Turn ‘Em In or Become a Felon! Mandatory ‘Buyback’ Starting In This State

Turn 'Em In or Become a Felon!  Mandatory 'Buyback' Starting In This State
Schmeisser 60-round AK mags. (Photo: Schmeisser)

Gun owners in Delaware are now being forced to turn in their “large-capacity” magazines to law enforcement following the passage of the “Delaware Large Capacity Magazine Prohibition Act of 2022” in June of this year.

The new law broadly prohibits the production, sale, purchase, receipt, transfer, and possession of magazines with a capacity of over 17 rounds.

The Delaware Department of Safety and Homeland Security (DSHS) issued guidelines late last month along with dates, locations, and compensation for the mandatory “buyback” program.

The DSHS said that “residents are eligible to receive fair market compensation for” their LCM or large capacity magazine.

Delawareans providing valid identification for proof of residency may receive:

  • LCM 18 to 30 Rounds – $15
  • LCM 31 or greater round – $25
  • LCM Drums – $80

“This buyback program is for Delaware residents only,” states the DSHS. “The program is only intended for individuals and does not apply to wholesale, retail, manufacturers, and distributor business entities. Anonymous relinquishments will be permitted. However, no compensation will be provided.”

SEE ALSO: ‘It’s Going to Whack a Walmart’: Moms March in Delaware to Push Permit-to-Purchase Law

Violators face a misdemeanor charge for their first offense and a class E felony for subsequent offenses.

A felony conviction for the possession of an LCM would result in the permanent loss of one’s 2A rights.

There are some key exemptions. Active and retired law enforcement, members of the U.S. military, and licensed concealed carriers are excluded from the ban.

The NRA-ILA is actively suing Delaware over its magazine ban and its 2022 ban on modern sporting rifles, known as the Delaware Lethal Firearms Safety Act of 2022.

However, while gun-owning Delawareans await the outcome of the lawsuits, state officials are hoping to complete the “buyback” program by June 30, 2023 — the end of the fiscal year, according to WHYY.

Mark Oliva, the managing director of public affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry trade association, lamented the present situation in Delaware.

“There was a time when Delaware was respected for standing for freedom and against restricting God-given rights. Now, the state is literally financing magazine seizures with taxpayer funds,” he told GunsAmerica via email.

“The state cannot buy back something it never owned. As a matter of intellectual honesty, state officials should call it what it is. This is a state-sanctioned seizure of magazines done to bolster President Joe Biden’s gun control agenda,” he continued.

Oliva spoke about the legal challenges the magazine ban is currently facing, especially in light of the landmark Bruen decision.

“The audacity of Delaware lawmakers to move forward with this plan is astounding. The U.S.Supreme Court ordered the U.S. Court of appeals for the Ninth Circuit to revisit its ruling upholding California’s magazine restriction law in light of Bruen,” he said.

“It’s clear that Delaware lawmakers are determined to cause as much damage as possible to the Second Amendment rights of their fellow citizens and it will be the taxpayers that find it and potentially compensate those harmed by this effort,” Oliva concluded.

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  • Kbc kurt October 22, 2023, 3:30 pm

    Does it make sense to send $105,000,000,000.00 (billion) in ARMS. Fully automatic, explosives, etc to ANOTHER NATION and REMOVE THEM FROM THE LEGAL CITIZENS IN YOUR OWN NATION? Who can j7stify giving taxpayer money. Soc sec cards, drivers licenses, a free place to live, food stamps, etc to illegal border crossing criminal insurgents, yet pay 3rd and 4th generation born in the USA 62 year old and older $2000 a month retirement, they pay for thier own meds, etc after working thier entire life. How can any elected official look in a mirror?

  • Willard November 22, 2022, 11:51 am

    If you want to know what is coming, read the poem “Evangeline” by Longfellow, which is an epic of what happened to the French Canadian “Acadians” after they surrendered all their weapons to the redcoats except their scythes. They even had their knives confiscated. They were re-settled in Louisiana and the ones that survived became the “Cajuns.” This is what I call “Redcoat Justice.” Also look at what happened to Jews after the Diaspora of the Roman Empire.

