Walmart to Stop Selling Guns in New Mexico Because of Background Check Law

Starting on July 22, 2019, Walmart will no longer sell firearms in New Mexico.

A spokesperson for the retail giant told local media that the decision was in response to the July 1st rollout of the state’s new universal background check law.

“Unlike a specialty sporting goods retailer where customers expect to see firearms of various types being handled, Walmart customers do not generally expect to see individuals walking through the store potentially carrying multiple firearms, which can lead to confusion and potentially putting both our customers and associates at risk,” Walmart spokeswoman Tiffany Wilson told KOAT.

Signed into law back in March by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) the “Firearm Sale Background Check” legislation requires background checks for private, person-to-person gun sales and transfers.  

SEE ALSO: New Mexico Legislature Passes Background Check Bill, Sheriffs Say They Will Not Enforce It

While there are certain exemptions in the law for antique firearms and sales between family members, the majority of transfers, including those made over the Internet and at gun shows, must be done via a federal firearms licensee who is responsible for processing the background check on the prospective purchaser (or transferee).  

Anyone caught violating the law can be charged with a misdemeanor offense, which carries a maximum penalty of up to one year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. Unless you visit an FFL and pay them to process the background check (It’s not a free service), the act of simply selling or loaning a gun to a hunting buddy or range pal is now a criminal offense!

The law also forces any business with an FFL to conduct background checks for private parties.  In other words, Walmart couldn’t just continue to sell its inventory of firearms to its customers.  It had to get into the business of transferring guns between private buyers and sellers if it wanted to sell guns in the state.

Clearly, Walmart felt it was better to stop selling guns altogether.  Time will tell if other major retailers follow suit.

***Buy and Sell on GunsAmerica! All Local Sales are FREE!***

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  • Clint W. August 2, 2019, 8:51 am

    When someone is walking through WalMart with ‘multiple guns’, aren’t they in their boxes?

    • Jack Black April 8, 2020, 8:07 am

      Yes, you would think so. This is just liberals coming up with a lane excuse for gun control. I cannot blame Wal-Mart as they should not be forced into so something that is usually a FFL’s job to do.

  • Cpt.J July 10, 2019, 5:28 pm

    As a former FFL Dealer, the additional record keeping and liability associated with private sale background checks were a pain in the a$$.
    FFL Dealers are required to maintain records for 25 yrs.
    When ATF does an audit, they carefully scrutinize the transfer forms, any error, omission or inconsistency are grounds for fines loss of dealer license or jail.

    As a small dealer, I was informed that blue ink was not acceptable and black ink was required for filling out the 4473 forms.

    The more transfers the greater the risk and liability, for me it was not worth it.

    • Raymond C Jokerst July 29, 2022, 10:28 am

      Above comment from FFL holder talks of ink color per the feds. Here in town I’ve seen an FFL tell a buyer the opposite about ink color. That the blue ink is needed to contrast with the form print and show it is the original.
      So,, if a pen is supplied by the FFL, use it instead of what’s in your pocket.

  • TexasOlTimer July 10, 2019, 6:33 am

    How far left NM has gone. Back about 1962 I was in college in NM. Guys had rifles in their dorm rooms for hunting season. I went down to a pawn store and purchased a little revolver for plunking. No ID, no background check, no fingerprints, just paid cash for it and some .22 ammo and walked out. No one I knew had a credit card back then. Now they’ve taken the federal rules and added on so if I were still in NM (thankfully it was only for college!) and I wanted to give this little revolver to my granddaughter, I’d have to get a background check for her. We’ve gone wwaaaayy too far to the left in this country.

  • Darrin Johnston July 10, 2019, 1:50 am

    Sounds like it’s time to shit can New Mexico’s governor, since he’s behind it. No more/new gun laws will make New Mexico safer. Enforce what you have and stop screwing with gun owners.

  • Alan July 9, 2019, 9:23 pm

    LOL! Well Vlad, you are one great Constitutional scholar, aren’t you?
    The Founding Fathers did NOT write the 2A in a vague manner, it was VERY deliberate in it’s ALL ENCOMPASSING line of the “right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”.
    You are one big moron indeed to even try to associate that with ‘vague’.
    And how would they keep it for “their elite and rich privileges” when the Militias were the common man? Farmers, Bakers, Blacksmiths and so on. Who would have enforced such a ban? The first Police Dept wouldn’t be formed until 1844 in NYC, so enforcing a ban would be a difficult feat indeed.
    Your stupid and inane assertions are so poor as to bring to question just where you read this crap.
    Some advise. “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt”

  • Tom July 8, 2019, 8:14 pm

    So with the ATF and person to person is all about the money. I can understand Walmart’s position due to being required to participate in the person to person sell and the ATF or state policy. They have a right to make a profit and not be an agent of the ATF or state law enfircement.

  • Bad Penguin July 7, 2019, 2:00 pm

    Ask Bloomberg why he has so many people with guns protecting him.

