Walkout Wednesday Goes Wrong: Students Protesting Guns, 2A Trash Walmart

Walkout Wednesday Goes Wrong: Students Protesting Guns, 2A Trash Walmart

Students on Chicago’s South Side trashed their local Walmart following a coordinated walkout to protest guns.

Last week during a Walkout Wednesday to protest those evil, scary things that go bang, students from a school on Chicago’s South Side headed over to the local Walmart and trashed the joint.

Police are now looking at high-def security footage to see if they can identify the troublemakers who participated in what Fox 32 called “a vandalism spree.”

While it may be convenient to chalk it up to a few bad apples spoiling the bunch, authorities suspect that as many as 50 to 60 youngsters were present for the wild rumpus which included “knocking over product displays, yanking items off shelves, breaking packages and stealing small items like chips and candy,” according to Fox 32.

The best way to protest violence?  Is to be violent and destructive, right?

Oh, and the irony of the location is rather amusing.  Walmart.  The same retail giant that announced following the mass killing in Parkland, Florida that it would no longer sell guns to adults under the age of 21.  Because like Dick’s and Kroger, it too wanted to serve hunters and sportsmen in a “responsible way.”

These hooligans raided a corporation that is “on their side,” so to speak.  Hilarious!  Kinda cuts against the narrative put forth by celebrities, politicians, and the talking heads on CNN that students are well-informed, non-violent and in lockstep on the politics of gun control.

SEE ALSO: Millennial Gun-Violence Protestors Destroy Property, Attack Police

“We are very concerned by these allegations and we are reviewing the matter,” said a spokesperson for Chicago Public Schools.  Howard Brookins echoed that concern. Brookins is a local politician who lobbied to get Walmart to the city’s South Side.

“We’ve worked too hard to try to get these national retailers here in our community. And this doesn’t help us. It makes no sense to tear up the community which you call home,” said Brookins.

Right on!  Makes no sense at all.  It also makes no sense for young people to protest a fundamental right they’ve, in many cases, never exercised nor learned the importance of.  But that’s kids for you.  Light on brains and heavy on hormones.

And in case you’re curious, this is not the first reported incident of anti-gun high schoolers actin’ a fool on the heels of Parkland.

In February, at least five were arrested during a “peaceful” protest in Stockton, California. They were caught attacking police officers and throwing rocks at cars.  Not exactly a good look for the movement.  We’ll see if that changes this weekend.  Thousands are expected to gather in D.C. for the Bloomberg-funded “March for Our Lives” protest.

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  • Kenny Smith May 27, 2019, 4:43 pm

    Exactly what I was thinking !

  • Boutefeu August 31, 2018, 5:39 am

    These “teens” would never miss an opportunity to engage in a walkout followed by a crime spree. No profound thought or ideology was involved.

  • Orley April 21, 2018, 9:22 am

    Steve in Detroit, Oh , how I wish you were correct about gun numbers. The stats tell us less than 50 gun owners per 1000 population. Most new guns are going to people who all ready have guns. If I had to venture a WAG ( wild a$$ guess) , I would say that old number of 2 to 3 percent.

  • Dak April 8, 2018, 3:46 pm

    Funny how almost all the school shooters are from the same generation that want to do away with the 2A. No respect, no responsibility and no taking of responsibility for their lousy actions. Just blame the 2A. It’s only stood the test of time for over 200 yrs. and served well. Yet these loud mouth kids that aren’t even dry behind the ears want to change the law because they can’t handle responsibility themselves. They can’t even drive down the road without taking selfies and endangering everyone else. They, along with the Dem liberals, the chicken shit learning institutions, the media and hypocritical Hollywood don’t deserve the freedom that was granted them by this country. They’re too dumb to realize that the NRA is trying to guarantee their freedom because the only teeth to the Constitution is the 2nd Amendment. Without that the Constitution is just a piece of paper and enslavement by the government (our) is totally possible and probable.

  • Smitty March 24, 2018, 3:16 pm

    And this is why I should give up my RIGHT TO DEFEND MYSELF? Not a chance in hell.

  • jack March 24, 2018, 9:58 am

    Of all those ‘children’ that are marching to promote the Left’s gun control agenda, I wonder how many of them will be high on weed, crack, or meth. How many of them will end their day by gathering to have a few adult beverages, and then climb into their daddy’s car and drive home while placing the public’s safety at great risk? And new gun laws are supposed to prevent future mass shootings? Who’s behaving criminal, now?