  • Vagabond Steve November 12, 2022, 12:03 pm

    I see a few posters don’t know the origin of the 2nd Amendment. Lets have a pop quiz!
    What was the mission of the Kings troops that was the inspiration for Ralph Waldo Emerson in his 1837 poem “Concord Hymn”?

    Need help? Does “The shot heard around the world” help?

    The correct answer is that the mission of the Redcoats was gun/weapon confiscation. The ability of a band of Patriots to resist the Government became part of the Bill of Rights as the 2nd Amendment. It was never about hunting, plinking, practice, personal defense or shooting matches. (though those uses was a part of it). The Federalist Papers reiterate the intent of the framers of the Constitution was to allow citizens to fight oppressors, with the same weapons the government had.
    Some say THAT was the start of The Revolutionary War and the first shots were fired in defense of the right to keep and bear arms.

    Molon labe

  • chinchiller November 6, 2022, 9:59 am

    Anyone know a Delawarean I can work a deal with? I’ll deliver a truckload of $10 30rd mags to turn in at $15 apiece. 50% profit is pretty good in the Biden economy.

  • Richard Vezzani November 5, 2022, 8:13 am

    A felony conviction for the possession of an LCM would result in the permanent loss of one’s 2A rights….REALLY, AS THEY TAKE AWAY YOUR 2A RIGHTS ONE PIECE AT A TIME.

  • William Garner November 5, 2022, 4:18 am

    Why don’t every state ban all the outlaws. Anyone that camits a true crime with a gun and is proven. Then put on public display. Then given the chance to chose what they want to eat for last meal and to be put to death with the exact same way the did there crime . Or with a firing squad or hanging on tv live . Then followed by tv commercials. Telling everyone that they can be next . We are not going to be scared by any political correctness that is off the table You Will Be Next Right Here on the tv on every channel. We are not going to take guns from people or will it be a option ever again. The 2 nd amandmit is to keep and bear arms no matter what they are . And that is also to prevent the government from taking them away Period … so let’s start this KNOW.
    From we the people. We will stand up for this law. And that is know. And every gun owner will go for this because they that are responsible will have know problem with this . So start putting that on the table so congress can sign this bill . The merdering will stop or there will be lots of people going to meet there maker so step up and get this done before the midterms..

    • BARNEY RICE November 7, 2022, 8:39 am

      so OBIDEN’s Home State is the first to feel full Dem treachery Full force. to demand we give up anything concerning our @Amendment Rights Is AS Stupid As Everything Else The DO Against The real Patriots That really Love Our Country

  • William Garner November 5, 2022, 4:14 am

    Why don’t every state ban all the outlaws. Anyone that camits a true crime and is proven. Then put on public display. Then given the chance to chose what they want to eat for last meal and to be put to death with the exact same way the did there crime . Or with a firing squad or hanging on tv live . Then followed by tv commercials. Telling everyone that they can be next . We are not going to be scared by any political correctness that is off the table You Will Be Next Right Here on the tv on every channel. We are not going to take guns from people or will it be a option ever again. The 2 nd amandmit is to keep and bear arms no matter what they are . And that is also to prevent the government from taking them away Period … so let’s start this KNOW.
    From we the people. We will stand up for this law. And that is know. And every gun owner will go for this because they that are responsible will have know problem with this . So start putting that on the table so congress can sign this bill . The merdering will stop or there will be lots of people going to meet there maker so step up and get this done before the midterms..

  • Charles J REED III November 5, 2022, 1:29 am

    I will not comply with a blatantly unconstitutional law.

  • Steven November 5, 2022, 1:27 am

    Glad I moved from Delaware.

