UN Condemns Use of ‘Automatic’ Rifle in Kenosha, Calls for Stricter Gun Control

UN Condemns Use of ‘Automatic' Rifle in Kenosha, Calls for Stricter Gun Control
Rupert Colville, spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (Photo: UN)

Rupert Colville, the spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), spoke out last Friday about the growing civil unrest in America. 

Specifically, Colville addressed the Kyle Rittenhouse incident and the officer-involved shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. 

The UN spokesman indicated that violence in America is a “long-running problem” that needs to be tackled via tougher gun laws (emphasis below added).  

“We would see this as yet another unfortunate example of insufficient and lacks [sic] gun control measures in the United States, which is something we have spoken about several times before,” he said. “It should be inconceivable that you have a 17-year-old running around with an automatic rifle.”

Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old he was referring to, shot three individuals during last week’s riots in Kenosha and killed two of them.  Lawyers for the teen, who has since been charged with murder, argue that he was acting in self-defense when he successfully repelled the attackers with an AR-15 — a semiautomatic rifle. 

All of the men Rittenhouse shot that night were convicted criminals. Joseph “JoJo” Rosenbaum, 36, was a convicted pedophile, Anthony Huber, 26, was a convicted domestic abuser, and Gaige Grosskreutz, 26, is a convicted felon who faced charges for burglary, criminal trespass, theft, and disorderly conduct. 

Rosenbaum and Huber did not survive their wounds.  Grosskreutz, who appeared to have pulled out a handgun and pointed it at Rittenhouse during the melee, had a good chunk of his bicep blasted off before he retreated from the teen.  

Grosskreutz is expected to survive. It’s not clear yet if he has been charged for assaulting Rittenhouse or for unlawfully possessing a firearm as a prohibited person.

A judge and jury will ultimately decide the fate of Mr. Rittenhouse.  However, from the video evidence available online and the reports from local media, it appears to be a justifiable use of force under Wisconsin law.  

Yet, Colville does not view the case as a teen allegedly protecting himself from a violent and unruly mob of convicted felons, rather he sees it as a criminal act that underscores a lack of progress on gun violence prevention because “guns are so readily available and especially assault rifles.”

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When weighing in on the Blake case, Colville contended that the police used excessive force when officers shot at the 29-year-old seven times, hitting him four times in the back.

“It does not appear that the law enforcement officers abided by the international standard of intentional use of lethal force with a firearm,” he explained, adding that it is a “painful reminder of how African Americans continue to be exposed to differentiated and heightened risk, when engaging with law enforcement bodies in the United States.”

Prior to shooting Mr. Blake, officers had attempted to subdue him physically and even tried to taser him twice. Neither less-lethal option prevented Mr. Blake from continuing to engage the officers.

Finally, Mr. Blake was shot when he was opening the door to his vehicle. Police would later discover a knife on the driver-side front floorboard. An investigation is ongoing to determine if he had the knife in his hand just prior to the shooting.

Despite calls to “Defund The Police” and the notion that law enforcement writ large is a threat to black people as Colville suggests, it was an African American female who called 911 because she needed protection from Mr. Blake.

Blake had a warrant out for his arrest on charges related to felony sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse prior to the shooting on Aug. 23. It was that woman who had filed the charges. She was, according to reports, being victimized by Mr. Blake again that fateful day.

The United States is the biggest donor to the United Nations. In 2020, the U.S. provided 22 percent of the organization’s annual budget. China is the second-biggest contributor (12 percent) followed by Japan (8.5 percent).

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  • Greg Lippman September 18, 2020, 10:57 am

    You can tell the UN to take their socialist / communist fantasy and shove it where the sun never shines. Better yet, I will tell them that, or I can do it for them if I ever get the chance.

  • leonard September 14, 2020, 5:27 pm

    to me , Rupert Colville of the un looks like a pedophile who just molested a 6 year old boy! FUCK the UN i say we DEFUND THE UN and tell them to go pound sand up their ass and dare them to step foot on american soil with even a pen knife in their hand. i for 1 will bury the evidence of a un soldier being killed upon american soil! i have a back hoe that is very small so it can be taken inside a garage to did a hole there if need be!
    let me know where their bodies lay and ill bury them deep! and i am NOT above burying those bastards alive!! that will teach them to try and take over in america.

  • ROSS R READ September 12, 2020, 3:41 pm

    I find it laughable that the UN purposes to be the beacon of hope for the world. They condemn American citizens for protecting themselves from domestic terrorists, and are upset that a 17 year old possessed a rifle (the UN couldn’t even get the classification of the rifle correct). Semi automatic is NOT an automatic weapon.
    However, the UN turns a blind eye to tribal leaders in Africa not only killing innocent children, but putting ACTUAL AUTOMATIC WEAPONS AND Rpg’s in the hands of 8 and 9 year olds who they then call soldiers.
    Get your own house in order before lecturing others on issues you OBVIOUSLY know or care nothing about.
    By the way, how many millions in traffic and parking fines are owed by delegates?
    It’s time for the UN to headquarter somewhere like the Hague. Or even better, Sudan. Then maybe they’ll realize what is and is not an automatic weapon.

  • kimberpross September 10, 2020, 10:48 am

    The anti-gun, anti freedom politicians are all quick to condemn what they see happening via the MSM before the investigation is complete and the facts are known. The progressive liberal gun grabbers and their propaganda mouth piece of the MSM are quick to pass judgement. That, I am sick and tired of seeing. Anyone in the USA is innocent until PROVEN guilty. Sick.

  • Ej harbet September 8, 2020, 5:24 pm

    how about the un FOAD and GTFO
    of our country! These useless parasites have been tolerated for too long! it’s PAST TIME there were evicted with EXTREME PREJUDICE!
    Get out fkkers before we remove you!

  • David Howard September 8, 2020, 11:47 am

    Why are we repeating what one, little, unelected U.N. “official” says?
    Did anyone ask what the U.N. thinks?
    Does anyone, aside from the U.N., care what the U.N. says?
    Is anyone surprised that the U.N. opposes everything American?

  • DavidInCO September 8, 2020, 10:53 am

    Defund the UN!

  • Charles Jennings September 8, 2020, 6:26 am

    Chyna & the UN are bedpartners.

  • Mark Vining September 7, 2020, 9:24 pm

    Hey Rupert, kiss may ass! We don’t observe world law. We have this document called the ‘United States Constitution’. It preserves my God given right to protect myself from tyrants just like you. I would ask that you reference the American Revolution for evidence of what happens when a tyrant systematically asserts himself upon a free people. We whipped the worlds best army, at that time, and we will damn sure do it again.

    A Liberty Loving God Fearing Patriot

    Molon Labe

    • leonard September 14, 2020, 5:34 pm

      right on brother!! my ancestors came on the mayflower and kicked georgy porgy’s ass out of america 2 times!
      lets ship BLM and ANTIFA to protect their buildings and pay them $50 a day to burn them to the ground!! even supply them with gasoline.
      the last week of the protests we tell them they have to collect their pay on such and such day at such and such location. they show up to get paid and we send them to good commie heaven!!!

  • Donald Campbell September 7, 2020, 6:08 pm

    So the UN complains about a semi-automatic rifle being used to defend a business in Kenosha from being attacked by communists while saying nothing about the 94,000 black african Christians slaughtered by Islamists by Haram, Fulani tribesmen, and other extremists. I guess those black lives don’t matter. Ignore the UN; it is mo longer relevant.

  • Greg September 7, 2020, 4:09 pm

    The UN will do anything to advance their globalist moves to create a defenseless world populace, including their International Small Arms Trade Treaty, the ban calling for the disarming of ALL CIVILIANS. If Biden were to take office he would welcome the UN with open arms and help them advance the globalist, One-World-Order to be headed and run by the “elitist of the elite”. No guns = tyrannical government in the eyes of the Demo-Lib-Socio-Leftists. America as we know and love it will be a thing of the past, and will probably be erased and replaced in the Lib history books as well.

