Steyr M1912

From Iraqveteran8888, “Finally was able to get this old girl talking again. The Steyr Hahn, or more commonly known as the ‘Hammer,’ is a semi-automatic, stripper clip fed pistol chambered in 9mm Steyr which was introduced in 1911. A large number of the M1912 were rechambered for 9x19mm after the German annexation of Austria in 1938. This gun has a lot of history, and is a blast to shoot. Stay tuned for more Military Surplus to come.”

  • kenneth a sinko October 3, 2016, 8:34 am

    what a great gun, mine is a german conversion to 9mm and its stamped 08 on the left side of the slide, it is a very accurate shooter, but the ammo is hard to find, please do more old guns, thanks

  • Peter Caroline November 10, 2014, 2:19 pm

    I bought a Steyr M1912 back in the late 1950s from Hunter’s Lodge in Alexandria, VA. It cost about $16 at the time. I was stationed at Ft. Belvoir, and I had to register the gun with the Provost Marshall. I took the gun home to Boston over Thanksgiving, and locked it up in my gun cabinet. Sometime that December, I got a call to report to the Provost Marshall’s office. Apparently, there had been a hold-up at a store down the road from Ft. Belvoir, and the proprietor had been killed. The bullet was identified as having come from a Steyr M1912. And guess who was among the registered owners of one of those Steyrs? I had to notify my parents that the FBI was coming to the house to pick up the pistol for ballistic testing. Of course, it was not the gun they were looking for, but I never heard the end of that one! I traded the Steyr sometime later for I forget what, but I wish I still had it. Needless to say, I’m no fan of gun registration!

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