  • Danny Joe Ross November 4, 2022, 9:16 pm

    So how does the State know how many LCM’s you have or I have, other that the one that came in the firearm? If I “had to”, I would just turn in one (the absolute WORST LCM magazine I have. Might as well get some money for it), that is the one that came with the rifle ( that is the ONLY one they know you have for sure). Buy some 10 rounders. If you go to a gun range, all you take is the 10 round mags. What about the other ones they ask? Wait a minute, what other ones? All I have are these lousy limiting 10 round mags for my rifle! You took, I mean you bought the only LCM I had, and I didn’t have a choice about it! “If” I was asked.

  • Jim November 4, 2022, 8:38 pm

    I’ll have to empty mine, one round at a time, before they can take possession.

  • gypsy November 4, 2022, 6:58 pm

    do not give up your weapons and mags.

  • Bob W November 4, 2022, 4:42 pm

    Unless you are planing to shoot as many democrats as you can in as short a period of time there is no need for high capacity mags. I can’t use mags that have more than 10 rounds in my AR-15 in my state and I have no problem what so ever with that. I have no plans on shooting other Americans. I don’t give a shit who they vote for. I’m not crazy and I won’t fall into all the crazy bullshit that some idiots in this country are hoping for. Civil war? Are you fucking nuts?

  • Bob W November 4, 2022, 4:42 pm

    Unless you are planing to shoot as many democrats as you can in as short a period of time there is no need for high capacity mags. I can’t use mags that have more than 10 rounds in my AR-15 in my state and I have no problem what so ever with that. I have no plans on shooting other Americans. I don’t give a shit who they vote for. I’m not crazy and I won’t fall into all the crazy bullshit that some idiots in this country are hoping for. Civil war? Are you fucking nuts?

    • AV8R November 6, 2022, 8:05 pm

      Bob W- obviously you are a troll or you do not understand the reason for the 2A.
      Every tyrannical rule has strengthened their hold on the populous by disarming them! The Brits started by attempting the same in colonial times.

      The 2A is to keep the Government in check…pure and simple! If it misbehaved, it allows the citizenry to take back power by force if necessary! They work for us…not the other way around!

      No one is promoting civil war but be fully aware of who the real enemy is! Fear the government that fears your firearms!

      • barney rice November 7, 2022, 8:43 am

        I have what came with my Rifle and I will not give it away and leave me with nothing and that is that !

  • Dave Brown November 4, 2022, 4:02 pm

    Sorry Folks but I have been there and done this. Back in the 70s there was a lot of rules and or laws on Hi Cap Mags, some firearms, and even some ammos. Now all of those things changed back to the way we have things now, and yes it appears They Are At It Again. But it is not just one of our Major Parties, sorry as you cannot trust either of those parties or gangs. I have been waiting for 50 years for National CC, but the right has done nothing to give it to us. I am concerned that The Right is after most everything but our guns, as they are working on what we learn, believe, and how we act. Please take a long look at both parties and I think if you are honest you will agree. Now I have Voted for 52 years as a Register Independent as I don’t much care for either party. Care to join me and Be Free? God Bless Us ALL

  • Winston November 4, 2022, 2:48 pm

    How can Delaware’s ‘police’ ‘buy back’ magazines from the public that were not bought by police in the first place? Is this a test case to legalize coercion?

    • barney rice November 7, 2022, 8:46 am

      Yes Sir this si exactly What the DEMS are Pushing To Keep Us From defending Ourselves When They Finally Make Their Move Sometime After They Lose All OF Their Seats In The Capital This Election season

  • David A Welsh November 4, 2022, 2:24 pm

    This “law” was overturned the moment it was written If they can reduce to 17, then they can reduce to 12, then 8

  • Mikial November 4, 2022, 2:17 pm

    This will happen everywhere if the Democrats can gain enough power. They’ll disarm the populace so they can start disarming the Constitution. All you have to do is listen to Biden declaring everyone who disagrees with him as an enemy of the people. We need to vote them all out of office.