  • Rlee July 6, 2019, 3:19 pm

    Hey vladaqueer,
    After 24 years as a LEO of a huge city. I always encourage and still do for reasonable citizens to carry guns, possess guns in their homes to defend themselves. Why? Because law enforcement or the brady bill or any other documents will not stop someone hell bent on killing you or other violent acts upon your wife or kids. People like you shouldn’t be allowed to vote or breathe. You don’t have a lick of common sense or reasonable understanding of how these violent criminals, you know the ones you, and all your liberal judges have allowed to walk out of a court room or prison cell to offend in a violent way. How about you take all your energy and put it where the gun laws that have been on the law books to be prosecuted like they were intended to be. Just try it for a year and see how much all your b.s. numbers actually reduce gun crimes. Just like the a$$hole who shot me while doing my duties as a sworn peace officer during NOT protests but RIOTS that obama caused and started all this violence against others and law enforcement officers across this nation. Obama is to blame for all of this. So Vladaqueer switch up your b.s. and look at who is responsible and have the gun laws that are already there with imposed sentences and this won’t be an issue, Moron

  • BRASS July 5, 2019, 8:56 pm

    This article is poorly written and confusing to say the least. My personal experience and knowledge tells me it’s bullshit.
    Any Walmart in any state is required as an ATF licensed firearms dealer to complete a federal background check on every firearm they sell. Period.
    If New Mexico has mandated an additional state firearms background check, that Walmart sees as too time consuming and complicated in terms of record keeping and state requirements, forcing it to stop selling firearms to avoid the state mandated mess, than this makes sense.
    Otherwise it doesn’t as they were already doing complete background checks on every firearm sold.

    • JR July 6, 2019, 11:47 pm

      No, no, no, you’ve completely missed it. The state laws requires a background check for ALL transfers between a retailer (FFL) and a Citizen and also between law-abiding Citizens as part of a private party transfer. The same law also requires any FFL in the state to perform the background check for law-abiding Citizens as part of a private party transfer. Wal-Mart is afraid of firearms and law-abiding Citizens with firearms who might enter their store so to get out of having to perform the background checks for law-abiding Citizens as part of a private party transfer they’re just going to give up their FFL, stop selling firearms and then not be required to perform background checks all together.

    • Tom July 8, 2019, 8:23 pm

      BRASS, I think Walmart made this decision because do no want to be force to participate in transfers from person to person while not making as sell and using their personnel in doing so. As a 2nd Amendment advocate I do not blame them. With that being said their excuse of having a customers carrying multiple gun throught their store is lame and my BS alarm went off.

  • Boss July 5, 2019, 3:49 pm

    You probably wont see many smaller gun stores complaining about this new law. They will now make money every time a used firearm is sold. 10 minutes of paperwork , background check and they make a $50.00 transfer fee.

    • Realist July 5, 2019, 5:04 pm

      Don’ be to surprised if you learn many dealers really supported this as it is money in their pockets?

      • Bo Duke July 7, 2019, 1:26 am

        FFL’s are for LESS paperwork. Paperwork violations are the biggest pain in the ass for FFL’s during an audit. The less paperwork we have, the better. One comma missed, a misspelled word, an ‘i’ not dotted, THAT is indeed an infraction. It’s not worth the $20. Plus it has to be logged in the Bound book from the seller and out to the buyer, more pain in the ass. The 4473 has to be physically kept for 20 years…that’s correct, 20 years.
        FFL’s believe in less paperwork and more freedom. FFL’s are NOT happy about performing more NICS checks and 4473’s. How do I know? Because I am one.

    • Brian Radford July 6, 2019, 5:01 pm

      Actually the state law puts a limit on re-sales/private transfers at $25 per and many shops if your buying other product wont charge any transfer fee.

    • Tom July 8, 2019, 8:30 pm

      Boss, please understand that guns and sports equipment are not Walmart’s only offering like FFL gun stores. That $50 transfer free usely come with a purchase of guns, ammo and accessories. Some gun shops offer a transfer fee for a nominal fee while others don’t. Transfer fees, in my experience vary from gun shop to gun shop. Some offer a transfer service as a service to potential return sales since guns, ammo and accessories are their niche business.

  • Vlad Tepes July 5, 2019, 2:59 pm

    Wrong, among the Industrialized Nations the U.S. is number one. It is true some South American Countries are extremely violent but they are still considered for the most part not part of the Industrialized Countries of the world such as Europe and Canada, japan etc.

    Gun crime in Europe, Japan and Canada is way below that of the U.S. and all have safe storage laws and all have vetting of all gun sales and mental test laws.

    And yes the bulk of the U.S. citizens who do indeed obey laws would cut off tens of thousands of guns from being sold or falling into the hands of criminals and nut cases.

    Japan by the way does allow the ownership of both rifles and shotguns and no they do not have nut cases shooting up schools every week like we do. I might add they also require mental tests to get a firearms purchasing card and I forgot to mention we need this law as well.