  • Max Hoyle September 7, 2020, 1:39 pm


  • Bubbinator September 7, 2020, 1:07 pm

    The crooks and socialist imbeciles at the UN need to keep their noses out of America’s business. Given their track record of failure after failure to ever effectively bring any positive change into situations they involve themselves in the last thing we need is UN interference. The age of the UN has long passed, we need to get out of that cesspool of corruption. Absent US funding, which hybfar is much greater than other members this house of cards will collapse inside a year!

    • Rose Brown September 7, 2020, 9:38 pm

      I could not say it better myself. The UN is a joke. I should know because I seen what they don’t do for the countries they are suppose to help.

    • Rose Brown September 7, 2020, 9:45 pm

      The UN can keep their comments to themselves. The UN does nothing. If it wasn’t for the US there would be no UN. Our military never falls under a UN commander. What does that tell you???

  • mike September 7, 2020, 12:25 pm

    the un is bullshit we dont need them.what?have they ever prevented

  • oldfuzz695 September 7, 2020, 12:00 pm

    Here is my question to the UN and every politician in the Federal Government. After sacraficing over 58,000 Americans fighting Communism in Vietnam, why did we jump in bed with Communist China and lose millions of good paying jobs to that enemy? Standard answer is, “well, it’s complicated”. BS

  • John Boutwell September 7, 2020, 11:27 am

    Colville, mind your own business.

  • Douglas Faloon September 7, 2020, 10:40 am

    Time to move the U.N . to neutral soil. Butt out of our internal affairs.

    • Edidaniel September 7, 2020, 11:50 am

      Not so! It is just high time For the US to QUIT FUNDING The UN and get out AND to federalize the property and charge rent based on what anyone else would have to pay to rent the property.

      That rental income could be applied directly to reducing the national debt.

  • Kb31416 September 7, 2020, 10:37 am

    1. US out of UN. Now.
    2. Light blue helmets make outstanding rifle targets.

  • Wil Ferch September 7, 2020, 9:34 am

    The UN has absoultely NO say or jurisdiction in USA. As much as it wishes-it-were-true…..there is no One World Order for them to rule over other countries. If they want to stick their noses into USA anyway…..why not decry the unlawful actions of Portland rioting, burning and looting?

  • Billy Smith September 7, 2020, 9:13 am

    Who the hell cares what UN thinks.
    This is not their country, no one ask for their opinion.
    The UN isn’t over here stopping the unruly violence we are dealing with daily.
    US citizens should care whatever protect to defend themselves and the laws of each state allows.
    Let that moron over in Europe come spend a few nights in one of these lawless democrat run cities without protection and see if he might have a different opinion.

  • Leopoldo Cavero September 7, 2020, 8:07 am

    The UN members known well about the legality of the usage of guns in the USA as part of the rights law abiding citizens have and perpetuated in the law of laws of our Constitution. Then, why these imbeciles take a stand against our laws and rights? It’s very simple: the UN is an instrument of our enemies to foment division and chaos knowing they can’t do anything about it unless an idiot pro China like Joe is sitting in the Oval Office of the WH. Trump is very smart and hope he will find the way to ask the UN to move its headquarters from NY and to be place to a third world country like Venezuela, to renounce to continue been members of that political socialist organization, and to never again to use our taxpayer money to fund any of their biased projects. In diplomacy, something the UN don’t care, it’s called INTROMISSION in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation, and we can’t continue let this happen again! USA 🇺🇸 Trump 2020!

  • Birda40 September 7, 2020, 6:11 am

    If Biden wins Antifa / BLM will have out lived their use. The UN will not care who is in front of them if they make it to American soil. As for that kid, he would be dead if it wasn’t for the Black Musket he carried that night. I would like to know who funded all the Antifa that drove from the West coast , Unless they did it on our dime thru the Covid unemployment program.

    • deanbob September 7, 2020, 8:24 am

      I hope the DOJ is seriously investigating the source of the funds. The had legal aid attorneys and bail money pre-funded. We can guess that 1 of the usual funders of Marxist activities, likely indirectly through 1 of his many foundations is George Soros. It is known that he spent millions of the last several election cycles funding the campaigns of District Attorneys who have been releasing those arrested in the riots on ZERO bail and eventually dropping the charges (on most of these criminals.

    • Steven September 7, 2020, 8:33 am

      George Soros & other multi-billionaire globalists, memebers of the Democrat Party, members of the U.N. , to name a few.

  • Philip September 7, 2020, 4:35 am

    The UN Human Rights Council includes China, Russia and Cuba amongst other nations. Doesn’t that seem a little hypocritical that those 3 nations along with others on the council are to pass judgement upon the US. Defund the UN

    • Bonnie Miller September 7, 2020, 7:54 am

      …and evict them from American soil. I have a hunch that the UN headquarters building would make some pretty high-end condos or office space which income could be used to repay the taxpayers that paid for it originally.

    • deanbob September 7, 2020, 8:31 am

      For 4 years the left has been doing everything they can to subvert the election of the president. Even Trump’s FBI, DOJ, and Dept of State have stood in the way of Judicial Watch obtaining many documents of those involved in the silent coup against the president.

      Is it any wonder that these neo Marxists have been emboldened in their attempt to destroy the nation that has done more to lift people from the shackles of totalitarian dictators like those running the UN?

  • Don S. September 6, 2020, 5:48 pm

    Let’s start that party. Come and take them !

  • Joe September 6, 2020, 5:40 pm

    Tell Rupert and his grossly-overpaid ‘developing world’ incompetent fellows to know what they are talking about before they interject their uninformed opinions into a situation in which they have no role. Having seen their bureaucratic ham-stringing of their own borderline-capable ‘peacekeepers’, I have neither respect for (nor confidence in) their avid interest in dictating their ‘solutions’ to our problems! It has been my view in the field and at home, that many of the UN “representatives” are all about enjoying a standard of living far beyond the reach and dreams of most of their constituents, and their presence as ‘representatives is due to being recipients of local (home country) distribution of political largess to a favored few. i cannot imagine the benefits of expenses collected for their mere presence in the US.

  • Thomas Amann September 6, 2020, 11:39 am

    what does the UN have to do with America’s Bill Of Rights ? NOTHING thats what . All the UN is , is a place where 3rd world dictators are given more political power than they would have on their own . THE bafoons in the UN would be better off worrying about the freedoms of their own citizens , many of whom own fully auto weapons without government say so. Half of the UN member states have the areas away from their capitol cities controlled by war lords and /or drug merchants so don’t talk to me about my freedoms the founder saw fit to bestow on me and my fellow countryman . I served 4 years in the United States Marine Corps So I would Have my freedoms .

  • Jim September 6, 2020, 10:32 am

    The UN can go pound sand. First off they have gotten the type of firearm wrong as it was a Semi-Automatic and it does appear that the kid was in fear of his life when he finally fired on his attackers. I am many, many others could care less what the UN thinks.
    Also, I thought that we pulled out of the UN because of their idiotic demands to change our firearm laws.

    • willy September 7, 2020, 7:28 am

      They also use the term. “African-American”. That in itself invalidates the UN credibility, because there is no such person as an African-American. It’s just a silly politically correct term for a black man, or negro. Besides that, the UN needs to keep their noses out of our business.

  • Kane September 6, 2020, 9:57 am

    Just wondering why the UN never “condemned” Barak Hussein Obama’s illegal gun smuggling operation into Mexico as part of the “fast and furious” scheme?

    Why has the World Court failed to hear any arguments alleging that the former POTUS broke “inter-national law”?