  • Lumpy November 4, 2022, 1:52 pm

    Another Joe voter, I see. Lucky thing you can hide behind the anonymity of the internet when you “courageously” berate others. I’d bet money you aren’t man enough to say that to anyone’s face. Now, go get dressed–you have volunteered to read to the children at Drag Queen Story Time…

  • fee November 4, 2022, 1:46 pm

    SCOTUS has already remanded the CA ban on high capacity mags back to the lower courts instructing them they must redo it using the historical and traditions of 2A as basis and not the two step process used by liberal judges that have violated 2A. In CA a Fed District court ruled using historical/tradition criteria and ruled ban was illegal. 9th Court initial 3 judge panel agreed but CA appealed and wanted the a full panel of judges to rule on this ruling. The full court ruled CA ban was legal. It went to the SCOTUS and the judges kicked it back to the 9th instructing them to use the historical/traditions criteria. The 9th Court decided not to rule on this matter and kicked it back the Fed District where the case originated. Many observers think the Fed District judge would outlaw high capacity mag ban for violating the 2A based on the SCOTUS ruling that history/tradition of the 2A should be the basis to judge gun laws. When that happens, all state ban on high capacity mags in the US would be illegal. It doesn’t mean states would not come up with clever ways to attempt limited the 2A, but it will mean more court challenges till every clever legal will be removed by future court challenges.

  • PJ November 4, 2022, 1:35 pm

    Delaware and the other states involved in gun buybacks and the like are illegal They can pass all BS laws they want. But it should be up to the voters if they want a socialist society or not.

  • Stan d. Upnow November 4, 2022, 1:25 pm

    From the desk of Gov. John Carney:

    “For those of you intending to turn-in your ‘weapon of war magazines,’ know that you must show-up wearing a Covid mask and with proof that you’ve had your vaccines and at least 5 boosters, or you will Not be paid. Thank you for participating in our phony ‘gun safety’ program.”

  • Stan d. Upnow November 4, 2022, 1:07 pm

    I remember during the last big ban, where anything over 10-rds was illegal. 12-rd mags were marked with “LE ONLY.” Just shows how stupid & irrational the anti-gun types are. Why don’t they just quit the crap and leave us alone? Answer: They can’t; not in their nature.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment November 4, 2022, 12:26 pm

    Lets do some simple thinking here…..you turn in a mag for a gun and it is recorded by verified ID then you pretty much tell them what guns you own!

  • Ron November 4, 2022, 12:13 pm

    It’s a test to see if they can get away with it. See who files a court case. Resistance is the only option. If their successful than another state and another. Carl Marx said the first thing thats got to go are the guns in peoples’s hands.

  • Derrel November 4, 2022, 11:54 am

    Do they really think this is going to stop bad guys no this the beginning of the end of 2 amendment it need to stop now 🙏🇺🇸⚔️

  • Richard St John November 4, 2022, 11:46 am

    No-One needs a high capacity magazine….! No-One needs an assault weapon….! No-One needs to feel so insecure they feel like they have to strut around with a AR-15 0r AK-47 slung over their shoulder pretending to be some big brave macho warrior. Might as well wear a sign hung around your neck which says “YES I AM A SNIVELING LITTLE COWARD WHO WANTS TO LOOK LIKE MACHO PHONY WARRIOR”…! The only thing you are accomplishing is making all responsible gun owners look like ‘lunatic gun fanatics’…! Throw away your red hat and GROW UP before you convince the majority of Americans that ALL GUNS MUST GO…! It won’t be the government that takes away our guns….it will be majority of voting Americans who you have convinced that all gun owners are irresponsible gun fanatic lunatics….! I am a gun owner and I RESENT people who are a threat to my gun rights….!

    • Bob W November 4, 2022, 4:35 pm

      Holy shit, I thought I was the only 2A supporter with a freaking brain. It’s nice to know there are others out there. Not enough but some is better than none.

    • FOH November 4, 2022, 7:36 pm

      I resent fudds like you telling me what I need or don’t need. Just another blue-anon idiot thinking they know what is best for me or any other person in this country exercising their 2A rights.