    According to the latest study by MSNBC news since 2009 we have averaged 1,300 children getting killed by guns each and every year either by not being locked up or by suicide and this is not counting the huge body count of the deliberate shooting of kids at school in mass shootings.

    67 per cent of all American now do not own a gun and do not understand why those who do are not required to pass vetting, mental health checks and be required to keep deadly weapons either locked up or out of the reach of children by being carried on the person of the gun owner. Most are fed up with mass school shootings and nut case mass shootings and because absolutely nothing has been done to stop it and they now are beginning to support Draconian gun laws and really what sane person could disagree. Remember the next child killed in a mass school shooting just might be your own. Think about this and let it sink in before its too late. By doing nothing you risk very soon losing everything (all guns) because everyone knows we are going to have a Democrat President and Democratic house in 2020 and if the Senate is lost so are you and so are gun rights forever as the Supreme Court has proven it never met a gun ban law it did not love and that includes the present court which just screwed gun owners last week. That is reality like it or not. Do nothing and you are guaranteed to lose everything its just that simple or is simple to difficult to fathom by the Far Right.

    • MikeRoss July 5, 2019, 5:21 pm

      Japan has very little violent crime, or crime of any kind, because of the Japanese, not their gun laws. Same for the Swiss, and a lot of other European countries. The more ethnically homogenous a country is, the less violent crime they have. Guns don’t cause violent crime, poverty, broken families, inequality, substance abuse, and injustice do.

    • Reggie Whaxon July 5, 2019, 5:22 pm

      Man you are so full of it. Go back to WaPo and post your garbage there

    • Tex July 5, 2019, 7:12 pm

      Well Vlad…….you seem like a touchy-feely, easily upset, easily swayed fence sitter. Hell, I’m not even sure you’re one of us! There’s no doubting that gun related deaths are sad and pitiful, I tend to think that you are getting upset and mildly concerned. For the record I am a patriotic American and without doubt what you would consider to be “Far Right”. Your pitting the U.S. against the rest of the world is nice for those who are easily influenced and misled. I have access, as you do, to Federal statistics. Here’s some for you. The FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2017 states there were 39,773 gun deaths in the US. Of those, 15,129 were murders with nearly two thirds of the total being suicides while the rest were justified use of deadly force. There is an estimated 350 million legally owned firearms in the US which weren’t used in ANY crimes thus making the 39,773 instances of gun deaths a fraction of a fraction for the total US population. I really don’t care how the rest of the world deals with guns. That’s their business and as an American I say to those populations that you get what you’re willing to accept. Lastly, when you go to a gun fight make sure you bring gun. When you come to a forum like this bring facts, not mere words without any factual substance. Like I stated above….I’m not sure you’re one of us. I think you’re just another overly politicized non-gunner who enjoys working for the Left and fear mongering. Lastly, your statement about a Democrat winning next year is laughable and right now I’m laughing. See you at the range. I’ll be the guy with all the guns……..

    • Walter A Ripoll July 6, 2019, 5:56 am

      You cannot legislate crazy. Be honest when you give information. You are overstating the numbers for the U.S. and completely understating the”rest of the world”. Just saying!

    • Greg July 6, 2019, 4:36 pm

      Sorry Vlad, you have just been drinking too much liberal kool-aid.
      #1 There have been 11 mass school shootings in the US —-> IN HISTORY. Your child in a k-12 school is so unlikely to get killed by a random mass shooter it’s statistically insignificant. Instead of bullet proof backpacks, they should be pushing helmets and reflective vests because MANY more kids are killed on the way to school than by mass shooters in a school. FYI, 11 is not a guess, I have the actual list of incidents where 4 or more people (sometimes not even kids) were killed at a k-12 school by a random shooter, and the total is 11.
      #2 The US is ranked in the mid 30’s for murder rate by country, so yes there are many european countries behind us, and many south american, central american, and African nations ahead of us, the US is not #1 in any category except civilian gun ownership.
      #3 There are not 1300 “children” killed per year by unlocked or unsecured guns. This myth was another perpetrated by the brady campaign. You can check the CDC website yourself, the number is closer to 10 per year. the “fact” was reached by misreading the CDC data tracker where 1300 is the total for the period, not an annual total, plus it did not break them down by age or by gun storage.
      #4 Do you care how you would die? I mean London has now surpassed NYC in murder rate, and they don’t even have guns. Can you call them a “civilized” or “industrialized” nation or city when they kill people at a higher rate than NYC, but they use bats, knives, clubs, etc to achieve their goals.
      #5 The number of households with guns and the number of guns in the US is not actually known. There was a study done by University of Chicago relating to the number of guns in the home. I will ask you, since about 2008 when federal and state governments started systematically chipping away and threatening gun rights, how many people do you think would answer a telephone pollster honestly about how many guns they own? People lie over much smaller things, but you think they would be honest with a stranger (who may or may not be researchers, they may be just looking for households to rob) about guns??
      #6 The number of firearms in the US was estimated to be over 300 million in 2009. Since then, the FBI has done around 25-30 million background checks per year. The CURRENT estimate of firearms in the USA is between 400-500 million with more than 30 million of them being semi-auto rifles. There are approximately 200 million adults over the age of 21 in the USA, that means the AVERAGE number of firearms per adult is 2. so when the police apprehend someone with an “arsenal” of 2 firearms, that’s actually just the average. I know those firearms are not evenly dispersed, but that’s how the math works out.