  • Adam Lowe September 6, 2020, 3:48 am

    Looks like the high commissioner is starting the groundwork for the narrative that the UN needs to invade the US to establish social justice. I don’t believe 99% of the QAnon conspiracy theories, but they put a video on YouTube about exposing the Illuminati based on a 1967 LP. I’m not sure if its true, but it seems to be at least mostly historically accurate and explain some of the most unexplainably bad strategic decisions of the 20th century. And it makes the claim that ww3 was planned a long time ago and will be between Atheists and Christians, something I could see happening given the way the world is going.

    • shrugger September 7, 2020, 6:33 am

      [Insert blue helmets make great targets meme here]

  • Bill September 6, 2020, 3:07 am

    The U,N. needs to keep there nose out of our nation . And our nation needs to stop having anything to do with the U.N. . I mean the man does not even knows what he is talking about . Theres 17 year olds in the army , And it was a Simi Auto , Not an automatic you dumbass .

    • Don in VA September 6, 2020, 3:41 pm

      Defund the UN. Blue helmets make great targets!
      Hey Rupert, mind your own business, you ignoramous AssClown!

  • JohnL September 5, 2020, 9:38 pm

    Hey Rupert, shouldn’t you check with your muslim masters before you comment?

  • john September 5, 2020, 5:03 pm

    Get the US OUT of the UN and get the UN the Hell OUT of the US. DE-fund and take back our equipment and arms. Where would these American haters be then?

  • KO September 5, 2020, 3:44 pm

    Put a mustache on that crap suited, combed over, pompous, pampered, pandering, political hack and you have a dead wringer, behavior and spine wise for Bill Paxton’s used car salesman character in True Lies. The only difference is that this weasel would wet his pants in REAl life.

    The 2A: Keeping America uninvadable since long before we bailed out his continent…

  • Sam September 5, 2020, 2:05 am

    I love the Related Posts. Gallup:Support for stricter gun control drops. Pew Research: support for stricter gun laws grow.

    • Thomas Amann September 6, 2020, 11:44 am

      Polls depend on how you word them , who you ask. When asked straight forward ; Do you think American Citizens should be able to own firearms to protect themselves and their family > overwhelmingly American Support firearms ownership .

  • dave September 5, 2020, 12:27 am

    We really don’t care what the high commissioner thinks and it looks as though he is as smart as the democrats and the media. I guess if it is a black gun it just has to be full auto . How did this guy get to be a high commissioner being so stupid?

  • Gpasunny September 4, 2020, 11:33 pm

    He needs to go F himself because it wasn’t an automatic weapon used. It was a semiautonomous requiring a pull of the trigger to fire each round. He of course knows that but can’t resist perpetrating a lie and in the process showing how assanine and ignorant he really is

  • AZWOLF September 4, 2020, 10:58 pm

    The kid had every right to defend himself against the attack from these rioters. He did good!!!

  • Stephen Kovacs September 4, 2020, 10:25 pm

    UN stay out of our business. I have no doubt the UN, who cannot control it’s own members, has its sights on dismamtalling the Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights, and individual citizens rights.
    Just remember those blue helmets make good targets.
    I as many will defend the United States against all those ‘foreign or domestic’

    • DJG September 5, 2020, 10:55 am

      What a crass and thoughtless comment. U.S. troops have worn those blue helmets over the years in many parts of the World. The blue helmets represent peace keepers and not combatants. They are allowed to defend themselves but they do not get involved in military operations on behalf of opposition forces. Now the spokesperson for the UN does deserve to be chastised for a stupid comment but please don’t demean U.S. or other countries militaries that are deployed in a peace keeping effort. Thank you.

      • Stephen Kovacs September 5, 2020, 5:07 pm

        DIG, Thx you for your enlightning comment. My comment of ‘blue helmets’ was made in error without explanation.
        US military have ndeed been deployed to foreign lands providing humaitarian aid to civilians in harm’s way. There US Military and civilian personnel can be considered hostile and acted against accordingly.
        My reference was in point concerning foreign UN troops deployed on US soil. They are considered insurgents subject to removal by US Military or Millitia under Constitutional Law.
        These ‘blue helmets’ are foreign military and subject to any and all rules of engagement.
        Protect the US Constitution against any foreign or domestic….

      • MIke S. September 7, 2020, 9:06 am

        That is pure bullshit, DJG! THe UN has done nothing but foment war since its inception. Every war this country has been in since WWII has been under the auspices of the UN and by definition and UN rules, has been UNWINNABLE! Their goal has been to fight these unwinnable, perpetual wars, using the USA as their pointman and main force body to do all the bleeding for them. The ultimate wished-for outcome has always been one-world totalitarian governance under the UN, enforced by a single (NATO) military power. Your rights and the rights of ANY “citizen of the world” at that point would be nothing but a faint memory.

        My dad fought in the first of those UN debacles, I fought in the second, There have been countless others since I came home from Vietnam. We weren’t allowed to win in Korea, or Vietnam, or in any other war since. But the UN sure as hell made sure we shed the most blood for their evil intent. So take you ignorant comments somewhere else, sonny! You haven’t the slightest idea what the hell you’re talking about. UN “peacekeepers” is a lie!!

  • Doug September 4, 2020, 8:09 pm

    Defund/disband and dissolve the UN from our borders!

  • Robert Dewitt September 4, 2020, 8:08 pm

    It’s completely unacceptable that the UN has any thing to say about how we Americans should buckle under their agenda. I still haven’t figured out as to why
    Their main Headquarters is here in the United States. They need to be moved out of this country, don’t want them, don’t need them here spreading their bill shit on how we Americans should conduct ourselves. Get out and stay out. Screw the UN.

  • Roy McMillan September 4, 2020, 8:04 pm

    This is what happens when you have people that have no clue about weapons making demands and passing laws on who can have Weapons.

  • Asines September 4, 2020, 8:00 pm

    Fuck the UN. Throw their career criminal asses out of my country and don’t give them another goddamn dime of US money.

  • Sean C Bateson September 4, 2020, 7:35 pm

    Go Home you are not welcome here!

  • dale andersen September 4, 2020, 7:11 pm

    Defund the UN!! How dare the UN voice their opinion about something they they don’t understand and are more then a little confused about!! It was a semi-automatic, not auto!! He only fired 4 shots total!! Guns save lives!! Maine has little crime and all residents can carry without special permit!

  • ES16 September 4, 2020, 6:44 pm

    The UN, located in NYC, goes hand in hand with NYC draconian gun laws still enforced by democratic legislators. Moved out of the empire state in the 70s and never looked back. Relocate the UN to the Hague and use the real estate to house homeless and injured vets who survived the insanity of war… my wife and I both served proudly.

  • E26 September 4, 2020, 6:44 pm

    The UN, located in NYC, goes hand in hand with NYC draconian gun laws still enforced by democratic legislators. Moved out of the empire state in the 70s and never looked back. Relocate the UN to the Hague and use the real estate to house homeless and injured vets who survived the insanity of war… my wife and I both served proudly.

  • Tex September 4, 2020, 6:31 pm

    My suggestion to the UN is to pay more attention to the Chicoms and their slave labor force and keep their fucking opinions about our internal affairs to themselves. They are gutless, have a superiority complex, somehow think the world listens to them and are mostly worthless. Or better yet…come on down to my part of Texas and we can show you some rope tricks……..and a stand of oak trees. Death to tyranny and people who can’t mind their own fucking business. Thank you.

  • Les September 4, 2020, 5:15 pm

    I’ve got one thing to say to the UN,,,,,

    GO POUND SAND !!!!! No patriot or Vet gives a wit what you think !

  • John September 4, 2020, 5:15 pm

    Does anyone with at least half a brain still believe outlawing guns of any type will stop violence of any kind? Simple history proves that crazy persons have always found a way to kill others, be it with a rock or a firearm. Outlawing guns is as effective as outlawing booze was to stop deaths by drunk driving. Gun owners must first pass a safety course before acquiring a firearm, but do any of our politicians pass a test before they make stupid laws that hurt people but have no effect on criminals?
    When will the lawmaking elite stop ruining our lives without being held responsible for passing bad laws that do much more harm than guns ever have? It can’t be any more obvious or simple then that, may God help us for those unthinking idiots .