    • Dano November 4, 2022, 9:10 pm

      “Assault weapon”. A term made up by the left designed to stir emotions. Looks like it worked.

      “High capacity magazine”. Also made up. 30 rds is considered standard capacity for an AR.

      Geez man….go have a couple of old fashioneds or something. Calm down.

    • Cuma Mag November 5, 2022, 5:57 am

      I guess freedom of choice isn’t part of your mantra!

    • NH Marine November 5, 2022, 7:31 am

      Richard- Just curious. Do you regret participating in your state’s mental health medications buy-back program?

    • Jeremy Reed November 5, 2022, 12:31 pm

      Hello Richard, Glad you THINK YOU have got it all figured out. YES I do need high-capacity magazines and yes I do need magazine feed rifles. I would like to be able to defend myself when a pack of thugs breaks to my house all possessing high-capacity magazines. I personally don’t want to be sitting there with my six shooter!!

  • Roy November 4, 2022, 11:36 am

    That ain’t right
    I purposely bought a lot of 30 mags in case national ban
    Im thinking of 100 rds too, even tho I never needed
    The ar is designed for 30 clip
    That’s what this is really about

  • Harry November 4, 2022, 11:35 am

    Sounds like this is very close to, if not an actual, violation of one’s Constitutional rights under the 2nd Amendment. But, then again, Joey can’t remember if he ever read the Constitution and he certainly does not let Constitutional limits impact his desires. Let’s go, Brandon!!

  • Jean Kutzer November 4, 2022, 11:11 am

    I added ‘No Government Employees” to my No Tresspassing sign. My line ends at my front door, property and person. Besides I have a bad habit of losing every gun I purchase in the lake when I go fishing.

  • Big Al 45 November 4, 2022, 10:58 am

    17 rounds?
    So, I just have to drop my 15 round mags more frequently than my old 20’s?
    Yeah, THAT’S going to ‘save lives’, eh?
    Politicians are often the living examples of the famous Gumpism.

  • Albert Faivre November 4, 2022, 10:41 am

    Try to take them and become a corpse!!!
    Ignore this Scumocrat order completely!!! Because it ISN’T legal!!!

  • Todd November 4, 2022, 10:34 am

    Dela… where?

    Oh yeah… the state that has inflicted Biden on the nation for over 4 decades.

    THAT Delawtf.

    • Stan d. Upnow November 4, 2022, 1:12 pm

      It’s almost like the Progressive-Socialist states/cities are trying to compete with each other to outdo the others in the “woke” category. Unfortunately, they won’t go away and will never stop. They need to be dealt with decisively.

  • Joe November 4, 2022, 10:33 am

    Take up arms and fight. This is tyranny and must be deleted.

  • EasyEddie November 4, 2022, 10:30 am

    Wow! I’d like to see how ‘licensed concealed carriers’ are carrying their weapons with an LCM Drum. I’m not sure if ‘jump the shark’ or ‘crossed the Rubicon’ are the terms I’m looking for, but we’re definitely in a different country than the one I was born in.

  • Kenn November 4, 2022, 10:27 am


    • Kenn November 4, 2022, 10:33 am

      The Delaware law is illegal as to the constitution.
      The only the thing that makes the constitution worth anything is actively carrying out its mandates.
      2A IS NON NEGOTIABLE and anything that infringes upon it is null and void.
      If your not willing to abide by it you don’t deserve it.
      The Delaware law makers are the felons according to the constitution.
      Thousands of military people have sworn to uphold the constitution and go to foreign lands to defend it.
      Now the enemy is here.
      Liberty…can you keep it!

      • Old Sailor November 4, 2022, 1:40 pm

        Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

  • Brace November 4, 2022, 10:19 am

    I am an NRA member and own guns. I recognize why not to give gun haters a victory. But…do I really need a lcm? I don’t need one for hunting, don’t need one for plinking and don’t need one for competitive shooting. The gun community needs to do more in figuring out how to help reduce the number of crazy, angry people killing.