      If you believe what the left keeps telling you about guns, you’ve already lost the information battle. The left will NEVER actually enter a debate with facts, because they are not actually on the side of disarming and regulating the population or the US will end up like one of the DOZENS of countries in the past 200 years where the government is able to disarm the population and then eliminate (aka kill) their political opposition at will. It’s called democide and it has resulted in over 200 million deaths by government in the past 250 years. Venezuala is not a fluke, neither was Germany, Somalia, Cambodia, China, Russia, etc. when the population is disarmed, those in power become corrupt and simply kill people.

      • Hugh Mannity July 11, 2020, 8:28 am

        Greg. Would you mind sending me an email, would love to talk to you about being on our conservative podcast. Love your stats, and facts matter. Hugh_mannity/at/outlook/dot/com

    • Gourdhead July 6, 2019, 5:15 pm

      ” By doing nothing you risk very soon losing everything”? You are so full of s**t, I can smell you from here. Pack your sorry a*s back to Portland, or wherever you’re from and peddle your BS there.

    • David Smith July 6, 2019, 11:49 pm

      Great! If those countries are you feel safe move there. I’m so tired of people comparing the United States to other countries. We are the United States because we are NOT like every other country in the world.

    • Kimberpross July 8, 2019, 9:42 am

      First I threw up in my mouth when you stated statistics from MSNBC. The MSM shares no facts unless it supports their agenda. Secondly, I laughed out loud at the end of this BS. Return to the UK or wherever you are trolling from on this blog. You will be much safer than trying to understand Liberty, Freedom and patriotism.

  • Michael J July 5, 2019, 1:28 pm

    My Walmart in California used to sell handguns and long guns. Then it just stopped for no reason. Ironically though they still sell ammunition when just about every Walmart around stopped. This will change as of July 1, 2019 because the state now mandates a background check to see if the ammo you buy matches up with the weapons you have on record. Our 2nd Amendment right is so restricted that the politicians and bureaucrats have made criminals out of thin air just by the stroke of a pen.

    • Matt March 13, 2020, 10:11 am

      California DOJ shut WalMart down on firearm sales. They just couldn’t get it right.
      California only allows a dealer to make $10 on a private party transfer. By the time both parties come in to the shop, round up a clerk, present ID, present firearm safety card, present alternate proof of residency documents, fill out forms, submit online background check, log seller’s information, store firearm for ten days, log firearm into records, second set of eyes verifies all paperwork is perfect to ATF standards, buyer comes back to shop and tracks down clerk, presents ID, finishes paperwork, pays for background check, firearm is logged out, paperwork has second set of eyes verify for ATF perfection, the dealer has lost money at $10, $20 maybe even $40 since the State has mandated a $15hr minimum wage. Dealers lose money enforcing state laws. They DON’T want private party transfers any more than the public.
      Wait till you get 1 gun a month, fees for background checks that rise, fees for “right to buy” cards that rise, rosters of approved firearms, no “assault weapon” sales, no magazines over 10rd, no handguns without loaded chamber indicators/magazine safety/microscopic serial stamping, all firearms must be sold with a lock at your expense, ammo background checks at your expense, lead free ammo at first for hunting but now for everything, red flag laws…these socialists won’t stop with “common sense” laws. We all know that. And “common sense” laws don’t stop violent crimes. If you eliminate people’s abuse of substances and cure mental health issues, then you will stop crime. Limiting the law abiding citizenry their civil liberties will do nothing except allow vote pandering politicians to stay in office and well meaning uniformed city dwellers to feel better about themselves for “doing something”.

  • David July 5, 2019, 12:42 pm

    Talking about the new background check in N.M.
    People elect the officials in their towns and state.
    If they believe that this is going to help. They are mistaken.
    How much of a background check does a person need.
    A license to Carry, does a FBI background check.
    Is that now good enough.
    Apparently not.
    The Democrats wants to take away your right to own a weapon.

  • Rattlerjake July 5, 2019, 12:39 pm

    What do you expect from a blue state? New mexico is just an extension of commiefornia.

  • Brent July 5, 2019, 11:56 am

    Waiting for Washington State stores to do the same thing. With I-1639 going into effect on July 1, there’s a mandatory ten day wait for the State to do their own background check. FBI and NICS is no longer enough. So any firearm purchase will require two trips to the dealer. Once to fill out paperwork, and the second to actually walk out the door with your purchase.

