Trump at NRAAM 2018: Time to Ban All Trucks and Vans!

Trump at NRAAM 2018: Time to Ban All Trucks and Vans!

President Trump speaking at the 2018 NRAAM.

President Donald J. Trump called for banning all vehicles at the 2018 National Rifle Association Annual Meetings & Exhibits.

He was joking, of course.  Mocking the way anti-gunners demonize firearms in the wake of an attack instead of the responsible party — the person who pulled the trigger.

“We all know what’s going on in Chicago but Chicago has the toughest gun laws – they’re so tough, but you know what’s happening. It seems that if we’re going to outlaw guns like so many people want to do – Democrats – you better get out and vote, then we will… We are going to have to outlaw immediately all vans and all trucks, which are now the new form of death,” said Trump.

POTUS went on to talk about the knife attacks skyrocketing in London.  “They don’t have guns. They have knives and instead there’s blood all over the floors of this hospital.”

“They say it’s as bad as a military war zone hospital … knives, knives, knives. London hasn’t been used to that. They’re getting used to that. It’s pretty tough,” he said.

Watch the speech live:

  • Tom May 11, 2018, 1:52 pm

    Paul, there is a huge amount of leway in how things are done. Yes, Congress passes laws and the President signs them. Then the agency tasked with enforcing them puts out policies to their employees on interpreting how they should be enforced. I am retired federal LE. I have been in three different agencies in my tenure and several administration changes. With every change of an administration a number of agency policies on how to enforce certain laws gets looked at and changed. A new administration calls in the head of an agency and says this or that is a hot topic for us and we campaigned on this. You need to revamp your guidelines on how your doing this. Just look at the countries immigration policies or how the ATF uses policy letters in interrupting laws and enforcing them if you doubt me. The adminstration could easily direct the ATF director to elevate the back log of form 1’s and 4’s. It does not take an act of congress. The administration can not remove suppressors from the NFA without Congress but they sure could reduce the backlog and they sure could direct the ATF to change some of their other policies.

  • Tom May 11, 2018, 1:15 pm

    Mike Bolton, You are absolutely correct. It was a case of hold our noses and vote for the less of two evils. I have held my nose for way to many elections. I just can’t bring myself to do it anymore.

  • Tom May 11, 2018, 1:06 pm

    Joefoam, I appreciate that President Trump is renegotiating NAFTA and other trade deals. We have been taken advantage of for far to long when it comes to trade. I also like the fact that he doesn’t appear to want America to be the world police. We have spent far to much blood and gold protecting other countries that either don’t want to pay for their own protection or don’t have the will to protect themselves. That being said I am a one issue voter and that issue is enforcing the constitution as it was written and intended. I want him and the Republican party to push pro gun legislation with the end result being the second amendment enforced as it was written and intended throughout the whole country AND… I want the NRA to fight for that goal 100%.

  • Tom May 11, 2018, 12:41 pm

    Swamp Donkey, A back stabbing friend is no better than an enemy. Not to mention President Trump held anti gun views right up until he ran for President and needed our votes.

  • Paul May 11, 2018, 12:20 pm

    Trump has only been in office 16 months and folks are whining and crying that he hasn’t written any laws. Well, HE CAN’T. Congress does that. So, complain to congress and vote for pro-2A candidates. Trump can only sign what they send him. He IS doing things to protect us, and must also play politics to get the most good done, or we will just have grid lock and nothing.

  • Mike Bolton May 11, 2018, 10:37 am

    Well said Tom. When Trump said take guns without due process, he lost my support forever. I frankly feel betrayed by the Republican party, because everything I wanted to protect by voting for Trump, is being gone after. Id vote for a cat before Trump again. In all seriousness, I think Trump only won because we have shit for choices. 2 dug in parties, that ignore voters and do whatever they want, while mindless drones continue to support them. It appears to me that voting is an illusion of choice, since we have electoral system, And nevermind the fact that we are not free. We pay more taxes than ever, technically our Constitution was made null and void by homeland security, and we live in a police state where if your not sucking the blue line, your being attacked and beaten for it, regardless of color. Now more than ever with democrats favoring illegal over citizens, people need to be armed, to protect ourselves from the govt, and criminals alike. Both dont care about you, or your familys safety.

  • joefoam May 11, 2018, 10:32 am

    This president is constantly hammered by the media, good things he has done are constantly hidden from the public by the media. He can’t even get the support of fellow republicans. How do you expect him to succeed at anything?

  • Swamp donkey May 11, 2018, 10:02 am

    Yup you’re right Tom. We’d be much better off with Hillary 🤡

  • bjg May 11, 2018, 8:25 am

    Tom. Quit crying Go talk to Hillary maybe she can comfort you.

  • Tom May 11, 2018, 7:22 am

    I watched the Presidents speach and I was not impressed. I recall him telling us We wouldn\’t be sorry for supporting him and the Republican party. Well I am sorry! No recipical carry, no hearing protection act, we still have small gun smiths paying $2500.00 for a license even though they dont build anything for export, there is still a 6-8 month wait on form 1\’s and Form 4\’s in most cases. The only thing they have managed to do is pass fix NICS and support taking guns away from people without due process based on the word of a police officer or a family member that may have an axe to grind. This was not what I expected when the republicans control both houses and the Presidency. Foolish me I forgot that every time the republicans are in control they manage to push through anti gun legislation. I am all done voting at a national level. I am tired of giving my support time and time again only to be stabbed in the back. I won\’t ever vote Democrat so I guess I will stay home.

  • Tom May 11, 2018, 7:18 am

    I watched the Presidents speach and I was not impressed. I recall him telling us We wouldn’t be sorry for supporting him and the Republican party. Well I am sorry! No recipical carry, no hearing protection act, we still have small gun smiths paying $2500.00 for a license even though they dont build anything for export, there is still a 6-8 month wait on form 1’s and Form 4’s in most cases. The only thing they have managed to do is pass fix NICS and support taking guns away from people without due process based on the word of a police officer or a family member that may have an axe to grind. This was not what I expected when the republicans control both houses and the Presidency. Foolish me I forgot that every time the republicans are in control they manage to push through anti gun legislation. I am all done voting at a national level. I am tired of giving my support time and time again only to be stabbed in the back. I won’t ever vote Democrat so I guess I will stay home.

    • bbbs53 May 11, 2018, 1:55 pm

      If you stay home you are voting dimocrat. Let’s face facts, they have vowed to suspend our rights totally, this is no time to sit out anything. If you want them to show up at your door, then go ahead and not vote, your right, but don’t come sniveling back when they outlaw YOUR firearms.

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