    • Arnold Gitard November 4, 2022, 11:19 am

      What you need is your business. What I need is mine. Target shooting is one thing; defending ones life and home is something else. Capacity matters in a crisis.

    • Yoda November 4, 2022, 11:29 am

      You are missing the age old point… It’s not a question of need to have a lcm. Call them what you want but let’s be real here, it’s a standard capacity magazine. Ok? And btw… Do you really think if ATF showed up at your house ready to rock&roll they’re weapons would be loaded with only 10 rounds!!?? If you believe that then there’s not much else to say here but C’mon man!

      • Old Sailor November 4, 2022, 1:45 pm

        You are correct concerning the ATF. I was talking with a LEO in CO this summer and noticed he had a 30 round AR mag on his vest (more than 15 is illegal in CO). LE is exempt from all these unconstitutional, BS laws the power hungry politicians pass.

    • Landan November 4, 2022, 11:39 am

      Whole point of 2A was to stand against a tyrannical government. Infringement of the 2A or any amendment is an example of tyranny.

    • Firegoat November 4, 2022, 11:57 am

      A good start would be: get rid of the crazy, angry politicians, in our government. You know? The ones who hate our Constitution and always screaming for gun control. You know?
      The liberals. There would be a lot less crazy angry people in our country if there wasn’t so much Hate Speech coming from Washington.

    • David A Welsh November 4, 2022, 12:08 pm

      You are a typical RINO NRA sellout.

    • David Waters November 4, 2022, 12:48 pm

      The first problem with your comment is that you are a member of the NRA, that explains most of it. Why don’t you go out and ask criminals to turn in their lcm. Move to Delaware bud.

    • Stan d. Upnow November 4, 2022, 1:17 pm

      Oh, so since you, personally, don’t have a use for a lcm, but you don’t care if the totalitarians-in-waiting grab them from everyone else, eh? You are a stupid, selfish individual, who will sit back and watch the Left destroy everything this country is based on. Move to China, jackass!

    • D.J. November 4, 2022, 1:39 pm

      If you don’t want / need twenty or thirty round “ mags “ ,
      don’t buy / use them . ‘None of my business .

      If I want / need them , that’s my business , not yours .

      But the last thing I need , is to be scolded by the likes
      of a Neocommunist , like yourself , regarding my
      business .

    • Richard Johnson November 4, 2022, 3:14 pm

      It’s not about what you “need”, friend. It’s about keeping the freedom to own/use it. The Second Amendment wasn’t written to protect what you need for hunting, plinking or competitive shooting. It was written to protect you from a freedom-denying government, and to enable you to protect yourself, your family and, to some extent, your property. And… despite my fervent hope that we never need it for those purposes… with anti-gun liberals always looking to nibble away at everything gun related until they functionally eliminate that freedom entirely, I will object to the denial to law abiding citizens of anything even remotely related to that freedom.

    • Elmer Fudd November 5, 2022, 9:19 am

      Brace – Read the Constitution. It’s not a Bill of “Needs” and has nothing to do with hunting, plinking and competitive shooting. You must have joined the NRA when the average person had a musket. Your attitude is why the NRA is flailing and I say this as a NRA Life Member.

      It doesn’t matter what my reason is for wanting a standard capacity magazine, it’s my business, not yours.

      Please cite your sources for how this specific restriction will reduce “the number of crazy, angry people killing”. You sound more like a Gun Grabbing Leftist pretending to be a “gun owner” to troll this site. I think we should confiscate all guns from who votes DEMOCRAT, that will reduce 90% of gun crime.

  • Fu November 4, 2022, 9:53 am

    The SECOND AMENDMENT is part of our letter to the gubment



  • Slow Joe & Hoe November 4, 2022, 9:43 am

    When They say its time to turn them in, its probably time to load them and see if they work first. Cant sell broken stuff man. Thats just not cool.

  • Gary Pawlak November 4, 2022, 9:07 am

    Don’t turn them in, it’s time modern patriots stood up against small state tyrants.