  • Jay March 24, 2018, 6:09 am

    I don’t see any surprising news here, pretty typical! Stay prepared!

    • pistolman March 25, 2018, 12:41 am

      Yup, just another chance to bash and trash.

  • alex March 24, 2018, 12:02 am

    the man said they are reviewing high quality video,and do what with it!! these kids will go unpunished like always,and get bolder and bolder. they know nobody is going to do anything about it.

  • Kevin March 23, 2018, 7:42 pm

    Perfect example of why everyone should get their CC permit and then go out and buy a bunch of guns.

  • Dave Brown March 23, 2018, 5:59 pm

    So we continue to Complain about the Complainers……………… Me, 65, would not have giving you 2 cents for most of the past Generations including part of my own, Vet Nam, Draft Card #252, Old enough to vote, you might understand. But, seems those Punks did all right a years after they reached The Age Of Majority. I am guess most of these Punks will be ok, but just in case I keep a gun around. Now I don’t really like the left or the right, but I always have hope that they will actually Represent US. I don’t try to find reasons to make one side look bad, and I am guessing these Kids will show US a thing or two, and yes someday they will lead our Great USA.

  • Leighton Cavendish March 23, 2018, 5:13 pm

    Not mentioned…that most if not all are non-white…
    Curiously left out of the narrative…

  • PaulWVa March 23, 2018, 5:11 pm

    Any reason to riot, loot and destroy property. Pack animals follow the pack… nothing more, nothing less. Stand by … more to come.

  • Mark Wynn March 23, 2018, 4:54 pm

    The Democrats in Congress and progressives/socialists in the media seem to give tacit approval to violence and anarchy if it supports their agendas.

  • Bill-O-Rights March 23, 2018, 3:55 pm

    Apparently there is a downside of politically weaponizing highschool children…

  • Nemo March 23, 2018, 2:07 pm

    Remember when the big threat was the generation of ‘superpredators’?

    The Coming of the Superpredators: http://www.weeklystandard.com/the-coming-of-the-super-predators/article/8160

    Turned out it was all BS: The Superpredator Myth, 20 Years Later https://eji.org/news/superpredator-myth-20-years-later

    No, what we have here are some superpredator wannabes. ‘Sunshine revolutionaries’, as in the same vein as the term, ‘sunshine patriots’. Proto-thugs using ideology as an excuse for their criminality.

    They are exactly what their beloved, sainted Karl Marx sneered at: the lumpenproletariat’, perpetual gutter-sweepings, losers that will never amount to much of anything.

    History shows that such as they would be lined up against the wall and shot along with the capitalists after a Commie revolution, simply because the Commies would have no use for their dull-witted, trouble-making selves. Café-socialist cannon fodder, to be used up just like coffee beans. If these putative students would read something else besides what their male silver-haired, pony-tailed Leftist professor told them to, they’d realize their true status: suckers.

  • M. Atkinson March 23, 2018, 1:14 pm

    Teen/youths = euphemism for Black/African-American

    Funny how that works

  • Flip March 23, 2018, 12:24 pm

    Lol… the black lady at the beginning pretty much says it all oh my “God vigilante….. kids….” I think she needs to look up the definition of a vigilante…. what are they crime-fighters avenging some sort of Injustice…. taking Justice into their own hands….. by destroying a Walmart?

  • bjg March 23, 2018, 11:25 am

    One word “Typical”

  • Been There March 23, 2018, 11:06 am

    The few rotten apples were not removed from the barrel and now they have multiplied. They will continue to multiply until the general population say enough is enough. To coin a phrase “Praise God and keep your powder dry”, because it is coming.

  • Jerry Herndon March 23, 2018, 9:40 am

    Why does it NOT surprise me that this happened in South Shitcago ? They’re killing a couple dozen every weekend there. I guess we should be grateful now that they only trashed but didn’t shoot up the WalMart. Time for another Great Fire.

  • Joseph Kiesznoski March 23, 2018, 9:36 am

    Brain dead libtards dumbing down their children.

