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The Problem is Black People?  - Inner City Gun Violence, Obama, Bloomberg & China

The Problem is Black People? – Inner City Gun Violence, Obama, Bloomberg & China

I absolutely boil over when I see yet another fool blame gun violence on black people. It is almost as bad as blaming it on the guns themselves. The latest story being linked to by the “alternative media” is by Karl Denninger, for his The Market Ticker website entitled “The Real Gun Violence Issue.” After poking fun at a couple anecdotal stories meant to expose the complete disregard for human life by inner city black people, Mr. Denninger makes a completely undocumented statement about gun violence:

“Indeed, if you take out black-on-black homicide in the major cities from our so-called “blood-red streets” that Bloomberg and others claim as our emblem of “endemic gun violence” you find that something like three quarters of all gun murders disappear.”

Fire Your Mayor!  Shut Down Bloomberg's Anti-Gun MAIG

Fire Your Mayor! Shut Down Bloomberg’s Anti-Gun MAIG

It is time to dismantle “Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” or MAIG. The organization started as a great idea. Who doesn’t want to fight the transfer of illegal guns? The problem is, this organization was corrupt from the start. Started by **former** mayors Micheal Bloomberg and Boston’s Thomas Menino, it has now come out that the intent of of the group was always to confiscate all firearms from legal and law abiding gun owners. This week marked the departure from the group of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Mayor John C. Tkazyik. He claims to be an NRA member and that he has always supported lawful firearms ownership. Apparently he was lured into MAIG with false promises of support for programs that get actual results in fighting local crime and homicides, then eventually figured out that MAIG was just a bunch of gun grabbers with an Orwelian reverse-think name.

The 2nd Amendment vs. Bloomberg's Money & Obama's Campaign

The 2nd Amendment vs. Bloomberg’s Money & Obama’s Campaign

This is a video of a half hour “fireside chat” type interview with NRA President David Keene. You will most likely have to sit through a short advertisement to watch it, but it is actually very good. There are a couple points at the beginning which everyone should share with their friends and legislators, outlined below. The most disgusting thing about this mess is that it is readily apparent at this point that President Obama and the anti-gunners at Brady saw Sandy Hook as an opportunity. How disgusting is that? Is America’s 2nd Amendment freedom really going to fall victim to Michael Bloomberg’s money?

You may have read the article on Drudge that suggested this fight is over, but it is not. Contact and re-contact your legislators and tell them that we offer NO QUARTER to politicians who vote against our 2nd Amendment rights. American gun owners will not tolerate any new gun legislation as a result of the PR campaign from Sandy Hook. That means no gun bans, no magazine bans, no killing our gun shows, no stopping private interstate transfers of firearms, and NO CLASSIFYING US ALL AS CRAZY SO YOU CAN TAKE OUR GUNS AWAY.

Bloomberg Internet Gun Sting a Scam as Usual

We don’t do a lot of opinion pieces in the GunsAmerica Blog. This is the first one in fact. New York City’s mayor Bloomberg announced the results of a new sting conducted by his office today, focusing on internet gun sales. He is using the same tactics he has employed to go after legal gun sales at gun shows, implying that American gun owners are by nature dishonest and willing to break the law to sell their firearms. Would you break a federal law for $450, or even ten times that? Probably not. American gun owners are law abiding citizens and proud of our long history of supporting law enforcement and the laws as they are written, even if we disagree with them.

As usual, the facts are skewed all over the place, vague where Bloomberg chooses to be vague, and specific and factual where he has an anecdotal soundbyte or video clip he can play. Thankfully they do not appear to involve GunsAmerica sellers, but this is only the tip of the iceberg and if we don’t say something nobody will. Unfortunately Diane Sawyer and the talking heads at ABC News don’t question the sketchy report as usual, and we have received no questions from them, from law enforcement or from Mayor Bloomberg’s office to request for comments. CNN seems to have lost the picture of me from 1999, but you may remember that Chuck Schumer tried to regulate internet gun sales back then. The article is here, and they even brought me into a little secret CNN studio in Boston to do an interview. As I explained to Mr. Schumer back then, the gun grabbers just don’t have their facts straight. American gun owners by and large are overwhelmingly honest and law abiding. At least Schumer in 1999 wasn’t deliberately manipulating the facts for political gains.

I wonder why GunsAmerica is not mentioned? Could it be that Bloomberg targeted unknown, old, dead and dying websites that have no supervision over who comes and goes, then targeted specific ads that appear to have been placed by people who own but know little about guns? He does mention Craigslist, which of course has a NO GUNS POLICY, similar to Ebay, Amazon and other national online for-sale and auction websites. And the article does mention our only major competitor, Gunbroker, as if they are the Kleenex of internet gun sales, but according to, it is GunsAmerica that has the most unique visitors looking for guns these days, even without a NASCAR sponsorship. Go figure.

Bloomberg says that the BATFE is not doing their job, be we know they are, and they do it well. We are generally in weekly contact with the US Department of Justice. They know we have a “no subpoena” policy and they ask us to investigate suspect accounts all the time. We have also been involved with several cases over the years involving state and local police agencies, mostly to catch scammers who never possessed any guns, and BATF (now E) has always know that we have an open policy with anything they need from us. Since the Patriot Act, several federal agencies, including BATFE, monitor GunsAmerica every day. Over 3 million people come and go from here every month (about twice what is shown on Compete, as measured by Google Analytics). Even though we don’t agree with all of the laws, we support law enforcement efforts to catch the actual bad guys. Bad guys make law abiding American gun owners look bad, and we want them in jail as quickly as possible.

Yet despite our almost 15 year record of complete cooperation with law enforcement, no calls or emails from Bloomberg. I wonder why?

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David Trahan, the head of the Sportsmen Alliance of Maine.

Maine’s New Waiting Period Sparks Lawsuit from Sportsman’s Alliance

He added, “We might as well say we’ll never have another gun show in Maine.”

A photo AG Merrick Garland.

DOJ’s Dangerous ‘Red Flag’ Distribution Center

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is embarking on a dangerous journey to distribute the destruction of rights by creating a “one-stop-shop” for states to deny Due Process rights to citizens.

Brady lies again about gun violence.

Brady Gun Control Debuts New Lie On CNN

CNN has an in-house fact checker but it’s unlikely that the statement from Brown will get any second look.

Cori Bush reading a children's book.

‘Suck It Up’ — Anti-Gun Congresswoman’s Private Security Payments Get More Scrutiny

“I also believe in transparency which is why I can confirm that the Department of Justice is reviewing my campaign’s spending on security services,” Rep. Bush said after the new investigations were announced.

Simple Gourmet: Elk Cheesesteak Sandwiches

UN Conference Pushes Anti-Hunting ‘Meatless’ Agenda to Fight Climate Change

“The world’s most-developed nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat as part of the first comprehensive plan to bring the global agrifood industry into line with the Paris climate agreement,” Bloomberg reported

New York Post Calls out Mayor Adams for Blaming Guns for Subway Murders 

Mayor Eric Adams Assaults the Truth While Calling for ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban

During a press conference, Mayor Adams called for a new gun ban while speaking about the recent tragedy in Lewiston, Maine, and revealing a bigger issue.