  • Don Wensel November 4, 2022, 8:58 am

    I’ll just carry 2guns

  • Don from CT November 4, 2022, 8:54 am

    If you live in DE. Don’t forget that you can always move banned stuff out of state.

    I’ve never been a believer in relief from the courts. It generally never comes.
    People in my home state of CT have been waiting for 10 years and each time the suits are dismissed.

    But Bruen has changed EVERYTHING. In the words of our great commander in chief, “Its a big F$%king deal!!)

    Stash the stuff at a friends out of state. (100% legal provided possession is legal in that state) and wait until these laws are overturned. It’s actually a possibility now.

  • Wash November 4, 2022, 8:40 am

    I’m sure the criminals and crazies will be the first to hand theirs in…you know to really do their part in stemming gun violence!!!


  • E.J. Blop November 4, 2022, 8:29 am

    Piss Ant State! I’m sure all the real criminals are lining up to turn in their now illegal magazines.

  • Roger D November 4, 2022, 8:28 am

    This has to be a real bummer for gang members, career criminals, and the miscellaneous generic thugs of Delaware. Do you think they will be the first or last in the line?

    • Landan November 4, 2022, 12:11 pm

      Haha of course. The whole point is to make the law abiding people more susceptible to being affected by criminals and become reliant on the government.

  • Mark November 4, 2022, 8:23 am

    NYS did the same thing, no one listened!

  • Chris Baker November 4, 2022, 8:19 am

    What part of “shall not be infringed” don’t they understand?
    A second question, how would they know if you have a magazine that has a higher capacity or not?
    Third question, did the state find a way to make an illegal registry?
    1. If you have to ask permission to buy any kind of arm (weapon), your right to keep and bear arms has been infringed.
    2. If they can tell you what type of weapon you can buy, your right to keep and bear arms has been infringed.
    3. If they can tell you where or how you can carry your weapon, your right to keep and bear arms has been infringed.
    4. If they can tell you what kind of ammunition for your weapon, your right to keep and bear arms has been infringed.
    5. If they can tell you how many weapons you can have or purchase, your right to keep and bear arms has been infringed.
    6. “Arms” does no just mean “firearms”! All weapons that are light enough for a normal person to carry (bear) no matter what kind, are covered under the banner of “arms” and prohibiting or making conditional on government approval of any of them is an infringement on your right to keep and bear arms.

    • J. Smith November 4, 2022, 9:46 am

      Keep stating the obvious, so whats next? More voting for one of the sunday football teams? Or, rooting for your WWF fighter? If youre still debating, voting, your flatfooted, behind the eight ball and not up to speed.

  • Reginald Hafner November 4, 2022, 8:14 am

    Piss on Delaware, they don’t know what you have so don’t tell them. Mass disobedience is the answer to tyrants demands.

    • Firegoat02 November 4, 2022, 10:24 am

      Laws are what The People agree on.
      Not what a tyrant, or Tyrants place on you!!!!

  • Fal Phil November 4, 2022, 8:10 am

    “There are some key exemptions. Active and retired law enforcement, members of the U.S. military, and licensed concealed carriers are excluded from the ban.”

    We are well on our way to becoming a feudal society when rules do not apply to everyone and have carve-outs like this.

  • Joey November 4, 2022, 7:59 am

    It is definitely the start of slippery slope that we probably can’t come back from

  • Daniel Raidt November 4, 2022, 7:58 am

    Deleware, Corn pop’s home state, or is it Scraton?

  • Your mom November 4, 2022, 7:58 am

    In the words of great Charlton Heston you’ll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers

  • Fukliberals November 4, 2022, 7:48 am

    ” The Tree of Liberty must be Refreshed from Time to Time with the BLOOD of Patriots and TYRANTS ” .. Thomas Jefferson. “FJB ” !!

  • James Richards November 4, 2022, 7:45 am

    The Money Needs to Come Directly Out of the Pockets of those Involved in Unconstitutional Laws!

  • Charles Freeman November 4, 2022, 7:41 am

    Delaware gave us Bozo Joe. That says a lot about the mentality of the state’s voters.