  • Phil September 4, 2020, 4:24 pm

    Get the U.S. out of the U.N and the U.N. out of the U.S.

  • bilker September 4, 2020, 4:15 pm

    It’s long past time for the U.S. to get out of the UN and boot it out of the country. It’s a useless organization that is populated with anti-american groups.

  • JJ September 4, 2020, 4:10 pm

    I wonder which is more of a problem, semi-automatic rifles or rockets and missiles. What has Colville and the UN said about rockets and missiles fired into Israel. What has Colville and the UN said about the genocide of Christians in the Middle East. What has Colville and the UN said about Iran and the nukes…………….

  • Joey Sabah September 4, 2020, 3:46 pm

    The UN for a very long time has intervened into the internal conflicts of many nations when it served it’s purposes.

    The hypocrisy of the this statement can be illustrated by asking a few questions.
    Where was the UN in the 1990s when there was ethnic cleansing? Millions died. No one have a flip. Those lives had little value.

    How about Cambodia in the 1970s?
    Communists killing indiscriminately. (Coming to a town near you)

    China, with its repeated human rights abuses. (Organ harvesting anyone?) Tip of the iceberg with them.

    Cuba with its human rights abuses, jails full of Christians and political dissidents.

    What’s that you say? Take the U.S.off the human rights commission at the UN, and replace them with countries like Sudan? SUDAN for God’s sake!.

    America is being destabilized by communist sympathizers in the media who green light, and provide cover to the communists destroying our cities, and the slovenly individuals posing as governors and mayors who openly attack American’s who call out this behavior as an insurrection. I live in Green Bay Wi. An violet protest took place a day ago where one of the communists was arrested with a flame thrower. You read it right. Flame thrower.

    This kid in Kenosha defended himself. Under state law he had every right to engage, he was being violently assaulted. He ran away. Tripped and was about to be killed. Tough luck. Where’s all that empathy and understanding the left loves to talk about? I’ll leave that to you meditate about.
    I have never seen such unhinged a and violent behavior in my life and have had enough of it personally.
    You know who hasn’t? Democrats. Camilla Harris said keep going.
    The UN doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the U.S.. period. They see us as a target of opportunity to be brought down and subverted by the communists. The UN is leftist run. Why wouldn’t they?

    Logically it figures that they would call for gun control. Cite freedom to defend yourself as lawlessness, or imply it. Meanwhile turning a blind eye to the leftist mobs destroying our cities. Condemning those standing against it.

    The UN is A fraud. A lie. Standing diametrically opposed to liberty and individual rights as enumerated in our bill of rights. Go to hell. I have nothing but contempt for you. When you could have made a difference you didn’t. However imperfect the U.S. is we don’t need a lecture from a world body who uses us at convenience, but otherwise condemns, harasses and chides.

  • Dilligaf September 4, 2020, 3:40 pm

    The UN can go suck a dick and stay the hell out of American affairs.

  • No1hunter September 4, 2020, 3:04 pm

    No wonder the world is so screwed up with idiots like that in the UN. Apparently MR UN High Commissioner for Human Rights doesn’t give a crap about Rittenhouse’s human rights or the rights and lives the Liberal DEPLORABLES are destroying. Frankly, I find it “inconceivable” a mornon like you sit on any position of the UN when you s/b cleaning cigarette butts out of beer bottles.

  • JOHN THE FOX September 4, 2020, 2:49 pm


    • Rattlerjake September 4, 2020, 6:54 pm

      What’s amazing is that this 17 y/o out preformed the majority of law enforcement officers; he stoped three threats with the same number of rounds!

      The UN is angry that this young man eliminated three of their unruly criminal thugs that they need to help take down this nation. I say #DEFUNDTHEUN !

  • Larry September 4, 2020, 2:11 pm

    Remember the ignorant and opportunistic parents of St. George of Floyd had their lawyers contact the UN to help them in their activism against the American establishment by asking for help in taking guns away from law enforcement. I wonder who made the call this time?

  • AK September 4, 2020, 2:04 pm

    UN High Comisioner for Worthless Limey Fuck Opinions….

    • buck September 4, 2020, 8:30 pm

      this guy is a total ass hole ! he should be selling papers on a corner in down town manhatten !

  • Jim September 4, 2020, 1:49 pm

    There’s automatic and semiautomatic. Just like there’s intelligent and semi intelligent.

  • mike September 4, 2020, 1:33 pm


    • Don MALONE September 5, 2020, 7:07 pm

      The United Nations should remember that they are in fact NOT the United States of America but a guest in our country.

      In the USA we will fight our enemies both foreign and domestic. I smell communistic intent with UN comments like this. So you can take your comments and KMA! From Texas.

  • tdavis September 4, 2020, 1:26 pm

    No doubt the UN approves of the “automatic” weapon used in Portland to murder Aaron Danielson. I would like to see President Trump remove the UN from US Territory and offer them a location in San Francisco.

  • Dan Hayes September 4, 2020, 1:17 pm

    Soooooooo…it looks like Sleepy Uncle Joe has found another Trench Coat Pedophile from Fantasy Island, to support his gun control Plans! Last thing we need is some Cock Sucker from the UN who looks like he just fell off a Central Park Bench in the Big Rotten Apple, telling us what to do

  • JungleCogs September 4, 2020, 12:58 pm

    Mind your own business you lousy Bum! If it wasn’t for the USA paying your lazy way, you wouldn’t have a job… or perhaps a Country for that matter.

    • Richard September 4, 2020, 2:02 pm

      Well put . I agree whole-heartedly !!!!!

  • Michael Dean Hanson September 4, 2020, 12:17 pm

    GET US OUT OF THE U.N. We do not need them, nor want them. Kick them out of the country! Quit paying for their BS.

    • Richard September 4, 2020, 2:03 pm

      You got that right !!!!!

    • Rattlerjake September 5, 2020, 12:03 am

      100% — Defund the UN!

  • Rev Jim September 4, 2020, 12:11 pm

    P S ; Tell this idiot U N ass-of-a-spokesperson to get “its” facts correct before opening “its” mouth… the AR is not an “automatic” weapon unless it has modified. Tell the U N to get out of our country and go cause trouble elsewhere…they are very good at that. A U N group was once asked to meet and design a horse and upon their drawings and data submitted…guess what? A camel!!!

  • Texf6 September 4, 2020, 12:03 pm

    Can’t add anything to all the great comments and sentiments here. Stay vigilant

  • Rev Jim September 4, 2020, 11:57 am

    Tell this money-laundry bunch to mind their own business and stay out of ours!!! This blood sucking group to get out of our country and their very presence in the United States will be viewed as an act of war by a foreign enemy. Our great President Trump needs to remove our funds from this terror bunch of thugs, NOW! Remove the U N buildings from New York and make a garbage dump or? something on the present site. U N has NEVER solved anything except to spend more money.

    • bilker September 4, 2020, 4:20 pm

      “U N has NEVER solved anything except to spend more money.” rev let me correct this for you.
      “U N has NEVER solved anything except to spend more of OUR money.” You’re welcome!

  • JJ September 4, 2020, 11:54 am

    How does the UN feel about gun laws in Arab countries?

  • todd j meyer September 4, 2020, 11:51 am

    Someone give this UN idiot a copy of a dictionary and reading lessons. The firearm was not a automatic rifle the definition of such is a firearm that fires more than one round when the trigger is pulled one time.

  • AK September 4, 2020, 11:28 am

    Rupert Colville…is he some flavor of Limey pencil-neck with bad hair? If so he can safely be ignored.

