harass and intimidate good honest citizens. I would have told them that it was none of their damn business where I took my son, and that would have been the end of it.

    • ron April 27, 2018, 7:14 am

      As I understand it, the father wasn’t even there when this happened. But I agree with you.

  • Dr. Strangelove April 27, 2018, 4:22 am

    This is the new normal. Too bad the incompetent police force of Coward County didn’t give the same scrutiny to the shooter.

  • Gourdhead April 27, 2018, 4:21 am

    I would sue and own the thug, so-called officers that did this as well as anyone else involved.

  • Terry April 27, 2018, 4:08 am

    I hope this kid sues the school and p.d. For millions after they pulled shit like this. Disgusting.

  • Side with the kid on this April 27, 2018, 3:49 am

    You say that since he wasn’t waterboarded, that it doesn’t warrant 3 verys. I’d say that is disingenuous. This is that awkward time of a kids life when he doesn’t really understand all of the rules and authority figures have a very intimidating role, and can cause far more stress than if it were done to an adult. I applaud the kid for being willing to post anything. I haven’t posted anything to any of my media accounts for years because I have too many libtard friends on it that would freak out and my life is far too short to deal with the waves. So I just practice on my own and post stupid things like saying I liked a movie. Those that I choose will know about my firearms and no one else.

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