  • Ed peacock November 4, 2022, 7:41 am

    Fudge them, come and get them

  • Krell51 November 4, 2022, 7:30 am

    “To conquer any country, first you must disarm it'” Adolf Hitler! The entire purpose of the Second Amendment was to allow the people to stand up and defend themselves against tyrants. This is a direct violation of that amendment and ANY officer seeking to enforce it is violating his oath to the Constitution!

  • TERRY November 4, 2022, 7:28 am

    Delaware should change their motto from, “Liberty and Independence” to “Surrender and Die.”

  • OlD Bob November 4, 2022, 7:24 am

    Any limit on turn in’s? I have two carboard “pumpkin pallet boxes” full of HK91 20 round mags. All ugly with dents, scratches and some rust deemed unsellable by the importer who gave them to me just to get rid of them. I estimate about 5000 of them.

    • Barry November 4, 2022, 9:33 am

      LOL, now that will be funny! Turning a tidy profit (completely legally) from their attacks on the 2nd amendment always turns their publicity against them. When you beat them at their own game using their own rules rules, they can remember the old motto “don’t hate the player, hate the game!” Of course, they’ll still hate you, but who cares.

  • Bob Dobbs November 4, 2022, 7:14 am

    As a Delaware resident, I can assure you this is not going to work. In fact folks at both larger gun shops, just across the Pennsylvania State line, told me they had record sales of both AR-15s and magazines, just before the Governor signed the is heinous legislation.

    Had the honor of telling my State Senator to get off my front doorstep. She can’t get the roads fixed but has time to worry about woke policies and grabbing guns.

    This will get declared unconstitutional, the question is when.

  • Jerry November 4, 2022, 7:00 am

    So 17 is ok but 20 is bad? Politicians need to take an oath of common sense in addition to an oath to the constitution. When will the gun grabbers admit they’re just trying to disarm the public-or does deleware have criminals that will obey the law? (Criminal-someone that does not obey the law)

    • Chris Baker November 4, 2022, 8:25 am

      All politicians need to have the Pinocchio curse cast on them.

  • Richard November 4, 2022, 6:13 am

    I hope residents of Delaware do not comply.

  • Kevin November 4, 2022, 4:31 am

    Delaware, repeat after me: “I will NOT COMPLY!”

  • J. Smith, November 4, 2022, 4:30 am

    Get fooked!

  • Blue Dog (he/him) 🧢 November 3, 2022, 2:32 pm

    17? Why 17? Is this some sort of Glock exception? 10 is a more rigorous standard.

    • Chuck Matson November 4, 2022, 6:57 am


      • Sam jones November 4, 2022, 10:18 am

        That’s redundant, he already has “he/him” listed so idiot goes without saying

    • Give Me Freedom November 4, 2022, 7:38 am

      If you do not like magazines over ten rounds then do not buy them. I have a carbine with twenty-five shots in it near me for home defense.

      Funny how these tyrants get to have armed personnel with up to thirty-two round magazines defending them and then want to limit everyone else to less than ten shots. Their life certainly is not more important than ours.

    • Jackpine November 4, 2022, 8:04 am

      Foor in the door. They’re starting at 17. Next year it will be 10. Etc.

    • Rex November 4, 2022, 9:11 am

      Thus sprach the useless troll turd. Go take a whiz Blue Dog.

    • AK November 4, 2022, 10:44 am

      Hey BD, you should be opposing this simply on the grounds that a government entity is requiring ID to execute the transaction. Sets bad precedent.

      Also, unfairly targets people of color who have LCMs….your guilt meter should be pegging…

      • Blue Dog (he/him) 🧢 November 4, 2022, 7:13 pm

        You know a thing or two about pegging, don’t you, AK?

    • Kane KIERAN November 4, 2022, 12:27 pm

      Why 10? Oh wait, BD might want his 1911 exemption.

  • SuperG November 3, 2022, 8:59 am

    The death of the Constitution begins.

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