  • Steve Fye September 4, 2020, 11:25 am

    I’ve never given a fuck what the UN thinks about gun control and I care even less what they think today. If they like being victims of strong arm robberies, rape, murder and mob violence that’s their prerogative. It was authoritarian dictatorships we came to this land to avoid. Europe should kiss my ass on the Tonight Show, then drop to their knees and kiss the Queen’s booties (or booty). There are approximately 100 million gun owners in the US, try taking them without a fight. Molon Labe

  • MPGunther September 4, 2020, 11:21 am

    The US should defund the UN along with Planned Parenthood and NPR. Obviously this nimrod has never been to Central America, Africa or the Middle East where the children are born with AK’s in their hands

    • Erwin Lang September 4, 2020, 11:27 am


  • CC September 4, 2020, 10:57 am

    Go talk your shit in Afghanistan or the Chinese-India border, you braying jackass.
    It’s your kind that’s causing ALL of this.

  • Wayne Rausch September 4, 2020, 10:51 am

    The UN needs to butt out of our sovern country’s affairs. Go meddle somewhere else you fools. Europeans did such a good job when Hitler came on the scene didn’t they? If it hadn’t been for America, everyone in Europe would be speaking German. Hey UN, stay out of our country, and stay out of our affairs…we don’t need or want you!

  • Maha September 4, 2020, 10:50 am

    The UN needs to be evicted from the NY real estate it sits in. In its place should be a law enforcement center tasked with controlling riots in American cities.

    • Donald Dazenko September 4, 2020, 1:12 pm

      Guns in the America is not any of U N business!!!!!!!!

  • Johnny Mancuso September 4, 2020, 10:40 am

    We do not need to be in or support the UN. The proposed UN “treaty” is just another way to try to take away our rights granted by the second amendment of the US Constitution. DeFund the UN!

  • Sigmund Bloom September 4, 2020, 10:31 am

    Mr. Coleville is another globalist who does not like the freedoms enjoyed in the US. The UN does not like it either as this means that they have NO CONTROL over us. The founding fathers were on top of this from the beginning when they wrote the bill of rights. They forsaw the evil of an organization like the UN. Yessir. My own father warned me that if we want to see our freedoms go away, go along with the UN’s ideas of who should be running the show. Well, Coleville, you can go and bugger off. And we will keep the freedoms the founding fathers gave us. “Get the US out of the UN and then get the UN out of the US.”

  • HADMYFILL September 4, 2020, 10:18 am

    Remember, UN is part of (also funded by) Deep State…………….I guess that’s why ‘Ruprick’ had the nerve to post anything about this. US needs to defund their 22% contribution. Keep an eye out for the blue helmets.

    • Steve Fye September 4, 2020, 11:29 am

      I can consistently hit a blue helmet with my AR15 from 500 yards away.

  • John Beargrass September 4, 2020, 10:11 am

    colvile can go screw himself. This is NONE of the UN’s business.

  • Carl Peal September 4, 2020, 10:06 am

    I respectfully ask all readers to study the UN Charter. It can be found on Wikipedia. It specifically states the recognition of each nation’s SOVEREIGNTY. The UN has NO business dictating about firearms ownership or use. Just one more reason to get the US out of the UN, and kick the UN out of the US. JMO

  • Alan1018 September 4, 2020, 10:00 am

    Defund the Useless nations and kick them out of the USA.

  • sssstick September 4, 2020, 9:59 am

    UN needs to get out of America tend to its own afdairs. Hands off my Bill Of Rights.
    This particular so-called commissioner or whatever, needs to be deported ASAP and never allowed to set foot on American soil again.

  • Keith S. Safford September 4, 2020, 9:55 am

    Who cares about the U.N. They are a failed organization. Everywhere they go and then leave, things are worse than when they got there. They are controlled by the global elites who want every nation disarmed so that they may enslave the populace. U.S. get out of the U.N. and kick the U.N. out of the U.S.!! NNOOWW!!

  • Steve September 4, 2020, 9:53 am

    Fuk the UN!.. First off it wasn’t an automatic rifle and the kid was being attacked from four different people and was defending himself! You wouldn’t understand that because you have a mega security detail around you! And your constituents in the Democratic party have fanned the Flames of unrest witch you subhuman piece of crap at the UN love. Please if you feel unsafe here please take the whole UN to Europe China Pakistan Iran where it is much safer safer! The UN has brought nothing but.. misery since its Inception! Got a great track record Africa and what you did in the Balkans when peacekeepers were there and we’re allowed Stop The Killing of civilians!

  • Frank Escalona September 4, 2020, 9:49 am

    Dear Sirs,
    Rupert Coleville speaks on behalf of The UN High Commissioner For Human Rights, she is Michelle Bachelet, the former president of Chile.
    She believes to this day that East Germany where she grew up under the regime of Erich Honecker in a repressive socialist/communist regime was a proletarian paradise.
    She lives in luxury in Geneva Switzerland while espousing concern for violence in the United States.
    In her native Chile where she was twice president of the country, violence is rampant at this moment, and narcotics traffickers and other criminal elements who illegally possess guns are burning people out of their houses, murdering people, looting, burning long haul trucks after robbing the drivers, to such an extent that the Teamsters Union of Chile just held a national strike because they are not being protected from rampant violence. The only reported instances of people not being burned out of their houses when attacked by criminal gangs with guns have been ex military who possessed guns, and repelled criminals at gunpoint. So much for Chile’s gun control laws!!
    It seems Ms. Michelle Bachelet, The High Commissioner For Human Rights and her spokesman Mr. Colville should focus on encouraging gun ownership in Chile! so that people can have a chance to defend themselves from the criminal violence that is rampant and out of control there, rather than make statements about a country she has no connection to in the least. Having been twice president of Chile you would think her focus would be on how to protect law abiding civilians in her home country which is fast becoming a failed state, rather than criticizing the United States of America.

    • Billy Bob September 4, 2020, 12:13 pm

      Well stated. Thank you for sharing such important information on that evil globalist mouthpiece. We are officially living in the time when good is called evil and evil is called good. It seems whenever the tag, ” for the children ” can be added you know its probably a lie, an evil lie.

  • Patriot September 4, 2020, 9:46 am

    Aren’t these the same people who were raping & killing innocents in Africa they were charged with protecting? Defund & throw them out of our country now.

  • Duane September 4, 2020, 9:43 am

    Anyone need more proof of the inept and totally corrupt UN? Wow, an entire global entity of ivory tower globalists telling us how to live.

  • Cliff Bailey September 4, 2020, 9:40 am

    The UN needs to clean up their act. The only reason they want gun control is then you will not have a Nation armed and ready to repel any attacks

  • Jd74 September 4, 2020, 9:34 am

    Let’s defund the UN as a non-essential organization anymore stay out of our business, we can clean up our mess.

  • Jay September 4, 2020, 9:30 am

    When an officer issues a lawful request you comply. That limits the escalation and keeps you from getting shot or tasered.
    When an outsider decides he will criticize this country for our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS he needs to understand we don’t care what he thinks. That’s the beauty of opinions, we all have our own and we are entitled to them.
    What we don’t have is the right to determine what the facts are.

    Fact Mr. Blake had a knife in his left hand when the police were trying to detain him.
    Fact the woman who called the police stated he had a knife and was making threats when she called
    Fact he had an open arrest warrant that was being executed by the police at that time
    Fact his 3 children were in the car and had to witness their dad being shot is a tragedy
    Fact Blake is now paralyzed and is lucky he isn’t dead.

    Listen not every person who is face to face with law enforcement is killed. Also not every person who has been killed is a good person who was just turning their life around.

    Police have the toughest job in the country and must make life and death decisions all the time. Support the PD and help them deescalate the situation by being reasonable and responsible citizens.
    All police need body cameras to help show their view of situations, it is important to have the evidence and get it out as soon as possible to diffuse the unrest immediately.

    • Maha September 4, 2020, 10:53 am

      It would be better for the American taxpayer if the perp was dead. Now we have to pay for his care.