  • james tedesco July 5, 2019, 11:41 am

    Check out my podcast \\”The Wiseguy\\” at: for more of my views on the stupidity and treason of the democrats and businesses that are anti American.

  • Tyler July 5, 2019, 11:10 am

    I lived in NM in the 90s, I was less conscious of politics then but it seemed like a pretty pro gun state to me. I noticed the governor is a Dem, the conservatives only have themselves to blame if they don’t vote.

    • Rattlerjake July 5, 2019, 12:48 pm

      YOU’RE A DUMBASS!!!! It has very little to do with voting when you are completely out numbered by the other side. New mexico has been blue for a long time, colorado turned blue in the last two decades, but now we are seeing arizona and texas slowly being enveloped by the left and they don’t see it coming. In texas and arizona, every major city is leftist controlled, and the leftists continue to pour into those cities – eventually the dems will out number the conservatives and will control the vote. You will see it happen in the next ten years when texas ends up with a leftist governor. If states were smart they would set the state up with their own electoral college voting by county, that would stop these huge leftist cities from taking over these states If there are 100 counties, each with one electoral vote, and 51 are conservative then the “popular vote” doesn’t make a difference. Most of these states only have a very small number of counties (the ones with the major cities) that are democrap.

      • David A Welsh July 5, 2019, 6:10 pm

        Excellent idea.

      • Tex July 5, 2019, 7:30 pm

        Rattlerjake is right. I live in Texas and this place is slowly but surely turning blue. Cruz barely beat the O’Rourke guy in 2018. Our state population is growing rapidly and a high percentage are from California, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. In my neighborhood most of those who move here from those states are worthless, sheep-minded libs. Whether this change of color is by design or just plain bad luck is useless to debate. It is happening nonetheless. Texas will be blue and when that happens the Dems nationally will rule and walk all over the 2nd Amendment even more than they presently do. The problem on the border has the Texas libs smacking their lips over the idea of another two million “immigrant” Texans becoming legal voters and when that happens the ship is sunk. There’s only a couple of things left to do: get off your butts and become politically involved. It might already be too late for Texas but other states had better wise up or become just another Democratic controlled….and very anti-gun……formerly red state.

      • Tex July 5, 2019, 7:31 pm

        Rattlerjake is right. I live in Texas and this place is slowly but surely turning blue. Cruz barely beat the O\’Rourke guy in 2018. Our state population is growing rapidly and a high percentage are from California, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. In my neighborhood most of those who move here from those states are worthless, sheep-minded libs. Whether this change of color is by design or just plain bad luck is useless to debate. It is happening nonetheless. Texas will be blue and when that happens the Dems nationally will rule and walk all over the 2nd Amendment even more than they presently do. The problem on the border has the Texas libs smacking their lips over the idea of another two million \”immigrant\” Texans becoming legal voters and when that happens the ship is sunk. There\’s only a couple of things left to do: get off your butts and become politically involved. It might already be too late for Texas but other states had better wise up or become just another Democratic controlled….and very anti-gun……formerly red state.

  • Ricky Price July 5, 2019, 11:05 am

    Don’t buy from china walmart anyway.

  • James Coles July 5, 2019, 10:15 am

    These gun-grabbing, rights restricting Democrats are both crazy & mean.
    But in the end, their efforts to hobble us & steal our rights will fail.

    • Winston July 5, 2019, 12:27 pm

      How will it fail when the globo-homo billionaires who actually own the assets and high offices of the US are behind these autocratic law changes?

  • Jerry Herndon July 5, 2019, 9:51 am

    All WalMart needs to do is adopt a policy that states they will not handle private sales background checks. And really for someone that handles mainly a few hunting arms, that would not be a radical policy. Rather than give the gun grabbers a victory by getting out of the firearm business totally, double back on them and refuse to handle private transfers. Go to a regular gun store for that.

    • retrocon July 5, 2019, 11:15 am

      Did you read the article? According to it, the law requires that any FFL must accommodate doing the private transfer background checks. If they refuse, the state will fine them or worse.

      Having a “policy” does not make them immune to the state law.

      Personally, I think Walmart should set up a small office at the side entrance to every store, have someone on-hand to do the checks, charge a nominal fee, and foil the liberal attempt to slow transfers.

      This should happen while the law is challenged. It is unconstitutional.

  • perlcat July 5, 2019, 9:49 am

    Well, I think a more useful example is forcing bakers to bake cakes against their will — but the doctor example is one they would love to implement. They will do that right after they have totally destroyed the medical industry and reduced doctor pay in order to control medical costs. Eventually, doctors will retire rather than work for pay that doesn’t justify the expense of med school, and so I expect them to be forced to work. This may be their reasoning behind the free college tuition, I can’t imagine the societal return on investment in making degrees in wymyn’s studies and social activism free are all that high.

