SHOT Show Thief Caught on Camera, Arrested by Police

Last week’s SHOT Show was a great success and truly one of the more unique shows I’ve attended.  With over 65,000 in attendance, it was the second biggest of all time.  The majority of exhibitors brought products that were not only new but also inventive reminding one that the firearms industry has some of the most creative minds working in any field.

SHOT Show Thief Caught on Camera, Arrested by Police

There is the suspect circled in yellow.

Yet, while the experience was almost entirely positive, there was at least one knucklehead at the show.  This individual stole a Trijicon red dot optic and an American Defense MFG mount from a product display case.

What this thief didn’t realize is that there are about a bizillion cameras in Vegas.  Well, he was caught on camera and when American Defense MFG made his photo public, it didn’t take that long for authorities to catch the suspect.

In a post on Facebook, American Defense MFG said that the “suspect has been arrested and charged,” also noting that “Las Vegas Metro PD and Century Security did an absolute jam up job!”  The items were also recovered from the thief.

Crazy that someone would think that they could walk into SHOT Show, steal and get away with it.  But criminals aren’t typically the sharpest tools in the shed.  Hopefully he gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  • Tony C January 28, 2017, 2:44 pm

    Am I the only one who suspects the guy on the cell phone? In the beginning of the clip. Looked like he palmed something and stuck it in his left pocket as he walked away. Before I saw the highlight of the suspect they caught, I thought for sure I ID’d the right one right off. I don’t want to make trouble for an innocent guy but maybe worth a second look.

    • Dave Hicks January 29, 2017, 12:52 pm

      Tony C you better take a 2nd look The guy on the cell just stuck his thumb in his pocket. Better question who is manning the display ? The SHOT SHOW is to promote products Who’s at this display to talk to and stop the crook.Let the cameras do everything .???

  • Reaper762 January 28, 2017, 3:37 am

    I’m still waiting to hear what happened with the guy that stole the AK50 prototype from last years SHOT show? Did they end up catching him, recover the gun, etc?

  • Terry N January 27, 2017, 3:09 pm

    To what company were his entry credentials issued?? A little chat with them is in order.

  • fritz bousigschouer January 27, 2017, 2:13 pm

    he also needs to be banned from attending shot show for life. i now of one dealer that did steal a $ 11 flashlight at a flashlight manufacturers booth say 3 years back. and longer back half of a back then new spyderco tool was stolen, cant remember if that was shot or iwa. so watch your stuff!

  • Eric Holder January 27, 2017, 2:09 pm

    I would be curious about his background and if he is retired from so other job? Pretty strange and he will probably beat it with some type of psychological disorder that says he has impulsive behavior and forgot his medication. At least the rest of the show was like Ivory Soap……………………99.4 percent pure!

  • JR Shepard January 27, 2017, 11:27 am

    Inexcusable behavior! He was a member of the industry who qualified to attend the best firearms show in the world and he stole from it. Publish his name and business affiliation. Let the locals spurn his business if he is an owner. If he is an employee, fire him.

  • Leighton Cavendish January 27, 2017, 9:54 am

    Folks at SHOT are NOT visitors off the street…so he is involved with a vendor or the show in some way.
    Not just some guy off the street that walked in…did not buy a ticket to attend… he has connections in the industry.

  • Matthew Malia January 27, 2017, 9:45 am

    Vegas cops don’t come for shoplifting. Can tell you that after living there for a year. They will not respond to shoplifting. The stores have their own security. Maybe the publicity, maybe because its firearms accessories but telling you, no cops gonna come for shoplifters.

    • Lee Elliott January 27, 2017, 11:08 am

      This was not a shop/store/dept. store, it was a trade show. Big difference. I’ve never heard of ‘Showlifting’. The ‘idiot’ was arrested regardless.

      • Rob O January 27, 2017, 4:29 pm

        Trade Shows are Big Business in Vegas. They bring a lot of money to town. Incidents that take place at them should be considered serious. Gain a bad reputation and Trade Shows will find some where else to do business.

  • Sean Lanigan January 27, 2017, 9:38 am

    They should have published his name in this article. We need to start shaming idiots like this.

  • Kevin January 27, 2017, 8:01 am

    I thought what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas? Oh wait I guess he will be staying in Vegas!

    • bison1913 January 27, 2017, 3:30 pm

      Now… that is funny!!!!

    • Miles Huggins January 27, 2017, 11:58 pm

      Instant Classic

  • RetNavet January 27, 2017, 7:55 am

    What an incredible moron…he should have at least worn his toupee

  • macko January 27, 2017, 7:08 am

    What would be great is a vid of the arrest

  • SuperG January 26, 2017, 12:54 pm

    Thankfully he was in Nevada, where they actually punish criminals. You feel me O.J.?

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