  • skipNclair September 4, 2020, 9:26 am

    Well I like millions maybe even billions condemn the United Nations. I like millions or billions of others are warning you to stay out of our lives, for your one of Satans greatest tools and would appreciate it if you were not here and would get the hell out of the nation. We don’t give a damn what you think or want, and if you mess with us much longer we will march on you and remove you with force and remove that building you occupy. We might go as far as to remove that family that gave you the land to squat on. In other words piss off.

  • Rich K. September 4, 2020, 9:25 am

    The UN needs to keep its one-world-order crap, and its proverbial nose, out of the USA. I don’t hear them complaining about the REAL automatic rifles that Islamic terrorists have used in several attacks in Europe, which has even more restrictive gun control overall, than the USA.

  • Jeannie September 4, 2020, 9:24 am

    All I have are three little words: Eff the UN!

  • Robert Frasconi September 4, 2020, 9:18 am

    President Trump and congressional Republicans FUND the U.N.

  • Dwayne September 4, 2020, 9:14 am

    The last time a Brit told us how to live our lives we ran them out of our country, then a couple decades later we kicked them out again.
    If the UN wants to send troops I welcome it, maybe that will unite America to defeat a group that likes to talk out of both sides of its mouth!

    • Jeannie September 4, 2020, 9:25 am

      Yep. Well and succinctly said, Patriot.

    • CGA September 4, 2020, 1:09 pm

      Their blue helmets should make them easy targets. Get US out of the UN, and get them out of our business. Trump needs to UNSIGN US from that UN piece of crap that Kerry signed for US and said we would ratify, that lets them regulate our weapons. This UN POS can go pound sand with ALL the rest of the UN. Kick them out of OUR country and let them take up residence in the EU.

  • Big Al 45 September 4, 2020, 9:14 am

    And why should we, one of the most generous and free peoples on earth, listen to an organization that is made up of tyrants and human rights violators ?
    Fully one third of the U.N. are Countries that do not recognize womens rights, that do not recognize certain individual rights and much more.
    And far more are NOT ‘Democracies’ in the true sense, many labeling themselves as such when the barely are.
    The opinions of the members of the U.N. are hypocritical in light of their own record.

    • Jeannie September 4, 2020, 9:26 am

      …and, don’t forget human traffickers and drug runners, too.

  • Earl Haehl September 4, 2020, 9:08 am

    We need to cut through the visceral response and deal with internal problems through our laws, In 1968, following the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robet Kennedy, congress addressed the issue with the comprehensive Gun Control Act of 1968. While I am among those who feel it went to far in expanding the Powers of the Federal Government It restricted the commerce in weapons–there is no general public safety provision in the constitution of the United States, At present it is unlawful to transfer a firearm (as defined) to a person less tha 18 years of age-the age of majority in most states. There are catagories of prohibited persons
    felons, persons not lawfully in the united states, persons adjudicated as incompetent ot judicially committed to a mental institution, fugitives from justices, persons under indictment and facing trial on felony charges.

    Later prohibitions sucha as misdemeanant domestic abusers, persons behind in child support, etc hav yet to be fully adjudicated.

    Now we have a spokesman for a Unted Nations appendant organization exhorting a greater role for the United States. Our first 14 states declared themselves free and independent on 4 July 1776 and signed individual treaties with Britain in 1783,

    Secondly, the AR (Armalite Rifle) 15 is a semi-automatic weapons, not a machine gun. With a bumpstock or binary trigger i still cannot shoot as fast as Jerry Miculek.

    As to the Authority of the United Nations that Treaty is secondaty to the United States Constitution which grants the United states power to make and abrigated treaties with foreign powers. I will not go into this any further than to say the UN does not have either the jurisdiction or the military power to direct the internal governance of the United States.

  • Clint September 4, 2020, 8:58 am

    Amazing. What does the UN have to say with full auto AK’s all over Africa? Except for the innocents involved, if those 9/11 terrorist would have targeted the UN and the New York Times, don’t think we would be as mad.

    • Jeannie September 4, 2020, 9:35 am

      In order for the Communists to take over the entire globe, they have to disarm US citizens…period. They don’t care how many Africans or South Americans die each year in civil war, but they do consider that an advantage towards their goal.

      Trump poked the Dragon, and the Dragon wants world dominance. We are seeing more and more communists being exposed in our federal and state governments. Follow the money, and it leads by to Dragon money.

      Re-elect Trump, but the rest have to go. It is time for citizens to step up and run for office. If these simps who are currently in office, and too many of whom have held their office for far too long, the average freedom loving American Joe and Jane can run and win.

      I am too old and infirm, but I did my best for my town as a councilwoman. All y’all young’uns run for office, and together we can take our country out of the communists’ grip.

  • CountryLogic September 4, 2020, 8:57 am

    Homeowners Associations seem like a good idea till the wackadoodles take over.

    • Ti September 4, 2020, 10:58 am

      Thats why EVERYONE should be on the board. Whackadoodles are attracted to the same. That’s why they vigorously attempt to take over everything. Don’t let any fringe group userp any organization that is essentially every owner! Take a stint on the board!!

  • Retrocon September 4, 2020, 8:55 am

    If Biden gets in, his gun control Czar, Beto Francis O’Rourke, will enlist the UN blue helmets for his AR confiscation. They will try. They will stack the court to nullify the Second. Our police and warfighters will not participate in the grab.

    That said, don’t doubt this, and don’t doubt what will happen when they show up.

    • Mark H. September 4, 2020, 9:10 am

      Defund the UN!

  • James Smith September 4, 2020, 8:52 am

    with a name like Rupert, why would you expect anything else

    • Alej September 4, 2020, 9:08 am

      “Rupert” is obviously a Brit… the people who have disgraced the proud name of “Englishmen,” and who are now little more than welfare Limeys.

  • Pete A Fasanello September 4, 2020, 8:51 am

    I would suggest those losers stay out of our affairs or they might get hurt

  • Ray September 4, 2020, 8:50 am

    We need NO new gun laws in the United States. We need the laws we have to be enforced.

    Incidentally, if a person is going to comment on the use of weapons, they really should know the difference in an automatic rifle, and a semi-automatic rifle!

  • Sal September 4, 2020, 8:48 am

    Mr Rittenhouse was not carrying an Automatic weapon. He also exercised an enormous amount of control while being attacked. He hit every intended target without further loss of life. We don’t need any more gun laws in this country, just need to enforce the ones already on the books. The other thing we don’t need- PEOPLE FROM OTHER COUNTRIES CHIMING IN ON THIS SUBJECT!

  • CHall September 4, 2020, 8:46 am

    The UN needs to fuck off

    It a semi auto not an automatic and truly Americans don’t give a shit about the UN feelings .

    it’s self defense This is just another attempt to take away are rights .

  • Frank September 4, 2020, 8:43 am

    This Rupert Colville is obviously a communist prick.

  • Gomer September 4, 2020, 8:37 am

    Get the U. S. OUT of the U. N. Yesterday would be good, 20 years ago, even better.

  • Shinkicker September 4, 2020, 8:17 am

    As Jack Bauer says to a UN soldier, save your helmet for the parade and go hide with the rest if the children.

  • Tyrone Greene September 4, 2020, 8:12 am

    In the mortalized words of Rhett Butler, “Frankly, [UN], I don’t give a damn!”….

  • Mark Smith September 4, 2020, 8:03 am

    when the UN has MORE power than the USA then they can say something, Until then they can STFU and stay out of our business and get the HELL out of our country.

  • david September 4, 2020, 8:03 am

    To the United nations in reference to Gun Control. Take your communists views and drop dead. President Trump De-fund the United nations and kick them out of the USA. America will never become a Socialists toilet Bowl or a Communists hell hole.

  • Terry J Reeder September 4, 2020, 7:56 am

    It’s simple……….