  • Vlad Tepes July 5, 2019, 9:49 am

    I applaud the new law whole heartedly but the law needs to be done on the Federal Level to be totally effective. The biggest source of guns being sold to criminals and nut cases are unvetted second hand guns followed by stolen guns that get stolen because we do not have a Federal law mandating safe storage in a locked up safe. Every civilized industrial nation on earth has such laws and history proves that yes they do work and work very well. History is on this laws side.

    • Me July 5, 2019, 10:24 am

      So you are for gun registration and eventual confiscation.

      • Vlad Tepes July 5, 2019, 2:25 pm

        The Brady Bill has been on the books for years and never confiscated one gun its just that it only covers new gun sales. Extending it for all guns will make no difference.

      • Vlad Tepes July 5, 2019, 8:29 pm

        The Brady Bill has been in effect for decades and no ones guns have been confiscated. Extending it to cover all gun sales will not change the way it has always been implemented

    • van helsinger July 5, 2019, 10:26 am

      Hey Vlad, you’re so full of crap I can smell you for miles. Where’s your documentation, mon idiot? I have my stake in hand & your rotted heart in sight.

      • Vlad Tepes July 5, 2019, 2:27 pm

        Police records prove that states with lax laws funnel guns into states and especially big cities that have tough laws. The Chicago study proved the average age of guns used in crimes was 11 years old and had been through many face to fact sales and no they were not all stolen guns, as most were just second hand guns. Now what part of this do you not understand.

    • Ronald July 5, 2019, 10:32 am

      If you worked away from home, and your wife was at home alone, you would think better of your comment. If there were a robbery or home invasion, you’d probably think it ok if she told the intruders “hey, hold on. Let me open my safe and get my guns” No, she’d be robbed, raped and killed. Bet that’d be ok with you because her guns would be safely locked away where they’d be no good to anyone.

      • Vlad Tepes July 5, 2019, 2:29 pm

        There is nothing in the Brady Bill or a secured storage law that would prohibit one from carrying a loaded gun on ones person. And by the way if you had ever bothered to buy a desks safe or even a quality large one you can get into many with a touch of a few buttons and get a handgun within less than 1 second. Your paranoia is just that paranoia and that is not reality.

    • Jay July 5, 2019, 10:38 am

      Vida Tapes, does your locks and front door stop thief’s? Name me any law, quote me any law, that has ever prevented a crime or stopped a criminal from doing their dirty deed!

      • Vlad Tepes July 5, 2019, 2:32 pm

        Fact. Most thieves are smash and grab thieves and usually morons as well. If they encounter even a cheap safe they have no idea when you are coming back home and they are not about to hang around trying to get into a safe when in most cases they are too dumb to even bring any tools with them. They simply move on to the next house where they know some shiftless , indolent knuckle head will have his guns just laying there for them to pick up , steal and run off with.

    • Edward O'Daniel July 5, 2019, 10:42 am

      Then why not simply MOVE to one of those “civilized countries”? I suspect you do not because there are many more opportunities and benefits you enjoy here that are unavailable or inconvenient or even illegal in those countries.

      I am hoping that this “universal background check” creates a test case for the Supreme Court which should find it an UNCONSTITUTIONAL INFRINGEMENT of the right to keep and bear arms. Our founders were VERY CLEAR that government has been granted ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY over the possession of arms to include firearms and their ammunition and ownership.

      “The prohibition is general. No clause in the Constitution could by any rule of construction be conceived to give to Congress a power to disarm the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretense by a state legislature. But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both.” [William Rawle, A View of the Constitution 125-6 (2nd ed. 1829)

      “The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals…. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” (Albert Gallatin of the New York Historical Society, October 7, 1789)

      “The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the “high powers” delegated directly to the citizen, and `is excepted out of the general powers of government.’ A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power.” [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)]

      “Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American . . . . The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.” — Tench Coxe of Pennsylvania in The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788

      • Vlad Tepes July 5, 2019, 2:41 pm

        “””””””””””””quote”””””’I am hoping that this “universal background check” creates a test case for the Supreme Court which should find it an UNCONSTITUTIONAL INFRINGEMENT of the right to keep and bear arms. Our founders were VERY CLEAR that government has been granted ABSOLUTELY NO AUTHORITY over the possession of arms to include firearms and their ammunition and ownership.==============

        Most all Constitutional Scholars agree the Founding Fathers deliberately wrote the 2A in the most vaguest terms possible because they wanted to be able to ban guns if the common man threatened their elite and rich privileges. Remember they even banned most white men from voting.

        I might add that down through the history of the Supreme Court even the Conservative Courts have never met an anti gun law they did not love and approve of as the less guns the more power they have over the people. Even the much ballyhooed Scalia Decision was actually mostly anti-gun because Scalia wrote the Court had the right to regulate all firearms.(double speak for ban) . Read it sometime. Down through history the Supreme Court has constantly ducked the Second Amendment by letting lower Court anti-gun decisions stand and the latest was last week when Trumps Conservative packed Supreme Court ruled that they would let the lower courts ruling that silencers are not covered by the Second Amendment stand. Some friend of gun owners this new Conservative Court, they have done what they have always done i.e. lusted after every anti-gun law to come before them.

