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NRA Reacts to ‘Ghost Gun’ Ban

‘NRA is Slowly Dying,’ Says Newsweek

In a recent article for Newsweek, journalist Kate Plummer argues that the National Rifle Association is “slowly dying.”

President Biden

Congressional Gun Control Activists Still Wishing for A Presidential Miracle

Wish they may, wish they might – gun control Democrats in Congress are still holding out hope President Joe Biden will deliver their biggest wish. What they shouldn’t hold is their breath.

Gabby Giffords at a rally in Michigan.

Giffords Gun Control Tries ‘ILL’ Fundraising Scheme

They use the courts to try to convince judges and juries that a firearm that was lawfully made and lawfully sold, and subsequently misused by a criminal to harm someone else, is somehow the fault of the manufacturer.

Bloomberg's 2A Lies on Full Display During Fox News Town Hall

Anti-Gun Lobby Takes Victory Lap, Touts 2023 ‘Wins’

The organization, which is primarily funded by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, claims state legislatures have passed more than 80 “gun safety policies” and blocked 95% of the gun lobby’s agenda.

Soros Scion to Lead Father’s Progressive Powerhouse, ‘More Political’ Than Namesake

George Soros has been on a progressive political spending spree, becoming one of the biggest donors to Democratic political candidates.

Gabby Giffords at a rally in Michigan.

Anti-Gun Advocates Urge Law Students to Forsake Firearm Industry

Two gun control groups are putting a 21st Century twist on the line and taking to university campuses to convince law students to pledge to never represent the firearm industry, or its interests, in court.

Michigan House Speaker Joe Tate before a lectern.

Michigan Speaker Disarms House Staff: ‘Weapons do not belong in the workplace’

“Weapons do not belong in the workplace,” Amber McCann, a spokeswoman for Tate, told The Detroit News.

Sign in gun store.

ATF Data Confirms ‘Operation Secure Store’ Has Positive Impact

New ATF Data on FFL burglaries, robberies and the number of stolen guns confirms the firearm industry’s Operation Secure Store® makes communities safer.

Did Gun Control Advocates Just Admit Firearm Manufacturing Is A Net Positive for Communities?

Did Gun Control Advocates Just Admit Firearm Manufacturing Is A Net Positive for Communities?

I accepted a position at Mossberg in July of 1986, where I worked until I joined NSSF four years ago.

Sorry Gun Control.  Voters Don't Love Your Pet Issue

Sorry Gun Control. Voters Don’t Love Your Pet Issue

Voter polling is showing that radical gun control isn’t a leading concern as America is closing in on election day Nov. 8.