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HAYMARKET, VA – February 16, 2024 – SK Guns®, the Nation’s only series-driven, limited-edition manufacturer of custom firearms, is proud to announce the release of the Pascual Orozco-inspired firearm, the third production in the historic Mexican “La Revolucion” Series.
Orozco was a natural military leader. In October 1910, he was named Jefe Revolucionario (Revolutionary Leader) for going against the Porfirio Díaz dictatorship. A week after the Mexican Revolution war broke out, Orozco obtained his first victory, against General Juan Navarro in Ciudad Juárez.
“Pascual Orozco was a key element to Mexico securing victory in its war for independence,” said Simon Khiabani, owner and founder of SK Guns. “This limited-edition firearm pays tribute to the man who secured key victories in Northern Mexico, notably in the battle for Ciudad Juárez in Chihuahua.”
To pay tribute to Orozco, SK Customs is introducing a limited-edition production run of only 300 Colt 1911 Full-Size Government Models chambered in 38 Super. Featuring a high polished royal blue finish with selective silver plating, each pistol will include a special engraved edition number.
SEE ALSO: SK Customs Unleashes ‘Michelangelo’ in Renaissance Firearm Series
Consistent with the Pancho Villa and Venustiano Carranza productions, this firearm continues with a depiction of the “Monument to the Revolution.” A cannas lily, native to Mexico, is wrapped around the slide and accompanied by an illustration of a silver-plated Orozco on horseback to commemorate the victory he secured at the battle of “Cańon de Mal Paso Enero 1911.”
Orozco was infamous for ordering that the uniforms of dead soldiers be sent to President Díaz. His notorious saying – “Ahí te van las hojas, mándame más tamales.” or “Here are the wrappers, send me more tamales.” – is engraved on the frame of this production.
This production will also feature the Orozco Family Coat of Arms as well as a depiction of revolutionary fighters in Orozco’s camp, silver plated a ribbon reading “Ciudaded Juárez, Chihuahua”.
Completing the firearm, a portrait of Orozco sits atop the slide. There is a bandolier near the gun’s chamber, just below the iconic Mexican Eagle respective for its era. The firearm wears a set of custom Kirinite® grips embedded with a set of custom 24k Gold Peso Medallions.
MSRP of this unique collectible is $3,000.
Follow SK Customs on Instagram and Facebook to be the first to learn of its newest production launches or visit www.skguns.com.
About SK Guns/SK Customs
With over 20 years building private custom firearms, we have changed the future in being the industry’s first leader of custom, limited-edition, series driven production of manufactured collectable firearms. The SK Guns® brand has taken the next step to further deliver our vision on what custom limited-edition means to us.
Through a strategic rebranding, the SK Arms VA® and SK Customs® brands now fall under the new name, SK Guns®. Expanding on our brands and locations gives our firearms more opportunity to reach our collectors and dealers. SK Guns® has expanded their capabilities to manufacture “Uniquely Custom®” firearms with a level of unmatched quality and artist conceptual values.
Our team of master engravers, expert finishers, historians and master gunsmiths dedicate themselves to every detail within our brand of SK Customs® production lines of custom firearms. To learn more about our past, current and future products, visit skarmsva.com.
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