Trump: ‘We’ll Be Doing Background Checks’ & Closing ‘Loopholes’

President Donald Trump said this week that he will work with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to expand background checks for gun purchases.  

“I have an appetite for background checks — we’ll be doing background checks. We’re working with Democrats, we’re working with Republicans, and we already have very strong background checks,” Trump said on Wednesday from the White House.  

The president did not discuss the details of what that means exactly, aside to say that they’d look to close “loopholes” within the current system.

Under federal law any prospective purchaser must pass a background check when buying a gun from a federal firearms licensee, e.g. a retail store or gun shop.  However, person-to-person transfers or sales between private citizens do not require a background check — though, it is unlawful for one to knowingly sell or transfer a firearm to a prohibited person.  

Anti-gunners often refer to the private citizen exemption as the “gun-show loophole,” and that could be what Trump is referencing.  Universal Background Check (UBC) legislation, as the gun-prohibition lobby calls it, would close this putative “loophole” by outlawing private sales and transfers.  Unless certain exceptions are carved out in a proposed UBC bill, every single sale or transfer would be subject to a background check (and the fee that accompanies it) including those made between family members, friends, neighbors, hunting buddies, etc.  

SEE ALSO: Democratic Fundraiser Features Fake Donald Trump Execution

Is this what Trump is looking to do? Hard to say. Trump did mention that he was going to proceed with caution as he is cognizant of the way Dems try to take a mile when they’re offered an inch on gun control.  

“I’m concerned that no matter what we agreed to, when we get there, I’m concerned that Democrats will say, ‘Oh, well, we now want this,’” Trump said. “It’s a slippery slope.”

The president also indicated that he’s been in communication with Wayne LaPierre, the Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association.  LaPierre has expressed interest in coming to the negotiating table, evidently.

“We have background checks, but there are loopholes in the background checks. That’s what I spoke to the NRA about yesterday,” explained Trump. “They want to get rid of the loopholes as well as I do. At the same time, I don’t want to take away people’s Second Amendment rights.”

In the near future, the White House will put out a plan to address gun-related violence that will include changes to the background check process, according to Politico.  It goes without saying, but the devil will be in the details… Stay tuned for updates.

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  • Les Brigance November 2, 2020, 1:40 am

    The NRA Kool-Aid you Socialist Idiots refer to is bought & paid for by the Patriots who Fought & Died for the Freedom to partake of that Kool-Aid
    and to preserve the same Rights to their Sons, Daughters & Countrymen!

  • Bob Romans August 27, 2019, 11:14 am

    Disarming law-abiding American citizens has no positive effect on the thoughts or actions of a crazy person.

  • Sam Adams August 24, 2019, 5:24 pm

    Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes

    For an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man

    The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that… it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.

    I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.

    Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.

    These are all quotes of Thomas Jefferson, I will let these speak for themselves let the gallows finish those that prove to be murderers …. for both the electorate and the elected.

    A final bit of truth for ya….

    Definition of the term DEMOCIDE

    Let’s all get along but be educated and look at the bigger picture.

  • Scott August 23, 2019, 9:42 pm

    I do not agree with thi s move but it is better than buy backs or outright confiscation like the demos want. Oh by the way go to hell Beta Oarrark or whatever your name is and take D Hogg with you.

    • I Love Liberty August 24, 2019, 9:58 am

      “We have background checks, but there are loopholes in the background checks. That’s what I spoke to the NRA about yesterday,” explained Trump. “They want to get rid of the loopholes as well as I do. At the same time, I don’t want to take away people’s Second Amendment rights.”


      There is no need for new laws on background checks. If a private citizen sells to a restricted person then they have already broken the law. What this is disguised as is register all firearms so they can be confiscated in the future at some point. We just need to enforce the laws on the books already with background checks.

      • Dr Motown August 28, 2019, 8:31 am

        Yes, you\’ve \”broken the law\” but nobody knows until the restricted person commits a crime and rats you out for a plea bargain! Also, how would you know the buyer is \”restricted\” without a NICS check?

