State Tells Gun Store Owner He Must Surrender ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ License Plate

State Tells Gun Store Owner He Must Surrender ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ License Plate
Gun store owner Nathan Kirk proudly showcasing his LGBFJB license plate. (Photo: James Nicholas)

The state of Alabama is instructing Nathan Kirk, the owner of Blount County Tactical, to surrender his personalized license plate because it contains “objectionable language.” 

What does it say exactly?

Well, the plate itself simply reads, “LGBFJB” with “Don’t Tread On Me” written on the bottom.  This is apparently unacceptable to the bureaucrats who run the department. 

“The Alabama Department of Revenue, Motor Vehicle Division, has determined the above referenced license plate contains objectionable language,” they wrote in a letter dated Feb. 17, addressed to Kirk’s wife, Courtney, whose name the truck’s officially registered under.  

“Which is considered by the Department to be offensive to the peace and dignity of the State of Alabama,” they continued.

State Tells Gun Store Owner He Must Surrender ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ License Plate
The letter from the State of Alabama Dept. of Revenue. (Photo: James Nicholas)

Kirk told that there’s nothing vulgar or obscene about the plate.

“I say “forget,” instead of the other word,” he explained, suggesting an alternative interpretation could be Let’s Go Brandon Forget Joe Biden.

“My point is, it’s letters,” Kirk said, referencing the plate for which he paid $700 for back in October. “It could be my kid’s initials. It could be my grandmother or grandfather. It’s just letters. It doesn’t spell anything.”

State Tells Gun Store Owner He Must Surrender ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ License Plate
Do you find the plate objectionable? (Photo: James Nicholas)

Kirk said he’s received a lot of support from the community and is currently considering legal action to keep his plate.

“Most people only think it’s free speech if it only represents a certain aspect of the country or a certain portion of the country, and that’s not what the First Amendment is about,” he said.

“I have the right to put a tag on my vehicle and it can say what I want it to say,” he added.

The state, meanwhile, set a deadline for Kirk to comply.

“Failure to surrender the license plate within ten (10) days of receipt of this notice will result in the revocation of the vehicle registration,” the letter reads.

“Please be advised that operation of a vehicle with revoked registration may subject the vehicle owner to a maximum fine of $500 for the first offense and $1,000 for the second or subsequent offense,” it continues.

Stay tuned for updates.

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  • Amir Fazadh March 7, 2022, 12:52 pm

    FCKTRMP would prolly pass muster, because it doesn’t “spel” anything. Perhaps getting a rainbow/unicorn plate with that on it would be allowed?
    Screw the commies. Engage in “lawfare” on their front lawn, like the Left always does! Hit em in the nutsack! It was ALREADY APPROVED AND ISSUED! They blew their chance. Some Karen Leftist probably wrote to the DMV about how much they were offended. MELT THOSE SNOWFLAKES!!!

  • Stan d. Upnow March 6, 2022, 1:20 pm

    Screw the DMV! Sue them for $10million for violation of your civil rights. And this is Alabama? Whew

  • DD March 5, 2022, 2:26 am

    Violation of your First amendment plain and simple. Sue the F**King shit out of them until they don’t try that shit ever again to any American.

  • Maglide March 4, 2022, 9:58 pm

    I’d be careful. Someone could steal that plate as a keepsake. You’d have to advise them its been stolen and what a hassle that would be…

  • Fred Davison March 4, 2022, 6:45 pm

    Before the last “election” a neighbor wrote “F..K Trump in large letters on the windows of her car and had a huge banner made with the same that she placed on the front of her house. Of course the first word was spelled out. I spoke with a city cop about it and the reply was “first amendment”. So there is nothing I can do? “Live with it”. So, I can make a large sign that reads “send all Mexicans South” and put it in my front yard? “You sure have that right”. Are you going to park in my driveway to protect me and my house? “NO”. End of conversation. Of course this is Michigan home of governor Witless.

  • Kenneth Hoffman March 4, 2022, 5:52 pm

    I think the person who wrote the letter ought to lose their job — for even thinking of what that “obscenity” (in their phucked up eyes) means. I agree that it could be the letters for his children, his business, his parents –and like the person added, “Like guns, buy firearms, just because…” I bet we could come up with hundreds of slogans using that scrambled alphabet. I guess Alabama REALLY does have more than its share of posterior depressions.

  • Matt March 4, 2022, 2:35 pm

    I admire the people of the state of Alabama. They don’t mind telling you like it is. War Eagle! He may be an Alabama fan but I hope he wins this fight.

    I guess this guy never found out about the Ford Motor Co. Supporting most of the agenda he is against. Every year with millions of dollars they support the Democratic party and it’s agenda. They donate millions to the LGBT through the Ford Foundation. And millions again to supporters of abortion in this country. They are listed at the top of supporters for both.

    If you buy one you are assisting your enemy as much as Joe Biden and Russian oil. Nobody’s perfect right.

    • GlennVA March 5, 2022, 10:25 am

      I appreciate the info on FORD. Things I never knew, but abhor.

      As for recall of license plates, it reminds me of a new Law (if not, it will be). There is a certain “N” word that must have been copyrighted. It’s used very often, and is admired by, a certain group of people. If a Caucasian person uses this word in any form they may be castrated. And now I see that the ignoramous in power is working on the word “Squaw” to be the same fate as the “N” word.