    U.S. Out of the U.N.

    UN. out of the U.S.

    PAck em up and ship them off to leech off somebody else. I believe it’s something like the UN votes agaionst the US 80+ % of the time.

  • Solo September 4, 2020, 7:54 am

    No one here that has wtitten. Has any clue why the UN was formed. It was created after ww2 so we dont have anymore world wars. Because the previous group League of Nations did not go after Germany when they could, they were later disbanded.
    Do I think they can do more for the world YES. The world needs a League and it needs all the countrys of the world to join.

    So just be going around and repeating things that Trump, or his suporters say.
    Educate your self.

    • Wayne September 4, 2020, 9:10 am

      Solo go screw your Commie self

    • Alej September 4, 2020, 9:12 am

      Perfect Globalist logic. Piss off, wimp.

    • Phil September 4, 2020, 5:01 pm

      You are outnumbered Solo. The League in the previous innovation did not have the ability to do anything because primarily the U.S. didn’t join. Why involve our country in others affairs? That’s the problem today. The CIA with some prominent persons get involved for personal aggrandizement, causing multitudes of issues. Globalist corporations beholding to no one also cause issues, capitalizing on resources, both human and materially taking advantage of wages and natural resources for the detriment of inhabitants of countries, funneling payoffs to political leaders. A UN expedites this issue. No, the UN is not the answer.

    • Brian September 4, 2020, 8:25 pm

      The US was not a member of the league of nations. Woodrow Wilson who essentially created it realized it was a good idea that would never work.

  • Tony Mock September 4, 2020, 7:51 am

    The U.N. can go fuck itself. They can use a French pastrie to do it with.🇸🇴

  • Jimmy September 4, 2020, 7:47 am

    The UN needs to stay out of our business. No we will not give up our guns, and no we will not be told what to do by some foreign idiots. To use an old American term Kiss my ass UN.

  • Leopoldo Cavero September 4, 2020, 7:31 am

    This is foreign interference in our legal system. This entitled people from the UN are along with the media our enemies, and they need to pack and move out of our country (may be China will host them)
    Get out!

    • Retrocon September 4, 2020, 8:59 am

      Biden will go along with them, and use them to move Beto’s confiscation along. They will stack SCOTUS to kill the Second.

  • Rob September 4, 2020, 7:22 am

    It’s getting old hearing left-wingers saying that cops are just shooting blacks for no good reason. JUST OBEY THE COPS! IT’S THAT SIMPLE!

  • Anthony Romano September 4, 2020, 7:19 am

    I agree with getting rid of the UN and get rid of that twisted revolver statue NOW!! Trump 2020

  • Brian Reeder September 4, 2020, 7:15 am

    The UN is not entitled to an opinion. They are a bunch of do nothings. Stay out of our business.

  • Todd September 4, 2020, 7:15 am

    Classic calling an item something it certainly isn’t

  • Mike September 4, 2020, 7:08 am

    Last time I checked we stopped taking orders from Europeans about 240 years ago.

    • Retrocon September 4, 2020, 9:00 am

      We’re you around during the Obama/Biden years? We practically kissed their butts, and it will get worse under Biden.

  • Donald Brown September 4, 2020, 6:54 am

    To the UN get your facts straight and keep your nose out of our country. The only reason no one is invading the USA is because our Law abiding armed citizens Who will fight to defend the Constitution and our freedom. You see people from all around the world coming here to get away from their own countries when things get rough. But you don’t see us running to other countries when things get rough we put on our boots and fight for our rights and our country. God Bless the USA

  • Danko September 4, 2020, 6:43 am

    blue helmets are good targets,and for the record, the un usually gets it’s ass handed to themselves, if the chairman mao dressing douche bag would have been elected president we would already be fighting them.

  • William September 4, 2020, 6:40 am

    The UN May be backing ANTIFA? Interesting. That would make them enemy combatants.

  • Douglas September 4, 2020, 6:25 am

    Get the UN out of the.US.Then get the US out of the UN!! Convert the building to a shelter for the homeless.

    • Papa Bear September 4, 2020, 7:42 am

      While I agree with the first part of your comment, “Get the UN out of the US”. I think we should at least have a presents in that useless bunch of assholes. I believe we still have a Veto Power in the Security Counsel, and can use it to stop any of their goofier ideas.

    • FAL Phil September 4, 2020, 8:53 am

      Move the UN HQ to Monrovia, Liberia.

  • Trevor Teague September 4, 2020, 6:17 am

    Fuck off, foreigner cuck

    • Art September 4, 2020, 6:55 am

      Well siad..couldn’t have siad it better!!..fuck off until,,and anyone that wants to worry about what we do..we are the last hope for humanity

  • Tom Everhart September 4, 2020, 6:14 am

    Take your new world order and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine

  • Joe Ernst Jr September 4, 2020, 5:56 am

    I agree with most of the comments here. Talking about hypocrisy. Defund the U.N. they’re totally useless. There are folks working for the U.N. for thirty years, accomplished NOTHING and retired with a big paycheck. All paid for by the US Taxpayer. Now, there’s a crime.

  • Heath September 4, 2020, 5:51 am

    Frankly I consider the UN one of the largest threats to the safety of American Citizens.

  • Michael Niese September 4, 2020, 5:49 am

    The UN has always been useless to us.

    Only time they support us is when they need troops for their missions.

    We should evict them from our Borders and send them to Europe where they belong, and turn the UN Building into low rent housing (See Heavy Metal Movie)

    The UN never has and never will be our friend.

    They want to Disarm us to become like the rest of their failed experiments.

  • Stephen Short September 4, 2020, 5:26 am

    Rupert Colville and the entirety of the UN canst ingest a satchel of Richards.

  • Don September 4, 2020, 5:18 am


    • Jeremy September 4, 2020, 7:20 am

      The UN is an ineffectual, incompetent, corrupt organization and the US needs to cut all ties with them and ban them from our borders. They are not only a clear and present danger to the national sovereignty and individual liberties of the United States and it’s citizens, but to all nations on Earth. Their goal is a unified, one-world government that would oppress normal people and strip them of their freedom. Their goals and aims when first established were noble and just, but corruption and globalist agendas have poisoned them since. There are still many in the United States who value their liberty, including the right to keep and bear arms for self defense, who will be willing to fight and die to keep those freedoms. Don’t tread on me.

      • TomD September 4, 2020, 11:16 am

        By far, this is the best comment on this thread. Nicely said, Jeremy.

      • michael September 4, 2020, 5:51 pm

        I think they knew what they were from the beginning. Where did all the Legitimate Nazis go after the war ? They also had the same goals.

    • Retrocon September 4, 2020, 9:03 am

      the constitution is what SCOTUS says it is (according to the leftists). Don’t expect to still have any rights if Biden gets a couple of pics..

  • Robert Bowman September 4, 2020, 5:08 am

    Respectfully Mr. Colville…..fuck off! Worry about the major issues around the world and not some made up bullshit that the US media is pushing.

  • Bill C. September 4, 2020, 5:01 am

    Please note, folks, that disarming US citizens is part of the UN Agenda 2030 that many LOCAL governments have ALREADY signed on to. You are under attack and you’d darned well better find a way to fight back because the intention is to disarm you and herd you into dense cities to leave the forests, etc. for the elite to enjoy in your absence.
    I’m not a raving lunatic conspiracy nut … you can look it up yourself.

    Agenda 2030

    • James L. September 4, 2020, 10:19 am

      The U.N.?

