SIG AIR ProForce products are designed as exact replicas of the real deal SIG guns in look, balance and feel. SIG AIR ProForce airsoft offerings include the M17 airsoft pistol, P229 airsoft pistol and the newest model, the MCX Virtus airsoft rifle.
SIG AIR ProForce guns are not the light weight airsoft toys seen in big box stores. They are built to survive the abuse of a training environment. The orange tips make it obvious to everyone that they are safe for force-on-force exercises. These guns include Picatinny rails and M-Lok slots for modular configuration so accessories like lights, lasers and sights can match those on one’s duty guns. ProForce guns all feature an adjustable “hop-up” which creates spin on the airsoft BBs for additional stabilization in flight, resulting in increased distance and accuracy.
A big issue with marking cartridges is the extensive protective gear required that makes movement and aiming difficult. A training technique I have found very useful is force on blank. The trainees use marking cartridges and only the role players (bad guys) have full protective gear. The role players can shoot airsoft BBs or just let the gas cycle their guns with no projectiles.
Shot without BBs, the ProForce makes a sharp noise and the action cycles, but nothing comes out. On the M17 and P229, you can block the magazine follower to disable the last round slide hold open feature. This allows trainees to perceive recoil the ability to get full feedback on their actions without the cumbersome protective gear that limits motion and muffles speech.
The role players react to the trainees actions and react appropriately simulating the effects of live rounds. At contact distances, marking rounds and pyrotechnic blanks can injure trainees. Using airsoft without BBs eliminates this risk and allows contact distance defensive tactics training with greatly reduced risk. Blank fire can be used by role players or trainees as training requirements dictate.

The SIG AIR ProForce MCX Virtus airsoft rifle has added a long gun option with three fire control modes: safe, semi-automatic, and automatic. This automatic electric gun (AEG) is powered by a rechargeable battery. The magazine holds 120 rounds of 6mm airsoft BBs, with a velocity up to 370 fps and muzzle energy of 1 joule (using a .20-gram polymer BB.) A single charge will allow you to shoot six 30 round magazines with charge to spare.
ProForce MCX Virtus airsoft rifle: MSRP: $419.99

The US Coast Guard has selected the SIG AIR ProForce P229 as a force-on-force trainer for their armed officers. This P229 is a full-size airsoft pistol with a full-metal slide and realistic blowback. The drop-free magazine holds a green gas tank and 25 rounds of airsoft BBs. A Picatinny accessory rail allows for the mounting of a laser or tactical flashlight. Fixed front and rear white-dot sights facilitate quick target acquisition.
ProForce P229 Airsoft Pistol: MSRP: $ 149.99

SIG’s AIR ProForce M17 airsoft pistol is virtually identical in look and feel to the U.S. military’s M17 9mm pistol with a polymer frame and metal slide with full blow-back action. The drop free magazine contains the gas and holds 21 rounds of 6mm airsoft BBs. A Picatinny accessory rail allows for quick and easy accessory mounting . The M17 is available in 12g CO2 cartridge or green gas power options.
As micro red dot sights (MRDS) become more prevalent on duty guns and everyday carry, there is an emerging training requirement for red dots on training guns. The ProForce M17 is cut to mount the soon to be released SIG AIR Red Dot Optic making MRDS training much more available and affordable.
ProForce M17 Airsoft Pistol: MSRP: $159.99

I have been using the ProForce pistols in law enforcement training for several months. They can fire 6mm airsoft BBs or used as blank firing guns with no projectile. They are sturdy enough for defensive tactics training and fit into the same holsters as the real SIG handguns. Airsoft BBs can be had for 1/3 of a penny each, less if you buy in bulk. They don’t require the bulky protective gear and high costs of of marking cartridges.

MantisX is a sensor which attaches to any Picatinny rail. Internal gyroscopes and accelerometers collect movement data before, during, and after your shot. It pairs to your smartphone via Bluetooth 4.0 and a free app acts as a robot coach to analyze the data and diagnoses your shooting mechanics and provides real-time suggestions.
SEE ALSO: Shoot Better with the MantisX – Dry Fire/Live Fire Analysis
MantisX can be used with dry fire or live fire, but the most interesting mode to me is CO2. Using ProForce pistols to provide recoil action (no need for BBs), the MantisX will monitor your smallest movements and anticipations. It can even analyze your draw. Cheap green gas is the perfect propellent to train with MantisX.
Engineered to perform under the demanding conditions of professional training, SIG AIR ProForce products provide exact replicas of SIG guns that fit in SIG holsters and handle just like the real thing. The SIG AIR ProForce airsoft M17, P229 and the MCX Virtus provide new great tools for trainers.
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