  • DEFENDER March 23, 2018, 9:33 am

    You better “gear up” “Now”, while you still can.
    And get some training. Real training.
    ps Getting a permit does Not give you “Any training”.
    I am talking “Real” “Defensive” combat training. See your local gun club.
    I tell you now – They “will” be coming for us. And they “will” be armed.
    Just to prove to us that guns are all bad and its “Guns” that kill people.(Not People who want to kill)
    Its just simmering now.
    When Trump leaves office they “will” take over (again) and the s*it “will” start again.
    But it will be xx worse this time. I expect them to disarm the Police this time coming.
    So good luck finding one. We will have to “Police ourselves”. Like “I” do now.
    “I” am our primary 1st Defender. So the millenials and protest kids don’t like me “at all”.
    For my part “I” shoot a competition every Sat – Combat Pistol, 3Gun etc.
    I have been shot-at and have had to defend myself with a gun so I know what it is really like.
    Without real training you will likely loose.
    Do it right though, get a permit, then get real combat/defensive training.
    Get to where you can Defend yourself against near anyone.

  • joefoam March 23, 2018, 8:54 am

    How come this didn’t get more media attention. Wasn’t because the kids showed their true intent was it? I hope more of these anti-gun group funded, media driven events have the same result. Don’t want to see anyone hurt, but a little mayhem may wake up the general public as to the real problem here. It’s not guns, it’s our society.

    • E. Ray March 23, 2018, 10:12 am

      The media is driving this country and nobody seems to care.This will be buried and will not make the news.

      • Beachhawk March 24, 2018, 5:37 am

        The media will spend hours describing the “youth marching to end gun violence,” but not one second on the violence perpetrated by “minority youth” to whom demonstrations are just an excuse to riot and loot. Black youths and young adults have been killing each by the dozens every weekend, but it never makes the evening news.

  • Me March 23, 2018, 8:33 am

    Poetic Justice since Walmart went anti-gun.

    • Beachhawk March 24, 2018, 5:38 am

      It’s karma and Karma is a real bitch.

  • Brad M March 23, 2018, 8:30 am

    During the 92 LA Riots the looters were robbing and burning the stores in their own neighborhoods that they shopped at. The media doesn’t give a two craps about the truth anymore, they are trying to sell the news using any narrative that the powers that be, tell them to. We no longer have “Journalists” graduating from college, we have social justice recruiters.

    • Howie March 24, 2018, 8:55 am

      I was in Watts as part of B/159th Inf CA ARNG out of San Bruno. We gave .45 ammo to the firemen, because they were being shot at while trying to put out those fires. CRAZY!! Talking with an older black man one evening, I asked why this was happening. His reply was that it wasn’t the locals, but “Those ni**#^s from out-a-town!” Pre-Black Lives Matters folks, I’m guessin!

  • I'mOffendedTreatMeSpecial March 23, 2018, 8:04 am

    Any excuse to riot, that’s what it actually was.

  • JiminGA March 23, 2018, 7:52 am

    I’ll bet a bunch of these hooligans ran right to the Tide pod display and had lunch.

  • wyantry March 23, 2018, 6:59 am

    Remember when Andy Roony got banned for stating “…they weren’t bred for intelligence”? Seems he was correct!
    A looong history of destruction.

    It is interesting that blacks (as a race) have been the ONLY ethnic group to consistently destroy (i.e. burn down) their own neighborhoods! Riots in Watts (LA ’92), Newark (NJ ’67), Detroit (MI ’67), Cambridge (MD ’67), Newark (NJ ’67), and Baltimore (MD 2015), show a troubling and consistent history.

    • Chris Smith March 23, 2018, 8:35 am

      Bravo! Brav-Fucking-o!!

    • paul March 23, 2018, 11:50 am

      The riots in the Watts of L.A. were in 1965. The riots in L.A.(after the not guilty verdict for the officers that “subdued” Rodney King) were city wide in 1992.

      • Pete Ostergard March 23, 2018, 3:54 pm

        You get the point, dipstick.

  • Willy March 23, 2018, 6:11 am

    Low-class, out of control morons, who got a thrill doing something bad, in their own community no less, right across from their school. This is an example of how our society has broken down, where the uneducated and uncivilized run amok, who obviously have poor upbringing, and do not know right from wrong.

    • deanbob March 23, 2018, 6:58 am

      ….along with some kids as young as 5! Don’t tell me they understand. This is just about politics. And Planned Parenthood (PP) donating to this march. Last I heard,, there’s $500m in this year’s budget FOR PP. The answer I have received for politicians on this is they ‘had to negotiate’!