    • Michael A Keim July 5, 2019, 10:59 am

      You are so full of shit.

    • JOHN T. FOX July 5, 2019, 11:20 am


    • Tetrocon July 5, 2019, 11:21 am

      I would ask you to cite your sources, but since your statements are false, I won’t waste your time or Mine.

      Unvented gun sales account for very few gun used in crimes. Illegal sales, black market account for the vast majority.

      You know, the illegal “private sale” of an illegally owned firearm from one illegal possessor to a gang bangers in the inner city, where those guns are illegal anyway, is not considered a legal private sale today, right?

    • Rattlerjake July 5, 2019, 1:04 pm

      You know there are idiots and then there are IDIOTS, and you Vlad are an IDIOT! Exactly how many criminals obey any of the gun laws? Do you seriously believe that a guy with a stolen gun is going to obey the law and do a “legal” transfer through a FFL? Come on, are you really that STUPID!?

      Secondly, name one country that this kind of law has been effective, just one. All you have to do is go to the FBI or the CDC or WHO websites where they publish statistical information concerning gun violence and you’ll find that the US isn’t even in the top 100 worst nations for gun crime. Add to that that cities like Shitcago and Detroit who have the strictest gun law in the nation, also have the highest gun crime and murder rate, so your claims are completely bogus!

      So moron, provide us a link with that statistical information that backs your idiotic claims!

    • Rattlerjake July 5, 2019, 1:06 pm

      You know there are idiots and then there are IDIOTS, and you Vlad are an IDIOT! Exactly how many criminals obey any of the gun laws? Do you seriously believe that a guy with a stolen gun is going to obey the law and do a \”legal\” transfer through a FFL? Come on, are you really that STUPID!?Secondly, name one country that this kind of law has been effective, just one. All you have to do is go to the FBI or the CDC or WHO websites where they publish statistical information concerning gun violence and you\’ll find that the US isn\’t even in the top 100 worst nations for gun crime. Add to that that cities like Shitcago and Detroit who have the strictest gun law in the nation, also have the highest gun crime and murder rate, so your claims are completely bogus!So moron, provide us a link with that statistical information that backs your idiotic claims!Crickets!!!!!

      • Vlad Tepes July 6, 2019, 12:11 pm

        Here is the real truth of the matter Rattle Brain

        Wrong, among the Industrialized Nations the U.S. is number one. It is true some South American Countries are extremely violent but they are still considered for the most part not part of the Industrialized Countries of the world such as Europe and Canada, japan etc.

        Gun crime in Europe, Japan and Canada is way below that of the U.S. and all have safe storage laws and all have vetting of all gun sales and mental test laws.

        And yes the bulk of the U.S. citizens who do indeed obey laws would cut off tens of thousands of guns from being sold or falling into the hands of criminals and nut cases.

        Japan by the way does allow the ownership of both rifles and shotguns and no they do not have nut cases shooting up schools every week like we do. I might add they also require mental tests to get a firearms purchasing card and I forgot to mention we need this law as well.

        According to the latest study by MSNBC news since 2009 we have averaged 1,300 children getting killed by guns each and every year either by not being locked up or by suicide and this is not counting the huge body count of the deliberate shooting of kids at school in mass shootings.

        67 per cent of all American now do not own a gun and do not understand why those who do are not required to pass vetting, mental health checks and be required to keep deadly weapons either locked up or out of the reach of children by being carried on the person of the gun owner. Most are fed up with mass school shootings and nut case mass shootings and because absolutely nothing has been done to stop it and they now are beginning to support Draconian gun laws and really what sane person could disagree. Remember the next child killed in a mass school shooting just might be your own. Think about this and let it sink in before its too late. By doing nothing you risk very soon losing everything (all guns) because everyone knows we are going to have a Democrat President and Democratic house in 2020 and if the Senate is lost so are you and so are gun rights forever as the Supreme Court has proven it never met a gun ban law it did not love and that includes the present court which just screwed gun owners last week. That is reality like it or not. Do nothing and you are guaranteed to lose everything its just that simple or is simple to difficult to fathom by the Far Right.

    • Ti July 6, 2019, 10:35 am

      Vlad, alot of SJW BS in your posts here. Please check your facts, not project OPINION as fact.

  • Tom Hamblin July 5, 2019, 9:45 am

    To what end ??? Does any one really think they will ever be able to confiscate our
    guns, do they really ??? Come and try !!!!!

  • Brian Onuscheck July 5, 2019, 9:19 am

    I used to live in Alamogordo, New Mexico about 13 years ago. I actually bought at least 2 guns I can think of off the top of my head at the Walmart there.
    There are about 5 gun stores and/or pawn shops I can think of that operate in that small town and there’s a gun show in town at least once a month so I don’t think Walmart not selling guns is really going to make a huge difference in people’s ability to buy/sell guns.
    I personally really don’t understand this new law.