  • Thomas Jefferson August 23, 2019, 6:57 pm

    If Trump desires to lose upwards of 90% of his base, he can simply do so by enacting UNCONSTITUTIONAL “laws” such as “red-flag” laws, and “universal background check” laws.
    Red Flag laws do NOT provide due process. You are GUILTY until YOU prove your innocence. Very 1984 if you ask me.
    Universal Background checks INFRINGE not only on the 2nd amendment, but the 10th. The “Commerce Clause”, which is highly abused by the feds, is utilized to create an entire infringement upon the people’s 2nd amendment right. It delves into INTERSTATE COMMERCE. An individual selling his private property (firearm) to another private individual within the same state is INTRASTATE COMMERCE. By violating the rights of the various states and individuals, the Federal government would be in direct violation of the 10th amendment.
    This is all BS as ANY gun “law” is UNCONSTITUTIONAL on it’s face and NOBODY is require to abide by them and NOBODY is required to enforce them.
    The ultimate goal is to DISARM the American patriots so the New World Order (one world government…read: COMMUNISM) can prevail. Wise up people. The 2nd Amendment is NOT about duck hunting. It is about the ability of the common man to own ANY weapon of the era to overthrow a despotic and wayward government and restore the Constitutional Republic.

  • Harry August 23, 2019, 3:45 pm

    So we’ll articulated!

  • Boz August 23, 2019, 12:00 pm

    What “loopholes”??? A proctology exam goes a lot easier than buying a gun.

    • Dr Motown August 28, 2019, 8:35 am

      Referring to private sales and transfers. Personally, I never sell a weapon without sending it to the buyer\’s local FFL

  • johnnyraygun August 23, 2019, 11:13 am

    Wait a week and Trump will change his mind. This is the fourth time he has flipp/flooped. We will see which way the wind blows.

  • TERRY August 23, 2019, 9:07 am

    I’ve already been finger printed numerous times for security clearances, conceal carry permits, teaching credentials, etc. Why do I care to be finger printed one more time? Is there anyone out there who thinks that the government does not already know who the gun owners are? There is no privacy anymore. I have no problem with background checks.

    • DOUGLAS HAMMOND August 23, 2019, 12:47 pm

      In CA (and for the rest of us after a law like this passes) both seller and buyer go to an FFL. or retail dealer. They then turn the gun over to the dealer for 10 days, pay thirty dollars and then the buyer has to come back to pick up the gun. That has often been up to a 1 hour round trip for me, twice, for every purchase. PLUS, thirty dollars and a wait in line at the store, twice. Do you want to go through that every time you give one of your guns to your own son?

    • Captain Obvious August 23, 2019, 12:52 pm

      You’re kidding, right? Trump even called it–Dems get an inch, they take a mile.

      Here are some examples:

      I didn’t care that they wanted to ban machine guns, because I didn’t have one. I didn’t care that they wanted to ban short barreled rifles, because I didn’t have one. I didn’t care that they wanted to ban bump stocks, because I didn’t have one. I didn’t care that they wanted to ban magazines with more than 10 rounds, because I didn’t have one.

      I didn’t care that they wanted me to fill out a form to buy a firearm. I didn’t care that they wanted me to wait 7 days to pick up said firearm. I didn’t care that they wanted me to wait until there was a response to my background check, even if it was longer than 7 days. I didn’t care that they wanted my fingerprints. I didn’t care that they made me take a class. I didn’t care that they made me get a license. I didn’t care that they made me renew the license for $150 every year. I didn’t care that they made me renew the license every time I bought another gun. I didn’t care that they limited how many guns I can buy in a year. I didn’t care that they kept a database of the guns I own. I didn’t care that I needed a background check to buy ammunition. I didn’t care that I needed a license to buy ammunition.

      They will not succeed in a wholesale war on firearms, but they will chip away at it inch by inch. All of the above is true in many states. Get your head out of your ass.

  • Willy August 23, 2019, 7:24 am

    Slippery slope, you say? Well then, just stay off that slope and leave things as they are. Changing the laws will do nothing to stop the violent crimes anyway.
    Politicians are looking at the effect of what is going on in our society, not the cause. And they need to address the cause, or nothing will improve.

    • I Love Liberty August 24, 2019, 10:04 am

      Some of the cause of hatred of others in my opinion is people isolating themselves in their homes. Too many people do not get involved in local community activities and interact with friends anymore. Their interactions involve texting or posting on social media on the Internet.

      I get my kids out of the house and get them into sports and other wholesome recreation and activities.

  • Ardvark August 23, 2019, 7:14 am

    How about doing thorough background checks on politicians and closing those loopholes!

    • Willy August 23, 2019, 7:24 am

      Yes sir! Have checks on politicians before they get hired, just like in any other job outside of government. And keep an eye on them after they get in office…

  • Jerry August 23, 2019, 6:37 am

    Here’s my “common sense gun control” 1) use a gun in a crime-mandatory 50 years in prison-no plea deal. 2) convicted felon using a gun in a crime-mandatory life in prison-no plea deal. 3) Murder involving use of a gun-mandatory death sentence-no plea deal (and not after sitting in jail for years). Beyond that, how about accepting the fact that that some (most?) felons can’t be “saved” and shouldn’t be granted parole or early release. Now commiefornia doesn’t even want to call them felons-they’re a “justice involved person”. What a load of politically correct B.S.! How long before that phrase has “stigma” attached & we have to call them “unfortunate people”?