  • Bubba March 23, 2018, 6:06 am

    What do you expect from niggers

    • nonPC March 23, 2018, 7:02 am

      TOTALLY inappropriate comment. (Moderator, please STRIKE that!)

      Talk about undermining your own position… this had nothing to do with race and everything to do with inner-city punk violence. Maybe gangs, too.

      • Bob Resor March 23, 2018, 8:07 am

        Wake up. You can’t defend the indefensible anymore, way too much proof.

        • Pete Ostergard March 23, 2018, 3:55 pm

          You’ve got that straight!

    • Ralph March 23, 2018, 7:48 am

      LOL’d hard.

    • Pete March 23, 2018, 9:19 am

      Biggots like you make us ALL look wrong. We all know that ‘Guns don’t kill, people do.’ And deliberately ignorant people are the biggest killers of all. You have cancer in your soul.

      Moderator, remove that comment, or I am done with this site. I cannot allow my reputation to be tarnished by this type of shameful and ignorant disgrace.

      • Ralph March 23, 2018, 9:54 am

        Need a safe space? Triggered?

      • Patriot March 23, 2018, 12:29 pm

        ahhhh,,we trigered the snowflake,sometimes you just have to call it how you see it,everybody’s entitled to their opinion,and if you look at the video of those pukes trashing a Walmart,you WILL notice ONE very common thing there,,LOL

  • Twicebitten March 23, 2018, 5:46 am

    Well now……it happened where? Rahm and BO’s backyard? The leaders of divisiveness? The teachers of ignorance is bliss? Folks if you teach stupidity, it returns to you in spades.

  • Steve in Detroit March 23, 2018, 5:31 am

    It was Chiraq. But about these kids protesting, claiming that they are \”going to be adults in room\” regaurding Gun Rights. Hey boys and girls, get a job, pay taxes up the ass, own a home and maybe a business, then go out and vote. The way I see it, the \”Younger Generation\” is the problem. I lived in and worked for the City of Detroit and have been involved with shooting\’s on and off duty. My Gun saved my life and the lives of others. The 2 A. I believe, enshrined the U.S. Citezen with right to have and to hold the same weapons as our standing Military has. Now we can not have morters, grenades and anti tank rockets (yeah I know, what a bummer) but we should be entitled to select fire. Remember the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few. There are many more gun owners than not. I know that seems like it would be the other way around, but there are many that keep quiet about it, but have a shotgun or old hunting rifle inhereted from someone, Buy a box of ammo a week.

  • Steve in Detroit March 23, 2018, 5:30 am

    It was Chiraq. But about these kids protesting, claiming that they are “going to be adults in room” regaurding Gun Rights. Hey boys and girls, get a job, pay taxes up the ass, own a home and maybe a business, then go out and vote. The way I see it, the “Younger Generation” is the problem. I lived in and worked for the City of Detroit and have been involved with shooting’s on and off duty. My Gun saved my life and the lives of others. The 2 A. I believe, enshrined the U.S. Citezen with right to have and to hold the same weapons as our standing Military has. Now we can not have morters, grenades and anti tank rockets (yeah I know, what a bummer) but we should be entitled to select fire. Remember the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few. There are many more gun owners than not. I know that seems like it would be the other way around, but there are many that keep quiet about it, but have a shotgun or old hunting rifle inhereted from someone, Buy a box of ammo a week.

  • Joe March 23, 2018, 4:57 am

    What did you expect from a bunch of liberal Onama voting tools of the Bloomberg / Soros agenda.

  • Dr Motown March 22, 2018, 7:45 am

    Animals in school, animals at home, animals on the streets….but it’s the NRA’s fault, for sure!

  • Bobs yer uncle March 20, 2018, 6:44 pm

    What? bored inner city kids acted up and it’s national news? Where’s their 3 million dollars from Hollywood? in the meantime some of the kids actually injured in Broward county are having a hard time figuring out how to pay hospital bills.

    • Gat March 23, 2018, 12:26 pm

      You mean all the kids injured by a lunatic gunman that passed a background check because the Obama administration paid millions of dollars to the school and local law enforcement to stop arressting and charging minority students? Are we talking about the same kids? i agree with you. We shouldn’t be focusing on how policies and lack of application of current background check laws get bypassed and negated by liberal policy. We can easily solve all human violence if that pesky NRA would just go away.

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