  • RSConsulting July 5, 2019, 9:14 am

    Can’t really blame Wally World for not wanting people waltzing through the store with firearms to do BG’s for transfers.

    What I didn’t see mentioned in the law – is whether or not private owners have to do a 4473 at an FFL to do the BG (which is typically what gets filled out when you’re doing a transfer).

    I’m sure NONE OF US – as law abiding gun owners, would want to sell a gun to someone that is disqualified from owning one. I typically won’t sell to a stranger, unless they have a CWP, because that pretty much assures me they are legal to own.

    A solution would be for FREE ACCESS FOR ALL to the NICA system. None of these BG check systems give a personal history for the applicant – simply a YES OR NO to complete the transaction. There’s no reason why a TAXPAYER FUNDED SYSTEM should not be AVAILABLE FOR FREE TO TAXPAYERS. Why are we paying for BG checks – on a system we ALREADY PAID FOR?


    • SS Rao July 5, 2019, 11:25 am

      A very reasonable solution (though there will be inevitable privacy and security issues).

      • Zupglick July 5, 2019, 12:09 pm

        So, fix em.

  • lefty July 5, 2019, 9:12 am

    just one more reason to boycott Walmart.They’re already hoplophobic[gal age 18 in OR couldn’t buy a long gun],they screw their workers/communities/American based manufacturers.
    Vote with your wallet and shop elsewhere.

  • Clint W. July 5, 2019, 9:10 am

    I worked with some fellows from NM many years ago, and served with some even farther back. They talked the state up like a great place to live, especially around Silver City. Sounds like the Californians have been migrating there and taking things over like in Colorado and Montana. Maybe the border fence should continue along the CA state line.

  • Joe J Hensley July 5, 2019, 9:04 am

    I’d say that no matter how ridiculous and redundant the law is, it is having the desired effect. Less gun sales.

  • srsquidizen July 5, 2019, 7:35 am

    The law itself makes no sense (said Captain Obvious to the morons who passed it) but whoever manages Wally World in NM is running a close second for stupidity. IF they don’t want transfer-only business, why not just do like some other big box stores already do: set transfer fees 2-3 times higher than local pawn brokers, mom & pop gun shops etc. who welcome the business and already do most transfers for people who mail-order guns since their fees are a lot more reasonable. Why go and do something that makes them look like a “Dick(s)”?

  • jrc July 5, 2019, 7:18 am

    Not to mention the end to youth shooting sports such as 4H and Boy Scouts. This will effectively shut them all down.

  • Howard R Cannon July 5, 2019, 7:12 am

    What a stupid law! Normally I boycott businesses that cave to the gun control pressure, but in this case, I can’t blame Walmart for ceasing the sale of guns in New Mexico so they won’t have to comply with the dumb law.
    New Mexico lawmakers had their heads up their butts when they passed this law.

  • The SGM July 5, 2019, 6:56 am

    Yes, the law is just another way for the NM bureaucrats to say they have accomplished something’ but ‘unconstitutional’ is a stretch of the meaning and intent. As a free enterprise, Walmart has every right to stop selling any product it wants and let he public go elsewhere for that/those products. I suppose the decision was one of costs as Walmart would have to hire /staff and train additional personnel inorder to staff a position which not just anyone can fill.

  • deanbob July 5, 2019, 6:41 am

    It is amazing that so many federal judges can issue orders to handcuff the president and completely ignore 4 easy to understand words, “…shall not be infringed.”

  • Leighton Cavendish July 5, 2019, 6:31 am

    ” forces any business with an FFL to conduct background checks for private parties”.- That’s where it gets silly.
    When did it stop that you could refuse service?
    Almost like saying anyone with an MD/ObGyn HAS to perform abortions…

  • Lee July 5, 2019, 6:13 am

    Honestly that is a HUGE benefit to the small gun shops, get the box stores OUT of that business is good!

  • William Murphy July 5, 2019, 3:34 am

    So very unconstitutonal in all aspects on the right to bear arms there should be be no further question or infringement period ……. Nation wide thank you

  • Chip July 4, 2019, 1:33 pm

    Only Dems would pass a stupid law like that and as for Bloomsburg and his crap screw him

  • KEVIN GREEN July 3, 2019, 3:26 pm

    You can tell by the stupid looks on the faces of these idiots that they havent a clue. Just more people wanting to tell others what to do . A farce unconstitutional because it usurps ownership of the country from We the People into the hands of some nameless bureaucracy . Another law that will just be ignored and justly so. Send these idiots out personally to disarm those that are armed. The problem will soon solve itself thru attrition.

    • Tex July 5, 2019, 8:02 pm

      Kevin……I like the way you think, young man!! Good post!

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