    • Willy August 23, 2019, 7:29 am

      Great comment!

    • Tim Allen August 23, 2019, 10:13 am

      That is a stupid and ignorant comment. Overloading our prison system is just another tax on the American people. Who do you think pays for the jails/prisons? Who do you think profits from the jails/prisons? Your version of a solution doesn’t even adequately address the symptoms of the problem let alone the root cause. Having harsher sentences with no reform doesn’t stop or even slow down bad behavior. The fact is gun manufacturers don’t sell guns to criminals. Legal and sometimes even licensed citizens are the ones selling guns to criminals whether knowingly or not. That is why more thorough measures must be taken to prevent irresponsible legal gun owners from possessing weapons without the knowledge and ability to use them and own them properly. These mass shootings aren’t done by criminals with illegal weapons. They are done by “ law abiding citizens “ like yourself. Stop drinking the NRA koolaide and use some common sense before you spread your garbage to the world.

      • Captain Obvious August 23, 2019, 1:31 pm

        And who decides what an “irresponsible gun owner” is? You? A keyboard warrior railing on about background checks when at the same time saying background checks weren’t effective in mass shooting situations? Maybe we can build the machine in “Minority Report” to predict what people will do in the future and use that during the 7 day wait for background checks on law abiding citizens to restrict the rights of millions of people who are responsible enough to own and purchase firearms.

      • Winston August 23, 2019, 1:43 pm

        The latest mass shootings are evidence scarce just as the last batch. In fact, Parkland ‘shooter’ Nikolus Cruz still does not have a trial date. Why is that? Pulse Nightclub trauma cardiologist who ‘removed 77 bullets from 32 victims’ was not even a doctor nor a medical school graduate yet she posed with police and government officials for month on TV. Stop spouting your garbage.

  • Altoids August 23, 2019, 6:22 am

    It will be difficult to institute universal background checks without complete and total firearm and owner registration in order to ensure compliance.

    If / when that happens, we all know what comes next.

    • Tim Allen August 23, 2019, 10:16 am

      What comes next? If you buy your guns via an FFL, the “big and scary” government already knows what you own.

      Stop peddling fear based talking points and use some common sense before you think.

      • Galen Thompson August 23, 2019, 12:23 pm

        That is not correct Tim. Nowhere in the NICS check does it ask for the specific firearm that you are purchasing. It does ask for a type such as pistol or rifle. The form 4473 does not go anywhere except in the files of the FFL that sold or transferred the firearm. The only time it will be seen by the government is when the FFL is inspected. And then they only choose a few to run another check for themselves. The only time a specific firearm is checked is when it used in a crime and that is done by the National Tracing Center. I know this because I am an FFL and have been through numerous inspections by the ATF and have had firearms traced.
        Learn your regulations before you start spreading “Common sense”.

      • Captain Obvious August 23, 2019, 1:01 pm

        Perhaps taking your own advice is in order. Personal protection and owning firearms are Constitutional rights in this country. Between this and red flag laws, they are a recipe for disaster. I haven’t even touched on the fact that placing a financial burden on individuals buying and selling firearms is unconstitutional. Do a quick search on firearm pricing in states that require FFL transfers versus those that do not and you will find a marked difference.

  • Christopher A Baker August 22, 2019, 5:39 pm

    GOVERNMENT CONTROL……………….. Take the word GUN and any other bill they propose is designed to be just that CONTROL OVER YOU…………. If we give this inch they will over run us. DROP THE NRA it’s corrupt to the core join the Gun owners of America…… The Second Amendment reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” . In the Constitution the “STATE” is the people and last I checked a militia was comprised of private citizens who intern have private FIRE ARMS…. No matter how you try to separate the two from each other the simple FACTS remain private citizens have a GOD given RIGHT to defend their life and liberty. The Constitution doesn’t grant us these RIGHTS it merely puts in writing and codifies their existence. Thus it GUARANTEES them and the Government will bring force to bare to protect them for the CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Any and all RED Flag laws should be just that to all Americans they seek to deprive you of your freedom without due process. Think of the ABUSE of the NO FLY List from the early 2000’s there has already been abuse of this red flag law for political hit jobs. It must not be allowed to take over anymore of our cities or states. They DON’T CARE about people they only want POWER!