    • Stan d. Upnow March 6, 2022, 1:26 pm

      I’ve never owned a Ford anything. We need to hit these “woke” companies where they’ll feel it —
      the bottom line. I’ve already stopped doing business with several, Amazon top of the list.
      Check your credit card bank. You might be surprised.

    • a11four1 March 7, 2022, 1:56 am

      Not only Ford Motor the corporation, they have a swarm of union members, and unions traditionally cater to the Demo ticket.
      Which is the case, of course; desperately need that polling and lobbying ability to stave off increasing ‘Right To Work” states.
      And to attempts canceling and/ or ridiculing my comment with BS about 40 hour weeks, benefits, and especially hourly rates, are lame.
      Don’t make enough? Learn something else or climb that ladder of companies.
      Loyalty to employer loyalty is just lazy, when it should be a two-way street.
      Want perks? Negotiate, and quit when they don’t come through with promises.
      Flipping burgers, at $18 and more? Not buying tools, uniforms, workboots….

  • ccrider March 4, 2022, 1:58 pm

    I’m sure a liberal saw it with the frame and called to complain. I think it would’ve been harder for them to notice if there was no frame letting them know what the plate said. I doubt if they are that smart. Then he could’ve made up what it meant-like “a11four1” posted. $700? South Dakota charges $25 for up to 7 characters!

    • Stan d. Upnow March 6, 2022, 1:28 pm

      After hearing his story, I can well imagine that it’s $25 for the plate and $675 for a donation to the Progressive-Socialist Party.

  • Rickey March 4, 2022, 10:38 am

    They will be happy until they have total control of our lives.

  • Jose Vicente Vega March 4, 2022, 10:35 am

    TAKE TO COURT, LAW SUIT OPEN @ BANK ACCOUNT FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO DONATE MONEY TO PAID ATTONEYS AND COURT COST. I WILL BE THE FIRST TO DONATE, I have @ family attorney for over 20 years(marriet with my sister) but I live in Florida I don’t know if he can work in Alabama.

  • Roger March 4, 2022, 9:49 am

    What happened to FREE SPEECH??? Guess after they decided to take guns away, they decided to after free speech, Kind of reminds me of a guy named Hitler or present-day Putin.

  • Tony Goodwin March 4, 2022, 9:41 am

    The State of Alabama had their opportunity to reject or repeal this man’s license plate October 2021. Instead they took his money and made and issued his license plate. What’s next are they going to request everyone who has the references to Heart of Dixie, rebel flag, etc to be returned?
    I support the First and Second Amendment and Nathan Kirk’s right to own and display his license plate!
    I was born and raised in the United States of America not the United States of the Offended.
    American by birth and Southern by the grace of God!😎

  • DSH March 4, 2022, 9:23 am

    He owns a gun store… I read it as saying “Loves Guns Buys Firearms Just Because”

    • a11four1 March 4, 2022, 11:59 am

      reinforcing my comment pasting this ” He owns a gun store… I read it as saying “Loves Guns Buys Firearms Just Because”.

      No jury on earth could say otherwise, just like it could be interpreted in support of gender confusion.

      As suggested below; keep plate, pay fines and offer cross-posted online at a tremendous profit, Right after publicizing the entire affair; any denials (ie youtube) will surely increase the value.

      Another solution is re-register and display in window as a plaque, demonstrating free speech to the fullest. If they prosecute that, they better go after every ‘John Deere’, ‘Cat’, ‘NRA’, non-plate statewide.

      • a11four1 March 4, 2022, 12:05 pm

        And I’m sharing this article BROADLY.

  • Budd March 4, 2022, 8:58 am

    HEY… He’s a businessman. So, make a deal with the state. Since it had to already pass the criteria for obscenity with the system to be printed, if they want it that bad, offer to sell it to them as a “collectors item”. List it on the net for $10,000. If they don’t buy it, maybe some other person might?

  • Mac McDonald March 4, 2022, 8:43 am

    A few things: How does veh licensing work in AL…$700 for a personalized plate…??? WOW…! Also, if the state approved it to begin with (if it works that way, as in my/other states)…they had their chance and didn’t catch it…he ought to be allowed to keep it. Finally, he should remove the frame…the plate says it all and the frame is blocking part of the plate…takes away from it, etc. To each their own.

  • Lewis Crawford March 4, 2022, 8:16 am

    The ‘think police’ are rearing their ugly heads!

  • hippybiker March 4, 2022, 7:32 am

    Cossacks! 👹🐀🐀

  • seabass b March 4, 2022, 7:08 am

    I bet if it said FCK TRP it would be just fine.

  • Scott H Plagmann March 4, 2022, 6:30 am

    Another attack on free speech and the Constitution….smh!

  • DAVID BARNES March 4, 2022, 6:25 am

    Alabama state law/ordinance/policy cannot usurp the rights guaranteed by the 1st Amendment to our Constitution. Love to be on the jury if any state attempts to prosecute people like the Kirks.

  • Let's go Brandon, FJB March 4, 2022, 6:10 am

    I’m sure if it was something “vulgar” towards Trump, they’d have no problem with it. FJB and the deranged left.

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