      This is the same bunch that had, on their Committee for Human Rights: Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, and several other Nations with the worst and most cases of Human Right violations on the planet…

      Used U.S. Troops to settle Tribal disputes in Somalia that led to the Deaths of 18 U.S. servicemen because the Head of the U.N. at the time was a Head of one of the Tribes…

      Set up rules of engagement in Somalia that tied the hands of U.S. troops so they did not have proper Air and Armor support, leading to 18 deaths of U.S. troops, and allowed the warlords in the region to steal food and medical supplies that were supposed to be helping the people of the region, that were then resold on the Black market. And one of the Rules of Engagement, U.S. troops were not allowed to interfere…

      And this is the bunch that Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Liberals, Socialists want to turn to for HELP? To secure our COUNTRY? Isn’t one of the biggest jokes in World History…”Hello, we are from the U.N..Ve are here to help. Just sign this treaty. Here are a copy of our rules, and Administrators to help with the transition, Ve will not interfere in your Country, but Ve would like you to implement these rules or else…”.

      I don’t think so…


      • Billy Bob September 4, 2020, 12:19 pm

        But, but, but the KKKlintons told us the U.N. is a good thing. By the way, can’t you remember all the good that has come from when then Sec of State Kilary KKKlinton told us to donate to her loving hubby’s Haiti relief fund. Look at all the relief that bought; like purchasing the media and providing the necessary financial resources to set up the few remaining members of congress that hadn’t already been compromised ?

  • madmax3.6 September 4, 2020, 4:58 am

    Fuck the UN!!!

  • Bill C. September 4, 2020, 4:55 am

    lacks [sic] = lax
    If Rittenhouse had had, say, a bolt-action firearm, he would not be facing [over] charges today … he’d be dead.

  • Johnny September 4, 2020, 4:53 am

    The un has alwas y wanted to interfer in thecus policiescandvthey do not like we are a free thinking people ,un getvout of america mind your own damn business…

  • Donald Traynor September 4, 2020, 4:35 am

    How many little kids running around over there in somalia and surrounding areas packing ak47s. Mr. UN guy you need to keep your nose out of our 2nd amendment rights. Go bother some of the third world countries.

  • KCsmith September 4, 2020, 3:54 am

    Funny thing is, we can actually defund the U.N.

  • Gary McClellan September 4, 2020, 3:15 am

    Don’t give a rip what the UN has to say, back off leave us alone!

  • BUURGA September 4, 2020, 3:13 am

    Just when you think the UN can’t get any stupider.

  • Deano September 4, 2020, 2:46 am


  • Deano September 4, 2020, 2:45 am


  • WILLIAM ARAMIS September 4, 2020, 1:05 am


  • Bert Griggs September 4, 2020, 1:03 am

    TRUMP2020——if you vote for a democrat for ANYTHING,my fool ass feels like Einstein, because you are not even aware of how stupid you are!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Richard. Dudley September 4, 2020, 9:04 am

      If we all carried Henrys instead ofAR—15s no one would. bother us.

  • Peter Stephens September 3, 2020, 11:06 pm

    Get the UN out of the US, and the US out of the UN!

  • Roy September 3, 2020, 10:48 pm

    I wonder how many. UN troops carry Automatic’ Rifles.
    You guys with the UN can only take control of our country. If we allow you to take away our guns.
    And this is what your trying to do.
    So kiss my ass.
    And remember just like the protester burning down our cities
    I don’t need a gun to burn your ass.

  • Mike Martin September 3, 2020, 10:23 pm

    America paid 22 percent of the UN’s budget, almost double the next highest. The hell with defunding our brave heroes the Police and defund the useless assbags the United Nations! 2nd Amendment says American citizens right to bear arms shall not be infringed not even from a foreign douche bag!

  • Ukulelemike September 3, 2020, 7:42 pm

    As they care so much about how blacks are treated, I will watch with great interest how they go to protect the blacks being bought and sold as slaves in Muslim countries.

  • Jennifer Lodico September 3, 2020, 7:13 pm

    The UN has no business in United States affairs. We follow the Constitution of the United States. I say more semi-automatic rifles for America! God preserve our 2nd amendment!

  • Robert September 3, 2020, 7:02 pm

    This dumbass doesn’t know the difference between an Automatic weapon versus a Semi. The UN is so fucked up. We should kick them to the curb.

  • Jason September 3, 2020, 1:26 pm

    no one gives a fuck i dont like my tax dollars funding your ass so leave the us and shut the fuck up.

    • David September 4, 2020, 3:15 am

      Yeah, maybe the UN should go take care of AK-toting tweens in war-ravaged African countries first before lecturing us on our rights.

  • Paul September 3, 2020, 12:16 pm

    It warms my heart to see that people are sick of the U.N. trying to change our constitution and our country!!! I’ts funny how I all those other member countries are run by a supreme ruler and they want us to do the same and think they have the right to tell us what to do………We as Americans should just give them all the finger!

  • Raymond Collier September 3, 2020, 7:38 am

    Sorry, Mr. Colville, First, it was a “semi-automatic” rifle. Secondly, IT IS NOT any of the United Nations business about what American Private Citizens own. If you don’t like it, then remove yourself and the rest of the United Nations and get the HELL out of the United States of America. NO ONE wants you people here.

    • WILLIAM ARAMIS September 4, 2020, 1:13 am


  • Keith Vetter September 2, 2020, 8:08 pm

    First, an AR is NOT an automatic weapon, Of course the UN wants tougher gun laws. They really want us completely unarmed so that when they come in to enforce their one world order agenda we won’t be able to fight back. This is both the democratic and UN agenda.

    I really wouldn’t be surprised if the UN is funding and training BLM and Antifa in hopes of speeding up their plans.

    • David September 4, 2020, 3:13 am

      Yeah, no way buddy… maybe the UN should go take care of AK-toting tweens in war-ravaged African countries first before lecturing us on our rights.

    • Dan September 4, 2020, 6:40 am

      I’d be more surprised if they actually had nothing to do with the riots.

  • Ricky B. September 2, 2020, 7:42 pm

    Yeah I don’t really care what the UN thinks of our gun laws…

    What is concerning to me is when Larry Flynt has the moral high ground in any debate with a currently sitting POTUS… The damage this kind of thing does to the national pride of too many Americans is a more significant victory over our entire nation than Putin could have ever imagined at any point during the entire Cold War.


    Do the right thing gentlemen… Vote to save America from the whiny, feminine, orange makeup wearing soviet stooge this November!!!

    • Taxx73 September 3, 2020, 2:01 am

      You really need to get a clue. R.I. N.O.s are just as bad as the demonrats. I may not like Trump’s personality but his policies and actions prove that he has been and will be the best president that this country has had since as long as I can remember and I’m 50. Your comments on this site just tells me that you need to stop listening to the fake mainstream media. Wake up! Biden wants all guns and freedoms removed from the citizens. Biden logic-No come- No guns- Open borders =Democrat utopia otherwise known as the communist take over of the United States of America. Remember that If you come for mine you better bring yours!LEAVE OUR RIGHTS ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Taxx73 September 3, 2020, 2:07 am

        Sorry edit
        Biden logic- No cops- No guns- Open borders = Democrat utopia otherwise known as the communist take over of the United States of America!

        D@mn spell check

    • Whathappenedtomycountry September 4, 2020, 6:12 am

      You think biden won’t invite the UN in after harris has him turn on the rest of the country? The entire country will look like Kenosha, lots of dead lots of riots lots of BS…the us will be run by blm and antifa and whoever pulls modems strings

      • Whathappenedtomycountry September 4, 2020, 6:13 am

        Modems? Stupid auto correct. Bidens strings. Sorry

    • Dan September 4, 2020, 6:38 am

      Are you planning to vote for the Globalist stooge Biden? He will be far worse than Trump, in every possible way.

  • Richard Doyle September 2, 2020, 3:41 pm

    Defend the UN. Who are they to stick there nose in are business?

    • Chauvin Emmons September 4, 2020, 8:48 pm

      Rupert you worthless bloody jackoff wanker trash maggot If you know whats good for you never set foot in north america again I would hate to see you with a automatic shouved up your buggerhole GOD Damn coward brit assmonkey.
      Go get an ass buggering by a toothless queer.

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