    • Tim Allen August 23, 2019, 10:25 am

      Not only are you wrong in your interpretation of the second amendment, but you are uneducated in history. At the time the second amendment was written, this country had no standing army. It was up to the citizens to come together and form a “well regulated militia“ to defend this land. Fast forward to modern times, we have a well regulated militia called the US Military, and last time I checked, the majority of gun owners never felt brave enough to join and serve. Therefore, the responsibility of citizens needing firearms to defend this country from attack is void. You don’t need to possess weapons of war if you are not willing to fight in one. The founding fathers didn’t live in a time when a citizen can take said gun and in a matter of 30 seconds, kill a school room of children. The constitution is not written in stone, it is a “living and breathing “ document. If you disagree with that you must then tell me why we have amended it so many times. We have to evolve as a people and as a country, time you should try to keep up.

      • Jamie in North Dakota August 23, 2019, 12:19 pm

        I knew you were an anti-2nd Amendment loser from your first comment, thanks for reinforcing my thought.

      • Jesse August 23, 2019, 2:54 pm

        Spoken like a true Fudd. SCOTUS has already ruled that the 2nd Amendment applies to firearms used for home defense without any need for a militia. What exactly is a “weapon of war”? Are bolt action rifles not weapons of war? The deadliest school shooting was carried out with a 9mm handgun and 22lr handgun using 10 round magazines. You think the Bill of Rights are just any old amendment that we should amend now?

      • Tod August 23, 2019, 8:03 pm

        If you don’t think people should own an “assault weapon” or “weapon of war” (talking points) then don’t own one. You do know that a 1911 was a weapon of war as was the shotgun and musket…..I suppose you would like to ban them as well.

      • Sepp W August 24, 2019, 8:58 am

        The Constitution is law of the land, the Supreme Law. “Living, breathing” are pejoratives used by liberals because they despise it and cannot defend their own hidden agenda to abridge the rights of all Americans.

        Law-abiding citizens don’t kill innocents indiscriminately. That doesn’t mean they could, but generally psychopaths’ and sociopaths “use” a firearm to commit a violent crime and choose venues where firearms are generally prohibited in order to inflict maximum casualties and fatalities before law enforcement arrives.

        Liberals are obsessed with firearms because it’s a threat to their agenda and in order to subjugate the people requires they be disarmed. Liberals could care less who or how many is killed with a firearm. The fact that violent crimes are committed using a firearm is enough to latch on and exploit it for their on devices.

        The Constitution has been amended 18 times, if you count the Bill of Rights as one. The first 10, known as the Bill of Rights, safeguards individual liberty from tyranny of the majority. Government doesn’t grant rights, it protects them! As Americans, we are born with natural and inalienable rights and the founders sought to enumerate certain rights in the Bill of Rights to ensure Government doesn’t pass laws to abridge or infringe those rights. Unfortunately that is no longer the case. The purpose of any amendment is to protect the citizenry from laws that abridge or infringe people’s rights.

      • I Love Liberty August 24, 2019, 10:16 am

        On of the Columbine school shooters used a 9 millimeter semi automatic rifle that only had ten round magazines with it. He brought around fifteen magazines with him. Sorry Tim, I do not believe in banning semi automatic rifles.

        Magazine capacity laws that restrict lawful citizens won’t stop broken and evil people from using semi automatics against innocents. Standard capacity magazines and semi automatic rifles should be available to the common citizen with a background check if bought from a Federal Firearms License Dealer so people can use them for self defense.

      • Shan August 26, 2019, 1:39 pm


  • Christopher A Baker August 22, 2019, 5:38 pm

    RED FLAG LAWS should be a RED FLAG to everyone. GOVERNMENT CONTROL……………….. Take the word GUN and any other bill they propose is designed to be just that CONTROL OVER YOU…………. If we give this inch they will over run us. DROP THE NRA it’s corrupt to the core join the Gun owners of America…… The Second Amendment reads, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” . In the Constitution the “STATE” is the people and last I checked a militia was comprised of private citizens who intern have private FIRE ARMS…. No matter how you try to separate the two from each other the simple FACTS remain private citizens have a GOD given RIGHT to defend their life and liberty. The Constitution doesn’t grant us these RIGHTS it merely puts in writing and codifies their existence. Thus it GUARANTEES them and the Government will bring force to bare to protect them for the CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Any and all RED Flag laws should be just that to all Americans they seek to deprive you of your freedom without due process. Think of the ABUSE of the NO FLY List from the early 2000’s there has already been abuse of this red flag law for political hit jobs. It must not be allowed to take over anymore of our cities or states. They DON’T CARE about people they only want POWER!

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